Evaluating Blogs Use the sheet to record your blogging findings and to get a clear idea about good blogging practice Some blogs you may find interesting: Harriet Wilde Concrete Loop Acland Burghley Media Blog Pete Frasers (chief examiner) Blog Lovemydress.net/blog Movie Geek Blog HMK: Complete task, Upload findings - add hyperlinks to the blogs you looked at - and bullet point what you will use as good practice. Upload Meeting exercise. www.laa2mediaadvancedportfolio.blogspot.com/ www.sna2media.blogspot.com/ www.bka2productionportfolio.blogspot.com/ 1) What is good practice within the Blogs? 2) How would you improve them? 30 What targets can you set yourself to achieve a good in the coursework

Teaching Trailers Web Sample

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Page 1: Teaching Trailers Web Sample

Evaluating Blogs Use the sheet to record your blogging findings and to get a clear idea about good blogging practice

Some blogs you may find interesting:

Harriet WildeConcrete LoopAcland Burghley Media BlogPete Frasers (chief examiner) Blog

Lovemydress.net/blogMovie Geek Blog

HMK: Complete task, Upload findings - add hyperlinks to the blogs you looked at - and bullet point what you will use as good practice. Upload Meeting exercise.




1) What is good practice within the Blogs?

2) How would you improve them?

30 What targets can you set yourself to achieve a good in the coursework

Page 2: Teaching Trailers Web Sample

Film needs to speak to the T.A through association of word or phrases

Length becomes important and the short title should indicate the genre or associations with it.

Title could express something of narrative

How will I apply this information?Images are important to Anchor meaning Words and associations with them are very important when speaking to a T.A

What is more important IMAGES or WORDS

What considerations are there in choosing a film title?

EaiDeconstruct the Film titles focussing on the following areas:

TypographyColourImageWords/Language employed

Make observations based on these comments Genre based on findings Audience Expectations

Consider the Question What's more important images or words

Easiiely recognisable word or phrase asscociated with the Genre thus creating audience expectations

Page 3: Teaching Trailers Web Sample

Best bits of the movie

Showcase the stars

Some visual images are barely recognizable, not on screen enough

Dramatic camera angles chosen to show events or characters

Voiceovers are used to tell the story and give credit information expresses plot and themes images relate to the dialogue

Music plays an important role in creating atmosphere is expressive of the Genre

Title normally appears at the end

Trailer builds to a climax

Conventions of a trailer

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Film Marketing/Analysing a Film Trailer


To consider what a film marketing campaign is

To explore the features of film trailers and building of analysis

To engage in Media effects debate discussion

What is a makes a Film Marketing Campaign?

Page 5: Teaching Trailers Web Sample

Mulvey's Male gaze - Audience Theory

Here is a breakdown of this theory:

• This theory is suggested by Laura Mulvey (1975) where she suggests how the male point of view is adopted by the camera for the benefit of an assumed male audience

• The practice of the camera 'lingering' on female's bodies is evidence to this - thus women are viewed as 'sexual objects' to gratify men.

• She argued that the central active characters are male in which the male audience identifies with them in their viewing of females as passive.

• Female audience are also positioned to identify with the male gaze and see through the 'male's eyes'.

• This approach relates to Freudian Psychology (Sigmund Freud).

However, this theory can be challenged:• Not all central heroic characters in films are male (and Mulvey denies the existence of the

female gaze)• There have been changes towards the representation of women which has resulted in

challenges to stereotypical gender roles since Mulvey's essay was written (e.g. Kill Bill Vol. 2 - Quentin Tarantino, 2004).

Media Effects Debate

Questions for consideration:

1) If Mulvey's theory can be supported in 2012 what impact could that have on society? For example, how women see themselves or how males view them as a result of watching the films.

2) Is film just mere entertainment?

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How does the trailer work as a promotional tool?

How is the audience engaged? What are the effects on them from the trailer?

What role or function do the conventional elements play?

Trailer Treatment - overall objective

What are the conventions of Film Trailers?

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Applying Recognisable Conventions of Trailers

In order to apply the recognisable conventions of trialers, in groups, we came up with ideas about how to market and promote a film called BloodShed High.

Give account of how you went about the task...Give examples of decisions that you made:

• Discussed • USP• Relevant actors • Most important features

What did you learn from it: • trailers are not movies• audience expectations are key, production company is vital • How to engage the audience • How to apply knowledge

Write up this exercise for homework

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Storyboard Exercise The Lessons

1) To break conventions you must show an understanding of them

2) You must show USP

3) Must show best bits

4) Production details are vital - Audience expectations

5) Not films but promotional materials. Trailers are a genre in their own right.

6) Short shots to signify the mood or genre

7) Use of sound is very distinct voice over/dialogue/sound effects

8) Use of Genre is apparent

9) Use of Credits and titling vital

Homework: Trailer Voiceovers :

Conduct 5 x Micro analysis on trailers and voiceovers: Answer all the bullet points regarding the form and function of the language used.

Are there differences in the function of the voiceovers?


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Main Task

Find a range of protagonists in Horror films and conduct a mini analysis regarding what the conventions are suggesting. Comment on the following:

Costume Props Body language Facial ExpressionsMake upLighting

When considering the above remember to comment upon what qualities and characteristics are represented through use of the above conventions.

Killers in Horror FilmsAim:To explore key characters in Horror Films To investigate conventional characteristics of the protagonists To apply findings to my own Horror production

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Killers in Horror FilmsObservations of Research

Disguised by mask or deformed facial features - isolation from society and the community within. Highlights otherness and makes threat more menacing. Depersonalises the killer FREDDY/LEATHERFACE/Mrs Vorhese

Troubled backstory that defines the character as a killer. Often related to the film's title Haloween/Friday 13th/Nightmare on Elm St/Black Christmas

Execute based on moral judgements, sinners get killed! Do the killers represent an extreme version of justice in a society that is loosing its moral compass.?

Resurrection as a key theme, they always come back!

Weapons of choice are normal everyday objects and use of them suggests the maniacal aspect of the killers. They sadistic or masochistic.

How does your killer fit in with the range of Killers found in Horror?

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Consider the commonalities in terms of key elements found within specific genres. Use Burton as a guide make a key and colour code specific elements

Testing Burton's Formula

Observations into Burton's Genre Theory

• In domestic or private sphere which illustrates themes of danger within the home, down turn in society as well as a lack of hope at being saved. Increases vulnerability. DON;T BE AFRAID OF THE DARK, SCREAM, DRAG ME TO HELL, INSIDIOUS, ORPHAN • Stock characters will be related to each other in some way- group of young adults with some ties each representing positive or negative aspects of society. This applies mainly to Slasher Horror, PIRANNA, TUCKER DALE VS EVIL, SCREAM 4, FINAL DESTINATION • Some horrors explore the theme of truth vs deceit in the form of cover ups or new found tapes...REC,QUARANTINE, BLAIR WITCH, APPOLLO 18, PARANORMAL ACTIVITY • Stock situations involve, murder, torture, mind games- psychological torture involving victims that have often sinned, revenge, sibling rivalry, ALL HORROR• The Hero protagonist often uncovers truth in an environment of non believers: Orphan/Scream/Don't be Afraid of the Dark/Drag Me To Hell/Final Destination • Theme of Voyerism comes through the use of being given access to areas we might not otherwise reach. FINAL DESTINATION, ALL HORROR

Does Burton's Theory Work?

How is this going to help you in your planning?

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Consider the commonalities in terms of key elements found within specific genres. Use Burton as a guide make a key and colour code specific elements

Testing Burton's Formula

Observations into Burton's Genre Theory

• In domestic or private sphere which illustrates themes of danger within the home, down turn in society as well as a lack of hope at being saved. Increases vulnerability. DON;T BE AFRAID OF THE DARK, SCREAM, DRAG ME TO HELL, INSIDIOUS, ORPHAN • Stock characters will be related to each other in some way- group of young adults with some ties each representing positive or negative aspects of society. This applies mainly to Slasher Horror, PIRANNA, TUCKER DALE VS EVIL, SCREAM 4, FINAL DESTINATION • Some horrors explore the theme of truth vs deceit in the form of cover ups or new found tapes...REC,QUARANTINE, BLAIR WITCH, APPOLLO 18, PARANORMAL ACTIVITY • Stock situations involve, murder, torture, mind games- psychological torture involving victims that have often sinned, revenge, sibling rivalry, ALL HORROR• The Hero protagonist often uncovers truth in an environment of non believers: Orphan/Scream/Don't be Afraid of the Dark/Drag Me To Hell/Final Destination • Theme of Voyerism comes through the use of being given access to areas we might not otherwise reach. FINAL DESTINATION, ALL HORROR

Does Burton's Theory Work?In looking at conventional elements there are a number of commonalties for the horror genre. The proves the theory of repetition and variation as well as Genres having specific features.

A balance of Repetition and Variation is vital to the success of a movie. In my opinion...

IN my expoloration I cannot think of which element could be taken away

Present your Synopsis findings and be evaluative of the task. What did you learn from it and how is this going to help you with your planning?

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The narrative structure of a trailer and Todorov's theory

Narrative is defined as "a chain of events in a cause-effect relationship occurring in time"(Bordwell & Thompson).

What do we know about trailers and narrative structure...


A trailer revolves around a structure which tends to pick out the most appealing aspects of a film, whilst not being necessarily in a conventional narrative/linear order. They will also try and reach out to the widest possible audience, where although it may be an action-based film, it may include a 'romantic' moment to appeal to those more interested into the romance genre. Some trailers will aim to provide a basic narrative structure to allow the audience to be guided through the film's story line.

What Does Todorov suggest?


Todorov (a theorist) suggested that conventional narratives are structured in the following 5 stages:

1. There is a state of equilibrium in the beginning; everything is normal, balanced and nothing at this stage is wrong.

2. A disruption of the equilibrium in some respect; things begin to turn for the worst, and the equilibrium becomes distorted.

3. There is a recognition that there has been a disruption; Something happens/someone realises that that something has gone wrong.

4. An attempt to repair the disruption; events occur to try and restore what's gone wrong.5. There's a resolution - all's been restored.

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The narrative structure differs from Todorov's theory as in the structure of a trailer the resolution is not screened.

However, you begin to see an equilibrium followed by a disruption/the problem, yet won't show the resolution otherwise it would give too much away.

This is a useful tactic to sell a film, as people will therefore want to see what happens (there could be many endings which add mystery and create a sense of enigma to the film trailer) . Leaving appropriate clips will engage the audience, making them want to see more, however not having enough suitable clips will disengage the audience, as they won't feel appealed enough to go to see the film. Also, it gives a clear indication of the genre, and an outline of the storyline. Thus, if the potential audience isn't appealed to the genre and storyline, they won't watch it to begin with.

Can we see Todorov's Theory in Trailers?Based on the trailer you have been analysing what comments can you make that either support or refute Todorov's theory of Narrative Structure?

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It begins with an establishing shot of a city - sunny and bright which reflects the overall mood and feel to the film itself, displaying a scene of content and balance. However, as soon as it's announced that one of the main characters will be getting married, this is when we begin to see a disruption to the equilibrium. From this, there are then many separate events to build up the problem (which is initially the main protagonists role i.e. the maid of honour and the huge extent she has to go through to run a successful role). This features a lot of comedic moments (which indicates that this film is a comedy) as well as a few romantic scenes, thus broadening its' appeal to a larger audience. No resolution is seen (as it is not an actual film, but a trailer. Therefore if the trailer followed all 5 stages, i.e. the resolution, this gives the film away and less would be interested into what happens in the film.

What is the overall outcome for both the protagonist and the other characters? Does all end well? Or do more problems sufface? These questions will circle the audiences mind which would therefore make the want to see the film.

Analysing a trailer in terms of Todorov HOMEWORK TASK

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Mulvey's Male gaze - Audience Theory

Here is a breakdown of this theory:

• This theory is suggested by Laura Mulvey (1975) where she suggests how the male point of view is adopted by the camera for the benefit of an assumed male audience

• The practice of the camera 'lingering' on female's bodies is evidence to this - thus women are viewed as 'sexual objects' to gratify men.

• She argued that the central active characters are male in which the male audience identifies with them in their viewing of females as passive.

• Female audience are also positioned to identify with the male gaze and see through the 'male's eyes'.• This approach relates to Freudian Psychology (Sigmund Freud).

However, this theory can be challenged:• Not all central heroic characters in films are male (and Mulvey denies the existence of the female gaze)• There have been changes towards the representation of women which has resulted in challenges to

stereotypical gender roles since Mulvey's essay was written (e.g. Kill Bill Vol. 2 - Quentin Tarantino, 2004).

Representation of Women in A Horror Trailer of Your Choice

Reffereing back to AS Textual Analysis skills analyse a trailer with focus on how women are represented in terms of the following:

Mise-En-Scene Camera Angles, Shot Types and MovementEditing Lighting Sound Typography

Then sum up the theory and it's strengths in a final slide

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Halloween (1978) More at IMDbPro »

The year is 1963, the night; Halloween. Police are called to 43 Lampkin Ln. only to discover that a 17 year Judith Myers had been stabbed to death, by her 6 year-old brother. After being institutionalized for 15 years, Myers breaks out just days before Halloween. No one knows nor would wish to find out what would happen on October 31st 1978, besides Myer's physciatrist Dr. Loomis. He knows Michael is coming back to Haddonfield, but by the time the town realizes it, it'll be to late for many people. Written by Massive Fan

15 years ago, 6 year old Michael Myers brutally killed his older sister. The silent child was incarcerated in the Smith's Grove Sanitarium under the care of psychiatrist Sam Loomis. The town of Haddonfield had slowly began to forget the tragic crime, until Loomis returned to the town to warn of Myers escape from Smith's Grove. With Michael set on killing a group of high school students, Loomis seeks the help of the hesitant town sheriff to stop him before it's too late. Written by bleedforme

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Teasers, unlike typical theatrical trailers, are usually very short in length (between 30–60 seconds) and usually contain little, if any, actual footage from the film. Sometimes, it is merely a truncated version of a theatrical trailer. They are usually released long in advance of the film they advertise. One of the reasons for the name "teaser" is because they are shown usually a long time (one or one and a half years) before the movie comes out, so as to "tease" the audience.

Teaser trailers Aim:

To introduce the difference between trailers and teaser trailers

To consider the form and function of teaser trailers

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Teaser Trailers

Teaser trailers are usually only made for big-budget and popularly themed movies. Their purpose is less to tell the audience about a movie's content than simply to let them know that the movie is coming up in the near future, and to add to the hype of the upcoming release. Teaser trailers are often made while the film is still in production or being edited and as a result they may feature scenes or alternate versions of scenes that are not in the finished film. Other ones (notable Pixar films) have scenes made for use in the trailer only. Teaser trailers today are increasingly focused on internet downloading and the convention circuit.

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Research stock characters in Slasher Horror

Popular stock characters found in the Slasher Horror Sub-Genre:

The Wanderer

The Popular Girl


The Final Girl


The Pervert

Look for examples across a number of movies try to find definitions for the following types of stock characters found in Horror. Then look for repetition and variation in the and make notes on the following characters found in the horror Genre:

Example:The Final Girl: the sole surviving member of a group of girls killed by a maniacal serial killer who, quite often, either does not like women or tries to collect them. Examples: The surviving girl in Scream (1990) and Julie James in I Know What You Did Last Summer (2001)....One girl who breaks the archetypal final girl stereotype is Amanda from Saw 2/3 who becomes the Killer in following movies.

HMK How will you use this research in the planning of your own characters? Has it given you any inspiration for your own production..Write up 250 words in relation to your own ideas

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Planning for ProductionRemember everything that you decide in terms of planning must be linked to your research

1) Create a synopsis that evidences horror conventions in terms of the following:

Appropriate settings Appropriate Stock and Protagonists Appropriate themes Appropriate plots and stock situations Appropriate icons


2) Create a list of characters that will be in your trailer, show how they fit into the genre: Evidence repetition and variation. Propp theory could be applied show how your charachers fit or don;t fit in.

4) Target audience moodboard showing who your primary target market is. Evidence Demographics and psychographics. Bullet point a write up of how your film intends to satisfy uses and gratifications.

3) Create a list of appropriate icons and settings (interior and exterior) that help explore the themes your film employs.

Repeat or vary? Illustrate examples of what you have done

Look up film classifications u, pg, 12, 15 , 18 - Show how these rules could affect your planning ideas.

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What Do We Know About the Blogs and Horror?

What is good practice and for whom?

AimsTo divide labour between groups to aid completion of Research and Planning To consider new ways to make links between research and planning To blog presentation in a dynamic way To evaluate peer work

OutcomesUnderstanding of link between media product and and Target Audience

Application of understanding through planningCreative use of Photoshop to express ideas for T.A.P

Division of labour to complete all Research and Planning

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Evaluation of Planning and Link to Research

In the evaluation of your planning the following question must be answered:

In what way does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of the Horror Genre?In this question you will want to reflect upon the research you have undertaken in to the Horror Genre and show clearly where you have got your inspiration from. Consider the use of the following (and link back to what your research has informed you):

Stock charactersProtagonist (KILLER)Themes i.e revengeSettings / locations Iconography Film Title/TypographyPlotSound track Dialogue

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Marking Criteria \Each candidate will evaluate and reflect on the creative process and their experience of it. Candidates will evaluate their work digitally. The format of the evaluation has some flexibility and its form can be negotiated between teacher and student: it may take place with individual candidates or with the production group as a whole, or each individual candidate or production group may make a formal or informal presentation to the whole class. The teacher must allocate a mark according to the contribution/level of understanding demonstrated by the individual candidate. Each candidate should give a clear indication of their role in any group evaluation and the presentation must be evidenced by the Centre.

Question 2How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts? REMEMBER TO SUPPLY EXAMPLES

Is there consistency in the following:

Images main images: Consider the iconography and visual elements used across all products

Representation of Horror

Typography: Use of quotes, interviews, reviewstag lines

Actors: How have they been promoted/represented across your products

Narrative (the story) is it clear when looking at the products do they share the same elements?

Themes expressed link to horror. Have you outlined binary opposites for example?





Create a presentation that outlines and compares all of the above. Upload using slideshare:

ICT Used so far:

Video based for Q1Embedded with images and notes for Q2

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In the evaluation the following four questions must be addressed:

In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?

What have you learned from your audience feedback?

How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

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Mulvey's Male Gaze by Laura Mulvey

What does this theory suggest?

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you"re hired! 2.0

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1) Open a new file in Photoshop and make sure you name the file appropriately and choose and a4 size to work with

2) For this task you will want to change the canvas to landsacpe. Go to image and rotate canvas 90 degrees.

Creating a Target Audience Profile

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3) Now open up Safari and use Google images to locate the appropriate image to represent you T.A

4) Remember to double click the image you want to use so you can find the larger size file.

5) Now simply click and drag the image over to your Photoshop canvas. Top tip: if the image wont drag over to PS drag it to the desk top first and then to Photoshop.

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6) To resize images use the cmd T shortcut this will show a box around the layer you have selected with the move tool. Remember to keep the SHIFT button pressed while you drag out the edges to resize this will keep the same dimensions.

7) Use the T tool to add your title. Try to use a font and colour that represents the genre of music you are working in.

8) Layer as many different images as possible to give a rounded profile of your audience. Use the move tool to manipulate layers (size, position etc)

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Filmography over the decade

List the themes and plot for each movie

A list of key social and historical developments of the decade and the previous decade

Compendium of Horror

Are there any relationships between the social and historical developments and the movies that are produced?

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Sound Cloud - Horror Music

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Apply media language to one of your coursework productions

Theoretical Approaches to Coursework


Do comment upon any of the theories you feel are relevant in your approach. These include:

Narrative: Propp/Many narratives contain only a limited number of character types Todorov/The narrative structure of a text can be understood by considering Todorov's theoryLevi-Straus/Many narratives can be understood by considering the conflict created by two oppositional forces

Audience: Uses and Gratifications Theory Boardwell and Thompson: Why are the audience consuming the text and what are they doing with it as a result Barthes' Enigma Codes: What mysteries are created and how does this work as a marketing tool


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Apply media language to one of your coursework productions

Theoretical Approaches to Coursework


Do comment upon any of the theories you feel are relevant in your approach. These include:

Narrative: Propp/Many narratives contain only a limited number of character types Todorov/The narrative structure of a text can be understood by considering Todorov's theoryLevi-Straus/Many narratives can be understood by considering the conflict created by two oppositional forces

Audience: Uses and Gratifications Theory Boardwell and Thompson: Why are the audience consuming the text and what are they doing with it as a result Barthes' Enigma Codes: What mysteries are created and how does this work as a marketing tool
