Mona made an in- person visit to Grandview Library in 2008. We loved Mona and Owney!

Skype an Author Webinar for TL Virtual Cafe

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Creeated by: Sarah Chauncey & Ramona N. Kerby, Ph.D. - founders - Skype an Author http://skypeanauthor.wetpaint.com/ as presented on the TL Virtual Cafe http://tlvirtualcafe.wikispaces.com/

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Mona made an in-person visit to Grandview Library in 2008.

We loved Mona and Owney!

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The following year, we wanted another group of 2nd graders to meet Mona as part of our letter-writing unit? But there were no funds…Why not Skype her in?

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Mona and I talked about the logistics of Skyping.

We did a dry-run.

Mona’s Office to Grandview Library via Skype.

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We wondered if other authors would be willing to make Skype visits.

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Our goal – host a network of authors who are willing to participate in Skype conversations with students in classrooms and libraries.

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Create a wiki and provide a page for each author who joins the network.

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Create an author template

Consistency of content Keeps things simple for authors, teachers, and librarians.

Minimal management

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Simple Guidelines for Authors

and Librarians / Teachers

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Mona’s Tips for Teachers and LibrariansPre-planning is Essential

1. Have a backup plan. Bad weather affects transmission. Exchange phone numbers so you can have another way to fix a glitch.

2. Keep the group small as a way to maintain energy and interaction. No more than 2 classes.

3. Participating students, teachers, and adults should know the author. This means: Reading the books Doing activities with the books, writing, research, etc. Studying the author’s website

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Tips for teachers and librarians— cont’d

4. Encourage thoughtful questions: That don’t lead to a yes or no answer That focus on writing, revising, illustrating, publishing Allow freedom to ask questions based on what they hear

5. Consider purchasing books and selling them to students at a discount and sending bookplates for the author to autograph to students.

6. Keep it short, 10 minutes maximum. This is a gift of time and kindness. For longer visits, pay the author.

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Two outstanding visits… A reading teacher worked with 5 students by

reading my books, by writing and revising their own stories, and by preparing questions. Then, each student and I had the opportunity to talk individually while the others listened.

A school librarian invited one class and their parents into the library for the interview. Students asked me their questions and then after my interview, performed for their parents.

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5/27/10 - What a glorious three days I had at Demmitt Elementary in Vandalia, Ohio. The main reason this visit was a success was librarian Beth Green and a team of talented educators who organized a welcome assembly, Family Night, presentations, and two days of writing "funshops". Another thing Beth planned was skyping with each class prior to my in-person visit. This allowed the students and I the opportunity to get to know each other; I also gave suggestions to each class for writing projects. With the second graders, for example, I explained how to use my book ROAR OF A SNORE as a model for their ROAR OF A SNORE II, using the same plot, but a new character and setting. When I arrived at Demmitt, the halls were filled with the various classes' projects. Skyping as a supplement to in-person visits wasn't something I anticipated when I joined Skype an Author, but it works beautifully. I plan to include skyping as a preliminary to my in-person school visits in the future.Author: Marsha Diane Arnold

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05/20/2010 - I recently chatted to Franklin Middle School and attach a picture from the Home News Tribune, the caption of which gives the full details. We spoke for about 40 mins mostly in the form of question and answer. Ms. Tara-Lynn Walter has been using Epic in her classroom and has teachers' notes for the book which she is willing to share. To contact her, please go through me. Thanks for the good work you are doing, Warm regards, Conor.

Author: Conor Kostick

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05/12/2010 I am writing in regard to a Skype session my class had today with Mike Artell. It was the first such endeavor my district has done and our superintendent as well as the head of our technology department and my principal were present to observe. I am happy to say it was a wonderful experience. Mr. Artell kept the students engaged and got them excited about writing and illustrating. All administrators were impressed and have indicated they are willing to allow me to pursue additional sessions in the future as well as expand these sessions district wide. Author: Mike Artell

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3/03/10 What a thrill it was to connect with 5th grade students attending an international school in Korea! Their teacher, Miss Kim had been using my picture book, "THOSE SHOES" in her classroom, and inquired about a Skype visit. It was such a fun experience, as I worked through the questions the students had sent me the previous week. To be able to interact with children so far away, encouraging them to write, read and love books is absolutely amazing. Thank you, Mona Kerby and Sarah Chauncey for helping make these connections between authors, teachers and children.Author: Maribeth Boelts

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The story of author Barbara Mahler's Skype visit to Cosgrove Middle School in Spencerport, NY on December 4, 2009. The students were reading her book The Hole in the Sky, and had questions prepared.

Author: Barbara Mahler

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225+ AuthorsAs of June 2010