SQL Server 2008 for Developers UTS Short Course

SQL Server - Introduction to TSQL

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SQL Server 2008 for DevelopersUTS Short Course

Page 2: SQL Server - Introduction to TSQL

Specializes in

C# and .NET (Java not anymore)

TestingAutomated tests

Agile, ScrumCertified Scrum Trainer

Technology aficionado • Silverlight• ASP.NET• Windows Forms

Peter Gfader

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Course Timetable Course Materials

Course Website

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Course OverviewSession

Date Time Topic


18:00 - 21:00

SQL Server 2008 Management Studio


18:00 - 21:00

T-SQL Enhancements


18:00 - 21:00

High Availability


18:00 - 21:00

CLR Integration


18:00 - 21:00

Full-Text Search

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SQL Management Studio

SQL Configuration Manager


SQLCMD PowerShell

SQL Profiler

SQL Database Tuning Advisor

Last Week

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1. How to setup maintenance plans over night

2. Database encryption

1. Data2. Source code (Stored procs)

3. Best practices

1. Typical maintenance plans2. Policies

Last Week - Additional

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1. Modify maintenance plan

2. 2nd page in wizard (new plan)

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Steps• Backup• Integrity check • Index optimization

Solution used in• mission-critical environments in • many organizations.

Best practices - Maintenance

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Security Best Practices


Security Best Practices Checklist



Best practices - Security

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Create a schema called SalaryCreate a table called Employees in SchemaCreate a user called ManagerGive only manager permission to update/insert/delete in schemaCreate a user called PeterGive Peter only read to schema (=salary)Create a user AliceDeny everything for Alice in Salary


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New Data Types

Inline variable assignment

Table Value Parameters

DDL Triggers

CTE (Common Table Expressions)

TOP %, XML Queries




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bigint, int, smallint, tinyint

-2^63 ... 2^63-1 0..255

Bit (0 or 1)

decimal = numeric

Exact type Numbers -10^38 +1 ... 10^38 –

Money, smallmoney

accuracy to a ten-thousandth money unit Smallmoney = smaller money

Datatypes - Exact Numerics

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Floating point numeric data

float real

Datatypes – Approximate Numerics

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Fixed length


Variable length

Datatypes - text

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char, varchar, text

Ascii - 1 byte

nchar, nvarchar, ntext

Unicode - 2 bytes

binary, varbinary, image

Datatypes - text

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SQL 2008 now has the following data types to represent time:

DateTime SmallDateTime Date Time DateTime2 – really a BigDateTime

• Min Date is 1st Jan 0000• Max date 31st Dec 9999 – Y10K BUG!!


Date and Time

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Date Time details

Data type Format Range Accuracy Storage size (bytes)

User-defined fractional second precision

Time zone offset

time hh:mm:ss[.nnnnnnn]

00:00:00.0000000 through 23:59:59.9999999

100 nanoseconds

3 to 5 Yes No

date YYYY-MM-DD0001-01-01 through 9999-12-31

1 day 3 No No


YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss

1900-01-01 through 2079-06-06

1 minute 4 No No

datetime YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss[.nnn]

1753-01-01 through 9999-12-31

0.00333 second 8 No No

datetime2 YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss[.nnnnnnn]

0001-01-01 00:00:00.0000000 through 9999-12-31 23:59:59.9999999

100 nanoseconds

6 to 8 Yes No


YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss[.nnnnnnn] [+|-]hh:mm

0001-01-01 00:00:00.0000000 through 9999-12-31 23:59:59.9999999 (in UTC)

100 nanoseconds

8 to 10 Yes Yes

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Timestamp = rowversion

binary number Reflects data modifications

uniqueidentifier = Guid

Format: 04c4ce04-16c1-406f-a895-5dd321db7f0b

Datatypes - Other

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Sparse Columns

Filtered Indexes

Spatial Data


DATE and TIME data types

New Data Types

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I am designing an Employee table that needs to cater for employee photographs. What should I do?

Example: Storing images

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I am designing an Employee table that needs to cater for employee photographs. What should I do?

You can store the image in the database (blob)You can store a URL to the image in the database (Recommended for SQL2005)


blob vs. file system

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You can store the image in the database (blob)

Database grows really bigBackups take longerYour code needs to convert the bytes back into an imageYour images are in sync with your data


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You can store a URL to the image in the database (Recommended for SQL2005)

Database is smallerEasily validate or change the image (you can look at it on the file system)Data could become out of sync with the file systemNeed to backup the database and the file system

File system

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Filestream to the rescue

Implemented as a special varbinary(max) where data is stored as a blob on the file systemAllows you to have transactionally consistentIntegrated backup and restore of your binary imagesSize limitation is the size of your hard drive’s free space


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Q:\ I’ve got an Contacts table with 200,000 rows. To support the latest Web 2.0 trends we want to also record the contact’s blog address. What should I do?


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A:\ Just add a new BlogUrl column in


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A:\ Just add a new BlogUrl column in

Q:\ What’s the problem with that?

A:\ Most of the entries in your table will be null, it wastes a lot of database space


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Use a sparse column

These columns are new to SQL 2008 They are optimized for storing NULL values


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Sparse ColumnsData type Nonsparse bytes Sparse bytes NULL percentage

bit 0.125 4.125 98%

tinyint 1 5 86%

smallint 2 6 76%

int 4 8 64%

bigint 8 12 52%

real 4 8 64%

float 8 12 52%

smallmoney 4 8 64%

money 8 12 52%

smalldatetime 4 8 64%

datetime 8 12 52%

uniqueidentifier 16 20 43%

date 3 7 69%

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Sparse ColumnsData type Nonsparse bytes Sparse bytes NULL Percentage

datetime2(0) 6 10 57%

datetime2(7) 8 12 52%

time(0) 3 7 69%

time(7) 5 9 60%

datetimetoffset(0) 8 12 52%

datetimetoffset (7) 10 14 49%


5 9 60%


17 21 42%

vardecimal(p,s) Use the decimal type as a conservative estimate.

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Sparse ColumnsData type Nonsparse bytes Sparse bytes NULL Percentage

sql_variant Varies with the underlying data type

varchar or char 4+avg. data 2+avg. data 60%

nvarchar or nchar 4+avg. data 2+avg. data 60%

varbinary or binary 4+avg. data 2+avg. data 60%

xml 4+avg. data 2+avg. data 60%

hierarchyId 4+avg. data 2+avg. data 60%

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Allows you to add an index to a column with a where clause

Useful for indexing columns with null values in them

Filtered Indexes

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Virtual Earth Integration

Planar vs Geodetic Algorithms

Separate install for spatial assemblies


Spatial Data Types

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Spatial Datatypes Hierarchy

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Geometry allows you to represent and process polygons

Spatial Data Types

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Employee with a ManagerID column (self join)

New HierarchyID data type

Can be indexed using:• Depth First • Breadth First

How do I represent an Org Chart?

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A depth-first index, rows in a subtree are stored near each other. For example, all employees that report through a manager are stored near their managers' record.

Depth First Search

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A breadth-first stores the rows each level of the hierarchy together. For example, the records of employees who directly report to the same manager are stored near each other.

Breadth First Search

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Instead of:

DECLARE @myVar intSET @myVar = 5

You can:

DECLARE @myVar int = 5

Inline Variable Assignment

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Pass in a table as an argument to a SPROC

Instead of:

exec sp_MySproc 'murphy,35;galen,31;samuels,27;colton,42‘

SPROC needs to then parse that string

Table Value Parameters

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You can do this instead

CREATE TYPE PeepsType AS TABLE (Name varchar(20), Age int) DECLARE @myPeeps PeepsType INSERT @myPeeps SELECT 'murphy', 35 INSERT @myPeeps SELECT 'galen', 31 INSERT @myPeeps SELECT 'samuels', 27 INSERT @myPeeps SELECT 'colton', 42exec sp_MySproc2 @myPeeps

Table Value Parameters

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The SPROC would look like this:

CREATE PROCEDURE sp_MySproc2(@myPeeps PeepsType READONLY)

Table Value Parameters

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Auditing, regulating schema changes, capture events on create_table, alter_procedure, drop_login etc

DDL Triggers

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CTE (Common Table Expression) Before

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CTE (Common Table Expressions) After

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ROW NUMBER – see example

TRY/Catch in queries – see example


select top with tie feature( if top 10 and there are 15 that match number 10 will bring back all 15)

More features

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SELECT TOP 3 Person.FirstName, Person.LastName, PersonPhone.PhoneNumber

FROM AdventureWorks.Person.Person

INNER JOIN AdventureWorks.Person.PersonPhone ON

PersonPhone.BusinessEntityID = Person.BusinessEntityID


Working with XML - RAW

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<row FirstName="Ken" LastName="Sánchez" PhoneNumber="697-555-0142"/>

<row FirstName="Terri" LastName="Duffy" PhoneNumber="819-555-0175"/>

<row FirstName="Roberto" LastName="Tamburello" PhoneNumber="212-555-0187"/>

Working with XML - RAW

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What happened to our relationships?

RAW doesn’t show our table relationships but gives us a flat XML hierarchy

Working with XML - RAW

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SELECT TOP 3 Person.FirstName, Person.LastName, PersonPhone.PhoneNumber

FROM AdventureWorks.Person.Person

INNER JOIN AdventureWorks.Person.PersonPhone ON

PersonPhone.BusinessEntityID = Person.BusinessEntityID


Working with XML - Auto

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<AdventureWorks.Person.Person FirstName="Ken" LastName="Sánchez">

<AdventureWorks.Person.PersonPhone PhoneNumber="697-555-0142"/>


Working with XML - Auto

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Great, but what if I needed to format the XML to output into a certain schema

Working with XML - Auto

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BusinessEntityID AS [Person!1!BusinessEntityID],

FirstName AS [Person!1!FirstName!ELEMENT]

FROM AdventureWorks.Person.Person


Working with XML - Explicit

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<Person BusinessEntityID="285“>



<Person BusinessEntityID="293">



<Person BusinessEntityID="295">



Working with XML - Explicit

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Can control how the XML gets output

Ugly query

Is there a better way?

Working with XML - Explicit

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BusinessEntityID "Person/@BusinessEntityID",

FirstName "Person/FirstName"

FROM AdventureWorks.Person.Person


Working with XML - PATH

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XQuery is a query language for XML Data

Working with XML - XQuery

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SET @x = '<christmaslist><person name = "betty" gift = "camera"/><person name = "zach" gift = "elmo doll"/><person name = "brad" gift = "socks"/></christmaslist>'

XQuery – Declaring our XML string

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SELECT @x.exist('/christmaslist/person[@gift="socks"]')

SELECT @x.exist('/christmaslist/person[@gift="lump of coal"]')

SELECT @x.exist('/christmaslist/person[@gift="Socks"]‘)

SELECT @x.value('/christmaslist[1]/person[1]/@name', 'VARCHAR(20)‘)

SELECT @x.query('/christmaslist/person')

XQuery - Querying

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XQuery - Querying

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XQuery - Resources

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ADO.NET gives you full control over how you access and retrieve data from the data source

Strongly typed data sets

Work in disconnected mode


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Manages the connection to the database


Defines the data to be read, updated etc.


Runs the SQLCommand against the database


A complete in-memory copy of the data (tables, relationships, data types…) Search, filter, navigate your data – without even being connected to the



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Randomize Select output

Repeat statements with GO x

TSQL Tricks

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Spatial Data playground


Hidden Features in SQL Server


Top 10 Hidden Gems in SQL Server


Resources 1/2

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T-SQL Enhancements

Download from Course Materials Site (to copy/paste scripts) or type manually


Session 2 Lab

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Free chats and webcasts

List of newsgroups

Microsoft community sites

Community events and columns

Where Else Can I Get Help?


Where else can I get help?

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3 things…

[email protected]





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Thank You!

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