Task 1 Research 2

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NHS Smoking Campaign

Purpose:•To bring about national change: The NHS is a national company trying to help British citizens. •To change attitudes: To make people think about smoking.•To raise awareness: What is happening to your bodies when you smoke a cigarette. •To campaign•To provide information: On what is happening to your insides.•To build relationships with subjects: This is not a nice subject to talk about to with smokers therefore it will make it seem like an easier subject to talk about if there is a poster about it.

Aims:The aim of this campaign is to stop people smoking by raising awareness about what smoking to doing to the insides of your body because you cannot see what is happening inside your body. Also this is not a thing that you can talk with smokers or non-smokers therefore it is getting the issue out there and making it more acceptable to talk about it.



Purposely choosing a gruesome image to show what is happening to peoples insides every time they smoke a cigarette is very powerful. It will stick in peoples mind and no one would want to see this or for their blood to look as unhealthy as this. If this blood was inside you, you would know it would not be healthy for you. This picture alone could make people stop because of how powerful it is.

Having the NHS logo on the campaign makes it seem important and factual. They are a trust-worthy company that everyone feels would not lie to them making what they say powerful.

The text is straight to the point making it informative and powerful. It connects to the powerful image making them both work together effectively.

The lighting of this campaign is quite dark and makes you feel enclosed because of the dark edges suggesting you are closing in on your life unless you get smoke free.

It is a campaign to inform smokers on what just one cigarette is doing to your body and where to go for information to stop. By searching “Smokefree” users will get information and help to be smoke free.

NHS Smoking Campaign


Impact:The results of this campaign were that:

•The advertising achieved awareness of 87%.•40% of those who saw the advert said that they were more likely to quit. •68% agreed that ‘these ads made me think that every cigarette is harmful.’•30% of those who saw the campaign took some action. •During the campaign, an estimated 172,051 Smokefree Products were ordered including 83,658 Quit kits.

NHS Smoking Campaign

It is shown that smoking is decreasing in the UK. This is not just because of the impact of this one campaign, but because of many. The risks of what smoking can do to you needs to be put out there so people know. Being informed will help you understand and be aware of what is happening. Without these campaigns I very much doubt the percentage would have gone down as much as it has in the UK.


Politics Graffiti Campaign

Purpose:•To bring about national change: British politics will only appeal to people living in Britain, therefore it is for a national change.•To change attitudes: To vote for a different party.•To raise awareness: Awareness about different groups.•To campaign: Campaign against the Conservatives.•To change voting behaviour: This campaign was to make the Conservatives look bad and that the public are not happy with them being in power. •To infiltrate mainstream media: This campaign got into mainstream media even if that was not the intentions.

Aims:The aim of this campaign was to make people vote for the a different party other than the Conservatives, while making fun out of them.


Politics Graffiti Campaign


By taking an original Conservative poster that they thought would help boost their support in the election, in 2010, graffiti artists took over and targeted these posters. They made David Cameron look like Elvis, drew a moustache on him and changed the copy to make him look week.

The graffiti style posters look like the public are not happy about Cameron being in power. The posters make him look like a fool and that he could not run a country.

Because Photoshop has been used so much on David Cameron’s face in the original poster, people thought it was acceptable to use their own Photoshop skills to de-grade David Cameron. This is work from the website mydavidcameron.com.

Although they have not taken off the campaign to vote of the conservatives, but using graffiti over the top of the original image divorces the idea to vote for that group, because if they cannot look after a single campaign then why would people vote for them to look after their country.



The graffiti became so popular that a website was created where people could create their own versions of the popular adverts. http://mydavidcameron.com

The impact was hard to judge because the election ended up as a coalition government.

Case Study: (campaign/organisation name)


WWF Campaign

Purpose:•To bring about global change: This is a world wide issue that need to be recognised by everyone.•To raise awareness: To raise awareness about wildlife becoming extinct.•To campaign: The campaign is about saving animals that may become extinct, but with a helping hand this could change. •To challenge dominant representations and agendas: People’s realisations of what are happening to these animals change because now they know that this is a problem, and they will take action.

Aims:The aim of WWF is to raise awareness of an issue that needs to be changed around the world. This campaign is to show animals that are in danger of becoming extinct and the way to change this would be people giving a hand to save them.



The very effective and distinctive things on this poster is the way they use human hands to paint very realistic animal faces and prints on them. It is a very simple design, but you know it would have taken a long time to get the paints on the hand.

The hand represents how these animals need a helping hand from the human population. Without their hand, if it was taken away, there would be a terrible drop in a endangered species population.

The WWF logo is recognised all around the world. It is seen as an important organisation that people respect. Having the logo on the poster makes it seem serious and makes people aware that this issue needs to be addressed.

The poster is very simple, but this quickly draws attention to the animal quickly and does not take long to get to the point. Using animals that a great amount of people love will make a greater impact because they may not know their favourite animal is endangered making the image more powerful.

WWF Campaign



The impact for WWF is up and down. Sometimes they succeed with their campaigns and others still need more work to create a significant difference. For example, after several years campaigning, in 2014 the Water Act 2014 included a series of notable environmental wins including reducing water company abstraction on a few rare chalk streams and a series of environmental safeguards. But extinction is a a wide ongoing problem. It may reduce in one animal but another it could still be a rising problem, for example bird extinction is falling but mammal extinction is rising.

In the graph below, the blue line shows the peaks in the extinction rates, and although it is up and down, the extinction rate has been dropping in the past few years. This would be because more people now know how to help do their bit to save animals. There are a lot of ways to donate and raise money and go out and help these animals. Impacts from campaigns like this WWF campaign do help and they will give some sort of impact in the way we talkand do things to save these animals.

Because it is not focused on one species of animals it is harder tosee the impact, but by looking at the extinction of tigers, the ratehas gone down. There still needs to be a lot of work, but if morecampaigns are put in place and people realise this is still an on-going problem the rate will come down again.

WWF Campaign


Accessible Arts and Media

Purpose:•To bring about local change: This is a local charity in York, who help run a diverse range of accessible and affordable creative projects.•To provide information: About how Accessible Arts and Media trains adults with learning difficulties to co-lead creative workshops throughout the UK.•To create access to media production for the non-traditional groups: Adults with learning disabilities can hold media related workshops for non-traditional groups. •To raise awareness: “To raise awareness of difference and the promotion of positive models of disability with the creation of a new workforce of disabled people.” www.aamedia.org.uk/index.php/about-us/case-studies/48-apprentice-workshops

•To create and strengthen community ties: Brings a small community into the bigger community.

Aims: The project aims to improve the lives of young people through the participation of high quality arts and media such as creative music, drama and painting.


Techniques: A bright and colourful website makes the workshops and activities look fun. It also connotes how much colour and creativity is involved with this charity. The website is a large part of their campaign, they list everything that is happening, how to get involved and lots about themselves to influence people to help or join them.

They don’t shy away. They take their workshops and activities outside so everyone can see what impressive work they are doing. Just like this image to the right, it shows you some of the workshops they do outside. This lets them be creative outdoors and lets the public see what they do.

Letting the public into what they do campaigns and advertises their charity. The more people who know about you, the more support you will be given. They are not a quite group for a charity therefore a lot of people know who they are.

Accessible Arts and Media



In 2012, Accessible Arts and Media received the Duke of York Community Initiative Award in recognition of making a difference to many people across our region. They have performed a large impact in our local area. They have managed to improve the lives of disabled adults and it gives them something to work for and enjoy. They do not feel different from the rest of the society with this program.

Accessible Arts were supported by their inspirational Patron, Alan Hacker OBE. He was an internationally renowned clarinetist, conductor and teacher. Sadly he passed away in 2012 after being connected to the charity for 20 years. Alan kick started and shaped their performances, “enabled us to realize that we could and should push the boundaries.” (www.aamedia.org.uk/index.php/about-us/about-aam)

From fundraising, donations and volunteers Accessible Arts and Media has managed to grow and help more disabled people and young people to achieve their creative potential.

Accessible Arts and Media


UN Women Campaign

Purpose:•To bring about global change: Around the world there is still and issue of women not being treated equal to men. •To raise awareness: Of the issues that are still occurring around the world.•To change attitudes: UN Women want to change the attitudes of people who do not treat women in an equal manor.

Aims:To become the leading UN centre that contributes, through training for gender equality, to building a society that respects and promotes human rights for all women and men.



In this campaign they have used images of women from different ethnicities to portray everyone in the same position. The search box you find on your search engine such as Google is placed over the mouth of the women to show they don’t have a mouth or a say in anything.

The text in the search engine are all statements such as “women need to be put in their place.” All of these statements are sexist and should be deleted as easy as they are when on the internet to real life.

It feels like the women are in a dark space, finding it hard to get out with the lighting they have used. It looks like a hole that is making them look invisible. The dark colours also represent to a dark topic that is being fought for here.

These campaign posters are very dramatic and can be connected around the world with the different ethnicities and the similar problems happening in every continent.

UN Women Campaign



The flight against women's rights is still going on in some countries more than others. North Korea is one of them countries that is not there yet. But on the 15 th May 2015 the UN Women Executive Director and Deputy Executive Director traveled to Incheon, in the Republic of Korea, to meet with key officials and attend the World Education Forum 2015. This is a step forward to get their point across to people who do not give men and women equal rights.

They have celebrities such as Emma Watson doing press conferences to get this noticed. Emma Watson did a huge HeforShe campaign which went viral. This developed a large debate on social media but it also got her points across to everyone around the world and everyone was listening and talking about the points the Harry Potter star made.

I cannot find any major impact that these campaign posters had but this is what they hoped the posters would have on the world: “UN Women is heartened by the initial strong reaction to the ads and hopes they will spark constructive dialogue globally.” I feel this did happen for them and they did succeed, but this is such a large topic around such a large space that it is going to be hard to get a huge impact and make everyone see the same. But being taught it now and keep getting it thrown in our faces will hopefully make it normal to everybody soon that treating men and equal is right.

UN Women Campaign