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semi aberto





Agitar, apressar

deitado em cama

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Esticar, alongar

Aumentar, elevar, suspender



Dedos dos pés


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Make your morning better

The morning is probably no one's favorite part of the

day, particularly if you stayed up the night before to

watch TV. Remember: stress and anxiety damage

your immunity. Enter your day happy and relaxed,

and you increase your chances of a healthy,

productive day.

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1. Go to sleep with your curtains halfway open1. That

way, the natural light of the rising sun will send a

signal to your brain2 to slow3 its production of

melatonin and increase4 its production of

adrenaline, a signal that it's time to wake up5.

When the alarm rings, you'll already be half awake.

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2. Set your alarm 15 minutes earlier. This way,

you don't have to jump out of bed and rush6.

You can begin your morning by lying in bed7,

slowly waking up. Mentally consider what

you're going to do, what you're going to have

for breakfast. It's just as important to prepare

yourself mentally as physically for your day.

These few minutes in bed are all yours.

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3. Stretch8 every extremity for 15 seconds. Try this

even before you open your eyes. Lift9 your arm

and begin to stretch each10 finger, then your hand,

then your wrist11, then your arm.

Then move on to the other arm. Then your toes12,

feet, ankles13, and legs.

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Questions on the text

01) Cite, em português, as três orientações que o

texto dispõe para que possamos ter uma manhã

mais relaxada e saudável.

1. Go to sleep with your curtains halfway open.

Vá dormir com as cortinas semi abertas.

2. Set your alarm 15 minutes earlier.

Ajuste seu despertador para 15 minutos mais cedo.

3. Stretch every extremity for 15 seconds.

Alongue cada extremidade por 15 segundos.

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What is an Asteroid? Asteroid is the informal name given by astronomers to

many of the tens of thousands of small celestial bodies that

orbit our Sun. Asteroids are smaller than planets, but much

larger than meteorites. Unlike comets, asteroids lack a

"coma", a glowing tail formed by ice crystals sublimating

into gas.

Reading 2 – Page 2

Bodies – corpos

Orbit – orbitar

Unlike – diferente

Lack – falta, ausência

glowing tail - cauda brilhante

sublimating – transformando-se em

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There are an estimated 45,000 asteroids in our Solar

System, and countless others in and beyond our own galaxy.

The word asteroid comes from the Greek term

"asteroides", which means "star like". Unlike planets, though,

which become spherical due to their strong gravitational

fields, asteroids tend to remain irregularly shaped.

Countless – incontáveis, muitos

Beyond – além

Means – significa

Unlike – diferente

though - embora

become – tornar-se due to – devido a

Fields – campos

tend to – tendem a

Remain –

Shaped - formato


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The largest known asteroid is the dwarf planet Ceres, at

580 miles in diameter. The first recorded sighting of Ceres

took place in 1801, leading to the discovery of many other

asteroids in subsequent years. Today, astronomers

discover thousands of new asteroids each year, and

catalog them for comparison among one another.

Known - conhecido

Dwarf – anão

sighting – avistamento

took place = happened – aconteceu

among - entre

One another – um ao outro

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Many asteroids fall outside of the asteroid belt, and

some even pass very close to the Earth. Astronomers

currently know of 7,075 "near-Earth asteroids",

approximately 1,000 of which are more than a kilometer in

diameter. Some of these have struck the Earth.

Belt – cinto

Currently – atualmente

Struck - atingiu, golpeou

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In fact, scientists believe prehistoric collisions with

major asteroids may have caused several important

geological events, including the mass extinction of

dinosaurs and other creatures at the end of the Cretaceous

period, 65 million years ago. Asteroids with a diameter of

one kilometer or greater enter the Earth's once every

500,000 years, on average, making the likelihood of a

serious impact in the near future very slim.

Average – media

likelihood – probabilidade

Slim – pequeno(a)

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02) (Ufal) Identify the true statements according to the text.

1) Meteorites and asteroids have similar sizes.

2) Asteroids are celestial bodies orbiting the Sun.

3) A distinguishing feature of asteroids is their "coma".

4) There are thousands of asteroids in the Solar System.

5) The shape of asteroids is hardly ever irregular.

The correct

ones are only:

a) 1, 3 and 5.

b) 3 and 4.

c) 2 and 4.

d) 1, 2 and 5.

e) 4 and 5.


A alternativa 1 afirma que meteoritos e asteróides têm tamanhos

iguais, o que é falso, pois eles têm tamanhos bem distintos.

A 2 afirma, respeitando o que está no texto, que os asteróides são

corpos celestes que orbitam o Sol.

A 3 diz que os asteróides têm cauda, o que não corresponde ao

que está expresso no texto.

A 4 diz que há milhares de asteróides no Sistema Solar, o que

coincide com o que está no texto.

Finalmente a 5, contrariando o que está dito no texto, diz que a

forma dos asteróides quase nunca é irregular.

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03) (Ufal) According to the text:

a) Ceres was first seen more than two centuries ago.

b) the amount of asteroids discovered annually is small.

c) few asteroids were discovered after the sighting of Ceres.

d) Ceres is the smallest planet in the Solar System.

e) Ceres is located 580 miles from our planet.

Page 3


A alternativa “A” diz, apoiando-se no que está expresso no texto, que o asteróide

Ceres foi visto pela primeira vez há mais de dois séculos atrás. Logo, é a

alternativa correta.

A “B” afirma que a quantidade de asteróides descoberta anualmente é pequena, e

essa afirmação contraria o que é dito no texto.

A “C” diz que poucos asteróides foram descobertos depois da descoberta de

Ceres, o que não é verdade.

A “D” afirma que Ceres é o menor planeta do sistema solar, o que também não é

verdade, pois se trata de um asteróide.

Finalmente a “E” diz que Ceres fica a 580 milhas do nosso planeta, mas esse

número se refere, na verdade, ao seu diâmetro.

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04) (Ufal) It is believed that asteroid collisions with the Earth:

a) must have banned life in our planet.

b) are highly likely to happen any time soon.

c) undoubtedly caused the extinction of dinosaurs.

d) never had any significant impact on Earth.

e) might have caused a lot of destruction.


A “A” diz que a colisão deve ter eliminado a vida do nosso planeta e é incorreta.

A “B” diz que tem grande possibilidade de ocorrer em breve e também é


A “C” diz que as colisões inquestionavelmente provocaram a extinção dos

dinossauros, mas isso é apenas uma hipótese.

A “D” diz que os asteróides nunca tiveram impacto significativo no nosso planeta

e isso contraria hipóteses já levantadas.

A alternativa “E” afirma que a colisão de asteroides pode ter causado grande

destruição e equivale ao que está no texto. Logo, é a alternativa correta.

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Present Perfect Apostila 4

Page 3

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Present Perfect


Formamos o present perfect com o auxiliar have (has)

e o verbo principal na forma de past participle.


We have seen the film.

She has taken some lessons.

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O present perfect pode ser usado de duas formas:

1) Descreve uma ação que iniciou no passado e que continua (ou que seus

efeitos continuam sendo observados) no presente.

Tom has lived in the same town since he was seven. (Observe que ele começou a morar na cidade aos sete anos de idade e ainda

mora lá).

I have studied a lot lately. (Tenho estudado muito de um tempo pra cá.)

2) Descreve uma ação acabada no passado, mas sem tempo determinado.

I have seen Joe. (Indica que eu vi Joe, mas não mencionei quando.)

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Observe a diferença

I have broken my leg.

(present perfect – ação no passado indeterminado)

I broke my leg this morning.

(simple past – ação no passado determinado)

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Page 4

arrived has done have seen went has listened

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Present Perfect Continuous

A formação do present perfect continuous (present perfect

progressive) é elaborada da seguinte maneira:

sujeito + have/has been + verbo com ing


I have been working at Energia for 10 years.

Carlos has been using this computer since 2010.


Usamos o present perfect continuous também para indicar uma

ação que iniciou no passado e que continua no presente.

I have been working a lot lately. = I have worked a lot lately.


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É muito comum o emprego dos advérbios since (desde),

for (há), lately (ultimamente) e so far (até agora) no

primeiro caso do uso do present perfect ou no present

perfect continuous.

Joe has studied (has been studying) here for two


The Smiths have lived (have been living) in New York

since 2001.

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Page 4

for since since for for hours.

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X ok X


ok x

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X ok X


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1. Choose the correct verb tense to complete the sentences.

a) I saw / have seen this film yesterday. b) Peter went / has been to Disneyland before. c) Last week I lost / have lost my car keys. d) I didn't eat / haven't eaten sushi in my life. e) My mother broke / has broken her leg. f) I went / have been to this bar last week. g) Did you see / Have you seen my purse? h) Look. I cut / have cut myself. i) She arrived / has arrived here at 3 o' clock. j) When did you buy / have you bought this? k) Why did you buy / have you bought this?

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2) When _______ they _______ married? Five years ago.

a) was / got

b) did / get

c) have / got

3) Have you _______ eaten with chopsticks?

a) ever

b) some time

c) any

4) My grandmother is 86. She _______ lots of interesting people during her life.

a) knew

b) met

c) has met

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5) Put the word in brackets into the PAST SIMPLE or PRESENT PERFECT.

a) Tom __________________ (just come) . Do you want

to talk to him?

b) __________________ (you watch) TV last night?

c) He __________________ (live) here since 1989. I

believe he will die here.

d) Mr. Jones __________________ (go) to Australia.

He is not in this country.

e) I __________________ (never write) any poem.

has just come

Did you watch

has lived

has gone

Have never written

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f) I _______________ (read) twenty novels last year.

g) __________________ (John ever visit) Indonesia?

h) She _______________ (just finish) her homework.

She can go out with friends.

i) My brother _________ (see) him last week at Jane's

birthday party.

j) I ____________ (never flew) anywhere by plane


read Has John ever viseted

‘s just finished


‘ve never flown

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Present Perfect


Pres. Perf. Continuous


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Present Perfect x Pres. Perf. Continuous (Progressive)

´s been fishing.

has caught a crab.

has been cooking.

´s made a cake.

´s been painting.

´s re- painted the ceiling.


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I’ve finished

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I’ve driven I’ve been studying

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’s traveled ’s been traveling

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Put the verbs into the correct tense (Present Perfect Simple or

Present Perfect Progressive)

a) I (play) _______________ football for five years.

b) My team (win / only) ___________ two matches so far.

c) The others (be / always) _______________ better.

d) Are we not there yet? We (walk) _______________ for hours.

e) But we (cover / only) _______________ an area of five

miles so far.

f) I (finish/just) _______________ my homework.

g) I (work) _________________ on this essay since two o'clock.

h) Jane (go out) __________________ with Bob for seven years.

i) Martin (date) ___________________ three girls this week.

j) How long (wait / you) ______________________ for us?

‘ve been playing

has only won

have always been

‘ve been walking

have only covered

‘ve just finished

‘ve been working

has been going out

has been dating

have you been waiting

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Use the verbs in Present Perfect Progressive, if possible. If it

is not possible, use the Present Perfect Simple. a) We (know) ___________ them for 15 years.

b) They (watch) ________________ TV for 3 hours.

c) He (have) ___________ this car for 20 years.

d) We (work) ___________ for 7 hours without a break.

e) How long (you / learn) ____________________ English?

f) Mr Smith (be) ___________ in hospital for 5 days.

g) Steven (hear) ___________ a mouse squeak all night.

h) (you / see) _____________ Brona?

i) She (prepare) __________________ dinner for two hours.

j) Don't worry, they (touch / not) ______________ your gameboy.

‘ve known

‘ve been watching

‘ve had

‘ve worked

have you been learning

has been

has heard

Have you seen

has been preparing

haven’t touched

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Unit 14 - Page 8 - Reading


1) remain

2) around

3) youngsters

4) first grade

5) already

6) childhood

7) growing up

- manter, continuar

- por volta de

- jovens

- primeira série

- já

- infância

- crescimento

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Does mother know best?

Children leave home early these days. It used to be that kids

remained1 home until around2 age 6, when they were dropped

at the school door for their tremulous first day in a classroom.

Not any more. By the time today's youngsters3 reach first

grade4, they have already5 spent one to three years in a


Early childhood6 education has become a new industry and

a routine part of growing up7. Psychologists and educators

have encouraged this movement, saying that professionals can

do a better job of instructing youngsters at school than

amateurs can do at home.

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Questions on the text

19) Qual comparação o texto faz entre as crianças por

volta dos seis anos de idade de antigamente e as de

hoje em dia?

As crianças permaneciam em casa até por volta de 6

anos de idade. Não mais. Hoje em dia, ao chegar na

primeira série (1ªano), eles terão passado de um a três

anos em uma sala de aula.

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Questions on the text

20) Qual a argumentação dos psicólogos e educadores

para encorajar tal prática corrente?

Psicólogos e educadores têm incentivado este

movimento, dizendo que os profissionais podem fazer

um trabalho melhor de instruir os jovens na escola do

que os amadores podem fazer em casa.

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Page 11

To bug


Fell like __ing

Estar afim de





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31)When Lucy says: But I must admit there

are times..., the word must could be

substituted by:

a) can.

b) need.

c) has to.

d) have to.

e) am able to.