Starting up the news: VC & the digital news media ecosystem Allie Kosterich Matthew S. Weber Rutgers University Department of Communication Annual Meeting of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication Minneapolis, MN August 5, 2016

Starting up the news: The impact of venture capital on the digital news media ecosystem

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Starting up the news: VC & the digital news media ecosystem

Allie Kosterich Matthew S. Weber

Rutgers University Department of Communication

Annual Meeting of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication

Minneapolis, MN August 5, 2016

comScore via wired.com

(December, 2014)

Overview Theory Data Results Conclusion

Overview Theory Data Results Conclusion

Community Ecology

•  Innovation from the outside and recombination within a population (e.g. Ruef, 2000)

•  Ecological characteristics (resources, diversity) impact organizational change (e.g. Lowrey, 2012)

•  de alio (diversifying incumbents) and de novo (new entrants) (e.g. Carroll et al., 1996)

Overview Theory Data Results Conclusion


H1: Venture capital funding is positively associated with de alio organizations in the digital news media space.

H2: Venture capital funding is positively associated with the age of a digital news media organization.

H5: Venture capital funding is positively associated with centrality in a given network of investors and media companies.

Overview Theory Data Results Conclusion

Summary statistics

Variable Mean SD Press count (log) -0.27 0.92 Funding (log) 2.70 1.58 Years in operation (log) 1.29 0.40 Category count (log) 0.42 0.34 Betweenness centrality (log) 0.21 0.57

N = 104

Network visualization 2-mode news organization and investor network

Legacy news media

Startup news media

Individual investor

Firm investor

Overview Theory Data Results Conclusion

Overview Theory Methods Results Conclusion

OLS regression results for analysis of funding

Model I: de alio vs. de


Model II: years in

operation de alio vs. de novo 0.51* Years in operation 1.33** Press coverage (log) -0.04 0.22 Diversity (log) -0.08 0.41 Betweenness centrality (log) 0.03 0.80**

Notes: Standardized coefficients reported. Standard errors are in parentheses.

* = p < 0.05, ** = p < 0.01

Model I F(4,99) = 4.26, p < 0.05; Model II F(4,99) = 7.47, p <0.001

Theoretical Implications •  Tension between organizational age and centrality of

network position •  Cross-community engagement: innovation from the

outside, bridging a resource space

Practical Implications •  Balance between position and experience •  Organizational and network characteristics that attract


Overview Theory Methods Results Conclusion

Limitations •  CrunchBase •  Sample size •  Dichotomous categorization of organizations

Future Research •  Cross-sector engagement •  Innovation from the outside •  General merging of news media and technology space

Overview Theory Methods Results Conclusion


Allie Kosterich @allkost

[email protected]

Matthew Weber @mediareinvented

Appendix: Legacy

Investment in Startups

Appendix: Correlation of variables

1 2 3 4 5 6

1. de alio / de novo


2. Press count (log)


3. Funding (log) 0.16 -

4. Years in operation (log)

-0.08 0.34** -

5. Category count (log)

0.02 0.04 -0.10 -

6. Betweenness centrality (log)

0.20* 0.33** 0.05 -0.07 -

N = 104; * = p < 0.001, ** = p <0.001