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Page 1: Sophia
Page 2: Sophia

When you were born you probably weighed about seven pounds, but if you were an elephant you would weigh about 250 pounds!

Until an elephant was two years old, they would drink about three gallons of milk each day.

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If you’ve ever been to the zoo before, you can probably see that, elephants are the LARGEST land animals in the world!

They’re so big, that small birds like to hang out on their backs and heads!

Even people can enjoy a ride on elephants!

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If you were an elephant, you would be born into a family with your mom, aunts, and grandmother’s

All male elephants leave their family when they are about 12-14 years old, to go to live alone or with other males.

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Elephants love to take dust or mud baths often.

Elephants also love to eat a lot of plants, twigs, leaves, and seed pods. Elephants drink almost as much as a whole bathtub each day!

Sometimes baby elephants will suck on their trunks like a human baby would suck on it’s thumb.

Baby elephants will sometimes accidentally step on their own trunks.

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Elephants are known for their amazing trunks.Their trunks

can pick up things as small as a marble!

Elephants also use their trunks to eat and to drink.

They can fit two gallons of water in their trunks.

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There are many different types of elephants, some are big, and others are smaller.

Elephants live in India, Africa, and Asia.



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Humans are the only predators to elephants,

Because of loss of habitat, and poaching.

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Elephants are some of the most gentle and caring creatures on the planet.

They like to stand next to others and touch trunks.

Also they are very loving mothers and relatives.

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Image Bibliography• http://www.elephantcountryweb.com/AfricanElephant111.jpg• http://blu1.storage.msn.com/y1pexFEiNGLrX_Gysj-J2-BSOWPf_QZz-


• http://www.motherjones.com/blue_marble_blog/3779_file_Elephant2_Balfour.jpg

• http://www.sakura-hostel.co.jp/blog/images/elephants1.jpg• http://www.lewa.org/lewa-wildlife-conservancy-pics/elephant_baby

_on_road.jpg• http://www.worldstory.net/jivotni/elephant_1.jpg• http://imagecache2.allposters.com/images/pic/NPLPOD/1075574~


• http://gallery.hd.org/_exhibits/natural-science/_more2005/_more03/elephant-African-savannah-drinking-in-waterhole-water-hole-in-Addo-Elephant-Park-Eastern-Cape-South-Africa-1-JR.jpg

• http://www.sanparks.org/parks/kruger/elephants/images/anatomy/trunk-curled.jpg

• http://www.liv.ac.uk/~sdb/Safari-2005/Images/0734-elephant-trunk.jpg

• http://www.nwf.org/nationalwildlife/images/082005/nwas05_whatisit.jpg

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Image Bibliography• http://yoursafariexpert.com• http://www.indianholiday.com/images/wild-animals-in-india/indian-

elephant.jpg• /%5Cphoto1%5CAlbums%5CAlbum1%5CLarge%5CPB122377_elep

hants.jpg• http://www.topnews.in/files/Elephant.jpg• http://www.sciencedaily.com/images/2005/12/051218111341.jpg• http://www.african-safari-journals.com/image-files/african-elephant

s.jpg• http://www.branchy.com/photos/africa/2003.

ant_bird.jpg• http://www.wildlife-pictures-online.com/image-files/elephant_lznp-r

0102_med.jpg• http://www.free-photo-download.com/large_images/SouthAfrica_El

ephants.jpg• http://www.conservenature.org/asian_elephant/images/elephant_b

abies_04.jpg• http://www.free-photo-download.com/large_images/SouthAfrica_El

ephants.jpg• http://pro.corbis.com/images/AB008009.jpg?size=67&uid=


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To learn more about elephants go to:

• http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elephant

• http://www.pbs.org/wnet/nature/elephants/trunk.html

• http://homeschooling.about.com/cs/unitssubjsci/p/elecalf.htm