Masthead Selling Line Main Coverline Pug Strapline Barcode Price Main Image The main coverline is larger than the other coverlines and includes the name of the person who is featured on the cover. A close up shot has been used for this image. The main image is usually of a well known artist or band and takes up most of the space on the front cover. There is no dead space. Most of the coverlines are followed by a strapline to explain it further. Magazines always have a masthead, usually in large, bold writing so that it is clear. Sometimes magazines have a selling line near the masthead, which is like a slogan for the magazine. Magazines always have a barcode and a price so that is able to be sold in a shop. Coverline There are always coverlines on the cover of a magazine to give a preview of the inside content. Covers sometimes feature pugs to make the text stand out more. It also adds more colour to the page. Pull Quote Date Masthead is big and uses a bright colour to make it noticeable. Sometimes the cover has a quote from inside the magazine. A date is very common on a magazine cover, sometimes accompanied with the issue number.

task 1a

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Page 1: task 1a


Selling Line

Main Coverline





Main Image

The main coverline is larger than the other coverlines and includes the name of the person who is featured on the cover. A close up shot has been used for this image.

The main image is usually of a well known artist or band and takes up most of the space on the front cover. There is no dead space.

Most of the coverlines are followed by a strapline to explain it further.

Magazines always have a masthead, usually in large, bold writing so that it is clear.

Sometimes magazines have a selling line near the masthead, which is like a slogan for the magazine.

Magazines always have a barcode and a price so that is able to be sold in a shop.

CoverlineThere are always coverlines on the cover of a magazine to give a preview of the inside content.

Covers sometimes feature pugs to make the text stand out more. It also adds more colour to the page.

Pull Quote


Masthead is big and uses a bright colour to make it noticeable.

Sometimes the cover has a quote from inside the magazine.

A date is very common on a magazine cover, sometimes accompanied with the issue number.

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Main Coverline



Main image



Date Line


Web address

There is sometimes a link to the magazines website on the cover so that people can access the magazine online.

The masthead is partly covered by the main image. Many magazines do this if they are well known because people will still be able to recognise the magazine by the rest of the masthead and possibly the overall style and layout of the cover.

The main coverline is much larger than the other coverlines and is written in multiple different colours which makes it stand out more than the others. It is at the bottom of the page so that it doesn’t cover an important part of the main image, such as the face.

It uses a variety of colours which is aesthetically pleasing to the reader.

A different colour is used to separate the coverlines from each other and from the straplines. It also adds more interest to the cover.

A celebrity has been used to capture the readers interest. It fills most of the cover. This is a medium close up camera shot.

The font type has been consistent throughout the coverlines but the colours vary.


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Date Line

Main Coverline




Selling Line

Main Image

Simple serif font has been used, with just one letter different. The main image covers part of the masthead.

Coloured box has been placed behind the text to make it stand out and to add more colour to the cover.


The main coverline is usually written in a very large font. This coverline is in a different colour to the other features of the cover and a very subtle stroke and a shadow effect have also been used here. This makes it much more noticeable.

A group of people have been used for this image. Their faces are mostly in the top third of the cover and they fill most of the space. The main image is a medium long shot.

This cover is offering a free gift to anyone who buys the magazine. A coloured box has been placed behind the text so that it is easily noticeable and attracts people to the magazine.


There are many images on this front cover which adds interest and breaks up the text.

Free Gift

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Contents Title

Page Numbers


This contents title is quite small, however the text is in front of a coloured box which makes it stand out more so that it is clear that this is the contents page.

Magazine LogoThis contents page uses the masthead from the magazine cover so that it is clear which magazine the page is from.

The contents are in a column with subheadings to show what each article is about and page numbers so that they are easy for the reader to find.

SubheadingsThe subheadings and page numbers are in a different colour to the rest of the contents. This makes them more eye catching and separates them from the other text. The colour red that is used also relates to the magazine’s house style as this colour is often used throughout the magazine, for example in the masthead.

There are usually a few images on contents pages so that there isn’t too much text and it is still interesting and attractive. The images are often of well known artists from the magazine’s music genre, that are featured inside the magazine. On this contents page there are six images, each of them accompanied with a heading and a page number, so that the readers can find the pages easily. The content of these images is all very classical.

Free GiftThis contents page offers a free gift to it’s readers which will attract more people to buy the magazine.

DateA magazine contents page always has the date, however unlike most others, this one doesn’t have an issue number.

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Web Address

Magazine Logo

Contents Title

Page Numbers




Issue Number

Contents pages don’t always feature this but it helps to make it clear which magazine the contents page belongs to.

This contents page is clearly titled so that it is obvious which page it is. This is a common feature for magazine contents pages.

These separate the different sections of the magazine. The coloured box that has been placed behind the text helps to make it stand out and breaks up the other text.

The contents page usually includes the date and issue number.

The link for the online magazine is sometimes featured so that the readers can easily access it.

The contents page features a list of what articles are inside the magazine. They are usually listed in columns, like they are here.

There are always page numbers on a contents page so that the reader is able to find the article that they want to read.

There are usually images on the contents page that relate to the articles inside the magazine. The main image is quite large and is of a band that are featured in the magazine. The image takes up about two thirds of the page.

A pull quote has been placed here on the contents page, next to the main image. It is an extract from one of the stories in the magazine and will invite people to read it.

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Contents Title


Issue Number


The contents title is quite large and noticeable. The font used for it is also used for the masthead on the cover so it relates to the magazine and makes it clear which one it is part of.

The date and issue number are usually on the contents page so that the reader knows which issue of the magazine it is and how up to date it is.

The same font as the contents title has been used for this heading which keeps the page consistent and professional looking. The heading also helps to organise the contents of the magazine.

The main image on this contents page is of an artist who is featured in the magazine. The image is large and noticeable and is accompanied by a reference to the page number that the article about this artist is on.

There are a few images on the contents page of people who are featured inside the magazine, followed by page references.

The contents of the magazine is in a list with page numbers and subheadings so that the stories are easy to find. The subheadings are written larger and in a different colour to the other text so that they are easily seen. The contents are listed in a column which is common for magazine contents pages.



The contents page is offering the reader a subscription of the magazine so that they can read it every month.

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Pull Quote

It is common for a double page spread in a magazine to have images that relate to the article. Many images have been used on this page to show the different aspects of classical music that the article talks about.

There is always a heading for a magazine article to give the reader a clear idea of what the story is about. The heading is also used on the contents page so that the article can easily be found. This heading has been written in a serif front which fits in with the rest of the article.

There are a few captions placed around the images to explain what is going on in each picture. This is a usual feature of magazines so that the reader can see which part of the article each image is relating to.

A quote has been pulled from the article and featured on the page. It is in larger writing and a different colour has been used to separate it from the regular text and make it more noticeable. This gives the reader a short extract from the article and invites then to read more. Pull quotes are often used in magazines.

Page Numbers

There are always page numbers at the bottom of every page in a magazine so that each article is easy to find.

Very small font is always used for the main article so that the whole story fits on the double page with room for pictures and other features. It is in a six column layout.

There is often a standfirst underneath the heading which is usually just a sentence about the following article.


Drop Cap

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Page NumbersBy Line

This heading is written in very large font and takes up almost half of the single page. It is also written in white against a black background so that it is very clear and the reader can easily identify the page. The heading is usually larger than the other text so that the reader can notice it straight away and know what the article is about.

There is a standfirst underneath the heading which tells the reader a bit more about the article or gives some background information about the person who the article is about.

There is often a By Line somewhere on the page which tells the reader who has written the article.

There is only one image on this double page spread but it is very large and takes up the whole single page. It is an image of Pete Doherty, the person that the article is about. The camera shot is a medium close up.

There are always page numbers, usually in the bottom corners of the double page spread.

The text is written in a very small font and white has been used against the black background so that it can easily be seen. The main text is in a two column layout.

Drop Cap

A drop cap has been used for the first letter of the article. This is often used in magazine articles to emphasise the start of the main text.

There is a caption on the main image. This is a common feature as it explains the picture and how it relates to the article.


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Drop Cap


Page Numbers

Pull Quote


The heading uses two different colours which both fit in with the colour scheme of the page and the rest of the magazine. The big bold capital letters make it easily noticeable so that people will read the heading and be interested in the article.

The standfirst gives the reader a preview of the article and what it is about. It is written in bold black letters to stand out more from the rest of the article.

The drop cap indicates the beginning of the article and the colour red has been used for it, which differs from the following black text. This makes it stand out more and fits in with the other colours of the page.

A four column layout has been used for the main text. Small font is a common feature of magazine articles as it allows more to be written on the page and makes the title stand out better with bigger writing. The text has been wrapped around a pull quote and an image which are in the middle of the page.

The pull quote is often bigger than the rest of the text to give the reader an idea of the content of the article. An interesting quote from the featured artist is usually used to make the reader more interested in reading the article.