Creating Artists of Learning Mary Cullinane [email protected] Director, Innovation and Business Development Team Stacey Rainey [email protected] Academic Program Manager

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Creating Artists of Learning

Mary [email protected], Innovation and Business Development Team

Stacey [email protected] Program Manager

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i m a g i n e …..

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89 Years

Our times they are a changin’: Journey to 150 Million Users

Television38 Years

Cell Phone14 Years

iPod7 Years


5 Years

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Would we still build…..

What if…

We understood our customers…We were guaranteed not to fail…We knew exactly what we wanted a learning environment to look like…We had resources, commitment, will, and courage…

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General Electric


Business Week 2007 "Most Innovative Companies"

Proctor and Gamble

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S&P 500 from 1957 to 1997: 74 members of the Class of ’57 were alive in ’97 – 15%

12 outperformed the market – 2%

Forbes100 from 1917 to 1987: 39 members of the Class of ’17 were alive in ’87 - 39%

2 outperformed the market - 2%

Sustaining Innovation is Difficult…..

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Henry Adams

Creativity’s Greatest Obstacle

Experience forced on men’s minds the conviction that what had ever been must ever be…

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Finding creativity

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Now this is creative…

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The 25% of the population in China, with the highest IQ’s, is greater than the total population of North America.

If you took every single job in the U.S. today and shipped it to China . . . China would still have a labor surplus.

In the next 75 minutes … 540 babies will be born in the U.S. …3159 babies will be born in India.

by 2010 more than 51 percent of the U.S. workforce is expected to be 40 years old or older, a 33 percent increase since 1980.

The U.S. Department of Labor estimates that today’s learner will have 10-14 jobs … By the age of 38.

At American colleges and universities, only 5 percent of undergraduates are pursing degrees in science or engineering, compared with 42 percent of university students in China, while India routinely graduates four times as many college students with engineering skills as the United States.

The Status Quo will no longer due…

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We are asking the wrong questions

Does technology have a direct correlation on student achievement?

Why haven’t we discovered the Silver Bullet?

What is the School of the Future Blueprint?

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Disruption….Netflix (NFLX)

52 week$40.90

Dividend & Yield




Forward P/E 22.90

Market Cap.1.79 Bil

fyi  P/E 26.50

Return on Equity


Total Shares Out.

60.87 Mil

Blockbuster (BBI)

52 week $5.80

Dividend & Yield




Forward P/E


Market Cap.

438.09 Mil

fyi  P/E2,740.70

Return on Equity


Total Shares Out.

197.34 Mil

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Where Does Innovation Come From?

Most significant sources of ideas

Where do opportunities come from?


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Creativity within contextBuilding a School of the


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Philadelphia ContextGrade 9 – 12 Public High School with 750 Students opened Sept. 2006Neighborhood High School with comprehensive curriculum, not special admit3 Year project funded by the School District of Philadelphia with a standard budget allocationMicrosoft’s contribution primarily human capital, partnership development support and resourcing and is part of our US Partners in Learning portfolioNew construction in West Philadelphia (163K Sq. Ft.)Best practices and outcomes to be leveraged worldwide. Building not required. Resources available at www.microsoft.com/education/sof

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Innovation Orchestration…

Learning First… Technology Later

Language is Paramount

Identify the Questions and Answers Will


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What are you trying to create?


Establishing Our Vision

where learning is not dependent on time and place

where instruction adapts to the needs of the individual student

where content, curriculum and tools are current and relevant




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Who is your customer?


• Motivations• Obstacles• Trends• Interests• Values• Environment M



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Generate InterestIdentify Prior Knowledge

Gather New Information

Observation ReplicationReinforcement



Demonstration of Learning

Instructional Method

Personalized Instructional Plan

Learning Resources

Community of Learners

Rich Delivery Tools

Self Directed Mechanisms

Best Practice Sharing

Peer Environment


Learning Continuum

Instructional Implication

Device StrategyCross-Curriculum R&DIntegration

Learning Space MatrixSmartCardsAudioEnhancement

Education Competency WheelLearner / Educator PortalOneNote Assessment Notebook

Virtual LibraryAnytime Anywhere Access

Home / School BroadbandTakingITGlobal

Community Portal

Office 2007OneNote

Virtual Teaching AssistantApex Learning

Community Portal

Learning PortalVirtual Library


OneNoteCommunity Portal

OneNoteLearning Portal

Assessment Dashboard

How do we have a better technology conversation?

US Partners in Learning: Philadelphia School of the Future

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Technology as AccelerantExample: Obsevation through enhanced visualization

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What process will guide your

efforts? 6i Development Process©

1 2 3 4 5 6

introspection investigation inclusion innovation implementation introspection




Success MetricsBenchmarks

Indentify and Review

Best Practice Innovation Research

Advisory Board SWOT Process

EngageCommunityKey LeadersGovernment




IT Architecture




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So What Did We Build?

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Developing People

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Money and technology are great…

people are better.

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Creating a “Culture of Professional Development”

Recognize the difference between a professional development plan and a culture of professional developmentCreate an environment where:

Self-critical behavior is encouraged and expectedPermission to say “I don’t know” is grantedFailure is part of the process

Provide the infrastructure – then support self directed solutions as well

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CompetenciesThe set of behaviors that differentiate outstanding


Career StagesWhat‘s expected in your current stage and how to get to the next stage on your chosen career path

ExperiencesThe building blocks for learning and


Career Model Overview

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How it all comes together…CareerCompass



Plan/Next Steps

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Developing PeopleAsset: The Education Competency Wheel

Goal: Build a resource that can:Support organizational developmentSupport stronger selection

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Reflective Questions

Do you document and discuss formal on the job training opportunities with your teams?Do you encourage your staff to create and document personal development plansDo you set aside formal time to discuss individual development plans with your direct reports / staffs

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An interesting perspective…..

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Hire the best

Every hire for organization first,

not the position

Hire talent & potential, not


Committed to diversity

Hiring Philosophy

Behavioral interviewing

• Past behavior indicates future


• Identify behaviors needed for

given job then find a person with

those behaviors

• Seek specific examples from

candidates of times when they

demonstrated behaviors

Hiring Methodology

People & Hiring

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The Loop Process

Each Candidate participates in

5 – 7 interviews

Each Interviewer investigates

1 – 2 competencies

Interviewer utilizes Behavioral

Interviewing Techniques

At the end of each interview – Hire or No Hire Decision

Feedback plays crucial

role in process

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Interview Model

Introduction (5 minutes) •Build rapport

•Opening question

Competency gathering stage (15–30 minutes) – See Handout•Behavioral


•Scenario/Role Play


Functional skills (15–30 minutes) •Test candidate's specific job knowledge

Closing (5–10 minutes) •Answer questions about SDP or team

•Refer awkward questions to a recruiter

•Explain next steps

•Sell when appropriate

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1. Questions should focus on assigned core competencies, not talents

2. Don't be intimidated by a candidate's knowledge. Focus on how it was gained, what they

have and are currently doing with it

3. Find people who have thought critically about their successes and failures

4. Always take long-term view & consider a candidate's potential

5. Try to ensure candidate talks for about 80% of time

6. Value cultural differences; watch for personal biases

7. Answer questions about working here. Identify strong work-type preferences

8. Remember, by end of interview, a hire or no-hire recommendation needed:

9. Don’t rely on resume

Conducting a Superior Interview

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Reflective Questions

Do you provide formal interviewer training?Is your interview process consistent throughout the entire organization (all roles)

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Lessons Learned

Be brave, be bold, be thoughtful…

Money and technology are great… people are better.

It’s more than a professional development plan… it’s

creating a culture of professional development.

Be comfortable saying “I don’t know” and be self-critical

Language matters

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highlights of resources

• Discovery Briefs• MS Institute• Interactive Web• SOF Competency Wheel• Learning Space Matrix• IT Design Architecture / K12 Technology Blueprint• School of the Future World Summit• SOF Vision Paper

School of the Futurewww.microsoft.com/education/sof

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Have Hope….

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© 2008 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.This presentation is for informational purposes only. Microsoft makes no warranties, express or implied, in this summary.

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