Sulphur cycle & microbes b.stev

Sulphur cycle & microbes

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sulphur cycle, sulphur cycle in soil, microbes in the sulphur cycle, where sulphur is derived, where sulphur comes from, Beggiatoa, Thiobacillus, Desulphovibrio, Desulphomonas, Chromatium,Chlorobium, equations of the sulphur cycle

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  • 1. Sulphur cycle & microbes b.stev

2. 3. 4. What MICROBES do is performimportant chemical reactions The result from this process isa product that isexpelled THEN 5. 6. FLOWS intorivers /swamps /lakes ALSO: the activity of volcanoes & volcanic soil SULPHUR is the 10 thmostabundantelement& is within therocks andsoils of the world(Wikipedia, 2008) 7. (Microbiologyprocedure, 2008) 8. the SULPHUR isabsorbedfor use a PRODUCT excreted inanother form What Happens? 9. years ofRESEARCHhas been performedonnutrient cycles& how this occurs

  • the next picture :shows the cycle ofsulphur
  • observe what occurs in the soil & ocean
  • microbes areessentialwithin this process

10. 11. LETS look at some oftheequations that occur: hydrogen sulphidesulphur 12. Desulphovibrio Desulphomonas sulphatehydrogen sulphide 13. Chromatium Chlorobium hydrogen sulphidesulphur (Wikipedia, 2008) 14. 15. Bibliography Environmental Literacy Council. (2006).Biogeochemicl cylces . Retrieved September 21, 2008, fromhttp://www.enviroliteracy . org/article.php/1348.html Gilpin, L. (2001).Environment-The S Cycle . Retrieved August 25, 2008,fromhttp//:www.drydenaqua.com/.../water_quality_paramete rs_in_aquacu Wikipedia. (2008). Sulfur cycle wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Retrieved September 21, 2008, fromhttp//:www.en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sulfur _ cycle21k -Microbiologyprocedure.com. (2008).Sulfur cycle,desulphovibrio,desulfphmonas,desulphomaculum . Retrieved September 21, 2008, fromhttp://www.microbiologyprocedure.com/growth-of- microorganisms/sulphur-cycle.htm