Partneriaeth: Sut mae‟n edrych a sut ydw i‟n gallu cymryd rhan? Alex Butterworth Swyddog Datblygu Wise Cymru Partnership: What does it look like and how do I get involved? Alex Butterworth Wise Wales Development Officer

Student partnership

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Partneriaeth: Sut mae‟n edrych a sutydw i‟n gallu cymryd rhan?Alex ButterworthSwyddog Datblygu Wise Cymru

Partnership: What does it look like and how do I get involved?Alex ButterworthWise Wales Development Officer

Myfyrwyr a Phrifysgolion:Gweithio mewn Partneriaeth

Students and Universities:Working in Partnership

Beth yw fy What is the

niben i? point of me?

Heddiw „rwyf ynbwriadu:

• Trafod esiamplau sylweddol o weithio mewn partneriaeth

• Cyflwyno fy ngêm gardiau i chi

• Dechrau trafodaeth grŵp ar y camau bach gallwn gymrydtuag at greu partneriaethddiwylliannol

Today I‟m going to:

• Discuss some tangible examples of partnership working

• Unleash my new card game upon you!

• Start a group discussion around what small steps we can each take towards creating a culture of partnership

Beth yw What is

Wise Cymru? Wise Wales?


Initiative for



Ein Prif Our Primary

Amcanion! Aims!

Mae Wise Cymru yncanolbwyntio ar driamcan:

1. Gosod gwerth aradborth myfyrwyr

2. Ffrwyno eicharbenigedd

3. Galluogi myfyrwyr a phrifysgolion i weithiomewn partneriaeth

The three aims that Wise Wales focuses on are:

1. Valuing student feedback

2. Harnessing your expertise

3. Enabling students and universities to work in partnership

Gweithio mewn Working in

Partneriaeth Partnership

Golyga hyn fodmyfyrwyr a staff yng Nghymru‟ngweithio gyda‟igilydd, sy‟ngalluogi dysgwyr iddylanwadu a newid euhamgylchedd.

By this, we mean Welsh students and staff work together, which gives learners the ability to influence and change their environment.

Felly pam ydyn ni So why do we need

angen Wise Cymru? Wise Wales?

Oherwyddnad ydym yncredu maidim onddefnyddwyryw myfyrwyr!

Because we don‟tbelieve that students are simply consumers!

Students as partners

Students as consumers

Myfyrwyr felpartneriaid

Myfyrwyr feldefnyddwyr

Esiamplau go iawn...

Real life examples...

Myfyrwyr fel Students as

ysgolheigion Scholars

• Gwelodd darlithydd ymMhrifysgol Butterworth yrangen ar ddarparu cymorthychwanegol i‟w fyfyrwyr ôl-raddedig, a oedd yn gweldhi‟n anodd addasu istrwythurau seminarauymchwil

• Ymunodd y brifysgol â myfyrwyr PhD a oedd ynfentoriaid i‟rôlraddedigion, wrth gysylltu â nhw i siapio dyluniaddeunyddiau ategol, h.y. templed ar gyfer nodiadau

• A lecturer at the University of Butterworth identified a need to provide extra support to his postgraduate students, who were finding the structure of research seminars hard to adjust to

• The university teamed up with PhD students who acted as mentors to the postgrads, whilst liaising with them to shape the design of the supporting materials, i.e. template for taking notes

Myfyrwyr fel Students as

ysgolheigion Scholars

• Roedd hynny‟n arwain at berthynas ffyddlon, a pharchus ar y cyd

• Gwelodd y darlithyddbroblem, wrth sylweddoli‟rrheswm nad oedd eumyfyrwyr yn rhagori oeddbod yr awyrgylch ddim ynaddas iddynt ddysgu, ynhytrach nag eu bod ddimyn alluog.

• What this led to was a really trusting, mutually respectful relationship

• The lecturer identified a problem, realising that the reason his students weren‟t excelling was not because they weren‟t capable, but because the environment wasn‟t conducive to learning for them.

Myfyrwyr fel Students as

ysgolheigion Scholars

• Wrth benodi mentor cyfoed i helpu a chynorthwyo myfyrwyr, yn ogystal âg annog ôl-raddedigion i ddweudbeth fydd yn gweithio‟nwell iddynt ynacademaidd, roeddentyn gallu dyluniodeunydd dysgu gyda‟igilydd er mwyn bod o les i bawb.

• By assigning a student peer mentor to help and support them, as well as encouraging the postgrads to communicate what would work best for them academically, they were able to design learning materials together to benefit all parties involved.

Myfyrwyr fel Students as

ysgolheigion Scholars

• “Roedd sioc gennyf weld cymaint o gyfeillgarwch yny digwyddiadau, ni waethos oeddech ynddarlithydd, myfyrwyr ôl-raddedig neu hyn yn oedis-raddedig: os oeddgennych farn neugwestiwn, cymerwydpopeth yn ddifrifol a helpodd popeth i wella‟rdrafodaeth.”

• “I was struck by the camaraderie at the events, how it didn‟t matter whether you were a lecturer, a postgrad student or even an undergraduate: if you had a view on something or a query, everything was taken seriously and everything helped to further the discussion.”

Technoleg ac Technology and

Iaith y Corff Body Language

• Buddsoddodd prifysgol arall(fe alwn hon yn FetropolitanButterworth) mewn tablediar gyfer yr adran fathemateg

• Teimlodd un darlithydd fodsefyll a throi ei chefn ar eimyfyrwyr er mwynysgrifennu ar y bwrdd gwynyn creu teimlad o hierarchaeth

• Wrth ddysgu â thablediroedd hi‟n gallu bod ymhlithy myfyrwyr a thorri‟r rhwystrrhyngddynt

• Another university (we‟ll call it Butterworth Metropolitan) invested in tablets for their maths department

• One of the lecturers felt that having to stand up and turn her back on her students to write on the whiteboard was creating a sense of hierarchy

• By teaching with tablets she was able to get in amongst the students and break down that unspoken barrier

Hen bryd am rywbeth gwahanol!

Time for something different!

Gêm drefnu Card Sorting

cardiau! Game!

4 pedrant

“Credaf fod hynny‟nesiampl bositif o weithiomewn partneriaeth”

“Ni chredaf fod hynny‟nesiampl bositif o weithiomewn partneriaeth”

“Credaf fod gan yr esiamplhon agweddau cadarnhaola negyddol”

“Mewn gwirionedd, wn iddim beth i‟w feddwl am hynny”

4 quadrants

“I believe this is a positive example of partnership working”

“I do not believe this is a positive example of partnership working”

“I think there are positive and negative aspects to this example”

“Quite frankly, I have no idea what to make of it”

Trafodaeth… Discussion…

Felly… pa gamau bychain byddwchchi‟n eu cymryd?

So… what small steps will you take?

Trafodaeth Discussion…

What small steps

will you take?

• Gwneud ymchwil/casglutystiolaeth – beth ydymyfyrwyr eich prifysgoleisiau?

• Beth oes ganddynt farnarno ar hyn o bryd? Ymgyrchwch am fwy!

• Siarad â darlithwyr a staff y brifysgol – gofynnwchsut maen nhw‟n teimlo am bartneriaeth!

• Carry out research/collect evidence (spreadsheets? Vlogs?) – what do students‟ at your university want?

• What do they currently have a say in? Lobby for more!

• Speak to lecturers and university staff – find out how they feel about partnership!

Pa gamau bychain

byddwch chi‟n eu


Am ragor o wybodaeth…

For more information…

[email protected]