W hattype ofm agasines do you prefer to read? Kerrang! A lternative Q Classic Rock Metal Hammer Mix Mag NME I Don'tRead M agasines Other rst question I asked was to get an idea of what people liked reading Metal Hammer and ‘Other’ had the highest votes, while Q and ‘I don’t nes’ were tied second last, while Mix Mag got no votes at all. This eople that answered the survey liked heavy rock and metal most, whil ative was close behind.

Survey Analysis

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Page 1: Survey Analysis

What type of magasines do you prefer to read?




Classic Rock

Metal Hammer

Mix Mag


I Don't Read Magasines


The first question I asked was to get an idea of what people liked reading themost. Metal Hammer and ‘Other’ had the highest votes, while Q and ‘I don’t read magazines’ were tied second last, while Mix Mag got no votes at all. This shows usthat people that answered the survey liked heavy rock and metal most, whileAlternative was close behind.

Page 2: Survey Analysis

What Genre of music do you listen to?










J -Pop


I thought this was an essential question to ask, even though some of the popular voted magazines showed some of the genres, but it slims the preferred musicgenre of the readers down a lot. Indie was the most voted genre, with Metal and Rock closely following, what was most interesting was that only 4 catagories were voted for, one person voted ‘Other’, so this tells us that the survey takers all likedSome form of rock, wether it was light or heavy.

Page 3: Survey Analysis

How much money do you usually spend on magazines?





This is an important question to ask, because you can find out how much people arewilling to spend on magazines and how much they want to know about their favouriteartists or wether they go elsewhere to find out news. The majority of people who tookthe survey spent £0-£5 on music magazines, which probably means they boughtmaybe one magazine a month if at all. The one person who chose ‘Other’ may have misunderstood the question, as I didn’t specifically state ‘music magazine’ so they may have spent over £20 on magazines, or they just spent that much on musicmagazines anyway.

Page 4: Survey Analysis

Do you ever attend gig or music festivals?



The majority of people who answered this question, went to music festivals or gigs. About 2 people answered ‘No’ for this, maybe because they don’t have the time ormoney, or none of their favourite artists play locally or at a time that suits them. This also shows that they want to spend money to see artists live and the experience togo with it and (judging by the music genres most popular) willing to take some risks as they can get rough.

Page 5: Survey Analysis

If yes, how often do you attend gigs and festivals?

Every 3 months

Every 6 months

Every Year

Less than once a year

It seems that people went to festivals and gigs in the half year period, as the times areprobably spaced out more, or that fact that gigs and festivals can be so far apart: thoughAn equal number of people voted for the times ‘Every 3 months’, ‘Every Year’, and ‘Lessthan once a year’. A total number of 5 people voted that ‘Every 6 months’ was the time period of how commonly they went within the times given.

Page 6: Survey Analysis

How much money do you spend on CDs and downloaded music?

£0-£5 monthly

£6-£10 monthly

£11-£20 monthly


These results show us how loyal we can be to music nowadays, as we can get free music now, more and more people are spending less on CDs, but some people still buy them, wether in support of the artist (or music label) or online; iTunes for example. In a way its good that the payment is so high, because it shows people arestill willing purchase money instead of getting it for free – legally or illegally.

Page 7: Survey Analysis

Do you download music Legally?




I Don't Dow nload Music

I asked this question to get an idea of how many people actually did download musicLegally or illegally. Most people admitted to legally downloading music, wether tellingThe truth or not, though some people also admitted to downloading music illegally,Wether they don’t have the money or they just try to get it another way.

Page 8: Survey Analysis

Where do you usually watch music videos?

Music Channels - TV


Artists Official Website


Music videos are normally very important as they can help give the message and/ormeaning of the song, I asked where people normally watched these; most people answered Youtube. Youtube is one of the most easiest ways to watch music videos as you can watch them any time, and its one of the most used websites today. None of the people who took the survey seemed to look on the Artists website, or use any other site of watching music videos.

Page 9: Survey Analysis

When you see a music magazine, what do you look for on the front cover? Free Stuff!

Posters of your favoutitebands/artists

Pull Quotes

Exclusive Interview s

Lots of colours


I thought this would be an ideal question to ask, because it gave me a pointer in whatto include in my own magazine front cover; most people looked for free posters of theirfavourite artists/bands, wether to just look at or use. A few people liked to read interviewsabout them, so an interview that is advertised on the front would be a good way to getattention.

Page 10: Survey Analysis

Do you follow your favourite musicians online; if so, what sites do you use?


Official Sites




I asked this question because instead of people buying magazines, it would be Useful to know how fans kept up with their favourite artists/bands. Most peopleAnswered that they used Youtube, again, which is quite good for fans, because Artists normally have their own channel and include interviews and behind the scenes,So they could feel more personal with them to see them as people more.

The most surprising thing I have found is that most people who answered the questionnaire were interested in mainly rock music. The majority of people go online to view music videos, mainly on Youtube. Some people still do buy CDs as well as downloading, and still a lot of people are downloading legally – from iTunes for example. Asking about magazines has helped a lot because now I know what main things people look for on a music magazine cover. I know a little more to know what to include in my magazine and what to pay attention to.