Teaching is both a skill and an art. Thats why many people are not able to do it, some can do it for a while and some do it forever. There is alot of pressure teaching, parents are watching and wanting for you to magically make thier kids improve and there is alot of pressure to perform. So where do you start? What are the best techniques to learn? How fast can i get results? This guide awnsers these and other questions and gives a detailed guide of how to use these teqniques to help your students acher training programm

Teacher training ppt

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Page 1: Teacher training ppt

Teaching is both a skill and an art. Thats why many people are not able to do it, some can do it for a while and some do it forever.

There is alot of pressure teaching, parents are watching and wanting for you to magically make thier kids improve and there is alot of pressure to perform.

So where do you start?What are the best techniques to learn?How fast can i get results?

This guide awnsers these and other questions and gives a detailed guide of how to use these teqniques to help your students improve in three weeks or less.

Teacher training programme

Page 2: Teacher training ppt

Getting started

1. TPR

2. Chant

3. Pimsler

4. word recognition

Here are some key techniques to learn as a teacher to help your students grow. Each are scientificly proven to help brain development of all ages.

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TPR (total physical response)There are several variations of this, here are a few, and how to correctly use them in a classroom.

1. Classic tpr (great for learning new words)

Any thing can be taught using TPR, simply place 5-6 objects in a row, piont or touch each object and say the name of that object one after another having the whole class repeat the word each time do this three times. Then say each word three times each changing your pitch, tone and emotion of your voice each time. Then simply point at each object the students should know each new word.

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Drum TPR2. Drum TPR (excellent for teaching fluency, accent and sentences)

Drum TPR follows the same system as classic TPR, with the exception of teaching fluent sounding and fluent spoken native sentences, and its much more fun, place one flashcard on each drum.

every syllable in the sentence or word you are teaching results in one hit of the drum, Bananas will have 3 hits, BA-NA-NAS I like banannas wil have 5 hits I-LIKE-BA-NA-NAS.

Use this technique to fine tune every single sound of every single syllable and everytime the student mis-pronounces any thing get thenm to repeat it as many times as they need to get it right while tapping or banging the drum as you see fit.

Also speak and hit the drum to a rhythm to really hypnotise the students to a point where they are speaking evry word fluently without even realising.

Make sure again you are getting the students to use different tones, emotions and body languge to keep them glued to evey sound they hear. REPEAT REPEAT REPEAT

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“Simon says” TPR3. Simon says TPR (Great for memory ,word and color recognition) and for reviewing old content.

Put any flashcard, toy, pictureyou want in row of 5-6. Identify colors, shapes or anything you want as long as it is in a sequence and ask the student to repeat that sequence. For example red, 3, happy, boy, girl. It can be anything that you feel that that student needs to learn or you want to teach.

Remember after each sequence add one more word to the end of that sequence until they or you cannot remember the sequence.

Great memeory game and great for reviewing.

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“Say it and do it” TPR 4. “Say it and do it” tpr is exaclty as it sounds this style works best when teaching actions.

When teaching a group of action words e.g “im eating” is is very good for the students development and understanding of these words do do actions with the words.

While saying “i’m eating” the student should accually mime eating the same with jumping, running, watching TV. Doing actions that correspond with what they are saying will realy help their understandingof that word and how touse it. Words are very abstract if you are just teaching a word without any sort of explination.

Students should get in the habit of saying everytthing they are doing the more they speak the faster they learn, the more confident they become and before you know it speaking while they do something will become second nature.

Use different tones and emotions and body languge to keep the students engaged and wanting to learn more.

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Pimsleur techniqueThe pimsluer technique is the number 1 audio learning programme in the worls for learning a foreign languge. It is revolutionary way to teach langugae in a way never done before. One reason why Pimsleur is so popular is beacuse the content they teach is very relevent to their target customer so in the classroom we should try and do the same.

First you write and say the phrase or sentence you want the students to learn and then work from the back and go toward the beginning of the sentence.

For example THE CAT CLIMED THE TREE, strat with TREE then THE TREE then CLIMBED THE TREE and so on untill the sentence is completed and then get the students to repeat the phrase 3 times in a varirity of voces, tones and emotions to really get it to stick.

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Chant TechniqueThe chant technique can be used in every sentence that you teach and be apllied to any thing that you want to teach. This is a perfect tool to turn every lesson inta an event that the students will love and will keep coming back too.

There are a few variations of this technique, the first one i will explain is this: evrytime you speak or evry time you want your student s to remember a key phrase, talk to a rhytm/to a beat 1,1 2,1 2 3,1,1 2,1 2 3, or even take a song you know and replace the lyrics with the content you are teaching and repeat this sentence as many times as you feel necassary but again change the pitch,tone sn emotions in this chant to really hypnotise the children into speaking so much that they will splurt out sentences without even knowing it. The amzing thing is that the sentence ca be long or short or even very complicated repeat it enough times and everysingle student will begin to get it . This is because every body is born with a sense of music what sounds good and what doesnt if you speak to a beat and drum the table or even a drum at the same time students will be speaking fluently and loving every second of it.

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Chant technique with TPRBy using the chant technique with TPR you as a teacher can really speed up the rate your students learn . When you areteaching a set of words and they have larnt them,then add sentences to those words and give them some meaning, also use the words in context so the students can really understand the words they are using .

Also try to use the same sentence foer each word they are learning for example: if they are learning places simply add a sentence like “I’m going to the...” and really drill that key phrase into them say it to a beat/to a rhythm in different emotions and tones and then add that new phrase to the places you are teaching them e.g “im going to the park”, “im going to the beach”, “im going to the mountains”. But remember to speak with a chant so you reall hypnotis e your students and very quickly have them speaking fluent phrases in 10 minutes or less.

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Chant with pimsleurBy using the chant method combined with pimsler students will learn very difficult sentences very quickly and fluently here is you it should be used.

Use the pimsler technique as instructed earlier on but this time say to a beat and tpo a rhythm. Use drum sticks , drums or anything in the classroom that can make a sound and get the students repeat as many times as you can in a varirety of different voices, tones, change the rhythm, and evn change the sentence once the first sentence has been masterd but stick to the same content of the lesson i.e tree tree tree climb the tree climb the tree climb the tree, the cat the cat cat cat cat the cat can the cat can the cat can climb the tree climb the tree the cat can climb the tree.

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Word recognitionThe word recognition technique is a teaching method not used toteach students to reaf but to recognize the shapes of letters and words. This can then be used as a very good base to teach students how to read.

To use this technique just do the following.

Lay out 4 to 5 flashcards in a row with the word faced upwards and the picture faced downward and the just follow the technique as explained earlier using TPR, but instead of pictures and poiting at the picture run your finger underneath the word do this three times with each word. Then then get the students to do the same thing, turning the card over so the student makes a connection within their brains between the word and this picture. when you have finshed this exe ersize ask the students which word is .... Then turn the card over to see if they are right or wrong. If they are right give them a high five or any reward you feel is appropriate if they are wrong ask “is this a...., no thats not a ....., this is a ..... And get the student to repeat after you then ask the question again unbtil theyb gaet it right and then reenfoce that by repeating three times angin in a variey of different voices and emotions.