Imperial College London Imperial College London Imperial College London Imperial College London Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering Final Year Project Report Final Year Project Report Final Year Project Report Final Year Project Report 2007 2007 2007 2007 Project Title: The Synapti The Synapti The Synapti The Synaptic Processing Unit c Processing Unit c Processing Unit c Processing Unit Student: Anthony Hsiao Anthony Hsiao Anthony Hsiao Anthony Hsiao Course: 4T 4T 4T 4T Project Supervisor: Dr. George Constantinides Dr. George Constantinides Dr. George Constantinides Dr. George Constantinides Second Marker: Professor Alessandro Astolfi Professor Alessandro Astolfi Professor Alessandro Astolfi Professor Alessandro Astolfi

Synaptic processing unit final year project - anthony hsiao

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Imperial College LondonImperial College LondonImperial College LondonImperial College London

Department of Electrical and Electronic EngineeringDepartment of Electrical and Electronic EngineeringDepartment of Electrical and Electronic EngineeringDepartment of Electrical and Electronic Engineering

Final Year Project Report Final Year Project Report Final Year Project Report Final Year Project Report 2007200720072007

Project Title: The SynaptiThe SynaptiThe SynaptiThe Synaptic Processing Unitc Processing Unitc Processing Unitc Processing Unit

Student: Anthony HsiaoAnthony HsiaoAnthony HsiaoAnthony Hsiao

Course: 4T4T4T4T

Project Supervisor: Dr. George ConstantinidesDr. George ConstantinidesDr. George ConstantinidesDr. George Constantinides

Second Marker: Professor Alessandro AstolfiProfessor Alessandro AstolfiProfessor Alessandro AstolfiProfessor Alessandro Astolfi

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A small but growing community of engineers and scientists around the world are

breaking new grounds in the field of Neuromorphic Engineering, and succeed in

designing ever more complex brain-inspired artificial neural systems and

implementing them in low power analogue VLSI silicon chips.

A recently proposed synapse model called binary cascade synapse has memory

properties that are superior to other comparable models, and it is suitable for

implementation into digital hardware. Recent efforts have succeeded in designing

FPGA implementations of these binary cascade synapses, but failed to implement a

usefully large number of them onto one single chip.

This project focuses on developing the FPGA implementation of binary cascade

synapses further, and by radically changing the digital architecture, essentially

designing a microprocessor that processes cascade synapses. This processor is called

Synaptic Processing Unit (SPU) and the prototype implementation can currently host

up to 8192 cascade synapses.

This report describes the development of the SPU, which necessitated the

development of a novel learning rule alongside of it, called Spike Timing and Activity

Dependent Plasticity (STADP), and portrays a characterisation of this learning rule.

Both the hardware implementation of the SPU and of the learning rule are

implemented onto an FPGA and evaluated in-circuit.

Then, to put the SPU to an ultimate test, it was used together with an aVLSI neuron

chip to form a neural system with binary cascade synapses, and was given a real

classification task, whereby it was taught to classify two greyscale images. And

indeed, the system does successfully classify the two images, which is a very

encouraging result.

To the best of the knowledge of the author, the SPU presented here is the first

hardware implementation with such large number of synapses of its kind, in the


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Thank you to all those people who have helped me get this far, both

academically and otherwise, and to those that accompanied me along the way.

In particular, I would like to thank DylanDylanDylanDylan Muir at the Institute of

Neuroinformatics for supervising my project, and being there whenever I

needed help, especially during the crazy hours before the FPGA decided to

take a holiday in the US.

I would also like to thank Dr. GeorgeGeorgeGeorgeGeorge Constantinides at Imperial College

London for supervising my project and Prof. AlessandroAlessandroAlessandroAlessandro Astolfi for second

marking it.

More words of thanks go to Prof. AlessandroAlessandroAlessandroAlessandro Astolfi for coordinating my

exchange to ETH Zurich, and for being patient when necessary and laidback

whenever possible.

Thank you StefanoStefanoStefanoStefano Fusi, one of the most impressive characters I met at the

Institute, for giving me initial feedback and coming up with the basis for what

later became STADP.

Special thanks to SungdoSungdoSungdoSungdo Choi and DanielDanielDanielDaniel Fasnacht for all the help and

support with the hardware and infrastructure; my computer was not struck by

a particle from space, it turned out.

Special thanks to JohannaJohannaJohannaJohanna von Lindeiner for good nights on the bench, and

the many inspiring exchanges. I actually mean it !

A very special thank you goes out to PanthaPanthaPanthaPantha Roy, who is just amazing. Thanks

for the good times, and for attempting to save me from becoming a social

recluse during the final few weeks of this project.

An equally special thank you goes out to SiddhartaSiddhartaSiddhartaSiddharta Jha, another amazing

character. Thank you for all those discussions and creative breaks, which

really enriched my time at the institute.

A massive thank you to a fellow brother in work, ChristopherChristopherChristopherChristopher Maltby, for

enduring all those long days and longer nights of work with me. As you know,

without your company, I would not have been able to get any work done, let

alone finish.

I would like to thank my parents, WendyWendyWendyWendy and TienTienTienTien----WenWenWenWen for their unconditional

support and for opening so many doors for me. Without your efforts and

sacrifices, I would not be where I am today, and would probably not get

wherever I will get in five, ten years!

Finally, I would like to thank DylanDylanDylanDylan Muir again, because I am actually very

grateful for all the help! Without your razor-sharp brain lobes and you

patience and support, I would not have been able to achieve half of what I

managed to do!

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Table of contentsTable of contentsTable of contentsTable of contents






2.5.4 THE FPGA BOARD 2-28

2.5.5 SOFTWARE 2-30





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4.6.1 FORWARDING 4-45











5.5.1 ON CLOCKS 5-64



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7.4.1 FORWARDING 7-75











10.1.1 WEB REFERENCES 10-109




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List of figuresList of figuresList of figuresList of figures

FIGURE 1: IMAGE OUTPUT OF A SILICON RETINA .................................................................................... 1-11

FIGURE 2: NEURONS OF THE WORLD. ................................................................................................... 2-16


FIGURE 4: ACTION POTENTIALS OF THE WORLD. .................................................................................... 2-18

FIGURE 5: CGI OF A SYNAPSE WITH PRE- AND POST-SYNAPTIC NEURONS. ................................................ 2-19

FIGURE 6: MICROGRAPH OF A SYNAPSE TAKEN AT THE UNIVERSITY OF ST. LUIS. ..................................... 2-19

FIGURE 7: DIFFERENT FORMS OF SYNAPTIC PLASTICITY .......................................................................... 2-21

FIGURE 8: SCHEMATIC OF A CASCADE MODEL OF SYNAPTIC PLASTICITY. ............................................... 2-22




FIGURE 12: PROTOTYPE FPGA BOARD DEVELOPED BY DANIEL FASNACHT. ............................................. 2-29

FIGURE 13: EXPERIMENTAL HARDWARE SETUP...................................................................................... 2-30

FIGURE 14: STADP ........................................................................................................................... 3-33

FIGURE 15: THE STADP MECHANISM. ................................................................................................. 3-34

FIGURE 16: SIMULATED BEHAVIOUR OF STADP. .................................................................................. 3-36

FIGURE 17: SYSTEM LEVEL INTERACTION OF SPU AND AVLSI NEURON CHIP............................................ 4-39

FIGURE 18: BIT REPRESENTATION OF CASCADE SYNAPSES ...................................................................... 4-40

FIGURE 19: SPU INTERNAL ADDRESSING FORMAT ................................................................................. 4-42

FIGURE 20: CONCEPTUAL ARCHITECTURE OF THE SPU.......................................................................... 4-43

FIGURE 21: A HYBRID CELLULAR AUTOMATA LINEAR ARRAY ................................................................ 5-49

FIGURE 22: CONVENTIONS ON THE ARROWS USED IN BLOCK DIAGRAMS .................................................. 5-51

FIGURE 23: SPIKE FORWARDING MODULE BLOCK DIAGRAM.................................................................... 5-52

FIGURE 24: STADP LEARNING RULE BLOCK DIAGRAM........................................................................... 5-54

FIGURE 25: INITIALISATION OF DELTA_T LOOK-UP TABLE. ...................................................................... 5-55

FIGURE 26: FLOW DIAGRAM OF THE CASCADE SYNAPSE'S STATE UPDATE RULE ........................................ 5-56

FIGURE 27: CASCADE MODULE BLOCK DIAGRAM .................................................................................. 5-58

FIGURE 28: CASCADE MEMORY BLOCK DIAGRAM ................................................................................. 5-59

FIGURE 29: INPUT SOURCE SELECTOR BLOCK DIAGRAM ......................................................................... 5-60

FIGURE 30: PIPELINED SPU BLOCK DIAGRAM ....................................................................................... 5-61

FIGURE 31: PIPELINED DATAFLOW THROUGH THE SPU .......................................................................... 5-62


FIGURE 33: COMPARISON OF DELTA_T_LUT CONTENT FOR 5KHZ AND 90MHZ. ...................................... 7-69


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FIGURE 35: FREQUENCY RESPONSE OF THE NEURAL SYSTEM. ..................................................................7-74




FIGURE 39: IN-CIRCUIT VERIFICATION OF POTENTIATION. ........................................................................7-78

FIGURE 40: IN-CIRCUIT VERIFICATION OF DEPRESSION. ...........................................................................7-79


FIGURE 42: USING PICTURES AS PRE-SYNAPTIC STIMULI. .........................................................................7-82


FIGURE 44: CONCEPTUAL PROCEDURE OF A REAL CLASSIFICATION TASK. .................................................7-85

FIGURE 45: CLASSIFICATION TASK: TEACH DYLAN, SHOW DYLAN FIRST, AT 22HZ. ..................................7-87

FIGURE 46: CLASSIFICATION TASK: TEACH DYLAN, SHOW ANTHONY FIRST, AT 22HZ. ..............................7-87

FIGURE 47: CLASSIFICATION TASK: TEACH DYLAN, SHOW DYLAN FIRST, AT 25HZ. ..................................7-88

FIGURE 48: CLASSIFICATION TASK: TEACH DYLAN, SHOW ANTHONY FIRST, AT 25HZ. ..............................7-88


FIGURE 50: CLASSIFICATION TASK: TEACH ANTHONY, SHOW DYLAN FIRST, AT 22HZ. ..............................7-89


FIGURE 52: CLASSIFICATION TASK: TEACH ANTHONY, SHOW DYLAN FIRST, AT 25HZ. ..............................7-90

FIGURE 53: CLASSIFICATION TASK: BOTTOM-UP TEACHING DYLAN, AT 50HZ..........................................7-92

FIGURE 54: CLASSIFICATION TASK: BOTTOM-UP TEACHING DYLAN, AT 70HZ. .........................................7-92

FIGURE 55: CLASSIFICATION TASK: BOTTOM-UP TEACHING DYLAN, FOR 2S AT 50HZ................................7-93

FIGURE 56: CLASSIFICATION TASK: BOTTOM-UP TEACHING ANTHONY, AT 50HZ. .....................................7-93

FIGURE 57: CLASSIFICATION TASK: BOTTOM-UP TEACHING ANTHONY, AT 70HZ. .....................................7-94


FIGURE 59: EXPECTED EFFECTS ON A SYNAPSE ....................................................................................8-101

FIGURE 60: PRE-SYNAPTIC SPIKE ARRIVES AT SPU. ............................................................................13-117


FIGURE 62: VALID PRE-SYNAPTIC SPIKE GENERATES A PLASTICITY EVENT. ............................................13-117

FIGURE 63: CASCADE SYNAPSE CHANGES IN OPERATION ....................................................................13-118

FIGURE 64: PLASTICITY EVENTS .......................................................................................................13-118

FIGURE 65: VALID POST-SYNAPTIC SPIKE ARRIVES AT SPU..................................................................13-119

FIGURE 66: POST-SYNAPTIC SPIKE DOES NOT GET FORWARDED ...........................................................13-119

FIGURE 67: POST-SYNAPTIC SPIKE SETS POST-SYNAPTIC EXPIRY TIME. ..................................................13-119

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1111 IntroductionIntroductionIntroductionIntroduction

‘The brain – that’s my second most favourite organ!’ – Woody Allen

Solving the mystery behind how the human brain works and computes will be one of

the most significant discoveries in the history of science. A profound understanding

of our most important organ (bar Woody Allen…) will have significant implications

to healthcare, psychology and ethics, as well as to computing, robotics and artificial

intelligence. Visionaries such as Ray Kurzweil go as far as predicting, that before the

middle of the 21st century, humans and machines will be able to merge in a way

never seen before, as brain interfaces enable users to bridge the gap between the real

and virtual worlds to a level where the distinction between ‘real’ and ‘not real’ might

lose its importance. Artificial systems would reach computational powers that

matched those of the human brain, just to surpass them a few years later.

Most people find it difficult to imagine such scenarios, especially since even the most

powerful computers to date, which can perform billions of operations per second,

cannot reproduce some of the computational-magic that human brains perform on a

day to day basis, such as pattern recognition or visual processing. ‘Intelligent’ and

‘interactive’ systems are neither intelligent nor interactive, the most advanced robots

in the world are no match for a young child when it comes to performing motor tasks

or recognition; the thought of ever meeting a machine with intelligence, humor or an

opinion goes far beyond what most people think their computers will ever be able to


Such future scenarios have been the topic of several books and films, and are

portrayed as horror scenarios more often than not, ignoring many of the potential

opportunities that such a future could bear. Without attempting to make any

qualifying judgments, it should be noted that change happens, whether it is welcome

or not.

This change could well be initiated by a small but growing community of engineers

and scientists, driven by impressive advances in neuroscience, who are making

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significant progress in copying neuronal organization and function into artificial

systems. The secret to the human brain’s superior abilities appears to reside in how

the brain organises its slow acting electrical and chemical components (namely

neurons, as basic computational unit in the brain, synapses, which are the interfaces

of neurons and possess rich dynamics allowing neurons to form interconnected

neural circuits). Researchers sometimes speak of ‘morphing’ these structures of

neural connections into silicon circuits, creating neuromorphic microchips. If

successful, this work could lead to implantable silicon retinas for the blind or sound

processors for the deaf that last for 30 years on a single nine-volt battery or to low-

cost, highly effective visual, audio or olfactory recognition chips for robots and other

smart machines. The long term goal is to engineer ever more complex artificial

systems with ever richer behaviour, and ultimately, the construction of an artificial

brain. What is neuromorphic engineering?What is neuromorphic engineering?What is neuromorphic engineering?What is neuromorphic engineering?

The term neuromorphic was coined by Carver Mead, in the late 1980s to describe

Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) systems containing analogue electronic circuits

that mimic neuro-biological architectures present in the nervous system.

Neuromorphic Engineering is a new interdisciplinary field that takes inspiration from

biology, physics, mathematics and engineering to design analog, digital or mixed-

mode analog/digital VLSI artificial neural systems. These include vision systems,

head-eye systems, auditory processors and autonomous robots, whose physical

architecture and design principles are based on those of biological nervous systems.

Although the field of neuromorphic engineering is still relatively new, impressive and

encouraging results have already been achieved. Ranging from ‘simple’ chips with

silicon neurons or synapses [13] to more complex systems such as a silicon retina or

cochlea [13] have been demonstrated in the past.

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Figure Figure Figure Figure 1111: Image output of a sil: Image output of a sil: Image output of a sil: Image output of a siliiiicon con con con retinaretinaretinaretina

Showing the head of a person at the Brains in Silicon Lab at Stanford University. The topic of this projectThe topic of this projectThe topic of this projectThe topic of this project

This project focuses on one aspect of neuromorphic systems which is at the heart of

some of the dynamics of neural networks, namely on synapses. Fusi et. al. have

demonstrated how using ordinary bounded synapse models can have devastating

effects on memory in scenarios with ongoing modifications, and proposed a new

synapse model, the binary Cascade Synapse [1], which outperforms ordinary (binary)

synapse models on several aspects [9].

The nature of the Cascade Synapse makes it convenient to implement in digital

hardware rather than analogue VLSI, and it would be useful to augment existing

neuromorphic neuron chips with Cascade Synapse functionality. Such a neural

system could then act as one single entity in a larger multi chip environment.

Previous efforts have successfully designed individual cascade synapses and

implemented a small number – eight, to be precise – of them on an FPGA; however,

in order to perform useful computation in a reasonably sized neural system, a massive

up-scaling of the number of synapses on one chip is necessary. In order to augment a

typical aVLSI neuron chip with cascade synapse functionality, any number upwards

of 4000 synapses would be desirable, or rather, necessary.

One way of doing this is to fundamentally change the way cascade synapses are

implemented on the FPGA, referred to as virtualisation: rather than having a number

of fixed hardware cascade synapses, which is logic-real-estate inefficient, an

abstraction of each synapse could be stored in memory, and only retrieved, processed

on and stored on demand. Since memory is generally cheap and abundant, unlike

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logic, in digital circuits, this Synaptic Processing Unit (SPU) can potentially allow for

a very large scale implementation of cascade synapses on one single FPGA. AimsAimsAimsAims

1. To develop a Synaptic Processing Unit based on an FPGA that implements a

large number of cascade synapses

2. To integrate the SPU with an aVLSI neuron chip to form a working neural


3. To demonstrate the capabilities of the neural system by performing a real

classification task Further report structureFurther report structureFurther report structureFurther report structure

This report is written for the scientifically and technically minded reader, with

background knowledge of the concepts of electronic engineering, and is further

structured as follows: BackgrounBackgrounBackgrounBackgroundddd

This chapter attempts to brief the reader on all the necessary interdisciplinary

background knowledge required for this project. In particular, it outlines some of

the relevant biology and neuroscience, explains the used binary cascade model in

more detail and describes the hardware and infrastructure environment the SPU

will be working in. STADP STADP STADP STADP –––– a novel Hebbian learning rule a novel Hebbian learning rule a novel Hebbian learning rule a novel Hebbian learning rule

This chapter will argue the case for developing a new learning rule called STADP,

and describe how it works. It will also present an initial characterisation of the

learning rule derived from simulation. DesignDesignDesignDesign

This chapter starts by providing a summary of the features of the SPU, to allow

the reader to get a first impression. Then, it outlines the high level design and

argues for the system architecture used. It finishes by giving a set of specifications

for a modular implementation of the design.

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1-13 ImplementationImplementationImplementationImplementation

This chapter starts by going off on a tangent, diving into the realm of random

number generators. Then, it describes how the specifications given in the previous

chapter were implemented in each module, and how the SPU integrates within

the FPGA and its environment. VerificationVerificationVerificationVerification

This chapter is a very short one, which only portrays the efforts undertaken in

order to verify the design and implementation. It will not reproduce the

verification efforts themselves. Evaluation & experimentationEvaluation & experimentationEvaluation & experimentationEvaluation & experimentation

This is one of the key chapters and describes all the in-circuit verification and

experimentation that has been carried out. Furthermore, it explains the real

classification task given to the neural system, and presents the results. DiscussionDiscussionDiscussionDiscussion

This chapter discusses the evaluation and experimentation results, and tries to

make general statements about the operation of the SPU, and conclusions about

the success of the classification tasks itself. ConclusionConclusionConclusionConclusion

This chapter wraps up the report, and includes the conclusions derived from the

work presented here. It objectively assesses advantages and disadvantages of the

SPU, and suggests further improvements or changes to the system that might be

worthwhile. References References References References

This chapter enlists the sources that have been referred to while writing the report

as well as sources that have been used throughout the design and implementation

of the SPU. AppenAppenAppenAppenddddicesicesicesices

There are four appendices, Appendix I with a list of supplementary Matlab files

used throughout the project, Appendix II with a copy of the checklist used for

verification, Appendix III with screeshots of waveforms showing the journey of a

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pre- and a post-synaptic spike through the SPU and finally Appendix IV, listing

the design hierarchy of the VHDL source files used.

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2222 BackgroundBackgroundBackgroundBackground

‘If the human brain were so simple that we could understand it, we would be so

simple that we couldn't’ – Emerson M. Pugh Of brains, neurons and synapsesOf brains, neurons and synapsesOf brains, neurons and synapsesOf brains, neurons and synapses

When IBM’s Deep Blue supercomputer beat then world chess champion Garry

Kasparov during their rematch in 1997, it did so by means of sheer brute force and

computational power. The machine evaluated some 200 million potential board

moves a second, whereas Kasparov considered only three each second, at most

10.1.1. But despite Deep Blue’s victory (in fact, Kasparov won the first match against

Deep Blue the year earlier, and IBM refused to agree to a third ‘deciding’ match [21]),

computers are no real competition for the human brain in areas such as vision,

hearing, pattern recognition, and learning, not to mention their inability to display

creativity, humour or emotions. And when it comes to operational efficiency, there is

no contest at all. A typical room-size supercomputer weighs roughly 1,000 times

more, occupies 10,000 times more space and consumes a millionfold more power

than does the neural tissue that makes up the brain [22].

Clearly, computers and brains are fundamentally different, both in terms of

architecture and performance. Table 1 summarises important key differences of

brains and (conventional) computers.

Processing Processing Processing Processing


Element Element Element Element


Energy Energy Energy Energy


SSSSpeedpeedpeedpeed Style of Style of Style of Style of


Fault Fault Fault Fault


BrainBrainBrainBrain ~1011 neurons

~1014 synapses

10-6m 30W 100Hz Parallel,


memory at



PCPCPCPC 109 transistors 10-6m 30W


109Hz + Serial,



distant to



Table Table Table Table 1111: A comparison between computers and brains: A comparison between computers and brains: A comparison between computers and brains: A comparison between computers and brains

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At the most basic cellular level, brains consist of a vast number of brain cells, an

estimated 100 billion of them, called neurons. These are also believed to constitute

the basic building blocks of computation within the central nervous system, and are

in many ways analogous to logic gates in digital electronics. The brain's network of

neurons forms a massively parallel information processing system.

While there are a large number of different types of neurons, each with different

functions and morphologies, most neurons are typically composed of a soma, or cell

body, a dendritic tree and an axon, as shown in Figure 2.

Figure Figure Figure Figure 2222: Neurons of the world. : Neurons of the world. : Neurons of the world. : Neurons of the world.

There are many different types of neurons, each with different morphologies and functions, which are found in different parts of brains. Image courtesy of G. Indiveri

One of the most important properties of a neuron is its membrane potential, the

potential difference across the cell membrane, which is used to communicate

between neurons. A complicated molecular mechanism that stems from the cell’s

highly complex membrane can give rise to so called action potentials or spikes, which

are sharp a increase followed by an equally sharp drop in the membrane potential

within a few ms. A neuron receives inputs, i.e. spikes, from other neurons, typically

many thousands, on its dendritic tree, and integrates them (approximately) on its

membrane potential. Once the membrane potential exceeds a certain threshold, the

neuron generates a spike which travels from the body down the axon, commonly

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described as the output of a neuron, to the next neuron(s) (or other receptors). This

spiking event is also called depolarization, and is followed by a refractory period,

during which the neuron is unable to fire. The membrane potential of a spiking

neuron is shown in Figure 3, conceptually, while Figure 4 shows some measurements

of real action potentials of the world. Typically, neurons fire at rates between 0Hz

and about 100Hz, and both the precise timing of individual spikes and the firing rates

of neurons are believed to play an important role in neural communication and


Figure Figure Figure Figure 3333: : : : Action potentials (Action potentials (Action potentials (Action potentials (pikepikepikepikes) are commonly described by three ps) are commonly described by three ps) are commonly described by three ps) are commonly described by three propertiesropertiesropertiesroperties: : : :

Pulse width, firing rate or inter-spike-interval and refractory period. Courtesy of Giacomo Indiveri.

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Figure Figure Figure Figure 4444: Action potentials of the world. : Action potentials of the world. : Action potentials of the world. : Action potentials of the world.

Courtesy of Giacomo Indiveri, modified by Anthony Hsiao

The axon endings of neurons almost touch the dendrites or cell body of the next

neuron. The gap between two neurons is a specialized structure called synapse and is

the point of transmission of spikes from the pre-synaptic neuron to the post-synaptic

neuron, as shown in Figure 5 and Figure 6. This transmission is effected by

neurotransmitters, chemicals which are released from the pre-synaptic neuron upon

depolarization, which bind to receptors in the post-synaptic neuron, thereby

advancing the depolarisation of it. Most synapses are excitatory, i.e. they increase the

depolarisation of the post-synaptic neuron, although there are so called inhibitory

synapses (with inhibitory neurotransmitters), which render a post-synaptic neuron less

excitable. The human brain is estimated to have a vast 1014 synapses.

The extent to which a spike from one neuron is transmitted on to the next, the

synaptic efficacy or weight, depends on many factors, such as the amount of

neurotransmitter available or the number and arrangement of receptors, and is not

constant, but changes over time. This property is called synaptic plasticity, and it is

this variable synaptic strength, that is believed to give rise to both memory and

learning capabilities, which makes it particularly interesting to study synapses!

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Figure Figure Figure Figure 5555: CGI of a Synapse with pre: CGI of a Synapse with pre: CGI of a Synapse with pre: CGI of a Synapse with pre---- and post and post and post and post----synaptic neurons. synaptic neurons. synaptic neurons. synaptic neurons.

Excerpt of the 2005 Winner of the Science and Engineering Visualisation Challenge. By G. Johnson. Medical Media, Boulder, CO

Figure Figure Figure Figure 6666: Micrograph of a: Micrograph of a: Micrograph of a: Micrograph of a Synapse taken at the University of St. Luis. Synapse taken at the University of St. Luis. Synapse taken at the University of St. Luis. Synapse taken at the University of St. Luis.

In the center of the image is the Synaptic Cleft, which separates the pre- (top) and post-synaptic neuron (bottom). The pre-synaptic neuron has clearly visible vesicles which contain neurotransmitters. Upon pre-synaptic depolarisation, these neurotransmitters are released and diffuse across the synaptic

cleft, to be received by receptors on the post-synaptic neuron, advancing its depolarisation.

Scientists have developed various models of the underlying molecular mechanisms of

synaptic plasticity, describing it to good levels of accuracy; however it is important to

appreciate, that there are details to synaptic plasticity which are still subject of

ongoing research.

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2-20 Synaptic plasticity Synaptic plasticity Synaptic plasticity Synaptic plasticity at the heart of learning at the heart of learning at the heart of learning at the heart of learning in neural systemsin neural systemsin neural systemsin neural systems

There are several underlying mechanisms that cooperate to achieve synaptic plasticity,

including changes in the quantity of neurotransmitter released into a synapse and

changes in how effectively cells respond to those neurotransmitters [7]. As memories

are believed to be represented by vastly interconnected networks of synapses in the

brain, synaptic plasticity is one of the important neuro-chemical foundations of

learning and memory. Thereby, strengthening, Long-Term Potentiation (LTP), and

weakening of a synapse, Long-Term Depression (LTD), are widely considered to be

the major mechanisms by which learning happens and memories are stored in the


Many models of learning assume some kind of activity based plasticity, whereby an

increase in synaptic efficacy arises from the pre-synaptic cell's repeated and persistent

stimulation of the post-synaptic cell. These kinds of learning rules are commonly

referred to as Hebbian learning rules, popularly summarised as ‘What fires together,

wires together’.

Another particularly prominent experimentally observed form of long term plasticity

is called Spike-Timing Dependent Plasticity (STDP), and depends on the relative

timing of pre- and post-synaptic action potentials. If a pre-synaptic spike is succeeded

quickly by a post-synaptic spike, then there appears to exist some kind of causality

since the pre-synaptic neuron has contributed to the depolarization of the post-

synaptic neuron, and they should be connected more strongly, by potentiating the

synapse. Conversely, if a pre-synaptic spike is directly preceded by a post-synaptic

spike, their connection should be weakened, and the synapse gets depressed.

Different forms of observed plasticity that can be described by STDP are shown in

Figure 7.

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Figure Figure Figure Figure 7777: : : : Different forms of synaptic plasticityDifferent forms of synaptic plasticityDifferent forms of synaptic plasticityDifferent forms of synaptic plasticity

The amount (qualitatively) and type of synaptic modification evoked by repeated pairing of pre- and post-synaptic action potentials in different preparations.

The horizontal axis is the difference tpre-tpost of these spike-times. Results are shown for slice recordings of different neurons. Without going into unnecessary detail, the important point to note is

that different forms of plasticity exist. Figure from Abbott & Nelson 2000.

Several other models of synaptic plasticity exist, ranging over several levels of

complexity and biological plausibility. Each has its advantages and disadvantages,

proposing different mechanisms of synaptic plasticity, trying to explain different

types of experimentally observed plasticity. Other global regulatory processes of

learning, such as synaptic scaling or synaptic redistribution are thought to be

necessary alongside activity based learning rules [5].

While learning rules and models of synaptic plasticity attempt to describe the

mechanism by which synaptic plasticity is generated, different models of synapses

themselves exist, which can vary greatly in the way they respond to ‘plasticity signals’. The cascade synapse modelThe cascade synapse modelThe cascade synapse modelThe cascade synapse model

Storing memories of ongoing, everyday experiences requires a high degree of

synaptic plasticity, while retaining these memories demands protection against

changes induced by further activity and experiences. Models in which memories are

stored through switch-like transitions in synaptic efficacy are good at storing but bad

at retaining memories if these transitions are likely, and they are poor at storage but

good at retention if they are unlikely [1]. In order to address this dilemma, Fusi et. al.

developed the model of binary cascade synapses, which combines high levels of

memory storage with long retention times and significantly outperforms conventional

models [9].

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They consider the case of binary synapses, i.e. a synapse with only two efficacies, (for

example potentiated and depressed, weak or strong), which is not implausible, since

biological synapses have been reported to display binary states of efficacy as well [2].

The structure of a binary cascade model is shown in Figure 8, specifying two

independent dimensions for each synapse. Just like ordinary models of binary

synapses, a binary cascade synapse can be in one of two states of efficacy, weak or

strong, but while ordinary models only allow one fixed value of plasticity, cascade

synapses possess a cascade of n states with varying degree of plasticity,

implementing metaplasticity (i.e. the plasticity of plasticity). Ongoing plasticity then

corresponds to transitions of a synapse between states characterized by different

degrees of plasticity, rather than (only) different synaptic strengths.

Figure Figure Figure Figure 8888:::: Schematic of a Cascade Model of Synaptic Plasticity. Schematic of a Cascade Model of Synaptic Plasticity. Schematic of a Cascade Model of Synaptic Plasticity. Schematic of a Cascade Model of Synaptic Plasticity.

Courtesy of Stefano Fusi. There are two levels of synaptic strength, weak (yellow) and strong (blue), denoted by + and -. Associated with these strengths is a cascade of n sates (n = 5 in this case).

Transitions between state I of the cascade of any strength and state 1 of the opposite strength take place with probability qi, corresponding to conventional synaptic plasticity. Transitions with

probabilities p i ±link the states within the respective cascade (downward arrows), corresponding to


Binary cascade synapses can respond to any learning rule with binary plasticity

signals, i.e. signals that are either ‘potentiate’ or ‘depress’, and responds to them

stochastically; plasticity signals are only responded to with a given probability which

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is determined by the state along the cascade the synapse is in. So it is the varying

probability of responding to plasticity signals that implement the different degrees of

plasticity described above.

In the highest state (state 1 of the cascade in Figure 8), the probability of responding

to a plasticity event is 1, and decreases for states further down the cascades, where

the synapse becomes less plastic. In the model analysed by Fusi, the plasticity actually

halves for every state down the cascade, i.e. 50% chance of responding to a plasticity

signal in the second cascade, 25% in the third, and so forth.

A cascade synapse can respond to plasticity events in two ways, depending on

whether it already has the ‘right’ efficacy, referred to as switching and chaining. If it

switches, then it is changing efficacy, i.e. from weak to strong, or vice versa. If a

synapse switches, it will always make a transition to state 1, i.e. the most plastic state,

of the opposite cascade, regardless of what state it was in before. In Figure 8, these

transitions are represented by the arrows between the two cascades, with plasticity

probabilities given by qi. If the synapse chains, i.e. it already has the right efficacy,

then it is moving down one state in the cascade, thereby reducing (halving) its

plasticity probability, becoming less plastic. In Figure 8, this is represented by the

downward arrows connecting consecutive states within each cascade, with plasticity

probabilities given by pi+/-.

Thus, cascade synapses can respond to ongoing modifications by reducing their

plasticity, thereby ‘reassuring’ their state of efficacy. Another way of looking at it is

that synaptic efficacies and their degree of plasticity are dependent on the history of

the synapses and the plasticity signals they received.

Fusi et. al. assess the performance of cascade synapses to that of ordinary binary

synapses by comparing the strength of an initial memory trace, the initial signal-to-

noise ratio, as well as the average memory lifetime, the point at which this signal-to-

noise ratio becomes equal to 1 for both synapse model (it is worthwhile to reiterate,

that it was this trade-off, ability to store memories easily vs. retaining them for a long

time, that originally led them to develop the cascade synapse model in the first place).

They find that cascade models arrive at a better compromise, storing new memories

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more easily and faithfully, yet retaining them for a longer period of time, as shown in

Figure 9. Without going into unnecessary detail (the interested reader is advised to

consult [1] for more information), they find that the better performance of cascade

synapses stems the fact that they experience power-law forgetting, unlike ordinary

binary synapses, which experience exponentially fast decay of their memories.

Figure Figure Figure Figure 9999:::: Initial Signal Initial Signal Initial Signal Initial Signal----totototo----noisenoisenoisenoise----ratio as a function of memory lifetime, from ratio as a function of memory lifetime, from ratio as a function of memory lifetime, from ratio as a function of memory lifetime, from [1][1][1][1]....

The initial signal-to-noise ratio of a memory trace stored using 105 synapses plotted against the memory lifetime (in units of 1 over the rate of candidate plasticity events). The blue (lower) curve is for a binary model with synaptic modification occurring with probability q that varies along the curve. The red (upper) line applies to the cascade model described by Fusi et. Al. The two curves have been normalised so that the binary model with q = 1 gives the same result as the n = 1 cascade model to

which it is identical. Clearly, the cascade model performs better than the ‘normal’ binary model both in terms of initial signal-to-noise ratio and memory lifetime.

In summary, binary cascade synapses outperform their ‘ordinary counterpart’ in terms

of memory storage and retention, which derives from the more complex structure

allowing the synapse to respond to ongoing modifications along two dimensions –

efficacy and metaplasticity. It is desirable to implement these nice properties into real

hardware, and previous attempts have already laid good groundwork for that. Previous workPrevious workPrevious workPrevious work

This project mainly builds up on two previous projects. The first one, titled ‘A

stochastic synapse for reconfigurable hardware’, a short project during the Telluride

workshop for Neuromorphic Engineering by Dylan Muir [15], laid the ground work

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for both the following and this project. In particular, it succeeded in creating a first

VHDL implementation of the cascade synapse and verified its operation in

simulations. One of the biggest contributions of this project is the design of one

particular type of pseudo-random number generator, the Hybrid Cellular Automata

array pseudo-random number generator, which also found extensive use in this

current project. However, no actual hardware was synthesised from the digital design.

The second project, ‘A VHDL implementation of the Cascade Synapse Model’, a

diploma project by Tobias Kringe [16], succeeded in designing and implementing a

small array of cascade synapses onto an FPGA. The operation of the digital cascade

synapses was verified both in simulation and in hardware, and encouraging results

were achieved in confirming the complex behaviour of the cascade synapse (which is

why this current project will not focus on reproducing and re-verifying the properties

of hardware implemented cascade synapses). However, the VHDL implementation

was rather large, and only a small number of synapses could be implemented onto

the FPGA. It was Tobias Kringe who proposed to virtualise the cascade synapses

(which is one of the aims of this current project) in order to realise a useful number of

synapses onto one FPGA. Due to the radically different architecture of the virtualised

synapses to the static hardware synapses, next to none of his VHDL implementation

was reused.

To the best of the knowledge of the author, there has been no other working

hardware implementation of a large number of cascade synapses (in fact, of any

number of synapses) to date. Overview of the hardware environmentOverview of the hardware environmentOverview of the hardware environmentOverview of the hardware environment

Neuromorphic aVLSI hardware commonly comprises low power analogue CMOS

circuits operating in the subthreshold regime, that mimic (morph) the properties of

real neural systems and elements. In particular, a neuromorphic aVLSI neuron chip

was used, which comprised an array of leaky Integrate & Fire (IF) silicon neurons

with Diff-Pair Integrator (DPI) synapses. Communication to the outside world was

done using the asynchronous Address Event Representation (AER) protocol. The

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FPGA is sitting on an FPGA board developed at the Institute of Neuroinformatics in

Zurich. Silicon neuronsSilicon neuronsSilicon neuronsSilicon neurons

There are different types of silicon neurons, such as conductance based models which

aim to map molecular conductance mechanisms underlying neuron behaviour in

detail into analogue electronic circuits, or more qualitative models such as the I&F

neuron model, which merely implements the observed characteristics of neuron

behaviour into silicon, such as integration, firing or the refractory period.

The aVLSI chip used in this project contained 128 I&F neurons similar to the circuit

depicted in Figure 10. Qualitatively, this I&F circuit works by integrating input

current from on-chip synapses on its membrane, and elicits a (voltage) spike if the

membrane voltage crosses a firing threshold.

Figure Figure Figure Figure 10101010: : : : Circuit diagram of aCircuit diagram of aCircuit diagram of aCircuit diagram of an ultra lon ultra lon ultra lon ultra low power Integrate & w power Integrate & w power Integrate & w power Integrate & Fire Neuron.Fire Neuron.Fire Neuron.Fire Neuron.

Labelled functional circuit elements mimic the behaviour of real neurons. Transistors operate in the sub-threshold regime to exploit their desirable exponential characteristics. A capacitor Cmem integrates incoming post-synaptic current into a membrane voltage Vmem. If the membrane potential crosses the

spiking threshold, it will ‘spike’ just like a real neuron. Courtesy of Giacomo Indiveri.

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2-27 Silicon synapsesSilicon synapsesSilicon synapsesSilicon synapses

Each I&F neuron has 32 silicon synapses with different properties and behaviour

connected to it, but only one type of synapse was used in this project, namely the

static DPI synapse. The circuit of such a synapse is depicted in Figure 11.

Qualitatively, the DPI synapse works by receiving a (voltage) spike from a pre-

synaptic neuron (or from the outside world), and then injects a given amount of

current onto the membrane of the post-synaptic neuron it is connected to in response.

The amount of current produced by every incoming spike is dependent on the static

synaptic weight and the time constant of the synapse, which can be adjusted to

achieve the desired static synaptic weight.

Figure Figure Figure Figure 11111111: : : : Circuit diagram of the so called DCircuit diagram of the so called DCircuit diagram of the so called DCircuit diagram of the so called Diffiffiffiff----PPPPair air air air IIIIntegrator ntegrator ntegrator ntegrator (DPI) synapse(DPI) synapse(DPI) synapse(DPI) synapse....

For every pre-synaptic spike it receives, it dumps a post-synaptic current onto the membrane of the post-synaptic neuron connected to it. The amount of current, and other dynamics, can be set by

parameters such as the synaptic weight, the time constant tau or the threshold voltage. CommCommCommCommunication using AERunication using AERunication using AERunication using AER

The Address Event Representation (AER) protocol is used to allow for

communication in multi-chip environments. It is a serial asynchronous four-phase

handshaking protocol (using request-acknowledge signals) which encodes events (i.e.

spikes) of individual neurons by assigning each neuron a unique address (up to

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16bits). Every time a neuron fires, it generates an address event, which is then

transmitted over the AER bus to receiving hardware. Unlike conventional electronic

systems with arrays of information sources, such as digital cameras, neuromorphic

systems using the AER protocol do not scan through every one of its elements to

transmit one frame after another, but rather, information is transmitted on demand.

Only if a neuron spikes, will an address event be transmitted. Therein, one of the

most important points about the AER protocol is its asynchrony, whereby the precise

timing of the address event is implicitly encoding the time of the spike itself – no

need to communicate timestamps for individual spikes.

Conveniently, since electronic circuits implementing neuromorphic hardware are very

fast, while neural activity is rather slow (<100Hz), a large number of neurons can

share the same AER bus without problem. Typically, an AER bus would have a

bandwidth of about 1Mevent/second. The FPGA boardThe FPGA boardThe FPGA boardThe FPGA board

The FPGA used in this project is a Xilinx Spartan 3 (xc3s400pq208) that sits on a

prototype FPGA board developed by Daniel Fasnacht during his diploma project at

the Institute of Neuroinformatics in Zurich, depicted in Figure 12. Features used in

this project are the USB interface and the two AER ports (one input, one output). It

has an external clock of 106.125MHz, and is programmed using JTAG.

Apart from developing the board itself, Daniel Fasnacht further developed a Linux

driver to allow communication with the USB board. A program developed by

Giacomo Indiveri is used to send data to the FPGA board. In particular, pre-synaptic

spikes are sent through the USB bus to the SPU by specifying a synapse address and

an inter-spike interval to the previous spike, data which is easily generated using the

piking neuron toolbox1 in Matlab. The aVLSI neuron chip is configured using Matlab2.

1 Developed by Dylan Muir at the Institute of Neuroinformatics

2 To set up the environment variable for the aVLSI chip in Matlab: chipinit.m. To load the required

calibration settings to the chip: bias_050607.m

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It should be noted, that his is a prototype board, and with experimental or prototype

hardware, extra consideration should be taken, since not all functions necessarily

have to work as expected. However, seeing experimental hardware work and become

‘alive’ is one of the most gratifying moments of hardware development.

In the experimental setup used for the classification task (as described in 7.5A real

classification task) the FPGA board interfaces with an aVLSI ‘IFSLTWA’ neuron chip,

using the AER connections to send address events to, and receiving feedback from

the neurons. Figure 13 illustrates this experimental setup.

Figure Figure Figure Figure 12121212: Prototype FPGA board developed by Daniel Fasnacht. : Prototype FPGA board developed by Daniel Fasnacht. : Prototype FPGA board developed by Daniel Fasnacht. : Prototype FPGA board developed by Daniel Fasnacht.

1. Xilinx Spartan 3 (xc3s400pq208) 2. USB port 3. AER-out port 4. AER-in port

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Figure Figure Figure Figure 13131313: Experimental hardware setup. : Experimental hardware setup. : Experimental hardware setup. : Experimental hardware setup.

1. FPGA SPU 2. Forward AER connection 3. aVLSI chip with array of I&F neurons 4. Oscilloscope measuring the post-synaptic membrane potential 5. post-synaptic feedback AER connection (with logic

analyzer) 6. pre-synaptic stimuli input USB connection. SoftwareSoftwareSoftwareSoftware

Throughout this project, three software packages were used, namely Xilinx ISE 9.1i

Webpack to code the VHDL design, Modelsim PE Student Edition to simulate VHDL

code and Matlab, for various things, including plotting, initialization file generation,

analysis or spike train generation.

A project diary was kept on GoogleDocuments.

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3333 STADP STADP STADP STADP –––– a novel a novel a novel a novel Hebbian Hebbian Hebbian Hebbian learning rlearning rlearning rlearning ruleuleuleule

‘The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write, but

those who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn’ – Alvin Toffler

In the previous section, the general concept of synaptic plasticity was introduced.

While different learning rules have been proposed, for the task at hand, keeping in

mind that the Synaptic Processing Unit is to be tested on a real classification task, it is

necessary to implement a learning rule that is both suitable for the learning task in a

general environment, as well as easily implemented into digital hardware. There are

several learning rules out there that would be interesting to be implemented, most

prominently STDP, amongst also others [18], [3], [20], but none really meet the needs

for this project.

From [19] and [20], it was concluded that ordinary STDP would not be sufficient as a

general learning rule. Instead, the system would either have to be taught with

specifically crafted and highly correlated temporal patterns (not a general

environment), or a more elaborate version of STDP would have to be constructed,

which is impractical for the implementation, both in terms of hardware real estate

(memory in particular, but also logic) and circuit complexity. Prototype designs for

STDP were rejected on the basis of it requiring excessive memory and

overcomplicating the digital circuit.

Instead, a novel but very simple, easily implemented learning rule was developed

together with [20], called Spike-Timing and Activity Dependent Plasticity (STADP),

which produces simple binary plasticity events, depress and potentiate, as required by

the binary cascade synapse model. STADP STADP STADP STADP –––– Yet another learning rule?Yet another learning rule?Yet another learning rule?Yet another learning rule?

At the heart of STADP is the same Hebbian learning paradigm, that ‘what fires

together, wires together’. Unlike STDP, which derives the causality for ‘firing

together’ from the difference in spike times, STADP uses a mixture of firing time and

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firing rate based measures to determine, whether pre- and post-synaptic neuron ‘fire


As the name suggests, STADP produces plasticity signals depending on spike timing

as well as activity. In particular, it is dependent on the state of activity of the post-

synaptic neuron, and the timing of pre-synaptic spikes.

STADP says, that the post-synaptic neuron can be in one of two states at any point in

time: active and inactive. This state is determined by a threshold function of the post-

synaptic firing frequency: if it is above a mean firing rate fm, it is said to be active,

otherwise it is inactive. For example, a setup of aVLSI I&F neurons could have a

mean firing rate fm = 50Hz, which is biologically plausible, and be said to be active

for firing rates above 50Hz, and inactive for firing rates below 50Hz.

Then, two neurons are said to ‘fire together’ if a pre-synaptic spike arrives while the

post-synaptic neuron is active, and the synapse should be potentiated (LTP). The

reverse is also true, i.e. when a pre-synaptic spike arrives at the synapse while the

post-synaptic neuron is inactive, then the synapse should be depressed (LTD).

However, this scheme would result in one plasticity signal for every pre-synaptic

spike, so in order to condition the number of plasticity signals produced, STADP is

stochastic, and only produces potentiation or depression signals with a certain

probability, called the probability of plasticity, p(plasticity). Figure 14 below

summarises how STADP produces plasticity events.

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Figure Figure Figure Figure 14141414: STADP: STADP: STADP: STADP

Plasticity events are elicited with a probability p(plasticity), and depend on the spike time of the pres-synaptic, and the activity of the post-synaptic neuron. From spike time to spike rateFrom spike time to spike rateFrom spike time to spike rateFrom spike time to spike rate

The two state abstraction of the post-synaptic neuron’s activity essentially requires an

integration of its spike-times to produce spike rates. However, integration of spikes

arriving at irregular intervals into spike rates can be a non-trivial task in real time

processing in digital hardware (it would be very easy in analogue electronics

actually!). In STADP, this is elegantly performed using a stochastic process, inspired

by quantum physics [20]. The main idea behind this is that the post-synaptic neuron

is in an unknown state of activity until it gets ‘measured’, in this case by an incoming

pre-synaptic spike.

Every time the post-synaptic neuron spikes, its state of activity is set to active

independent on the current state. A neuron in active state can then make a transition

to the inactive state with a probability p(deactivate) (this can also be regarded as a

two state hidden Markov process), as depicted in Figure 15.

Without specifying what the p(deactivate) is at any point of time, it can be

appreciated how a post-synaptic neuron firing at mean firing rate fm should have a

probability of being in active state, p(active) of 0.5, a more active neuron should have

a higher p(active) and a less active neuron should have a lower p(active).

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Figure Figure Figure Figure 15151515:::: The STADP mechanism The STADP mechanism The STADP mechanism The STADP mechanism....

A post-synaptic neuron can be in one of two states: active and inactive. The STADP mechanism determines the state of the post-synaptic neuron by integrating the post-synaptic firing times. A post-synaptic spike sets the neuron to active state, which then stochastically resets to the inactive state after an amount of time equal to the mean postsynaptic inter-spike interval. Clearly, the probability that the post-synaptic neuron is in active state at any given time increases as it’s firing rate increases, and is 0.5

if it is firing at the mean firing rate.

In order to implement this in real hardware (it would be rather challenging to actually

instantiate some kind of quantum process), the STADP mechanism proposed here is

using an abstraction of the stochastic deactivation of the post-synaptic neuron. This

abstraction is based on the assumption that the neuron fires as a poisson process with

mean firing rate fm, which has an exponentially distributed inter-spike interval (the

time interval between two consecutive spikes) ~ exp(1/fm). Then, upon every

incoming post-synaptic spike (which sets the neuron’s state to active), an

exponentially distributed ‘expiry time’ is drawn, after which the neuron is said to

reset to the inactive state.

This way, the desired properties can be achieved: if the post-synaptic neuron is firing

at the mean firing rate fm, it will have an equal chance of being in active or inactive

state, on average, at any point in time. Similarly, if it is firing at a higher rate, it has a

higher chance of being active since it is being set to active faster than it is expiring to

inactive, while if it is firing at a lower rate, it has a lower chance of being active at

any point in time.

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One question remains. Whether a plasticity event is a depression or a potentiation

event is dependent on the post-synaptic neuron’s activity as explained above – but

then, how does STADP behave for different pre-synaptic frequencies? As the name

suggests, the plasticity is dependent on spike timing, since the state of activity of the

post-synaptic neuron is only ever evaluated on an incoming pre-synaptic spike, but in

fact, its rate plays a role too.

In general, the higher the pre-synaptic frequency, the more plasticity events will be

produced. However, since potentiation and depression are only elicited with

probability p(plasticity), the dependence on the pre-synaptic rate is slightly more

complex. While high pre-synaptic frequencies are likely to lead to a high rate of

plasticity, low, but non-zero, pre-synaptic frequencies are likely not to result in any

plasticity event at all, as only few of the already rare pre-synaptic spikes would ever

lead to a plasticity event.

In summary, the pre-synaptic firing rate can be said to determine the rate (probability)

of plasticity events, while the post-synaptic frequency is best described as setting the

type of the plasticity events. Synapses with high pre-synaptic firing rates are more

likely to be receiving plasticity signals, while synapses with low pre-synaptic firing

rates are likely to remain static, as they receive none or only few plasticity events. CharacteristicCharacteristicCharacteristicCharacteristics of STADPs of STADPs of STADPs of STADP

The previous section explained how, conceptually, STADP works, and how the actual

STADP mechanism, which draws an exponentially distributed expiry time for the

post-synaptic neuron to reset to the inactive state, works. The following paragraphs

describe some of its characteristics as well as the expected plasticity signals that

STADP would produce.

When characterising the behaviour or the results of STADP, the two important points

to be noted are firstly whether the expiry time mechanism works at all, and secondly

what plasticity profile it produces over a range of pre- and post-synaptic frequencies.

By observing p(active), the correct operation of the mechanism can be verified, by

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observing the plasticity rates, i.e. how many potentiation or depression events are

elicited per second, insights into the plasticity profile can be gained.

The following plots were obtained from a simple Matlab simulation3 done by Dylan

Muir, and show the rate of potentiation (LTP rate), rate of depression (LTD rate), the

net effect of plasticity (LTP rate – LTD rate) as well as p(active), over pre- and post-

synaptic frequency ranges of 0-100Hz.

Figure Figure Figure Figure 16161616: Simulated behaviour of STADP.: Simulated behaviour of STADP.: Simulated behaviour of STADP.: Simulated behaviour of STADP.

Left column: rate of potentiation and depression events per second, over a range of pre- and post-synaptic frequencies [1:100Hz] (ignore the axis labels). Right column: Net effect of STADP and

probability of the postsynaptic neuron being in active state per unit time.

These simulation results suggest that STADP indeed works as a Hebbian learning rule,

and has the desired characteristics. The p(active) is approximately 0.5 at a post-

synaptic frequency of 50Hz, is increases for higher frequencies, and decreases for

lower frequencies. Furthermore, the plasticity rate increases with pre-synaptic

3 p(active) curve: make_prob_active_vs_freq_plot.m other plots: make_freq_sim_plot.m

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frequency for both potentiation and depression, which also have a qualitatively

correct behaviour, best summarized by the net effect of LTP and LTD: with increasing

pre-synaptic frequencies, there are more plasticity events, with potentiation

dominating for high post-synaptic frequencies, and depression dominating for low

post-synaptic frequencies.

One important characteristic to note, however, is that potentiation and depression are

not symmetric within the regime of operation, and that the net effect of plasticity has

a bias towards depression, or equivalently, reluctance towards potentiation. This is

due to the p(active) curve, which is not linear or symmetric about the (50Hz, 0.5)

point. As will be described later in the experimental section, this will have an

observable effect.

Possible remedies for this could include measures such as pre-biasing or distorting the

p(active) curve so that it saturates at 100Hz, or by setting a minimum expiry time of

10ms (1/100Hz) in order to ensure that p(active) is 1 at 100Hz. The remedy used

would have to be matched to the particular implementation of STADP.

While more detailed and formal analysis of STADP would be desirable, this would go

beyond the scope of this report. These initial simulation results are satisficing ( =

satisfying enough), and confidence in the learning rule further derives from [20].

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4444 DesignDesignDesignDesign

‘I am enough of an artist to draw freely upon my imagination. Imagination is more

important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world’ –

Albert Einstein SSSSummaryummaryummaryummary of features of the Synaptic Processing Unit of features of the Synaptic Processing Unit of features of the Synaptic Processing Unit of features of the Synaptic Processing Unit

The Synaptic Processing Unit designed here has the following features:

• Speed of operation: Clocked at 90MHz internally

• System architecture:

o Fully pipelined design – the SPU can theoretically process a new

address event every clock cycle, although this never happens in


o Modular design – allows for easy plug-in of a new learning rule

• On-chip learning rule: STADP with 11.1ns time resolution

• I/O ports: 1x USB input, 1x AER input, 1x AER output

• Cascade representation: 6bit, reconfigurable, allowing for synapses with up to

32 cascades

• Cascade memory address width: 13bit, reconfigurable, allowing for up to

8192 binary cascade synapses

• Addressing: Configurable number of neurons (up to 256)

• One teacher synapse per neuron System System System System level designlevel designlevel designlevel design

Although this project builds upon previous work as mentioned earlier, most parts of

the Synaptic Processing Unit were designed from scratch, since the pipelined and

virtualized cascade synapse requires a very different architecture.

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4-39 The SPU in a neural systemThe SPU in a neural systemThe SPU in a neural systemThe SPU in a neural system

From a high level point of view, the SPU is supposed to integrate with one aVLSI

neuron chip, forming one coherent neural system containing an array of neurons with

cascade synapse functionality. This system could, for example, be used as one layer

of a larger network of spiking neurons, as depicted in Figure 17.

Figure Figure Figure Figure 17171717: Syste: Syste: Syste: System level interactim level interactim level interactim level interaction of SPU and aVLSI neuron chip.on of SPU and aVLSI neuron chip.on of SPU and aVLSI neuron chip.on of SPU and aVLSI neuron chip.

Together, these form one freely reconfigurable integrated array of N Integrate and Fire neurons with binary cascade synapses. Input and output portsInput and output portsInput and output portsInput and output ports

In order to act as one coherent system, the SPU has to be able to communicate both

with the neuron chip, as well as with the outside world. Here, this is done using the

USB port of the FPGA board as pre-synaptic input, and the two AER ports to connect

the SPU to the neuron chip.

Clearly, a forward connection, whereby pre-synaptic spikes are routed towards the

right post-synaptic neuron is necessary. However, in order to be able to perform

learning using STADP, and indeed most other learning rules, an additional feedback

connection from the neuron chip back to the SPU is necessary, in order to obtain

information about the post-synaptic neurons, which in this case means to estimate

their state of activity.

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4-40 Virtualising the cascade synapseVirtualising the cascade synapseVirtualising the cascade synapseVirtualising the cascade synapse

The binary cascade model is quite a nice model to be implemented in digital

hardware. It has essentially only two important properties, namely its binary efficacy

and its current state, which at the same time encodes the plasticity, which in turn is

represented by a plasticity probability, which halves for every higher cascade. This

has ‘digital’ written all over it.

In order to virtualise the cascade synapses, some conceptual ‘cascade mechanism’ by

which to process them has to be devised. The basic idea is to trade hardware real

estate on the FPGA for memory, and to process synapses on demand. This has two

immediate design deliverables:

• In order to virtualise the cascade synapses, an abstraction or memory

representation of them has to be defined,

• A mechanism, by which they are processed on, i.e. how individual synapses

respond to plasticity signals, has to be developed

Conveniently, the cascade synapse can be represented by a bit vector very intuitively.

One bit encodes the synaptic efficacy, while a number of other bits encode the state

of the synapse, i.e. the synaptic plasticity, i.e. the plasticity probability, depending on

the number of cascades. Then, halving the plasticity probability is just a matter of a

bit shifting operation. As depicted in Figure 18, an Nbit representation where the

MSB represents the efficacy, and the word [N-1...0] represents the plasticity

probability, as an unsigned binary number.

Figure Figure Figure Figure 18181818: Bit representation of cascade synapses: Bit representation of cascade synapses: Bit representation of cascade synapses: Bit representation of cascade synapses

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Using this representation, the plasticity probability ranges from 0 to 2N-1-1 rather than

from 0 to 1, but this is not a problem, since it can be regarded as the numerator of a

rational number with denominator 2N-1-1. Such a representation can easily be stored

in and retrieved from memory, and provides the functionality required to implement

the virtualisation.

Here, N = 6 was fixed as a reasonable maximum cascade representation width,

allowing for synapses with up to 32 cascades. This is more than sufficient, and in fact,

too large a number of cascades can actually decrease the memory performance of the

synapses [1].

The processing on the cascade synapse can be expected to be relatively simple, since

there is only a small number of things the synapse ‘can do’: switch or chain, with a

probability given by its state. The exact mechanism implemented is described in

detail in the

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Implementation section, but from a high level description point of view, it has to:

• Obtain the right cascade from memory

• Perform the necessary operations on its state representation (i.e. switch, chain

or do nothing)

• Produce a new cascade state representation, and pass it back to the cascade

memory SPU internal addressing SPU internal addressing SPU internal addressing SPU internal addressing

Since incoming and outgoing events are following the AER protocol, whereby

neurons are identified by addresses, the SPU internal representation is also using

addresses as identifiers of synapses.

Figure Figure Figure Figure 19191919: : : : SPU internal addressing formatSPU internal addressing formatSPU internal addressing formatSPU internal addressing format

At the heart of the addressing scheme are the synapses, which can be identified

uniquely by an Nbit synapse address, as shown in Figure 19. For historical reasons4,

this synapse address is set to 13bits, allowing it to uniquely identify up to 8192

synapses. The top few bits of the synapse address represent the neuron address,

which uniquely identify the post-synaptic neuron which the cascade synapse is

connecting to. The aspect ratio of the neural system, i.e. how many neurons there are

and how many synapses each has can be changed freely within the SPU by changing

4 The SPU was originally designed to interact with an aVLSI chip with 256 neurons and 8192 synapses,

the largest of its kind at that time

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this neuron address width, and does not have to correspond to the actual number of

neurons (or synapses) on the aVLSI chip. ModulModulModulModular design of thear design of thear design of thear design of the SPU SPU SPU SPU

Apart from implementing cascade synapse behaviour in a virtualised fashion, the SPU

has to perform two other important tasks: spike forwarding and learning.

Overall, the core of the SPU, i.e. ignoring data I/O and FPGA board particulars, will

have the following four modules:

• Forwarding module

• Learning module

• Cascade module

• Cascade memory

The conceptual architecture that stems from these four modules is depicted in Figure


Figure Figure Figure Figure 20202020: : : : Conceptual Conceptual Conceptual Conceptual ArchitectureArchitectureArchitectureArchitecture of the SPU of the SPU of the SPU of the SPU

The principle of operation of the SPU is as follows:

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1. The signal selector (not one of the core functions of the SPU) performs

arbitration between pre- and post-synaptic inputs, and forwards this address

into the SPU, to the forwarding module, the cascade memory and the learning


2. The cascade memory retrieves the cascade synapse representation

corresponding to the synapse address, and, at the same time, writes new

cascade states to (another location in) memory.

3. The learning rule (stochastically) produces plasticity signals as required by

STADP and the pre- and post-synaptic spikes the SPU receives.

4. The forwarding module forwards pre-synaptic addresses on to the output of

the SPU, depending if, and only if, the efficacy of the synapse is high.

5. The cascade module (stochastically) processes the cascade representation

according to the plasticity signals it receives from the learning module and

passes on a new cascade state to be written by the cascade memory

This architecture can be fully pipelined, so that the SPU can process one ‘instruction’,

i.e. one address event, per clock cycle. This is particularly important in order to ensure

that the SPU is operating fast enough, since in a multi-chip environment, it should not

be the processing bottleneck, but rather, it should be able to process whatever is

being thrown its way by the pre-synaptic input (USB). Since the AER bus can

typically transmit about 1Mevent/second, the SPU should be able to process a

multiple of that, which a fully pipelined architecture allows.

In order to ensure that only the ‘right’ signals are being processed and that no wrong

data is written to memory, the SPU uses an extra level of control signals that indicate

the validity of the data shown in Figure 20. Module specificationsModule specificationsModule specificationsModule specifications

The high level relationship between the individual modules described above

translates into precise input/output and functional specifications, described below.

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4-45 ForwardingForwardingForwardingForwarding


• To forward valid pre-synaptic spikes to the post-synaptic neuron address over

the AER output of the SPU, if the ‘target’ synapse has high efficacy or a

teacher signal was sent.

Input signals:

• neuron_address: address of the synapse the current pre-synaptic spike is

addressed to. Up to 13bits

• target_synapse_efficacy: MSB of the cascade representation of the

addressed synapse. 1bit.

• address_pre_post: control signal issued by the signal selector which

indicates whether current data comes from the pre-synaptic (‘0’) or the post-

synaptic (‘1’) feedback input. 1bit.

• address_valid: control signal that indicates whether current data is a valid


• target_neuron_address: address of the post-synaptic neuron that is to be

sent out through the AER output. up to 8bits.

• target_address_valid: control signal that indicates whether the target

neuron address is valid. 1bit. Learning Rule (STADP) Learning Rule (STADP) Learning Rule (STADP) Learning Rule (STADP)


• To implement STADP

• To correctly produce plasticity events (dep./pot.)


• synapse_address: address of the incoming pre- or post-synaptic spike. Up to


• address_pre_post: control signal issued by the signal selector which

indicates whether current data comes from the pre-synaptic (‘0’) or the post-

synaptic (‘1’) feedback input. 1bit.

• address_valid: control signal that indicates whether current data is a valid.



• cascade_synapse_address: address of the cascade synapse that the plasticity

signals are valid for. Up to 13bits.

• plasticity_dep_pot: plasticity signal, indicating whether the cascade

synapse should be depressed (‘0’) or potentiated (‘1’). 1bit.

• plasticity_valid: control signal that indicates whether the plasticity signal

and the cascade synapse address are valid. 1bit.

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4-46 CascCascCascCascade Processade Processade Processade Process


• To process cascade states according to plasticity signals from the learning



• cascade_synapse_state: cascade state representation of the cascade synapse

that is to be processed. Up to 6bits.

• cascade_synapse_address: address of the current cascade synapse that the

plasticity signals are valid for. Up to 13bits.

• plasticity_dep_pot: plasticity signal, indicating whether the cascade

synapse should be depressed (‘0’) or potentiated (‘1’). 1bit.

• plasticity_valid: control signal that indicates whether the plasticity signal

and the cascade synapse address are valid. 1bit.


• cascade_address_out: address of the new cascade state representation of

the valid new state. Up to 6bits.

• new_state: new processed cascade state representation ready to be written

back to memory. Up to 6bits.

• new_state_valid: control signal that indicates whether the new state and the

cascade out address is valid. 1bit. Cascade memoryCascade memoryCascade memoryCascade memory


• To retrieve cascade representations of synapses addressed at its read port

• To store valid and new cascade representations of synapses addressed at its

write port

Input signals:

• synapse_address: address of the cascade the current pre-synaptic spike is

addressed to. Up to 13bits.

• new_state_address: address of the new state that has undergone plasticity.

Up to 13bits.

• new_state: new state of cascade synapse after processing. Up to 6bits.

• new_state_valid: control signal that indicates whether the new state for the

new state address is a valid. 1bit.


• current_state: address of the post-synaptic neuron that is to be sent out

through the AER output. Up to 6bits.

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4-47 Global signalsGlobal signalsGlobal signalsGlobal signals

In addition to the inputs specified above, all modules share clock, clock enable and

asynchronous reset inputs to reset all internal registers and FIFOs. Note that the

content of memory is not reset to the initial state by this reset signal, but only the

output registers of the memory are cleared. All signals internal to the SPU are active


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5555 ImplementationImplementationImplementationImplementation

‘‘‘‘It's not good enough that we do our best; sometimes we have to do what's

required’ – Winston Churchill PseudoPseudoPseudoPseudo----random number generatorsrandom number generatorsrandom number generatorsrandom number generators

The performance of stochastic learning processes, indeed of any stochastic process, is

heavily dependent on the ‘quality’ of the underlying randomness. Since the SPU has

random processes in two of its major functional components, the cascade synapse

module and the learning rule, implementing a good pseudo-random number

generator (pRNG) is even more important.

A good pRNG generates highly uncorrelated sequences of pRNs with a very long

maximum-length, before the sequence repeats. A good review on ‘classical’ pRNGs

can be found in [8], however the pRNG used here is more unconventional. Instead of

performing mathematical manipulation, including multiplication by prime numbers

and modulo division to generate pRNs, which is what most classical pRNGs do and is

rather resource intensive for a digital logic implementation, a so called Hybrid cellular

automata (HCA) array pRNG is employed, which, on the contrary, are a very efficient

choice for FPGA implementation.

Cellular automata consist of grids of ‘cells’, where each cell can be in one of a finite

number of states. Time is discrete, and each cell has a local update rule to determine

the state of it in the next unit of time. One of the most popular cellular automata is

Conway’s 2D ‘Game of Life’.

Here, we consider a one dimensional binary HCA, i.e. an array of bits, where each

cell (bit) has one of two local update rules, namely Rule 90 or Rule 150, as shown in

Figure 21, classified by Wolfram [16]. Rule 90 takes the XOR of both of its

neighbours to determine the next state of a cell, while Rule 150 adds the XOR of the

current value of the cell as well. Cells beyond the boundaries of the array are

considered to be '1' at all times, which ensures that the automaton does not freeze in

case of all cells being '0'. These choices and the right configuration for the rules used

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ensure that the pRNG produces maximum length sequences of uniform pRNs. In [8],

there is a detailed description of which rules to use for what bit position to generate

maximum length sequences for HCA arrays of a given size.

Figure Figure Figure Figure 21212121: A : A : A : A HHHHybrid Cellular Automata linear arrayybrid Cellular Automata linear arrayybrid Cellular Automata linear arrayybrid Cellular Automata linear array

The HCA pRNG makes use of two different nearest neighbour update rules, namely Rule 90 and Rule 150. It is very suitable for implementation on an FPGA, and further produces maximal-length

sequences of highly uncorrelated patterns. Figure courtesy of Dylan Muir.

If used as described above, HCA pRNGs would introduce high correlation for

adjacent cells, which can be avoided by only using a subset of non-neighbouring bits

from a larger array to generate random numbers. One possible choice for creating a

32bit random number is to use a 128bit HCA, tapping off every fourth bit to form the

pRN, for example.

By using this method to generate pRNs as required by the different modules, the

stochastic processes in the SPU can be trusted to be as random as is possible, to the

best of the knowledge of the author. Description of genDescription of genDescription of genDescription of genericsericsericserics

Before explaining the architecture of the individual SPU internal modules, it is helpful

to understand the parameterisation of the VHDL code that was carried out in order to

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keep the SPU reconfigurable. The following is a brief description of the generics used

within the implementation that allow a customisation of the SPU.

• SYNAPSE_ADDRESS_WIDTH : natural := 13: The synapse address width is

the width of most the addresses within the SPU, and sets the maximum

number of synapses that can be addressed. By default, it is set to 13bits,

allowing for up to 8192 cascade synapses to be addressed. The fixed depth of

the cascade memory (the memory itself is not parameterisable) also limits the

maximum number of synapses to be implemented to 8192, although fewer

synapses may be used (manual reconfiguration of the memory would be

required to increase the depth of the cascade memory; this is not difficult).

• NEURON_ADDRESS_WIDTH : natural := 8: The neuron address width is the

width of the neuron address, and tells the SPU how many of the synapse

addresses’ MSBs are attributed to identifying the neuron. By default, it is set

to 8bits allowing for up to 256 neurons to be addressed, and a smaller number

of neurons can be specified without problems.

• CASCADE_WIDTH : natural := 5: The cascade width is the number of bits

that the cascade representation uses. It can be up to 6 bits wide, as limited by

the width of the cascade memory, but fewer bits, such as the default value of

5 bits may be specified. The cascade width includes both the efficacy bit and

the plasticity probability width. At the same time, the cascade width specifies

the width of the pRN generated in the cascade synapse module, which is

always one bit less than the cascade width (since the plasticity probability in

the cascade representation, which will be compared to the pRN, is one bit

smaller than the cascade width).

• PRE_THRESHOLD : natural := 230: The pre threshold sets the p(plasticity)

with which STADP elicits plasticity events; the higher the threshold, the

smaller is the p(plasticity). It may range from 0 to 255, where p(plasticity)

would be 1 and 0 respectively.

Using these four parameters, the SPU can be configured, at compile time, to have the

desired characteristics.

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5-51 Module level designModule level designModule level designModule level design

The following sections will individually describe the implementations of the SPU’s

modules on a functional level. In order to save paper and time, no VHDL code is

reproduced here. The interested reader is advised to consult the supplementary CD

for the VHDL code.

In all of the diagrams shown in the following sections, the convention shown in

Figure 22 for arrows is used. In particular, dotted arrows are used to represent the

flow of control signals, dashed arrows for addresses and solid lined arrows are used

to represent the flow of data.

Figure Figure Figure Figure 22222222: Conventions on the arrows used in block diagrams: Conventions on the arrows used in block diagrams: Conventions on the arrows used in block diagrams: Conventions on the arrows used in block diagrams

Furthermore, light blue vertical bars are used to indicate register levels or clocked

processes. Spike forwardingSpike forwardingSpike forwardingSpike forwarding

The forwarding module is the simplest out of all the four major functional modules.

As specified in the previous chapter, it ‘only’ has to forward valid pre-synaptic spikes

if the synapse it was addressed to has high efficacy, or if it is being sent to the

teacher synapse. The basic structure of the learning module is shown in Figure 23.

The outputs are generated in a very simple way. The target neuron address is simply

forwarded directly from the incoming neuron address, while the target address valid

signal is a simple chain of logic operations. Note that the target address valid signal is

dependent on the negation of the address_pre_post signal, since a pre-synaptic

input spike is represented by a ‘0’.

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Figure Figure Figure Figure 23232323: Spike forwarding module block diagram: Spike forwarding module block diagram: Spike forwarding module block diagram: Spike forwarding module block diagram

The teacher synapse is defined to be the 0th synapse of every neuron, i.e. if the

synapse address’ bottom (depending on how wide the neuron address width is) bits

are zero, then it is sent to the teacher synapse, and should be forwarded regardless of

the synaptic efficacy.

Due to its simplicity, the forwarding module only requires one clock cycle to perform

the processing. Learning rule (STADP)Learning rule (STADP)Learning rule (STADP)Learning rule (STADP)

The learning rule module is much more complex, as shown in Figure 24. It contains

some logic, several registers, a look-up table implemented by a 256x36bit single port

ROM, a 256x36bit single port memory block RAM, a 36bit timer with 11.1ns

resolution and an 8bit pRNG. In order to understand it, it is best to work from the

outputs backwards, and considering separately what happens on a pre- and on a post-

synaptic synapse address (spike).

There are three output signals: the cascade synapse address, the plasticity signal and

the plasticity valid signal, which need to be considered first.

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The cascade synapse address is simply a forwarded version of the input synapse


The plasticity signal, i.e. whether a synapse should be depressed or potentiated,

depends on the activity of the postsynaptic neuron. As mentioned earlier, this is

implemented by drawing pseudo-random exponentially distributed expiry times for

the post-synaptic neuron, at which it becomes inactive, and comparing this expiry

time to the current time is all it needs to elicit the right plasticity signal. So, if the

current time, i.e. the output of the timer, is greater than the post-synaptic neuron’s

expiry time which is given by the output of the expiry time memory, i.e. it has already

expired, then a depression signal is produced (plasticity_dep_pot is reset to ‘0’).

If the current time is less than or equal to the expiry time, then the neuron has not yet

expired but is still active, and a potentiation signal is produced (plasticity_dep_pot

is reset to ‘1’).

The plasticity valid signal is only valid, if the incoming spike is valid and pre-synaptic.

Furthermore, since plasticity signals are only elicited with a probability p(plasticity),

the plasticity valid signal is further only valid, if an 8bit pRN is above the plasticity

threshold pre_threshold.

That is really all there is to the generation of plasticity signals, i.e. that is all that

happens on arrival of a pre-synaptic spike. The rest of the STADP learning rule

module is concerned with handling post-synaptic spikes and setting pseudo-random

exponentially distributed expiry times.

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Figure Figure Figure Figure 24242424: STADP learning rule block diagram: STADP learning rule block diagram: STADP learning rule block diagram: STADP learning rule block diagram

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Integral to determining the state of activity of the post-synaptic neuron are the

delta_t_LUT ROM and the activity expiry times RAM. The former contains pre-

loaded exponentially distributed time intervals, after which the post-synaptic neuron

expires, while the latter contains the absolute times, at which the post-synaptic

neuron expires. The pRNG permanently generates pseudo-random numbers between

0 and 255, which are also the address input to the ROM, thus pseudo-randomly

reading the content of the ROM. This has the effect of drawing an exponentially

distributed new expiry time, after the output of the ROM is added to the current time

output of the timer. Thus, on every clock cycle, there is one exponentially distributed

expiry time available at the input to the RAM, which will be written to memory upon

arrival of a valid post-synaptic spike, into the location specified by the post-synaptic

neuron address (the top few bits of the synapse address). All times are represented in

units of clock cycles.

The reason behind choosing an 8bit pRN, 256 entries deep delta_t_LUT or the 256

entries deep activity expiry time memory is again historic, and has to do with

the fact that the SPU was initially designed to interact with a neuron chip with 256

I&F neurons.

Figure Figure Figure Figure 25252525: Initialisation of delta_t look: Initialisation of delta_t look: Initialisation of delta_t look: Initialisation of delta_t look----up table.up table.up table.up table.

This LUT contains exponentially distributed delta(t)s with mean 20ms. The distribution is sampled at 256 points and the data is stored in random positions within the ROM

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The content of the delat_t_LUT table is initialised with a coefficient file generated

using a Matlab script5, and is such that a neuron firing at the mean firing rate fm,

would on average draw expiry times of 1/fm, as required. The content of the

coefficient file, and thus the content the LUT is initialised with, is in units of clock

cycles. Figure 25 shows an example of an initialization of the look-up table.

The processing of plasticity signals takes two clock cycles in total due to this

module’s two-stage pipelined architecture. Cascade synapseCascade synapseCascade synapseCascade synapse

Before examining the architecture of the cascade synapse module, it is helpful to

have another look at the process by which the cascade synapse should respond to

plasticity signals, i.e. how the cascade should be processed. A conceptual flow

diagram is shown in Figure 26.

Figure Figure Figure Figure 26262626: Flow diagram of the cascade synapse's state update rule: Flow diagram of the cascade synapse's state update rule: Flow diagram of the cascade synapse's state update rule: Flow diagram of the cascade synapse's state update rule

1. Since the cascade synapses are stochastic, some of the incoming plasticity

events do not actually require any processing to be done on the synapse at all,

i.e. the synapse does not undergo any plasticity. The probability of undergoing

5 To generate a new coefficient file that the delta_t_LUT is initialized with, use coe.m

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plasticity is given by the synapse’s current plasticity probability, represented

by an unsigned binary number from the cascade representation. So in order to

determine whether a synapse should be modified at all, this plasticity

probability is compared to a uniform pRN. If it is greater or equal, then it

should undergo plasticity, and do nothing otherwise. This, i.e. deciding

whether anything should be done to the synapse, is the first important step in

the processing of the cascade.

2. If the synapse does respond to the plasticity signals it receives (i.e. its

plasticity probability is larger than a pRN), then it has two choices: either

chain, or switch. This is dependent on the current efficacy and the ‘direction’

of the plasticity signal, i.e. whether it is a potentiation or a depression

command. If the current efficacy and the direction of plasticity agree, i.e. if a

depressed synapse receives a depress signal, or if a potentiated synapse

receives a potentiate signal, then the synapse should chain, and it should

switch otherwise.

3. The chaining process simply requires the cascade to reduce its plasticity, by

shifting it by one bit towards the LSB, thereby halving the plasticity

probability. The efficacy remains unchanged.

4. The switching process is similarly simple, since all that needs to be done to

the cascade representation is to invert the efficacy and to reset the plasticity

probability to the highest value, i.e. to ‘1..1’.

As outlined here, the actual processing of the cascade synapses is not very complex,

but can be done with simple logic operations. Again, implementing the cascade

synapse into digital hardware is nearly ideal.

The architecture of the cascade synapse module is shown in Figure 27. It contains

two pipeline register levels, one pRNG of width cascade_width – 1 and the state

update logic which implements the processing steps described above.

The cascade address out and the new state valid signals which feed into the cascade

memory are not actually modified at all by the cascade synapse process. They are

passed straight through the module, crossing two pipeline register stages.

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What the cascade synapse is acting on are the (current) cascade synapse state as well

as the plasticity signal, in a fashion described above. During the first stage, a

comparator determines whether any changes to the cascade state need to be done at

all, and during the second stage, the appropriate modifications to the current cascade

synapse state are made, and output to the new state.

Figure Figure Figure Figure 27272727: : : : Cascade module block diagramCascade module block diagramCascade module block diagramCascade module block diagram

The processing of the cascade representations takes two clock cycles in total due to

its two-stage processing and pipelined architecture. Cascade memoryCascade memoryCascade memoryCascade memory

The cascade memory module is more than just a simple block of memory. It contains

a 8192x6bit dual port RAM block, a multiplexer and a comparator, to perform

memory read-write collision avoidance.

Conceptually, the cascade memory needs to read a current cascade state from

memory, and at the same time, write a ‘new’ cascade state back into memory, hence

the dual port functionality of the memory. In particular one port is used as dedicated

write port, the other one as dedicated read port. However, as is commonly the case

with dual port memory, there exists the danger that both ports attempt to read or

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write to the same memory location at the same time, which would lead to unknown

or unstable outputs.

Therefore, in order to avoid memory access collisions, the cascade memory contains a

comparator which checks, whether a collision is about to happen (i.e. whether both

read and write address are the same). In case of a collision, priority is given to the

write port, as the read port gets disabled. Then, the output of the memory’s write port

(which is actually valid) is selected as output, as the memory operates in

WRITE_FIRST mode [32]. That way, data is still written to memory and the same

data is also produced at the output. If there is no collision, the output is by default

selected to be the output of the read port.

Figure Figure Figure Figure 28282828: : : : Cascade memory block diagramCascade memory block diagramCascade memory block diagramCascade memory block diagram

The content of the memory is initialised using a coefficient file generated by another

short Matlab script6. This initialises the cascade memory to contain pseudo-random

states uniformly distributed across all of its cascades.

Due to the collision avoidance mechanism, the cascade memory module also requires

2 clock cycles to read data and produce it at its output correctly. Nevertheless, this

6 To generate a coefficient file to initialize the cascade memory, the script state_init.m was used.

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memory is fully pipelined and can process new read or write commands at every

clock cycle. Signal selectorSignal selectorSignal selectorSignal selector

The four modules described above are the core modules internal to the SPU, however

there is one other important module, the signal selector, which sits at the interface

between SPU and the FPGA board’s specific hardware (such as USB or AER

components). The purpose of the signal selector is primarily to interface the SPU with

spikes coming form the pre- and post-synaptic inputs, annotating them as pre- or

post-synaptic. In the case that both inputs have valid data available, the signal

selector selects the signals in an alternating fashion. Figure 29 shows the selector,

which interfaces with pre-synaptic USB (fx2) and feedback AER FIFOs.

Figure Figure Figure Figure 29292929: Input source selector: Input source selector: Input source selector: Input source selector block diagram block diagram block diagram block diagram

The selector requires one clock cycle to produce the data, which it feeds directly into

the SPU. System integrationSystem integrationSystem integrationSystem integration

The individual modules that are at the core of the SPU have been described above;

this section explains more specifically how they integrate to make up the SPU.

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Since all modules are fully pipelined and can process events at every clock cycle,

extra care has to be taken to ensure that the right data is at the right place at the right


Conveniently, most of the modules take 2 clock cycles to process data, so little

synchronisation has to be done. The forwarding process, however, which receives

input both from the source selector and the cascade memory, has to be conditioned.

Specifically, the address and valid signals to the forwarding process have to be

delayed such that they arrive at the same time as the target synapse efficacy, namely

two clock cycles later. Figure 30 depicts a more detailed block diagram of the SPU,

including a two clock cycle delay to synchronise the forwarding module (process).

The numbers just next to modules indicate the clock cycle that the data arrives at that


Figure Figure Figure Figure 30303030:::: Pipelined SPU block diagram Pipelined SPU block diagram Pipelined SPU block diagram Pipelined SPU block diagram

The SPU interacts with the outside world through the ports provided by the FPGA

board, namely the USB and AER ports. Each of these ports is connected to a FIFO

(either at its input or its output) acting as a buffer. If the AER output FIFO is nearly

full (this is unlikely to happen in practice), it sets a global busy signal high, which in

turn forces the SPU internal module’s clock enable signals low, thereby practically

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freezing any processing that is happening within the SPU, until the FIFO has freed up

some space again by sending data out the AER output.

The pipeline of the SPU is depicted more explicitly in Figure 31, which shows with

what causalities and dependencies data flows through the SPU. Data from the signal

selector arrives at the first delay buffer, the cascade memory and the learning rule at

the same time. Two clock cycles later, data, a cascade state as well as plasticity

signals arrive at the forwarding module and the cascade synapse respectively. Valid

pre-synaptic data is forwarded to the AER output FIFO on the next clock edge, and

one clock cycle later, a new cascade state is ready to be written back into memory.

FigurFigurFigurFigure e e e 31313131: : : : Pipelined dataflow through the SPUPipelined dataflow through the SPUPipelined dataflow through the SPUPipelined dataflow through the SPU Integration into the FPGA boardIntegration into the FPGA boardIntegration into the FPGA boardIntegration into the FPGA board

The FPGA board offers a full set of I/O interfaces that the SPU makes use of, and the

following provides a more detailed description of the precise integration of the SPU

into the FPGA board. Figure 32 illustrates the interfaces the SPU is making use of,

and their associated entities.

Spike Forwarding

Cascade Memory

Cascade Synapse

1111 2222 3333 4444 5555 0000 6666

DataDataDataData Signal Selector







Delay Buffer 1

Delay Buffer 2

Learning Rule


AER outAER outAER outAER out


StateStateStateState NStatNStatNStatNStat

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Figure Figure Figure Figure 32323232: Block diagram of the integration of the SPU within the FPGA bo: Block diagram of the integration of the SPU within the FPGA bo: Block diagram of the integration of the SPU within the FPGA bo: Block diagram of the integration of the SPU within the FPGA boardardardard

Note: all FIFOs need ‘First Word Fall Through’ property

Pre-synaptic data enters the FPGA board through the USB port, and is handled by the

fx2if (USB interface) and then buffered into the fx2 FIFO. The pre-synaptic stimulus

data sent to the USB port consists of address and inter-spike interval pairs. In order to

handle this, the FPGA board features a sequencer which holds back the address (i.e.

part of the data) for a duration given by the inter-spike interval, before passing it on

to the input selector (blue arrow in Figure 32).

From there on, data (addresses) enters the SPU and leaves it again after a few clock

cycles, going though the synapse selector (if it is used), an output FIFO as buffer,

through the AER out interface module and through the AER out port into one of the

static DPI synapses on an aVLSI neuron chip (green arrow in Figure 32) (the synapse

selector module works quite similar to the signal selector, but the other way round: it

forwards spikes to one of the two static DPI synapses on an aVLSI neuron chip, in an

alternating fashion, so as to avoid overloading one single synapse on a neuron with

too many spikes. Whether or not it is used depends on the application, it is

appropriate to use it of a lot of synapses are connecting to one post-synaptic neuron,

as was the case in the classification task described later).

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When a post-synaptic spike elicits an address event, it is communicated back over the

feedback AER in bus to the port, through the AER in interface module to a FIFO

acting as a buffer, via the signal selector back into the SPU (where it would be

processed by the STADP module). On clocksOn clocksOn clocksOn clocks

As mentioned in the feature summary, the SPU is clocked at 90MHz internally. This

clock was derived from one of the FPGA’s internal Digital Clock Multipliers (DCM),

which conditioned the external 106.125MHz clock to produce the desired 90MHz.

Everything within the FPGA board is running at 90MHz, with one exception: the USB

port is operated at 45MHz, by halving the 90MHz clock signal. The USB FIFO

(fx2fifo) is thus driven with two different clocks, written at 45MHz and read at


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6666 VerificationVerificationVerificationVerification

‘Genius is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration’ – Thomas Edison

Verification is one of the most daunting but crucial tasks in digital hardware design,

and failure to do so properly can come at great costs both in terms of money, time

and reputation. Rather than reproducing the entire verification work carried out,

which includes testbenches at module and system level, the interested reader is

pointed to the appendices.

Verification plans for module and system level verification, which followed an ad-hoc

testing paradigm, can be found in

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Appendix II – Verification checklists. Appendix III – A journey through the SPU aims

to demonstrate simulation efforts made to verify the correct operation of the SPU. In

particular, it shows a set of example waveforms from testbenches, which follow a

pre- and a post-synaptic spike on a journey through the SPU.

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7777 EvaluationEvaluationEvaluationEvaluation & experimentation & experimentation & experimentation & experimentation

‘What we see depends mainly on what we look for’ – Sir John Lubbock

Previous work, including work by Tobias Kringe, focused on, and verified, the

behaviour and performance of digital hardware implementations of the cascade

synapse, and reproducing this is not an aim of this project. Instead, the focus here lies

on the use of the cascade synapses for learning within a general learning environment.

The following sections describe the evaluation of the SPU which was carried out in

three steps:

• Firstly, the STADP learning rule was characterised again, this time in-

hardware, to further reassure the correct operation of it – especially since

software simulations (Matlab) and hardware implementations can be worlds


• Then, a quick in-circuit verification of the SPU, including the verification of

forwarding and learning, was carried out, to assure that the SPU was


• Finally, the SPU was tested in a general learning environment, and, coupled

with an aVLSI neuron chip, was used for a real classification task. InInInIn----hardware chardware chardware chardware characterisation of STADPharacterisation of STADPharacterisation of STADPharacterisation of STADP

The Matlab simulation of STADP presented earlier verified, qualitatively, that this

learning rule has the expected properties. However, it is worthwhile to go one step

further and perform yet another characterisation of STADP, but this time in hardware.

This in-hardware characterisation was carried out using a behavioural model

simulation of the learning module in ModelSim (an in-circuit verification is

conceivable, but inconvenient since there would be no access to internal signals of

the FPGA, and it would take a lot of manual labour to actually carry out the large

amount of measurements required).

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In order to reproduce the simulation results of Figure 16, a slightly more elaborate

VHDL testbench7 and additional Matlab functions were required. The testbench

simulates the STADP module connected to the sequencer and timestamp modules so

that stimuli could be sent to it in the ‘normal’ fashion. It is using Matlab generated

stimulus inputs8 read from several binary files, and logs STADP plasticity outputs to

several binary output files, which are then analysed in Matlab9 to obtain the results

required to reproduce the plots for characterisation.

Any meaningful in-hardware characterisation of STADP necessitates the collection

and analysis of a large amount of output data to pre- and post-synaptic stimuli, since

STADP is stochastic, which in turn cover a large range of pre- and post-synaptic

frequency pairs (10:5:100Hz for both pre- and post-synaptic frequencies, i.e. nearly

400 data points). However, this would amount to several minutes’ worth of input

spike trains (pre- and post-synaptic), which would take months to simulate on a

normal desktop PC in ModelSim.

This is mainly because ModelSim is a synthesis tool which does not simulate in real

time, but is most comfortable simulating in simulation time units in regimes of micro

to pico seconds. Then, the simulation of one clock cycle in real time (e.g. with a

90MHz clock, 11.1ns) can take several iterations in simulation time. Simulating one

second worth of a 90MHz clock would thus take at least 90million iterations in

simulation time, and simulating several minutes worth of input stimuli would become

a task of ridiculously high computational complexity (for a standard desktop PC). An

important point to note is, that most of this time, the STADP module would not even

produce any outputs, since stimuli, i.e. spikes, are being held back by the sequencer

for most of the time.

7 Elaborate VHDL testbench using file I/O to read stimuli from binary file, and write outputs to binary

files: Class_tb.vhd

8 To generate the binary stimuli files: generatePostCharacterisationStimuliFile.m,


9 To analyse the log of the binary output files: characterisePActivePost.m,


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In order to get around this problem, the in-hardware simulation of the STADP

module was carried out at an imaginary ‘internal clock frequency’ of 5kHz instead of

90MHz. This means that the delta_t_LUT within the STADP module, which

previously (and in the actual hardware running on the SPU) contained exponentially

distributed expiry intervals in units of 11.1ns (1 clock cycle at 90MHz), now contains

the same exponentially distributed expiry intervals, but in units of 0.2ms (1 clock

cycle at 5kHz). Similarly, the inter-spike intervals of the input stimuli are in units of

0.2ms now, while they were in units of 11.1ns previously.

Figure Figure Figure Figure 33333333: Comparison of : Comparison of : Comparison of : Comparison of delta_t_delta_t_delta_t_delta_t_LUT content for 5kHz anLUT content for 5kHz anLUT content for 5kHz anLUT content for 5kHz and 90MHz.d 90MHz.d 90MHz.d 90MHz.

Using an imaginary clock frequency of 5kHz, the content of the delta_t_LUT is much coarser. This can be thought of as sampling the curve of the exponential distribution at a lower frequency.

The bottom line of this is that the inter-spike intervals are smaller, in terms of clock

cycles, which means that the sequencer waits fewer clock cycles before releasing a

stimulus. Overall, this reduces simulation time to a manageable load. The drawback

of this approach is the more coarse exponential distribution of expiry times that is

loaded into the delta_t_LUT, which can be thought of as being sampled at a lower

sampling rate, as depicted in Figure 33. However, this is a necessary evil that still

enables a meaningful in-hardware characterisation of the operation of the STADP


Lengthy simulation yields the results shown in Figure 34. On first glance, they appear

to resemble the simulation results of Figure 16. And indeed, the qualitative behaviour

is satisficing. The p(active) is approximately 0.5 at a post-synaptic frequency of 50Hz,

increases for higher frequencies, and decreases for lower frequencies. The large

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amount of ‘noise’ observed is attributed mainly to the coarse sampling of the

distribution curve, as mentioned above, and to stochasticity of the underlying poisson

spike train stimuli. Also, the plasticity rate increases with pre-synaptic frequency for

both potentiation and depression, which also show the correct behaviour,

qualitatively. The net effect of LTP and LTD is also within the expected range, and

also shows a bias towards depression, which is possibly more pronounced than in

Figure 16. This effect can also, in parts, be attributed to the coarse sampling of the

distribution, which results in this p(active) curve being slightly lower than expected,

and therefore ‘even less symmetric’ than in the previous simulation, making

potentiation less likely and pronouncing the reluctance towards potentiation. Another

cause for this is that at this ‘slow’ clock speed, individual delays within the hardware,

it takes an input spike 2 clock cycles before it gets processed by STADP, have a much

greater effect on the absolute perceived timing of the spike by the learning rule.

Initial simulations using an even lower imaginary clock frequency of 1kHz had an

even more noisy p(active) curve (results not shown here), supporting the

extrapolation, that the actual hardware running at 90MHz, sampling the exponential

distribution curve at a sufficiently high frequency, can be expected to behave far

more closely to the simulation results presented in Figure 16.

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Figure Figure Figure Figure 34343434: Simulated hardware : Simulated hardware : Simulated hardware : Simulated hardware behaviourbehaviourbehaviourbehaviour of of of of STADP STADP STADP STADP at 5kHz at 5kHz at 5kHz at 5kHz simulation clock frequency simulation clock frequency simulation clock frequency simulation clock frequency....

Left column: rate of potentiation and depression events per second, over a range of pre- and post-synaptic frequencies [1:100Hz] (ignore the axis labels). Right column: Net effect of STADP and probability of the postsynaptic neuron being in active state per unit time, together with expected

result, over a range of frequencies [1:100Hz]

In summary, it can be concluded that the hardware implementation of STADP does

indeed have the right characteristics, and that there is reason to believe that although

the in-hardware simulation result at 5kHz is less ideal, the actual hardware running at

90kHz behaves more like the expected simulation model. Modifications for the eModifications for the eModifications for the eModifications for the experimental Setupxperimental Setupxperimental Setupxperimental Setup

This section outlines some important modifications made to the SPU that was specific

to the experimental hardware used and the experiments conducted. These

modifications to the SPU are not generally applicable.

The experimental hardware used, namely the FPGA board, had one unexpected

shortcoming: the AER in port, i.e. the post-synaptic feedback connection, suffered

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from timing inaccuracies on the data bus. While the control signals, request and

acknowledge, worked as desired, indicating address events correctly, the actual data,

i.e. the address representation, was being read by the AER module before the data

bus could settle, thereby essentially producing random AER data inputs. This is a

hardware bug that has to be solved, however that would go beyond the scope of this

project. Instead, the address of the post-synaptic neuron was hardwired into the SPU.

This was only possible since experiments conducted only made use of a single post-

synaptic silicon neuron.

Section 5.5 Integration into the FPGA board briefly mentioned the so called synapse

selector. This module was implemented in order to be able to conduct the

experiments (as will be described later) which only made use of one single post-

synaptic silicon neuron, with a large number of pre-synaptic inputs, 256 to be precise.

The DPI synapses are designed to operate in biologically plausible regimes, receiving

pre-synaptic inputs of up to, say, 100-200Hz, although typical firing rates are around

50Hz. The classification experiment (which will be described in a later section)

however required those 256 pre-synaptic inputs, operating at expected firing rates of

up to about 50Hz each, to stimulate the same post-synaptic neuron. This ~13kHz

input would have overwhelmed the input bandwidth of the single DPI synapse –

through which all pre-synaptic activity is routed to the post-synaptic neuron – which

was observed to saturate at a pre-synaptic firing rate of about 12kHz. Luckily, the

aVLSI neuron chip featured two identical static DPI synapses per I&F neuron, so that

the pre-synaptic load could be shared between both.

The task of the synapse selector was to make sure that spikes were sent to both DPI

synapses in an alternating fashion, by toggling one address bit in the output address.

Measurements of this are given in the Circuit calibration section.

Finally, the SPU’s output is a neuron address identifying the post-synaptic neuron

from within all the neurons on the neuron chip. However, the neuron chip allows for

addressing of individual synapses on the chip (which makes sense, and in fact, the

SPU’s addressing scheme is also based on uniquely identifying synapses). Each

neuron has several synapses, including some with rich dynamics and local learning

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rules, which were not used, while the two excitatory static DPI synapses where used.

Therefore, the missing synapse identifier also has to be hardwired into the SPU. In

particular, this required hard wiring the bottom 5bits of the AER out address to

always send spikes through the static DPI synapses (in fact, the 2nd bit was not static,

but toggled by the synapse selector). Circuit calibrationCircuit calibrationCircuit calibrationCircuit calibration

(In the following paragraphs, whenever a stimulus is presented or sent to the SPU, it

refers to sending a text file with address and inter-spike interval timestamp generated

by the spiking neuron toolbox for matlab, using the linux script aexstim developed by

Giacomo Indiveri)

Before the SPU can be operated together with an aVLSI neuron chip to form a neural

system, they need to be calibrated to obtain the desired behaviour.

For the experiments that are to be carried out, the system should be calibrated for one

single post-synaptic neuron receiving 256 different pre-synaptic inputs. One way of

looking at this system is to consider the post-synaptic neuron to be performing a

mapping of the total pre-synaptic input frequency, i.e. the firing rate at the input to

the DPI synapse which is equal to the sum of all individual pre-synaptic firing rates, to

a post-synaptic output frequency. Since the total input frequency is high, the synaptic

weight of the DPI synapse has to be reduced to a level where this mapping is linear,

and does not drive the post-synaptic neuron at too high frequencies, or into saturation.

In particular, a mapping of approximately [0, 12.8kHz] total pre-synaptic frequency to

[0, 100Hz] post-synaptic frequency is required.

In order to achieve this calibration, two DPI synapse parameters, the weight w and

the time constant tau, were adjusted. Then, using pre-synaptic inputs of known

constant frequency to drive the post-synaptic neuron, an input-output relationship

could be established, and w and tau could be tweaked experimentally. Figure 35

shows the final frequency response of the neural system, with parameter values w ~=

0.43V and tau ~= 2.79V. It has a nice linear region for a wide range of pre-synaptic

stimulus frequencies before it starts to saturate, thanks to the synapse selector

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mechanism. Figure 36 shows an oscilloscope screenshot where the system is running

at the equilibrium point, at which the post-synaptic neuron fires at mean frequency


Figure Figure Figure Figure 35353535: Frequency response of the neural system. : Frequency response of the neural system. : Frequency response of the neural system. : Frequency response of the neural system.

Linear post-synaptic frequency response to a wide range of pre-synaptic stimuli frequencies. DPI synaptic weight and time constant parameters are w ~= 0.43V and tau ~= 2.79V.

Figure Figure Figure Figure 36363636: Oscilloscope screenshot of post: Oscilloscope screenshot of post: Oscilloscope screenshot of post: Oscilloscope screenshot of post----synaptic mesynaptic mesynaptic mesynaptic membrane potential: mbrane potential: mbrane potential: mbrane potential:

A regular teacher signal driving the post-synaptic neuron at ~50Hz. The top signal is the membrane potential of the post-synaptic neuron, the bottom signal is the teacher signal driving it, running at


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Using this system calibration10, the desired experiments can be carried out. InInInIn----circuit verificationcircuit verificationcircuit verificationcircuit verification11111111

Before diving into a more elaborate classification experiment using the SPU, it is

worthwhile to perform a final set of in-circuit verification tasks. Firstly, some general

tests were done to verify basic operation, before more elaborate in-circuit verification

tasks were carried out, namely verification of Forwarding, Potentiation and


In summary, it was concluded that the basic operation of the SPU behaves as

expected. The other in-circuit verification experiments are described below.

In the following paragraphs, the term ‘teacher signal’ is used to refer to a teacher

stimulus that drives the post-synaptic neuron at the specified frequency, e.g. a 25Hz

teacher signal is a signal that drives the post-synaptic neuron at a frequency of 25Hz.

For most experiments, the on-chip current injection function on the aVLSI neuron

chip was used as teacher signal, rather than an actual pre-synaptic input to the

teacher synapse, because it is more convenient, and does not require the generation

of a multitude of different teacher stimulus files. Forwarding Forwarding Forwarding Forwarding

The correct operation of the forwarding mechanism was already partly verified during

the calibration, as regular teacher signals were used to obtain the frequency response.

However, there is more to forwarding, and the following functionalities were verified:

• Does the SPU forward teacher signals correctly? (already verified during


o Output frequency should correspond to the specified input frequency

o Verified by forwarding spikes of regular ISI, and observing the output


10 Stored in Matlab script bias_050607.m

11 Videos of in circuit verification (depression and potentiation) available on YouTube. Search terms:

SPU, stadp, cascade, synapse, plasticity

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• Does it stop spikes to depressed synapses?

o Initialise all synapses to a depressed state

o Send spikes to depressed synapses

o There should be no output spikes

• Does it forward spikes to potentiated synapses?

o Initialise all synapses to a potentiated state

o Send spikes to potentiated synapses

o There should be output spikes at the input spike rate

The ability to correctly forward spikes was verified using tests described above. An

example poisson input spike train used to verify forwarding is shown in Figure 37

and a screenshot from the oscilloscope showing an example post-synaptic response to

such a spike train is shown in Figure 38.

Figure Figure Figure Figure 37373737: Example of a coherent 30Hz poisson spike train to all 256 synapses. : Example of a coherent 30Hz poisson spike train to all 256 synapses. : Example of a coherent 30Hz poisson spike train to all 256 synapses. : Example of a coherent 30Hz poisson spike train to all 256 synapses.

Black dots represent a spike at the time of its occurrence. All spike trains have the same average spike rate.

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Figure Figure Figure Figure 38383838: Oscilloscope screenshot of post: Oscilloscope screenshot of post: Oscilloscope screenshot of post: Oscilloscope screenshot of post----synaptic membrane potential: synaptic membrane potential: synaptic membrane potential: synaptic membrane potential:

a poisson stimulus driving the post-synaptic neuron at ~30Hz, clearly showing the contributions to the membrane potential by individual incoming pre-synaptic spikes. PotentiationPotentiationPotentiationPotentiation

In order to verify the ability of the synapses to become potentiated, a range of

different stimuli lasting 1s were applied to the SPU repeatedly, while a teacher signal

was applied at the same time. The teaching time, i.e. the number of trials of 1s

showings, required to drive the post-synaptic frequency above the mean firing rate of

50Hz was recorded as output, over four sets of trials. Every time a new set of

measurements was taken, the SPU was first power cycled to re-initialise the cascade

states to all depressed.

Figure 39 shows a plot of the teaching times against several input stimuli, for two

different teacher signal strengths. The errorbar plot (and all other following errorbar

plots in this report) shows mean and standard deviation of the dataset measured.

Clearly, the synapses are able to potentiate so long as the teacher signal is strong

enough. As the average pre-synaptic frequency increases, so does the effectiveness of

teaching, since the time required to drive the post-synaptic neuron into active state,

i.e. above 50Hz, decreases. However, it should be noted, that the strength of the

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teacher signal is more critical to the success of potentiation than the pre-synaptic

firing rate itself.

Figure Figure Figure Figure 39393939: In: In: In: In----circuit verification of potentiation. circuit verification of potentiation. circuit verification of potentiation. circuit verification of potentiation.

The system is indeed plastic, and synapses potentiate stochastically depending on the strength of the teacher signal and the pre-synaptic firing rate. Note that it was not possible to drive the post-synaptic

neuron above 50Hz with a teacher signal of 11Hz. DepressionDepressionDepressionDepression

In order to verify the synapses ability to become depressed, a range of different

stimuli lasting 1s were applied to the SPU repeatedly, without applying a teacher

signal at the same time. The depression time, i.e. the number of trials of 1s showings,

required before the post-synaptic frequency decreases to zero was recorded as output,

over three sets of trials. Every time a new set of measurements was taken, the SPU

was first power cycled to re-initialise the cascade states to all potentiated.

Figure 40 shows a plot of the depression times against several input stimuli. The

errorbar plot shows mean and standard deviation of the dataset measured. Indeed,

the synapses are able to get depressed, and the higher the stimulus frequency is, the

more slowly the depression process is, or the longer it takes to fully depress the


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FFFFigure igure igure igure 40404040: In: In: In: In----circircircircuit verification of depressioncuit verification of depressioncuit verification of depressioncuit verification of depression. . . .

The system is indeed plastic, and synapses depress stochastically depending on the pre-synaptic firing rate

Figure 41 shows an oscilloscope screenshot capturing the depression of more and

more synapses indirectly. This can be seen by the decreasing firing rate of the post-

synaptic neuron, which eventually dies off and stops firing completely.

The depression of synapses, and in fact the potentiation of synapses as well, has a

kind of positive feedback effect built in that stems from STADP. As more and more

synapses get depressed (potentiated), the post-synaptic neuron is driven by ever

fewer (ever more) pre-synaptic inputs, thereby further reducing (increasing) post-

synaptic activity, leading to more depression (potentiation) events.

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Figure Figure Figure Figure 41414141: Oscilloscope screenshot of : Oscilloscope screenshot of : Oscilloscope screenshot of : Oscilloscope screenshot of decreasing decreasing decreasing decreasing postpostpostpost----synaptic synaptic synaptic synaptic firing ratefiring ratefiring ratefiring rate::::

The post-synaptic frequency (upper waveform) decreases as more and more of the initially all-potentiated synapses get depressed. This is due to the pre-synaptic stimulus (lower waveform), which

is too low to drive the post-synaptic neuron into active state (>50Hz), thereby causing mostly depression events. A real classificationA real classificationA real classificationA real classification task task task task

Having performed in-circuit verification of the SPUs principal functions, it is ready to

be used in a real classification task.

The task at hand is an image classification task, whereby a neuron with its cascade

synapses is supposed to learn to classify two images (it is understood that it is the

synapses that actually perform the learning, but it is the neural system as a whole,

which is learning to classify). In particular, by teaching one image, and not teaching

the other one, it is supposed to learn to respond to the taught image by being ‘active’,

and to give out no or only a weak response to the other image, after it has been

taught for a certain amount of time. From image to preFrom image to preFrom image to preFrom image to pre----synaptic synaptic synaptic synaptic stimulistimulistimulistimuli

Here, the image is a 16x16 pixel greyscale bitmap image, where each pixel represents

a pre-synaptic neuron firing at a rate that is given by its pixel colour. Thus, output

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neuron used for the classification task sources from 256 pre-synaptic inputs, and

produces one post-synaptic output.

In order to stay within biologically plausible regimes of operation, the greyscale

pixels, which have values that vary between 0 (black) and 255 (white), encode mean

firing rates between 0 and 100Hz. Two pictures, one of Dylan Muir and another one

of Anthony Hsiao, were used, scaled down to a size of 16x16 and converted to

greyscale. Then the two greyscale images were modified to have the same ‘average

colour’ and therefore encode the same average pre-synaptic frequency, as well as

having the same ‘total colour’, or intensity, (the sum of all pixel values) to ensure that

they encode the same total pre-synaptic frequency at the input of the DPI synapse. In

particular, the average colour of the two images is ‘grey’, a value of about 123 (out

of 255), which translates into an average encoded mean firing rate just less than

50Hz per pre-synaptic input, or a total mean firing rate just less than 12.8kHz at the

input of the DPI synapse. When presented to the (uniformly initialised) SPU, with

approximately half of its synapses occupying depressed states, half occupying

potentiated states, the DPI synapse sees a total initial mean firing rate of just below

6.4kHz, which is just below the activity threshold of the post-synaptic neuron (see

frequency response, Figure 35). The picture-to-stimulus conversion process is

depicted in Figure 42.

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Figure Figure Figure Figure 42424242: : : : Using pictures as preUsing pictures as preUsing pictures as preUsing pictures as pre----synaptic stimuli. synaptic stimuli. synaptic stimuli. synaptic stimuli.

From left to right (applies to both rows): Original picture, converted 16x16 pixel greyscale image normalized to have the same total intensity, mapped firing rates ([0:100]Hz) as encoded by greyscale

pixel value. Pictures of Anthony Hsiao and Dylan Muir.

The mean firing rates obtained are then converted into 256 poisson spike trains, as

shown in Figure 43. These are the stimuli with which the classification task is carried

out. For a human, the original images look very different, but even when converted

into spike train stimuli, the pictures show distinct patterns that the synapses are

hoped to be able to learn, enabling the neuron to classify these two images.

Figure Figure Figure Figure 43434343: Spike trains derived from 16x16 pixel : Spike trains derived from 16x16 pixel : Spike trains derived from 16x16 pixel : Spike trains derived from 16x16 pixel greyscalegreyscalegreyscalegreyscale images of Anthony and Dylan images of Anthony and Dylan images of Anthony and Dylan images of Anthony and Dylan. . . .

Firing rates vary between 0Hz and 100Hz.

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7-83 Teaching Teaching Teaching Teaching methodsmethodsmethodsmethods

During teaching, the two images (read: the two stimuli derived from the images) are

presented to the system in an alternating fashion, for a given period of time, e.g. 1s

each, for several trials. The image that is to be learned is presented together with a

strong teacher signal, as depicted in the first row of Figure 44, while the other picture

is presented without teacher signal (not shown). During this process, the learning rule

provides for changes in synaptic efficacy, creating a synaptic efficacy mask (column 4

in Figure 44). While in the learning phase, the synapses undergo plasticity, and

ideally learn to assume, and keep, efficacies that allow for a classification of the two

images, i.e. driving the post-synaptic neuron active for the taught image (second row

in Figure 44), and keeping the post-synaptic neuron inactive for the other image

(third row in Figure 44).

Two different teaching methods are used and compared, ‘normal’ teaching and

‘bottom-up teaching’. Both teaching methods are used in the same way as explained

above, however normal teaching starts off with a uniform initialisation of the states

of the cascade synapses, whereas bottom-up teaching starts off with a uniform

initialisation of only depressed synapses.

In order to decide whether or not the neuron is able to classify the two images (for

both teaching methods used), a right sided Student’s t-test for statistical significance

was applied on the difference of the two post-synaptic responses (response to the

taught image [Hz] – response to the other image [Hz]), testing the following


• Null hypothesisNull hypothesisNull hypothesisNull hypothesis (H (H (H (H0000)))): the difference in the post-synaptic responses to the

taught and the other image comes from a distribution with mean zero (i.e.

there is no difference in the post-synaptic frequencies in response to the

taught and the other image)

• Alternative hypothesisAlternative hypothesisAlternative hypothesisAlternative hypothesis (H (H (H (H1111)))): there is indeed a positive difference in the post-

synaptic responses (i.e. the post-synaptic frequency in response to the taught

image is greater than the post-synaptic frequency in response to the other


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The t-tests are evaluated at the 5% level, returning a probability p, which represents

the probability that the underlying process described by the null hypothesis could

have produced the data observed, and a confidence interval CI for the true mean for

H1 at 5%.

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Figure Figure Figure Figure 44444444: : : : ConConConConceptual ceptual ceptual ceptual procedureprocedureprocedureprocedure of a of a of a of a real classification task. real classification task. real classification task. real classification task.

The classification task involves two phases: Teaching and Classification. The top row depicts one part of the teaching phase, during which both the image that is to be learned and the other image are presented to the system in an alternating fashion (the presentation of the other image is not shown

here), in order to ‘teach’ the correct synaptic weights. During the classification phase, depicted in the second and third row, presenting the taught picture should result in a high post-synaptic firing rate,

while presenting the other image should result in a low (if any) post-synaptic firing rate.

The different steps involved in the classification task are represented by images in the different columns: 1. Original images 2. Converted 16x16 pixel greyscale images 3. Pre-synaptic firing rates

([0:100]Hz, [maroon : dark blue]) as mapped from the greyscale pixel value 4. Synaptic mask comprising the binary synapse efficacies 5. Resulting ‘masked’ stimulus at the input of the aVLSI

neuron’s DPI synapse.

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7-86 ResultsResultsResultsResults –––– Normal teaching Normal teaching Normal teaching Normal teaching

Three different experimental parameters were changed during the normal teaching

classification experiments, namely the image taught (Dylan or Anthony), the order in

which the images were presented to the neuron during the learning phase (show the

taught image first or show the other image first) and the strength of the teacher

signal (22Hz or 25Hz).

For each of those eight classification trials, each image was presented for a total of

10s (i.e. showing image A for 1s, then showing image B for 1s, and repeat this

another 9 times), before the actual classification. So after teaching (or not teaching)

the images in an alternating fashion for a total of 10s each, the images were once

again presented to the neuron one after the other, but this time without any teacher

signal. After every presentation (regardless of which image and which trial), the post-

synaptic frequency was measured with an oscilloscope and recorded. This was

repeated N times to get a sets of results.

The following pages show commented plots of the results for the different

classification trials, using normal teaching.

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Figure Figure Figure Figure 45454545: Classification task: Teach Dylan, s: Classification task: Teach Dylan, s: Classification task: Teach Dylan, s: Classification task: Teach Dylan, show Dylan first,how Dylan first,how Dylan first,how Dylan first, at 22Hz. at 22Hz. at 22Hz. at 22Hz.

The two pictures are presented to the neural system in an alternating fashion, for1s each. Last data

point without teacher signal. On final showing, the neuron is (just) unable to classify the two pictures (p = 0.0556), even though the mean post-synaptic firing rate in response to the taught signal is higher.

Figure Figure Figure Figure 46464646: Classification task: Teach Dylan, show Anthony first, at 22Hz.: Classification task: Teach Dylan, show Anthony first, at 22Hz.: Classification task: Teach Dylan, show Anthony first, at 22Hz.: Classification task: Teach Dylan, show Anthony first, at 22Hz.

The two pictures are presented to the neural system in an alternating fashion, for1s each. Last data point without teacher signal. On final showing, the neuron is unable to classify the two pictures (p = 0.2500), even though the mean post-synaptic firing rate in response to the taught signal is higher.

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Figure Figure Figure Figure 47474747: Classification task: T: Classification task: T: Classification task: T: Classification task: Teach Dylan, show Dylan first, at 25Hz.each Dylan, show Dylan first, at 25Hz.each Dylan, show Dylan first, at 25Hz.each Dylan, show Dylan first, at 25Hz.

The two pictures are presented to the neural system in an alternating fashion, for1s each. Last data point without teacher signal. On final showing, the neuron is unable to classify the two pictures (p = 0.1187), even though the mean post-synaptic firing rate in response to the taught signal is higher.

Figure Figure Figure Figure 48484848: Classification task: Teach Dylan, show Anthony first, at 25Hz.: Classification task: Teach Dylan, show Anthony first, at 25Hz.: Classification task: Teach Dylan, show Anthony first, at 25Hz.: Classification task: Teach Dylan, show Anthony first, at 25Hz.

The two pictures are presented to the neural system in an alternating fashion, for1s each. Last data point without teacher signal. On final showing, the neuron is able to classify the two pictures. The difference in post-synaptic frequencies is statistically significant at 5% level with (p = 0.0413, CI =

[2.029, inf]).

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Figure Figure Figure Figure 49494949: Classification task: Teach Anthony, show Anthony first, at 22Hz.: Classification task: Teach Anthony, show Anthony first, at 22Hz.: Classification task: Teach Anthony, show Anthony first, at 22Hz.: Classification task: Teach Anthony, show Anthony first, at 22Hz.

The two pictures are presented to the neural system in an alternating fashion, for1s each. Last data point without teacher signal. On final showing, the neuron is unable to classify the two pictures (p = 0.1872), even though the mean post-synaptic firing rate in response to the taught signal is higher.

Figure Figure Figure Figure 50505050: Classification task: Tea: Classification task: Tea: Classification task: Tea: Classification task: Teacccch Anthony, show Dylan first, at 22Hzh Anthony, show Dylan first, at 22Hzh Anthony, show Dylan first, at 22Hzh Anthony, show Dylan first, at 22Hz....

The two pictures are presented to the neural system in an alternating fashion, for1s each. Last data point without teacher signal. On final showing, the neuron is unable to classify the two pictures.

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Figure Figure Figure Figure 51515151: Classification: Classification: Classification: Classification task: Teach Anthony, show Anthony first, at 25Hz. task: Teach Anthony, show Anthony first, at 25Hz. task: Teach Anthony, show Anthony first, at 25Hz. task: Teach Anthony, show Anthony first, at 25Hz.

The two pictures are presented to the neural system in an alternating fashion, for1s each. Last data point without teacher signal. On final showing, the neuron is unable to classify the two pictures (p = 0.0964), even though the mean post-synaptic firing rate in response to the taught signal is higher.

Figure Figure Figure Figure 52525252: Classification task: Teach Anthony, show Dylan first, at 25Hz.: Classification task: Teach Anthony, show Dylan first, at 25Hz.: Classification task: Teach Anthony, show Dylan first, at 25Hz.: Classification task: Teach Anthony, show Dylan first, at 25Hz.

The two pictures are presented to the neural system in an alternating fashion, for1s each. Last data point without teacher signal. On final showing, the neuron is unable to classify the two pictures (p = 0.3264), even though the mean post-synaptic firing rate in response to the taught signal is higher.

Only one out of the eight classification trials was actually able to classify the two

images successfully (using the given definition of ‘able to classify’), although in all

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trials bar one, the mean post-synaptic frequency in response to the taught image was

higher than the response to the other image. The results for normal teaching are

summarised in Table 2.

Teach DylanTeach DylanTeach DylanTeach Dylan Teach AnthonyTeach AnthonyTeach AnthonyTeach Anthony

Show Show Show Show


Able to Able to Able to Able to


tttt----test test test test


Show Show Show Show


Able to Able to Able to Able to


tttt----test test test test


Dylan � p = 0.0556 Anthony � p = 0.1872



Anthony � p = 0.2500



Dylan � NaN

Dylan � p = 0.1187 Anthony � p = 0.0964



Anthony � p = 0.0413p = 0.0413p = 0.0413p = 0.0413



Dylan � p = 0.3264 Table Table Table Table 2222: Summary of normal teaching results: Summary of normal teaching results: Summary of normal teaching results: Summary of normal teaching results Results Results Results Results ---- BBBBottom upottom upottom upottom up teaching teaching teaching teaching

The experimental procedures for the bottom-up teaching experiments were the same

as for normal teaching (i.e. 10 repetitions of alternating presentation of the images,

repeated N times). However, only two experimental parameters were changed during

the bottom-up teaching classification experiments, namely the image taught (Dylan or

Anthony) and the strength of the teacher signal (50Hz or 70Hz) – since all synapses

are initially depressed in the bottom-up teaching, it would be meaningless to present

the other image without teacher signal first. In addition, one further set of teaching

trials at 50Hz teacher strength, but presenting each image for 2s rather than 1s was


The following pages show commented plots of the results for the six different

classification trials using the bottom-up teaching method.

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Figure Figure Figure Figure 53535353: C: C: C: Classification task: lassification task: lassification task: lassification task: BottomBottomBottomBottom----up tup tup tup teaching Dylan, at 50Hz.eaching Dylan, at 50Hz.eaching Dylan, at 50Hz.eaching Dylan, at 50Hz.

Here, the two pictures are presented to the neural system in an alternating fashion, for 1s each. On final showing, the post-synaptic neuron is able to classify the two pictures. The difference in post-

synaptic frequencies is statistically significant at the 5% level, and indeed, it is significant at the 2.5% level as well (p = 0.0125, CI = [9.350, inf]).

Figure Figure Figure Figure 54545454: C: C: C: Classification task: lassification task: lassification task: lassification task: BottomBottomBottomBottom----up tup tup tup teaching Dylan, at 70Hz.eaching Dylan, at 70Hz.eaching Dylan, at 70Hz.eaching Dylan, at 70Hz.

Here, the two pictures are presented to the neural system in an alternating fashion, for 1s each. On final showing, the post-synaptic neuron is able to classify the two pictures. The difference in post-

synaptic frequencies is statistically significant at the 5% level, and indeed, it is significant at the 2.5% level as well (p = 0.0151, CI = [8.016, inf]).

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Figure Figure Figure Figure 55555555: Classifica: Classifica: Classifica: Classification task: Bottomtion task: Bottomtion task: Bottomtion task: Bottom----up teaching Dylan, for 2s at 50Hzup teaching Dylan, for 2s at 50Hzup teaching Dylan, for 2s at 50Hzup teaching Dylan, for 2s at 50Hz....

Here, the two pictures are presented to the neural system in an alternating fashion, for 2s each. On final showing, the post-synaptic neuron is able to classify the two pictures. The difference in post-

synaptic frequencies is statistically significant at the 5% level, and indeed, it is significant at the 0.5% level as well (p = 0.0049, CI = [2.360, inf]).

Figure Figure Figure Figure 56565656: Classification task: Bottom: Classification task: Bottom: Classification task: Bottom: Classification task: Bottom----up teaching Anthony, at 50Hz.up teaching Anthony, at 50Hz.up teaching Anthony, at 50Hz.up teaching Anthony, at 50Hz.

Here, the two pictures are presented to the neural system in an alternating fashion, for 1s each. On final showing, the post-synaptic neuron is able to classify the two pictures. The difference in post-

synaptic frequencies is statistically significant at the 5% level, and indeed, it is significant at the 2.5% level as well (p = 0.0123, CI = [6.746, inf]).

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Figure Figure Figure Figure 57575757: Classification task: Bottom: Classification task: Bottom: Classification task: Bottom: Classification task: Bottom----up teaching Anthony, at up teaching Anthony, at up teaching Anthony, at up teaching Anthony, at 77770Hz.0Hz.0Hz.0Hz.

Here, the two pictures are presented to the neural system in an alternating fashion, for 1s each. On final showing, the post-synaptic neuron is unable to classify the two pictures (p = 0.0601), even

though the mean post-synaptic firing rate in response to the taught signal is higher.

Figure Figure Figure Figure 58585858: Classification task: Bottom: Classification task: Bottom: Classification task: Bottom: Classification task: Bottom----up teaching Anthony, for 2s at 50Hz.up teaching Anthony, for 2s at 50Hz.up teaching Anthony, for 2s at 50Hz.up teaching Anthony, for 2s at 50Hz.

Here, the two pictures are presented to the neural system in an alternating fashion, for 2s each. On final showing, the post-synaptic neuron is able to classify the two pictures. The difference in post-synaptic frequencies is statistically significant at the 5% level, and indeed, it is significant at the 1%

level as well (p = 0.0072, CI = [9.914, inf]).

All bar one out of the six bottom-up teaching classification trials were able to

successfully classify the two images, and in all trials, the mean post-synaptic

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frequency in response to the taught image was higher than the response to the other

image. Furthermore, it appears, that the teaching for 2s each produces better results.

The results for bottom-up teaching are summarised in Table 3.

Teach DylanTeach DylanTeach DylanTeach Dylan Teach AnthonyTeach AnthonyTeach AnthonyTeach Anthony

TeacherTeacherTeacherTeacher Able to Able to Able to Able to

classify?classify?classify?classify? tttt----test resultstest resultstest resultstest results TeacherTeacherTeacherTeacher

Able to Able to Able to Able to

classify?classify?classify?classify? tttt----test resultstest resultstest resultstest results

50Hz, 1s � p = 0.0125p = 0.0125p = 0.0125p = 0.0125

CI = [9.35CI = [9.35CI = [9.35CI = [9.351111, inf], inf], inf], inf] 50Hz, 1s �

p = 0.0123p = 0.0123p = 0.0123p = 0.0123

CI = [6.7CI = [6.7CI = [6.7CI = [6.746464646, inf], inf], inf], inf]

70Hz, 1s � p = 0.0151p = 0.0151p = 0.0151p = 0.0151

CI = [8.0CI = [8.0CI = [8.0CI = [8.016161616, inf], inf], inf], inf] 70Hz, 1s �

p = 0.0601


50Hz, 2s � p = 0.0049p = 0.0049p = 0.0049p = 0.0049

CI = [2.36CI = [2.36CI = [2.36CI = [2.360000, inf], inf], inf], inf]

50Hz, 2s � p = 0.0p = 0.0p = 0.0p = 0.0072072072072

CI = [9.CI = [9.CI = [9.CI = [9.914914914914, inf], inf], inf], inf] Table Table Table Table 3333: Summary of bottom: Summary of bottom: Summary of bottom: Summary of bottom----up teaching resultsup teaching resultsup teaching resultsup teaching results Remarks on the classification Remarks on the classification Remarks on the classification Remarks on the classification experimentsexperimentsexperimentsexperiments

The different classification trials presented above displayed a high degree of variation,

and the final post-synaptic frequencies differ considerably from trial to trial without

displaying a clear pattern or ‘preferred’ post-synaptic frequency of recognition and

rejection. This can be in parts due to the stochastic processes that go on inside the

SPU, as well as due to the fact that within each classification trial, only a limited

amount of data was available12.

In order to be able to make a more general statement about the ability of the neuron

to classify the two images, the Students t-test is applied on the two grouped datasets

of the two different teaching methods, testing whether the neuron can (in general)

classify the two images using normal teaching or the bottom-up teaching method,

irrespective of which image was being taught or which one was presented first, etc.

The results are shown in Table 4 below.

12 Unfortunately, due to time constraints during the project, it was not possible to do more extensive

experiments and data collection. This was mainly due to the fact that the prototype hardware was in

development at the same time as this project and that it had to be shared between to different projects

using it. Furthermore, the hardware is being used at a workshop in the USA as this report is being

written, imposing a strict deadline for using it for experiments. In addition, a considerable amount of

time was spent debugging the feedback AER bus.

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BBBBottomottomottomottom----upupupup teaching teaching teaching teaching NNNNormalormalormalormal teaching teaching teaching teaching

Able to classify?Able to classify?Able to classify?Able to classify? tttt----test resulttest resulttest resulttest result Able to classify?Able to classify?Able to classify?Able to classify? tttt----test resulttest resulttest resulttest result

� p = 0.0000p = 0.0000p = 0.0000p = 0.0000

CI = [10.353,CI = [10.353,CI = [10.353,CI = [10.353, inf] inf] inf] inf]

p = 0.0043p = 0.0043p = 0.0043p = 0.0043

CI = [4.141, inf]CI = [4.141, inf]CI = [4.141, inf]CI = [4.141, inf]

Table Table Table Table 4444: Classification results: Classification results: Classification results: Classification results for grouped data for grouped data for grouped data for grouped data. Significant at 0.5% level. Significant at 0.5% level. Significant at 0.5% level. Significant at 0.5% level....

From the results for grouped data, it becomes much more obvious that, indeed, the

classification works, and that the post-synaptic frequency in response to the taught

image is (or should be, within limits the underlying randomness permits) in fact

always higher than the response to the other image. This is an encouraging result,

which can be built upon through more thorough investigation.

Other general comments and experimental observations:

• While working with the system, jumpy or oscillatory behaviour in response to

plasticity was observed – for example, stimulating it with a homogenous pre-

synaptic input would sometimes lead to sudden, jumpy increase or decrease of

the post-synaptic frequency

• Depression happened more quickly and readily than potentiation

• Synapses were very plastic, if not ‘too plastic’, i.e. the post-synaptic frequency

responded in timescales of seconds rather than 10s of seconds or minutes

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8888 DiscussionDiscussionDiscussionDiscussion

‘If I keep an open mind, will my brain fall out?’ – Anonymous

The development of the SPU has gone a long way in this project, from developing a

custom made learning rule (although it would be nice if STADP could find its way

into other applications as well) over to the development of the SPU itself, essentially

from scratch, to implementing it onto a real FPGA board and performing a real

classification task with it. Here, the hardware, learning rule and classification task will

be discussed separately, before finishing off with remarks on calibrating the neural

system. The hardwareThe hardwareThe hardwareThe hardware

When making practical use of the SPU, it would always have to be integrated with an

aVLSI neuron chip (or a PC emulating one). This would always necessitate a certain

amount of manual effort to calibrate the neuron chip and set its biases, and to ensure

that the addressing format used within the SPU and the neuron chip are compatible.

Having said that, the SPU is parameterized and it should be easy to adapt it to the

neural environment in place. Since it is written in VHDL, it could even be ported to a

different architecture, should this be necessary. In that case, extra care would have to

be taken to ensure that platform specific features such as memory or other constraints

are met.

The architecture of the SPU is modular and transparent. The STADP learning rule

could easily be replaced by another one if required, as long as it is fully pipelined,

with few modifications necessary to be made to the SPU itself. The virtualisation of

the cascade synapses is straightforward and allows for the implementation of a very

large number of synapses. This greatly adds to the usability of the SPU in a real

neural system with high connectivity, and further expanding the number of synapses

implemented on the chip from currently 8192 requires little effort.

Finally, since it is fully pipelined, the number of synapses implemented is virtually

only limited by the throughput of the AER bus and the amount of available memory

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on the chip or board, which is more likely to be a bottleneck than the inability of the

SPU to process all those synapses. Indeed, in the hardware environment the SPU was

tested and used in, it was the aVLSI neuron chip (the DPI synapse, to be precise)

rather than the SPU which proved to be a bottleneck. Having said this, at no point

was the AER been driven to its limits of capacity, so a real challenge for synaptic

processing was not encountered. STADPSTADPSTADPSTADP

STADP was developed with the aim of providing for a simple yet capable general

learning rule to the SPU that is easily implemented into digital hardware. Its principle

functioning was verified both in simulation and in hardware (and proven in circuit),

but on closer look, it has one inherent non-ideality. As shown during all these

verification efforts, and as observed during experimentation, STADP has a slight bias

towards depression, which occurs at a higher rate than potentiation, under otherwise

equal circumstances.

Further investigation revealed, that this bias stems from the asymmetry in the p(active)

curve of the post-synaptic neuron, the probability of it to be in active state for any

given frequency. In particular, this is due to the fact that within the regime the SPU

was operated in during experimentation (post-synaptic frequencies of 0-100Hz), the

p(active) never actually reaches a value of 1. Some measures to counter this effect

were suggested, including setting a minimum value for the expiry time interval, and

further investigation into the usefulness of such measures would be desirable.

However, another way of looking at the bias towards depression is to regard it as

some form of global inhibitory process, which could, when used in the right way,

have highly desirable effects on the bottom line functionality of the learning rule.

Some work such as [3] actually makes use of such mechanisms, and it could be

worthwhile to address this ‘non-ideality’ of STADP by making good use of it rather

than trying to get around it.

However, despite this bias, STADP has proven to be a capable learning rule, and is

fully functional inside the SPU.

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8-99 The classification taskThe classification taskThe classification taskThe classification task

To put the design of the SPU to an ultimate test, a real classification task was chosen

to investigate its learning capabilities and the classification abilities of a neuron

augmented with cascade synapses from the SPU.

Constructing pre-synaptic stimuli from two greyscale images of Dylan and Anthony,

and teaching the neuron one of them at a time using two different teaching

paradigms, it was concluded that the neuron (read: the neural system consisting of a

neuron with cascade synapses) can indeed learn to classify them correctly, in general,

both using normal teaching as well as using bottom-up teaching. A hypothesis test

using the Students t-test at the 5% level of significance was used to decide whether

the neuron was actually able to correctly classify two images, by testing for the

distribution of the differences in the post-synaptic responses to the taught and other


Some of the results of this hypothesis test however might appear counterintuitive,

since at times, the mean post-synaptic frequency in response to a taught image

seemed to be much higher than to that of the other image, while the hypothesis test

would conclude that the neuron is unable to classify the two images. The claims from

both sides are valid, but it has to be pointed out, that unfortunately only a small set of

data was available to base the analysis on. Since the SPU has several underlying

stochastic processes at its heart, those small data sets could have been corrupted by

chance events easily. However, as the data set increases, more trust should be given

to the hypothesis test (and indeed, as the amount of data increases, the number of

counterintuitive results should decrease), which is what was done by grouping the

available data together. It is from this grouped data set that the encouraging result

stems from, that the the the the neuron is indeed able to learn to classifyneuron is indeed able to learn to classifyneuron is indeed able to learn to classifyneuron is indeed able to learn to classify the two images, and that

the postthe postthe postthe post----synaptic response to the taught image issynaptic response to the taught image issynaptic response to the taught image issynaptic response to the taught image is always higheralways higheralways higheralways higher than the response to

the other image.

The limited amount of data also prevented any conclusions to be made about the way

parameters of the teaching methods, such as the teacher frequency or which image to

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present first, had an impact on the ability to classify images correctly. This is an

unfortunate experimental shortcoming that was partly due to external circumstances.

Considering the variations in the reported post-synaptic frequencies upon

classification, there was not one ‘preferred’ post-synaptic frequency for ‘recognition’

and ‘rejection’ but instead, a wide range of post-synaptic frequencies was observed

(even though the ‘recognition’ signal, i.e. the response to the taught image, was

practically always at a higher frequency than the ‘rejection’ signal), one must ask the

question about the underlying mechanisms that are responsible for the variations. A

closer look at what might be happening during the learning process could give an


From Figure 44 it becomes clear, that the formation or modification of the synaptic

mask by STADP is at the heart of the learning process. STADP has the property that it

tends to potentiate quickly those synapses which receive a high pre-synaptic

frequency from the taught image and a low pre-synaptic frequency from the other

image, and depress quickly those synapses which receive a low pre-synaptic

frequency from the taught image and a high pre-synaptic frequency from the other

image. Synapses with low firing rates for both images would tend to oscillate

between efficacies but since they have low firing rates, this would not have a large

impact on the neuron, and would not happen frequently either. Conversely, synapses

with high pre-synaptic firing rates for both image’s inputs would tend to oscillate

between efficacies rapidly, which can potentially have significant ‘noise like’ effects

on the post-synaptic neuron, since randomly, strong signals could be forwarded or

blocked by the oscillating part of the synaptic mask. These expected effects for a

synapse during learning is summarised in Figure 59.

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Figure Figure Figure Figure 59595959:::: Expected effects on a synapse Expected effects on a synapse Expected effects on a synapse Expected effects on a synapse

during the learning phase of the classification task

This implies, that synapses which receive inputs from two ‘high’ pre-synaptic

frequency stimuli from the taught and the other image, cannot learn whether to be

potentiated or depressed, and puts a limit on the ability of the neuron to classify the

two images. Furthermore, if the post-synaptic neuron is firing just below the mean

firing rate (50Hz), then a sudden and random switch of a number of such undecided

synapses to a potentiated state can easily push the post-synaptic frequency above the

mean rate, and initiate a positive feedback loop which leads to more potentiation

events for all (other) synapses. Similarly, if the post-synaptic neuron is firing just

above the mean firing rate, a sudden and random switch of a number of such

undecided synapses could lead to a depressed state can easily pull the post-synaptic

frequency below the mean firing rate, and initiate a positive feedback loop, which

leads to more depression events for all (other) synapses.

This can explain both, the jumpy nature of plasticity and the post-synaptic frequency

observed experimentally, as well as the variations in the reported post-synaptic

frequencies upon classification. Furthermore, there are implications to STADP, too,

namely, that for it to be able to learn to classify, pre-synaptic stimuli have to be

sufficiently dissimilar. This analysis actually helps a lot to further the understanding

of the way different teaching methods work, too.

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From the results presented, it should be clear, that bottom-up learning generally

outperforms normal learning in terms of the post-synaptic neuron’s ability to classify

the two images. This is mainly due to the ‘cleaner’ or more ideal starting condition it

has compared to the normal teaching method. This refers to the fact that a post-

synaptic neuron whose synapses are being taught using bottom-up teaching does not

receive as much unwanted ‘noise’ from the other image, since a larger proportion of

the synapses that are not readily used by the taught pre-synaptic stimulus is likely to

remain depressed for a longer period of time, thereby blocking out the unwanted

‘noise’. However, in an online learning system as the SPU is, whereby there is

ongoing plasticity which immediately affects the synapses in a continuous way, it is

likely that after a long period of time and exposure to stimuli, the cascade synapses

are more likely to be in states which more closely resemble the random initialisation

of the cascade memory during normal teaching, than a mostly-depressed situation as

bottom-up teaching requires. Thus, while bottom-up teaching might have a better

performance, it is not a sustainable teaching method, but can only be used on

initialised memory, unlike the normal teaching method (which can be used at any

point in time).

Finally, an interesting question is whether the results presented could have been

achieved with STDP (as pointed out in the beginning of this report, STDP was one of

the candidate learning rules for the SPU). STDP learns by considering the absolute

time difference between pre- and post-synaptic spikes. In this classification task,

STDP would probably have efficacy-oscillated many of the synapses, and hence the

neuron would have been unable to classify the two images. This is because of the

nature of the input stimuli. Since every pixel encodes a mean firing rate which is then

converted into poisson spike trains, any post-synaptic spike would, on average, have

approximately as many pre-synaptic spikes preceding it as it would have following it.

This would result in an undecided synapse with all the undesirable effects mentioned

before. The only way by which STDP could have taught a synapse in a meaningful

way is if many (most) of the post-synaptic spikes consistently precede or follow many

(most) of the pre-synaptic spikes, which is very unlikely.

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If, on the other hand, a slightly modified version of STDP using at least one,

preferably two, integrators was used, as suggested by [19], it is entirely possible that

similar or even better results could be achieved. However, this modified STDP would

then be closer to STADP again.

Despite all the non-idealities of STADP, it has proven its worth both in terms of

reduced complexity and easy of implementation as well as in the actual classification

task. Calibration of the neural systemCalibration of the neural systemCalibration of the neural systemCalibration of the neural system

The calibration between SPU and the aVLSI neuron chip was done for an arbitrarily

chosen operating regime of ~0-100Hz, and a desired 50Hz mean firing rate output.

Similarly, the choice of teaching methods, using 1s presentation per image with an

arbitrarily chosen teacher signal for example (the teacher signals were not entirely

arbitrary, since they were chosen to be ‘strong enough’, but there is no reason why

they were chosen to have any particular strength), or of using a plasticity threshold of

230, was based on intuition and reason rather than any in depth knowledge of the

characteristics of the neural system, since this was the first system of its kind.

However, there is nothing to suggest that the neural system could or should not be

calibrated for a different operating regime. Indeed, experimental observations suggest

that the system could benefit from a more formal characterisation of the responses to

the change of several parameters (including the DPI parameters w and tau, the

plasticity threshold, the mean firing rate fm or the total intensity of the greyscale

images an their mapping into pre-synaptic frequencies, amongst others). This in

depth understanding of the entire neural system (SPU + aVLSI neuron chip) would

greatly improve the performance of future classification tasks, simply by allowing the

experimenter to more closely match the system to the classification tasks


This knowledge could be gained through lengthy and thorough experimentation, or a

more analytical and formal analysis of a model of the system. Yet another way to do

this would be to try to mimic a well studied biological system and to attempt to

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replicate its behaviour. This would provide for a reasonable basis from which to take

further analysis.

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9999 ConclusionConclusionConclusionConclusion

‘If you cannot - in the long run - tell everyone what you have been doing, your doing

has been worthless’ – Erwin Schrödinger

This project set out to develop a Synaptic Processing Unit (SPU) that implements a

large number of cascade synapses. By using a virtualization strategy whereby a

cascade representation is stored in memory and loaded and processed on demand,

the SPU designed here can implement a total of 8192 binary cascade synapses.

Because of the modular and transparent architecture, the SPU can easily be expanded

or modified, in case more synapses are needed, or a different learning rule, for

example, is desired. It is fully pipelined, and able to handle a high throughput of

address events; in fact, it is expected to be able to process cascade synapses faster

than the currently used communication protocol can supplied it with.

A dedicated stochastic Hebbian learning rule called Spike Timing and Activity

Dependent Plasticity (STADP) was developed, characterised and implemented in

order to equip the SPU with an on-chip learning functionality. It is dependent on the

pre-synaptic spike times and the post-synaptic spike rate. This learning rule has

several advantages, including its simplicity and ease of implementation, as well as its

ability to learn general, sufficiently dissimilar patterns, but also has drawbacks, such

as a bias towards long term depression (or reluctance towards long term potentiation).

The SPU was then integrated with an aVLSI neuron chip to form a working

integrated neural system, and put to test by performing a real classification task. This

task involved classifying two 16x16 pixel images, which were converted into pre-

synaptic spike trains and presented to a neuron with 256 cascade synapses. Two

different teaching methods were employed, normal and bottom-up teaching, and in

both cases, the neuron is able to classify the two images. In particular, it was tested

whether the difference in post-synaptic frequency of the response to the taught and

the other image was non-zero and of statistical significance at 5% the level, which it

was. This was used to conclude that the post-synaptic responses are indeed different

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for the taught and the other image, which implies a successful classification of the

images. Furthermore, it has to be pointed out, that the post-synaptic frequency in

response to the taught image was always higher than the frequency in response to the

other image.

These are two very encouraging results, and there is a lot of scope for further work

on the SPU. RefinementsRefinementsRefinementsRefinements

To the best of the knowledge of the author, the SPU is the first hardware

implementation of a large number of cascade synapses of its kind, in the world. For

that reason, it is important to develop solid working knowledge of experimental

procedures and calibration of integrated neural systems using the SPU and an aVLSI

neuron chip. In particular, devising a methodology by which to determine the best

operating regime for the SPU as well as characterising the system’s behaviour’s

dependence on some of its most important parameters, including the plasticity

threshold, the balance between pre-synaptic firing rate and synaptic weight (of the

aVLSI synapse on the neuron chip) and the teaching method used for a classification

task, would be necessary to allow for efficient and application matched usage of the

SPU within other neural systems in the future.

Also, a more thorough analysis into the behaviour of STADP and the root cause for

its bias would be an important contribution. Here, it is proposed that rather than

regarding this as a weakness of the learning rule, it could be investigated whether this

bias towards depression could be looked at as an emergent behaviour instead, which

implements some form of global inhibition.

Another modification to STADP could include the introduction of a third post-

synaptic neuron state. Rather than being either active or inactive at any point in time,

it would make sense to add a state where the activity is ‘neither’, ‘both’ or ‘normal’.

In that state, no plasticity signals would be elicited. This would be interesting, since

currently there is no regime of operation where the synapses do not categorically

undergo plasticity. The SPU is stochastic, yet with a two state STADP learning rule, it

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does not allow for any statistical variation in the activity of the post-synaptic neuron,

but instead draws ‘a sharp line’ between its states of activity. In an online learning

scenario such as a classification task, this three state learning rule would have

desirable properties, whereby training progress is less likely to be immediately

overwritten by plasticity events occurring due to statistical variation, thereby

producing better classification results.

Another modification to the way the SPU interacts with the aVLSI neuron chip would

complement the modification proposed above. Currently, all the pre-synaptic spikes

are routed to the post-synaptic neuron through excitatory synapses only. For richer

learning dynamics, it would be interesting to make use of the inhibitory synapses on

the aVLSI neuron chip as well, which would also be expected to improve the learning

and hence the classification capabilities of the SPU.

Finally, since the FPGA board used was actually not fully functional, the feedback

AER port violated timing constraints of the data bus, it would be essential to fix this.

Besides this, the hardware environment was good enough to last several revisions of

the SPU.

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10101010 ReferencesReferencesReferencesReferences

[1] Fusi, Drew, Abbott. Cascade Models of Synaptically Stored Memories.

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[2] C. Peterson, R. Malenka, R. Nicoll, J. Hopfield. All-or-none potentiation at

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[3] S. Fusi, W. Senn. Learning Only When Necessary: Better Memories of

Correlated Patterns in Networks with Bounded Synapses. Neural Computation,

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[4] J.-L. Gaiarsa, O. Caillard, Y. Ben-Ari. Long-term plasticity at GABAergic and

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[6] G. Indiveri, E. Chicca, R. Douglas. A VLSI array of low power spiking neurons

and bistable synapses with spike timing dependent plasticity. IEEE Trans. on

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mechanisms and functional significance. Trends in Neuroscience, 25252525(11), 564-

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ELECTRONIC TESTING: Theory and Applications, 6666, 255 – 258, 1995.

[10] D. Rubin, S. Fusi. Storing Sparse random patterns with cascade

synapses. Preprint submitted to Elsevier Science, September 2006.

[11] S. Fusi, L. Abbott. Limits on the memory storage capacity of bounded

synapses. Nature Neuroscience, 10101010(4), 485 – 493, 2007.

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[12] J. Lisman, N. Sprunston. Postsynaptic depolarisation requirements for

LTP and LTD: a critique of spike timing dependent plasticity. Nature

Neuroscience. 8888(7), 839 – 841, 2005.

[13] C. Barolozzi, G. Indiveri. Synaptic Dynamics in analog VLSI. 2006.

[14] V. Chan, S.-C. Liu, A. van Schaik. A matched silicon cochlea pair with

address event representation interface, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and

Systems I, Regular Papers.

[15] D. Muir. Stochastic synapse for reconfigurable hardware. Telluride

Workshop, 2005.

[16] T. Kringe. A VHDL implementation of the Cascade Synapse Model.

Diploma thesis, 2006.

[17] S. Wolfram. Statistical mechanics of cellular automata. Reviews of

Modern Physics, 55555555, 601 – 644, 1983.

[18] R. Gutig, H. Sompolinsky. The Tempotron: a neuron that learns spike

timing-based decisions. Nature Neuroscience 9999, 420 – 428, 2006.

[19] R. Legenstein, W. Maass. What can a neuron learn with Spike-Timing

Dependent Plasticity? Neural Computation, 17171717, 2337 – 2382, 2005.

[20] S. Mitra, S. Fusi, G. Indiveri. A VLSI spike-driven dynamic synapse which

learns only when necessary. Proceedings of IEEE International Symposium on

Circuits and Systems ISCAS06, 2777-2780, 2006.

[21] S. Fusi, personal communication.

[22] G. Kasparov. How life imitates chess. William Heinemann, 2007

[23] K. Boahen, Neuromorphic Microchips, Scientific American, May 2006

[24] G. Indiveri, T. Delbruck, S-C. Liu. Lecture notes: Computation in

Neuromorphic aVLSI Systems. 2006. Web referencesWeb referencesWeb referencesWeb references

[25] IBM deepblue website, www.research.ibm.com/deepblue

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10-110 DatasheetsDatasheetsDatasheetsDatasheets and reference books and reference books and reference books and reference books

[26] Xilinx Spartan and Memory


[27] configuration and read back


[28] Spartan 3 Configuration Guide


[29] Spartan 3 Family Data Sheet


[30] Quard Port RAM design


[31] FIFO Design http://direct.xilinx.com/bvdocs/appnotes/xapp258.pdf

[32] Spartan 3 Advanced configuration Note


[33] Using Block RAM in Spartan 3


[34] Using LUTs as distributed RAM


[35] Peter J. Ashenden. The Designers Guide to VHDL

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11111111 AppendixAppendixAppendixAppendix I I I I –––– Supplementary Supplementary Supplementary Supplementary filesfilesfilesfiles

High level Matlab scripts used:

• General

o coe.m – generate delta_t_lut coefficient file

o state_init.m – generate cascade memory initialisation coefficient file

o state_init_dep_pot.m – generate all dep or pot cascade initialisation

• Classification

o chipinit.m – set up environment variables for aVLSI chip

o bias_050607.m – load neuron chip calibration

o scan(127, 127) – observe membrane potential of neuron 127 at pin

o createAllFiles.m – create stimuli files for classification

o generateRegTeacher.m – generate regular teacher signal file

o generateCoherent16x16.m – generate 256 homogenous poisson

spike trains

o IOResponse.mat – workspace for frequency response plot (with data)

o results.mat – workspace for results (with data)

o performTTest.m – functions that perform t-test on data inside results.mat

• Characterisation

o characterisationWorkspace.mat – workspace for STADP

characterisation (with data and parameters)

o characterisePActivePost.m – read in output files from

class_tb_vhd.fdo testbench to characterise p(active)

o characterisePlasticity.m – read in output files from

class_tb_vhd.fdo testbench to characterise LTP, LTD, NetRate

o generatePlasticityCharacterisationStimuliFile.m – generate

stimuli file for class_tb_vhd.fdo testbench for LTP, LTD, NetRate


o generatePostCharacterisationStimuliFile.m – generate stimuli

file for class_tb_vhd.fdo testbench for p(active) characterisation

o make_freq_sim_plot.m – simulation for STADP characterisation

o make_prob_active_vs_freq_plot.m – simulation for STADP

characterisation of p(active)

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12121212 Appendix II Appendix II Appendix II Appendix II –––– VVVVerification checklistserification checklistserification checklistserification checklists Module Level Verification Module Level Verification Module Level Verification Module Level Verification

• Cascade State Memory

o High Level Specification:

� Read from memory correctly, as given by address

� Write to memory correctly, as given by address and data. Written memory

should also appear on the output to be read, instantly (WRITE_THROUGH


� Cruicial point is, that the addresses are correctly decoded, e.g. that the

decoder and the multiplexors within the memory work correctly

o Corner cases

� If in general writing to and reading from memory works in principle or in

general, then the memory architecture should be correct.

� should be verified over all ranges of memory

� for the same address, need to check precisely whether the right output is

selected or not

o To be verified:

� EN:

• while EN = '0', nothing should happen at the outputs (whatever

was there, stays there)

� rst: - only affects the output latches, and not the content of the RAM itself

• if rst = '1' the output registers should be zero.

• reset under memory collision:

o MUX should still select the correct output

� WE:

• unless WE = '1', nothing should be written to memory.

• If WE = '0' then we should just read from memory

� does it write to the correct address?

� does it read from the correct address?

� What happens when read and write are same address? (only appicable to

dual port memory - cascade state memory)

• the memory should have a 'security mechanism' which ensures that

even if we are trying to write access the same address, it should

allow write and read correctly

• if the addresses collide, then chose the write through data iff we

write to memory, and the read data otherwise

• forwarding module

o High level specification:

� forward a valid input address to the output, iff the target synapse has high

efficacy or the spike is sent to a teacher

o Corner cases:

� as this module is very simple, there are no critical corner cases - would be

good to test if over the entire range (a representative subrange) of the

neuron addresses

o To be verified:

� EN:

� rst:

• reset should clear all outputs to zero

� does the 'valid' output work?

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• output (target_address_valid) should follow the input (address_valid) AND NOT address_pre_post (if EN and not rst) at

the next clock edge

• teacher synapse (00000) should be forwarded regardless of efficacy

� is the (correct) address being forwarded?

• output address should follow the input address (if EN and not rst) at

the next clock edge

• pRNG

o High level specification:

� generate maximal pRN sequences according to its seed

� has three pRN outputs outputs, which are shifted versions of each other

o Corner cases:

� no real corner cases, as it is just 'generating away'

o To be verified:

� EN:

� rst:

• should go back to its seed value on reset, and restart the sequence

� does it work?

• should produce pRN sequences

• Learning Rule (STADP)

o High level specification:

� to determine whether a synapse should be potentiated or depressed,

depending on its presynaptic firing time and its postsynaptic activity

� to correctly produce plasticity events (dep/pot)

o Corner cases:

� no critical corner cases

� things over the full range of addresses should be verified

o To be verified:

� EN, rst

� plasticity_valid -> should be valid iff a valid presynaptic address is there, and

iff pRN_i > threshold (pre_above_threshold) (with 1 clk delay)

• does the pre_above_threshold work?

� cascade_synapse_address -> should follow the input with 1clk cycle delay

� is delta_t p-random?

� does the timer work?

� is the new_expiry_time correct (i.e. is the addition correct? - mind that the

result is only valid after the next clock edge!)

� is the WE signal for the memory correct? -> address valid AND address post

� is the post_expiry_time correct (does the read and write to the memory


� does the comparator work? -> plasticity_dep_pot? (if post expiry time >

current time)

• Cascade synapse

o High level specification:

� perform plasticity operations on an incoming cascade synapse's state


� switch or chain, depending on plasticity and current efficacy

o Corner cases:

� need to check whether it works for all cases, i.e. if 'do_something' is correct

for pRN >, =, < plasticity probability for both types of states (depressed or


o To be verified:

� EN, rst

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� is the 'new_state_valid' signal correct?

• it should follow the input valid signal on the second clock cycle

(given by the pipeline)

� is the 'cascade_address_out' signal correct?

• it should follow the input address on the second next clock edge

� is the 'do something' signal correct?

• should be high iff the plasticity probability is greater or equal to the

pRN (on the next clock cycle)

� do the new_efficacy and new_state signal behave correctly with respect to

the do_something signal, i.e. is the new_state i signal correct?

• Chaining and switching behaviour should be correct System Level Verification System Level Verification System Level Verification System Level Verification


o High level specification:

� perform spike routing

� implement cascade synapse learning through STADP

o Corner cases:

� since the system should work with all the individual units combined,

all/most corner cases from the individual modules also apply here.

� in order to breakdown the verification, perform verification in steps:

• Forwarding Only

o observe outputs and related internal signals

• Learning Only

o observe internal signals only

o follow the cascading process of a synapse through for

several times:

� by repeatedly applying pre and postsynaptic

spikes to the same synapse

• synapse should chain down the

potentiated cascade

� by only applying presynaptic spikes to whichever


• synapse should chain down the

depressed cascade

o do this with several representative synapses

o To be verified:

� Forwarding only:

• EN, rst,

o on NOT EN, all signals should be preserved

o on rst, all plasticity should be is lost

• does the target_address_valid signal work as expected?

o Should follow the address_valid AND NOT

address_pre_post AND synapse efficacy, with delays

� is the address_valid_fwd signal delayed by 2 clk


� do we get the correct target_synapse_efficacy?

• is the target neuron address correct?

o should follow the synapse_address 8MSB (neuron address)

with 2 clk cycles delay

� Learning Only

• EN, rst

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• are the internal valid signals being forwarded correctly?

o plasticity_valid should follow address_valid with 2 clock

delays (if there is a plasticity to be had, which should be

the case in about 50% of the time)

o new_state_valid should follow plasticity_valid with 2 clock


• are the addresses being forwarded correctly, internally?

o cascade_synapse_address should follow synapse_address

with 2 clk delays

o new_state_address should follow

cascade_synapse_address with 2 clk delays

• the way it is stimulated, it should first produce pot signals, and

towards the second half dep signals

o Follow through:

� postsynaptic spike

� produce plasticity (can have any value, but should

not be valid)

� cascade should not change the state (could have a

different new_state, but it should not be valid, so

it won't be written)

� presynaptic spike

� produce valid plasiticy (first pot, later dep)

� cascade should change state

• SPU with I/O and FIFO (with USB interface removed, only USB FIFO accessible)

o High level specification:

� correctly interface FIFOs and AER with SPU (it is difficult to test the USB,

since we don't know the communication standard)

� Two stage approach:

• First just observe the I/O signals, and verify that AER i/o and the

FIFOs work

• Secondly, once we are certain that this works, we shall follow

several spikes on their journey through the SPU

o Corner cases:

� check whether the out-post AER works

� check both situations where fifos are not empty, so that the iSelector has to


� probably won't be able to fill up the output fifo, so difficult to check the EN


o To be verified:

� First stage

• clk_90, clk_45

o right frequencies? (90, 45)

• rst

o should reset the fifos and SPU

• USB fifo input

• Observe data at the USB fifo in (can't simulate the USB in as i dont

know the communication standard) - pre_fifo_in, pre_fifo_we

o should take two valid data in cycles in order to construct

the 16bit AER data

• Observe the data at the out of the fifo - usb_pre_fifo_empty (low),


o should change to the input data

o on usb_pre_fifo_read, the fifo should become empty again

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• Trace signals through the system:

o Apply signals to USB FIFO, 8bit wise

� should take two WE cycles before the fifo is not


o Read signal into selector

� Signal should appear at the otput of the fifo when

it is not empty, and usb_pre_fifo_read is high

o Forward onto SPU

� Initially, no arbitration necessary, since the post

AER should not contain any data

� One clk cycle later this data should appear at the

output of the Selector

� data_valid, pre_post should be correct (high, low)

for one clk cycle o Output of the SPU

� four clk cycles later, the output should (iff the

synapse had high efficacy) be equal to the input

(neuron) address (top 8MSB)

� address valid should go high

o AER out

� should raise a request, wait for acknowledge and

produce valid data

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13131313 Appendix III Appendix III Appendix III Appendix III –––– A journey through the SPU A journey through the SPU A journey through the SPU A journey through the SPU PrePrePrePre----synaptic spikesynaptic spikesynaptic spikesynaptic spike

Figure Figure Figure Figure 60606060: Pre: Pre: Pre: Pre----synaptic spike arrives at SPU. synaptic spike arrives at SPU. synaptic spike arrives at SPU. synaptic spike arrives at SPU.

As pre-synaptic data becomes available (empty -> low), it is loaded into the SPU

Figure Figure Figure Figure 61616161: Valid pre: Valid pre: Valid pre: Valid pre----synapticsynapticsynapticsynaptic spike gets forwarded spike gets forwarded spike gets forwarded spike gets forwarded, after two clock delays , after two clock delays , after two clock delays , after two clock delays

Figure Figure Figure Figure 62626262: : : : Valid pValid pValid pValid prererere----synaptic spike synaptic spike synaptic spike synaptic spike generates agenerates agenerates agenerates a plasticity event plasticity event plasticity event plasticity event. . . .

It is a depression event, since the current time is greater than the post-expiry-time.

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Figure Figure Figure Figure 63636363: : : : Cascade synapse changes in operationCascade synapse changes in operationCascade synapse changes in operationCascade synapse changes in operation

Cascade synapse responds to valid depression signal by chaining. This takes 2 clock cycles.

Figure Figure Figure Figure 64646464: Plasticity events: Plasticity events: Plasticity events: Plasticity events

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13-119 PostPostPostPost----synaptic spikesynaptic spikesynaptic spikesynaptic spike

Figure Figure Figure Figure 65656565: : : : Valid pValid pValid pValid postostostost----synaptic spike arrives at SPUsynaptic spike arrives at SPUsynaptic spike arrives at SPUsynaptic spike arrives at SPU

Figure Figure Figure Figure 66666666: Post: Post: Post: Post----synaptic spike does not get forwardedsynaptic spike does not get forwardedsynaptic spike does not get forwardedsynaptic spike does not get forwarded

Figure Figure Figure Figure 67676767: : : : PostPostPostPost----synaptic spike sets postsynaptic spike sets postsynaptic spike sets postsynaptic spike sets post----synaptic expiry time.synaptic expiry time.synaptic expiry time.synaptic expiry time.

Post-synaptic spike draws random delta_t by reading the LUT from a random address, and adds it to the current time to get the post-expiry-time, which is stored into memory

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14141414 Appendix IV Appendix IV Appendix IV Appendix IV –––– Design hierarchy of source files Design hierarchy of source files Design hierarchy of source files Design hierarchy of source files

The SPU project files all sit within the spu_i_o_wrapper, and have a hierarchy as

shown below. Source files marked with * were developed by Daniel Fasnacht,

marked with ^ were developed by Dylan Muir


• Fx2DCM*

• DCM_FxPhase*

• fx2if*

• fxoutfifo (coregen)

• timestamp*

• sequencer*

• paerInput*

• pinfifo (coregen)

• input_source_selector


o Forwarding_process

o Cascade_state_memory

� Cascade_memory_coregen (coregen)

o Stadp

� pRNG_stadp

• ca_flag_150_90^

� lut_delta_t (coregen)

� activity_expiry_times_stadp (coregen)

o cascade_process

� pRNG

• ca_flag_150_90^

• poutfifo (coregen)

• paerOutput*