Social Studies ABC Book By: Marcie Stewart

Social studies abc book

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Social Studies ABC BookBy: Marcie Stewart

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A- American Revolution

Mercantilism and the cost of the French and Indian war were the main reasons for this war. The colonies waged war on England for their independence.

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B – Battle of Gettysburg

This battle was fought in 1863 and more than 50,000 soldiers from the North and South lost their lives. This was considered the bloodiest battle of the American Civil War.

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C - Congress

Congress is the legislative branch of the nation. The have many duties including making laws, collecting taxes, coining money and regulating it’s value, and can declare war.

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D – Declaration of Independence

This is the document drawn up by the Second Continental Congress that severed the colonies ties to England. It was signed on July 4th, 1776 by 56 delegates. The Declaration has 5 sections an introduction, a list of truths that the colonist self evident, a list of abused by the king, a list of facts of how the colonies tried to help parliament, and the last section is a summary of the action taken.

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E – Economy

The wealth of a region or country in terms of production of goods and consumption of products.

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F – First Amendment

This amendment protects our freedom of speech, press, relion,, assembly and petition.

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G - Government

Government is an agency of the federal government that governs the nation, state, or community. Some of the most known types of government are Communism, Socialism, Democracy, and Monarchy.

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H - Haulocaust

Act of genocide to exterminate the Jewish population during World War ll. Hitler devised his master plan and killed 5 to 6 million Jews using concentration camps.

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I – Interior Highlands

This is part of the interior continental United States. States included in this area are Missouri, Arkansas, Kentucky, and part of Oklahoma and Kansas. The Ozark mountains are also in this region.

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J – Judicial Branch

This branch is composed of the federal court system. The supreme court is part of the judicial branch of government. Other courts included in this branch are district courts, appeal courts, bankruptcy courts, and federal courts.

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K – Karl Marx

Known for coming up with the socialist party. Karl Marx was born on March 14th and died in 1883. He was of German descent.

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L – Longitude and Latitude

Latitude lines are horizontal lines on the Earth that measure the distance North and South of the equator.

Longitude lines are vertical lines running North and South going East and West. The prime meridian is known as the 0 degree line of Longitude.

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M - Monarchy

A Monarchy is a form of government lead by a King of Queen. This person can have supreme powers and could become a dictator. A Monarchy could also be limited in power and only have ceremonial powers.

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N – Natural Resources

These are resources found in nature. They include things like air, water, and plants. Diamonds and minerals can also be a form of natural resource.

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O – Open Door Policy

This was instituted by Congress and allowed all nations equal opportunity to trade with China. This allowed for imperialism and had a huge impact on the United States trade system.

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P – Pueblo Indians

The Pueblo Indians originated from the Anasazi tribe that settled on the Rio Grande and intermarried with the local population. The Pueblo’s produced drought resistant corn and squash which was the foundation of their diet. They survived the Spanish conquest and Colonization period.

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Q - Quest

A quest was known as a trip during the age of discovery.

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R – Reconstruction Era

The reconstruction era started after the Civil War was over. It was from 1865 to 1877 and it was for the rebuild of the southern states because that was where most of the war was fought. It was also the emotional reconstruction of the nation after the war.

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S - Slavery

Large numbers of Africans were brought to the US by the Dutch. They worked on plantations and were treated poorly. They were treated as property that could be bought and sold at the will of the plantation owner

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T – Temperance Movement

This movement prohibited the consumption of alcohol in the United States. It began in the 1830’s and by 1855 thirteen states had already passed laws that prohibited the use of alcohol.

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U – United States of America

The United States is a country comprised of 50 states covering a large portion of North America. It also includes Alaska and Hawaii. Major cities include New York, Washington DC, Los Angeles, and Chicago.

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V - Virginia

The Jamestown colony was formed in Virginia . It was the first permanent English colony

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W – War of Terrorism

In 2001 terrorist flew planes into the world Trade Center. The attack on the twin towers killed more than 3000 people. As a result America declared war and attacked the Taliban in Afghanistan.

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X – XYZ Affair

Diplomatic incident between the French and United States diplomates that resulted in the Quasi – War. The diplomats were able to restore peace within the convention of 1800. This is also known as the Treaty of Mortefontaine

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Y – Yalta Conference

This was a conference held by the three Allied leaders during World War II. It consisted of Franklin D Rosevelt, Winston Churchill, and Joseph Stalin. They met to plan the final defeat and occupation of Nazi Germany.

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Z - Zedong

China’s communist leader from 1935 until his death. He was chairman of the Peoples Republic of China and remained chairman until his death in 1976.

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