Survey Responses An analysis of the responses to my Horror survey.

Survey responses

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Page 1: Survey responses

Survey Responses

An analysis of the responses to my Horror survey.

Page 2: Survey responses

Q1- Are you male or female


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The gender I will be targeting my film at will be female as over 60% of those that answered my survey were female. However to increase my audience I will also attempt to make the trailer appealing to males.

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Q2- How old are you

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I will not be able to certify my film as an 18 as it will cut out the majority of my audience as 63% of those surveyed were under 18. In additon to this I will also have to make sure the film doesn’t become to childish as it will also have to appeal to those 18 and over.

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Q3- Do you go to the cinema to watch horror films.

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There is almost an equal spilt between those who do and don’t go to the cinema to watch horrors, 52% do, 47% don’t. This tell me that I will be best sending my trailer to cinemas at first to create interest for my trailer, once a audience base has been created I will be able to send put there means of advertisement to the masses

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Q4- If No, why don’t you like Horror films

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Most of the No answers received in the survey were mainly because of the price or lack of time to attend the cinema. Some were also just personal choice because they do not like horrors.

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Q5- If you had to pick, which subgenre of horror would be you favourite

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Although there is a good range of responses I am going to make a supernatural/ psychological horror as these are the two most popular sub-genres. Due to these results I am put off doing something in the Slasher subgenre because of it unpopularity with the people surveyed

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Q6- what do you not like to see in a Horror film

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When asked what they do to like to see in a horror, the people asked had very similar responses. They didn’t like the Clichéd scenarios that you often see in horrors like the protagonist walking into the dark room where the antagonist is hiding. Taking this on-board I am going to stay away from the stereotypical situations that lead the characters into these clichéd actions