like Building a Puzzle Brittany Seifried

Teaching Is Like Building A Puzzle

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  • 1. Brittany Seifried

2. When the puzzle becomes hard, take a break and come about it at a different angle. Sometimes students will not understand material. Pack it up for the day and come back the next 3. Every piece is a different shape, size and colour. Just like students, each one is unique! 4. Some puzzles become an ongoing project, not to be finished in one day. Teaching students will take longer than a day. Learning is never ending. 5. Some pieces will fit together and some wont. You cant force it. Just like students and learning styles. Some will work, some wont. Dont force it! 6. Be creative when building a puzzle, you dont have to just work on one spot. With curriculum be creative. There is no order or set way of teaching it as long as outcomes are met. 7. Get the easy parts finished first and spend more time on more difficult parts. The students who grasp material faster will be able to work on their own. Then you can spend more time with students who find material more difficult. 8. Sometimes the more people working on a puzzle the better. Collaborating with other teachers can be beneficial in gaining new knowledge and ideas. 9. Building a puzzle requires a whole lot of patience and insight as does teaching. Teachers need to have an insight into how their students learn best and have patience 10. When building a puzzle the perimeter is always first, like a framework. A good lesson plan is like the framework to students success. 11. When the puzzle is complete you can take a step back and admire the masterpiece you have created. When the year is over you can take a step back and see how the students have changed and grown.All images from Google Images