The DPS uses colour that are seen on the front cover and on the contents page, this creates a brand and shows that the whole magazine is connected. The main image is an image of One Direction, they are the main image on the front cover. This connects the DPS and the front cover. They take up the majority of the page and they are the first thing you see, this means that the double The headline is in large letters and the reader’s eye. It uses a pun ‘from x factor to the wow factor’. This will humour the audience, The layout of the double page spread is very organised this contrasts the style of the front page and the contents page. It looks easy and fun to read. The article relates to the image as the text is about one direction and the image shows one direction.

Task 2 dps

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The DPS uses colour that are seen on the front cover and on the contents page, this creates a brand and shows that the whole magazine is connected.

The main image is an image of One Direction, they are the main image on the front cover. This connects the DPS and the front cover. They take up the majority of the page and they are the first thing you see, this means that the double page spread is hard to miss and people will stop when they see it because One Direction are very popular with Top of the pops target audience

The headline is in large letters and the reader’s eye. It uses a pun ‘from x factor to the wow factor’. This will humour the audience, and will make them want to continue reading.

The layout of the double page spread is very organised this contrasts the style of the front page and the contents page. It looks easy and fun to read.

The article relates to the image as the text is about one direction and the image shows one direction.