Story Broad

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Page 1: Story Broad


Page 2: Story Broad

The opening shot of the trailer shows the production company of the film while showings its trademark logo. This is a common convention of a film trailer. The production company is also a British company therefore this is unusual since most films are normally produced by

American companies such as Warner Bros.

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Shots of a chase is quickly showed in the trailer that show a small group of men chasing a man down a balcony that belong to a blocks of flats. Furthermore this shot

show the theme of a thriller like chase. Therefore this is a typical convention of a gangster film since these films often show scenes like these where the members of a

gang chase a member of their rival gang. Overall the mise en scene suchas the costumes play an important part in this shot since, they are all wearing suits which

further enforce the theory that they are part of a gang or mafia.

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The close up shot of the main character and the usages of mise en scene show a key theme of a gangster trailer. For example an aspect of mise en scene such as a prop is

used. Since the main character is smoking a cigarette highlight the theme of drugs. This is a common convention of a gangster trailer since usages of drugs such as weed and

cannabis are often included in these type of trailers.

Further more in the second scene shot the usage of mise en scene (costumes) clearly show the viewers that this film is set in 1970s England due to the typical bob hair cut and sparkly dresses that belong to that era. The use of audio (voice over) also stated “London is my city” in the trailer which further support the fact that the film is based in


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In this midshot the viewer get to see the boss of the gang. There are clear indicators that he is a character with high authority such as his laid back posture

and, he is holding an alcoholic beverage carelessly in his hand. The mise en scene (props) seem to be very modern and up to date e.g the plush sofas that he is

sitting on. Therefore this signify that this character is wealthy which is a common convention in a gangster film. Also earlier on in trailer he is the first character for their name to be reveal to the viewers which was “Freddie Mays.” Therefore this signify that Freddie May may hold an important part in the plot in the film overall

since it seem like he is the boss of the gang.

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In this wideshot Freddie May is shown standing in front of a burning building. However

surprisingly his body posture e.g relaxed shoulders indicate that

he isn’t scared or shocked at all. Instead it explicit to the viewer

that the character is feeling quite the opposite of that.

Then a close up shot is used to show the Freddie’s May face . His facial expression show a

slight hint of amusement while watching the building being burn.

However a second later he simply pop a cigarette in his

mouth almost to mock the event that is happening right in front of him. This indicate that Freddie May is the suspect that started the fire. Furthermore this show the viewers that he is ruthless

and have no mercy.

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Once again Freddie May is shown in both of these mid shots. The first mid shot show that he is talking to his subordinates since he’s standing

in front of them. This body movement imply to the viewers that Freddie May doesn’t see his

subordinates as his equals since he is in charge of the gang. Hence this may be the reason why he is towering over them when he is addressing them to show the power and dominance he have

over the two.

The second shot show that Freddie May slammed his glass into one of the men. This

action show the viewers that he is a violent boss that will act violence towards anyone despite

without evening being provoke. Therefore this is a normal convention of a gangster trailer since

scenes of violence are normally showed. Furthermore the dialogue (sound) that is used

before this shot was that Freddie May said “ when you work for me you do things my way, no independence.” Therefore the dialogue imply that he was using his subordinate as an example to what would happen if you disobey Freddie May.

Hence this mean that Freddie May used intimidation and fear in this shot to warn his


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This mid shot show a member of the gang placing a gun inside his waist belt. This usage of one aspect of mise en scene (props) is a common convention of a gangster film since the

gun show the viewers that the film have a violence element to its.

Also throughout this shot the audio that is used which is a light beat seventy music signify that this is a normal object (the gun) for a member of a gang to carry around with him as well. Another different type of audio that is used in this shot is dialogue. For example the main character that is narrating the trailer say “we’re fucking princes,” when he is placing

the gun inside his waist belt. The usage of swear words is a typical convention of a gangster film since this type of language is used throughout various gangster films.

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Throughout these four shots the viewer is introduced to the members of the gang and the viewer can clearly see what they look like. However what is unusual is that 3 out of the 4 members are white whereas only 1 member is black. This isn’t a typical convention of a gangster film since

most characters that play gang members in these films are normally POC. For example American Gangsta is a gangster film that contain mainly POC (mainly Black people) as their

main characters.

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In these two close up shots an aspect of mise en scene (props) highlight another key themes of a gangster film trailer. For example the first shot of the money being

burnt by a lighter could signify the undying hunger that gangsters

have for money. Therefore this is why a lot of gangster films have scenes where gangs are doing

drug dealing since it’s a quick and easy way to earn money.

The mise en scene (props) in the second shot show the viewers a hint of a gambling game that is

going on. This is a common convention of a gangster film since

quite a few mafia film have gambling scenes.

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An aspect of mise en scene (props) signify that the trailer have a violence element to its due to

the large gun that is being hold by the main character. Along with the sound (dialogue) being

used when the character say “Oh I got ambition,” while walking through the hallway.

Therefore this hint to the viewers that the character is planning to threaten or murder

someone by using that gun. Furthermore the blue lighting that is used in this shot is unusual. Since the colour blue is normally used to calm

people down rather than the colour to be associate with violence. However this may have been done on purpose to signify to the viewers

that this is the calm before the war.

This mid shot show an intense scene from the film since it show the viewers the main

character’s reaction towards, Freddie May challenging anyone to take his position away as the head of the gang. However the laid backed body language of the main reaction show the

viewers that this character is ready to accept the challenge.

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In this wide shot a character is kneeling over almost like he is in pain that may cause him to faint. This theory is

supported since the character placed one of his hand onto the marble column to prevent him from falling down. Also the sound (sound effect) of a gunshot is used before he start to kneel over. Therefore this heavily implied that the character

was shot in the stomach. Overall this is a common convention of a gangster film trailer since gun violence

related scene is used in countless gangster trailers such as Black Mass.

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Overall the trailer end with two final shots. In the first shot show the

weapon that the main character is planning to use on someone.

The second shot is a close up shot of his face while sound is used (dialogue)

when he say “You ready?” Whoever the character is saying this to is

unclear since there is no shot that show the other person that he is talking to. Therefore this create suspension within the trailer that

should catch the viewer’s attention.

The music (sound) is also different compare to the upbeat 70s music that was being used earlier on in the trailer. The current music that is used in this shot sound sinister and deadly. That it

almost as if the trailer is foreshadowing an intense scene that

is in the film.

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Then a transition effect (blackout) is used as the final shot is replaced with a black background while the title of the film appear on its. The bold text stand out against the background and automatically catches the viewer’s attention.

The usage of red that the letters No.1 is typed in places an emphasises on the letters as well. It also relate to the plot of the trailer that was shown since the

trailer clearly show the viewers that the main character will challenge the boss of the gang in the actual film. Therefore Gangster No.1 could mean that there

can only be one gangster.