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SKELETON: The Supporting Mathematics in Creation

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SKELETON: The Supporting Mathematics in Creation


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SKELETON: The Supporting Mathematics in Creation


CREATIONWilliam John Meegan

PROLOGUEMore than a quarter of a century ago I postulated that behind the texts of the Judaeo Christian

Scriptures there was a mathematical skeletal structure and this intuitive idea came to me out of my discoveries of the Cycles of Divine Creation1 and through my mathematical analysis of Dante Alighieri’s La Divina Commedia Mathematical System2, which the above pastel painting was designed from. At that time I had no way of credibly demonstrating that idea in the sacred scriptures until I learn of the symbolic and alphanumeric structure of the Hebrew coder. This later enhanced my bible studies greatly. The word ‘skeleton’ at the time merely was referencing a framework to the sacred scriptures similar to how a building has a skeletal structure before the inner walls and outer façade are put into place and not actually any idea, I had at the time, that the human skeleton was actually being displayed via iconography in the esotericism codified to the texts; thus in the pastel painting above I was merely illustrating through iconography how Dante Alighieri codified his mathematical system to his La Divina Commedia; though, at that time, I also surmise that the sacred scriptures were codified esoterically in the selfsame manner. The human skeleton per se was not in my thoughts patterns, at the time. It wasn’t until about or after 1992 when I read Rabbi Aryeh Kaplan’s work THE SEFER YITZIRAH: the Book

1 http://www.slideshare.net/williamjohnmeegan/the-cycles-of-divine-creation-the-universal-mathematical-matrix2 http://www.slideshare.net/williamjohnmeegan/dante-alighieridante-alighieris-la-divina-commedia-mathematical-system


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SKELETON: The Supporting Mathematics in Creation

of Creation3 that the idea of the human skeleton came to mind concerning the Genesis creation account when I learned via a personal word count of the texts of the first chapter of Genesis that there were two-hundred and six (206) words in the fifth and six days of creation. There are two-hundred and six (206) bones in the human body. Of course at the time none of these ideas made any sense. My researches expanded out in all directions to many cultures around the world in order for me to get a handle on biblical symbolism and I found the works of R. A. Schwaller de Lubicz, THE TEMPLE OF MAN4 quite intriguing and the idea that many pharaohs of Egypt would work together over time to create the TEMPLE OF KARNAK5 in the form of a human skeleton was fascinating. That idea of the human skeleton as a temple was Egyptian and though Judaism came out of Egypt I could not synch the two ideas of the skeleton at the Temple of Karnak and the two hundred and six (206) words in the first chapter of Genesis.

Though the above pastel painting6 was initially design based upon the mathematics of Dante Alighieri’s La Divina Commedia I can say with complete confidence that this pastel painting also describe, except for the numerical data relating to the La Divina Commedia, some of the iconography outlined in the first four chapters of Genesis.

PATTERNS IN THE SEQUENCE OF 32-ELOHYMSRecently, on January 7, 2016 I was watching the movie STIGMATA7, for about the fifth time, when it

dawn on me what the five wounds of Christ signified: i.e. a set in the Fibonacci sequence and this will be discussed as this paper continues. The human skeleton has a total of 206-bones, which is symbolically brought out in the fifth (57) and sixth (149) days of creation, which have a total of 206-words. In order to understand what the skeleton of the human body has to do with the wounds of Christ and the mythoi of the sacred scriptures an outline of the numerical structure of the first chapter of Genesis has to be laid out.

There is a great deal that can be culled out and interpreted from the first chapter of Genesis. No one verse or multiple verses has a single concretized interpretation. Each letter, word, sentence and verse has multiple interpretations, which may or may not have anything to do with each other encapsulate missive; on the other hand, conceptually all interpretations of the sacred scriptures relate to the Initiatic Visionary Experience.1) The first two verses of Genesis is the prologue of the creation account.

a. In the image above representing the 32-Elohyms in the first chapter of Genesis these two verses are colored yellow and numbered one and two.

b. These two of sixteen Elohyms represent the DARKNESS that the LIGHT is culled from.i. The first two verses of Genesis have twenty-one words.

ii. These two Elohym symbolize twenty-one out of the twenty-two Hebrew letters, which coincides with the twenty-one of the twenty-two Major Arcana Tarot Cards8. I add this link only to illustrate what I am discussing. I am not supporting anyone

3 http://www.amazon.com/Sefer-Yetzirah-Creation-Aryeh-Kaplan/dp/0877288550/ref=sr_1_6?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1452285187&sr=1-6&keywords=rabbi+aryeh+kaplan 4 http://www.amazon.com/Temple-Man-R-Schwaller-Lubicz/dp/0892815701/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1452285415&sr=1-1&keywords=the+temple+of+man+by+schwaller+de+lubicz 5 http://www.amazon.com/The-Temples-Karnak-Schwaller-Lubicz/dp/0892817127/ref=pd_sim_14_4?ie=UTF8&dpID=61WvislsVBL&dpSrc=sims&preST=_AC_UL160_SR121%2C160_&refRID=0FVZ9BPKBCENEAWHRBED 6 I signed this ‘pastel painting’; for the reason that I commission it; though, I am not the painter and I cannot remember the artist’s name I commissioned to create it and I am sorry that I have to admit that.7 http://www.amazon.com/Stigmata-Gabriel-Byrne/dp/B0033RT7RY/ref=sr_1_1?s=instant-video&ie=UTF8&qid=1452199247&sr=1-1&keywords=stigmata 8 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Major_Arcana


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interpretation of the Tarot Cards for I am a proponent of each person obtaining his or her own understanding of what each Tarot Card is symbolically conveying.

There will be many objections to my introducing the Tarot Cards from out of the first chapter of Genesis and I will not concern myself with that kind of critique seeing that I will be offering demonstrable evidence to back up my hypothesis concerning this theses. Those that have read my independent academic papers9 will know of the diehard principle of demonstrable evidence that governs my writings. Why talk or write about something that is contentious unless it can be proved with demonstrable evidence?

Once the pattern of the thirty-two (32) Elohyms in the first chapter of Genesis is recognized as the Kabbalistic Tree of Life discussed in some of my other writings and now the above image of the thirty-two (32) Elohyms symbolizing the VESICA PISCIS: i.e. LIGHT and the DARKNESS (human skeleton) it is extremely difficult to suspend one’s disbelief and summarily dismiss the patterns in the word count that clearly confronts the researcher from out of the first four chapters of Genesis and principally in the first chapter of Genesis.

There are twenty-two letters to the Hebrew coder; however, this does not mean that they all symbolize the Major Arcana Tarot Cards. Personally, I do not believe that the letter BETH represents a Tarot Card per se; though, it is displayed as such. I believe that BETH represents THE FOOL that is the extra word in the fifth day of creation. BETH symbolizes a container as in the bag THE FOOL flaunts over his shoulder on his staff. In the bag are the fifty-six Minor Arcana Tarot Cards, which THE FOOL treats cavalierly. THE FOOL has the numerical value of ZERO; for the reason that, he symbolizes ex nihilo: i.e. creation out of nothing. Without spirituality THE FOOL is nothing. The pattern of twenty-one (21) words in the first two verses of Genesis and fifty-seven (57) words in the fifth day of creation totaling to seventy-eight (78) words is just too coincidental not to be referring to the Major and Minor Arcana Tarot Cards, which basically has the same pattern of seventy-eight (78); therefore, in can be envisage why it would be extremely

9 https://independent.academia.edu/WilliamJohnMeegan/Analytics#/overview


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difficult to suspend one’s disbelief that the Major and Minor Arcana Tarot Cards weren’t being discussed in the word patterns of the texts. In addition divide 78 / 22 = 3.5…, which is analogous to the coiled Kundalini Serpent. The twenty-two (22) letters of the Hebrew coder would symbolize the rising of the Kundalini Serpent up the Seven Light Chakra system, which is prominently displayed in the first four chapters of Genesis, which has fourteen-hundred and forty-nine words: 1449 / 207 = 7. The word LIGHT in the first and fourth days of creation has a Gematria value of two-hundred and seven (207). The first four days of creation has two-hundred and seven (207) words designating the first four days of creation as representing the LIGHT (one Light Chakra) culled out of the DARKNESS.

I use this above chaotic arrangement of images of the RIDER-WAITE, seventy-eight, Tarot Cards10: twenty-two (22) Major Arcana and fifty-six (56) Minor Arcana to illustrate how chaotic they are disbursed in the DARKNESS of the human psyche in an infinite amount of arrangements. There is no doubt in my mind that each suit of the Minor Arcana Tarot Cards represents one of the four mystic elements: i.e. Fire, Earth, Air or Water. Each suit represents the ten (10) Sefirahs of the Kabbalistic Tree of Life and the four court cards: KING (Fire), QUEEN (Water), KNIGHT (Air) and KNAVE (Earth) additionally breaking down the mystic element (Tarot Card suit) it is in again to the four mystic elements. The four mystic elements symbolize the LIGHT that will be culled out of the DARKNESS.

The twenty-two (22) Major Arcana Tarot Cards represent the alphanumeric (mathematical and grammatical) structure of the Hebrew coder. This enables the authors (scribes) of the scriptures to show the grammatical arts on the surface texts of the sacred scripture and the mathematical sciences beneath the texts: i.e. “separating the waters below the heavens from the waters above the heavens”.

Whereas, the Minor Arcana Tarot Cards symbolize the ten (10) Sefirahs in each suit and the four mystic elements in each suit: Fire, Earth, Air and Water. I believe that this generic card paradigm patterning enables the author to write a gospel via iconography similar to the four gospels by Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. Notice how each gospel writer is writing about the same theme (ministry of Christ) as the other three gospels writers conveying the same message from a different perspective. Sacred writing doesn’t have to be about writing gospels. It could be any number of authors (scribes) writing about any topic from different perspectives than the other writers; however, spiritually they are all on the same page.

Those that know about the Tarot Cards know that in the above CHAOTIC array of seventy-eight images of the Tarot Cards there is ORDER out of that CHAOTIC DARKNESS just as each person culls out words from his or her unconscious mind in an ORDERLY manner to participate in a conversation or to write down one’s thoughts.

Finally, on this brief discussion of the Tarot Cards, I want to make it perfectly clear that THE FOOL symbolizes BETH (2) the second letter of the Hebrew coder; however, when the Initiatic Visionary Experience is gifted to THE FOOL; for the reason that, he desires to know the WORD OF GOD he is transmogrified into the HIGH PRIESTESS. This image of the HIGH PRIESTESS has all the symbols representing the Initiatic Visionary Experience that exudes out of the first word of Genesis: BERESHITH. The High Priestess symbolizes ELOHYM and she has on her head (RESH) the crown that represents the amalgamation of the MOON and the SUN as do the flanking columns representing Boaz (Sun) and Jachin (Moon). The crescent MOON is at her feet; for the reason that, she represents PEI (17): i.e. Kamea of the Moon amalgamating to BETH (2), which this combination symbolizes the QOPH (19): i.e. spiritualized Sun nineteenth letter of the Hebrew coder. THE EMPRESS is obviously in the Garden of Eden because of the flowers and leaves behind her. The CROSS on her chest (RESH (north to south) crossing BETH (east to west) to form the first word of Genesis: BERESHITH) cinches the idea of the initiatic Visionary Experience. The High Priestess symbolizes the Temple of Elohym (God) and she has scroll in her hands with the letters TORA writing on it, which most like symbolizes the TORAH: i.e. sacred scriptures. The basic paradigm of the Tarot Cards is the whole of the Judaeo Christian Scriptures: i.e. TORAH.

The Initiatic Visionary Experience is symbolized by the twenty-one (21) Major Arcana Tarot Cards blending with the Hebrew letter BETH (THE FOOL) and the fifty-six (56) Minor Arcana Tarot Cards that symbolize the character and personality of BETH (material man); thus, it is the interlocking of two circles spiritual and material that formats the Vesica Piscis as seen in the image of the High Priestess. The High Priestess sits in the midst of the Vesica Piscis.

10 http://fullmoontarot.blogspot.com/2014/01/2014-year-of-chariot.html#comment-form


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The High Priestess symbolizes Mary the Virginal Mother of Christ impregnated with the Christ Child. Mary is virginal; for the reason that, prior to the Initiatic Visionary Experience she never had a spiritual thought. Mary is birthed into the world at the moment that she is impregnated with the Christ Child.

The inundation of PEI (spiritual aeons) into BETH (material man) creates a new heaven and earth for BETH gifting it with a new raison d’être destroying the old character and personality: forgiveness of sins (false beliefs).

THE FOOL is a Tarot Card; but, not the one that is expected for THE FOOL symbolizes each and every single Tarot Card insofar as knowing that in the Hebrew tradition, found in the prologue of the Zohar, all the letters of the Hebraic coder comes into creation from the last (Tav) to the first (Aleph) through BETH that spirituality uses to create the outer world. BETH (material man) is the portal of the space/time continuum (Door to the material world). The last letter of the Hebraic coder is TAV, which symbolizes MARK on the forehead; however, it also can symbolize DOOR and/or WATER. This is why the first chapter of Genesis has four-hundred and thirty-four words (434); because, it symbolizes DALETH the fourth letter of the Hebraic coder that symbolizes the DOOR to the HOUSE: i.e. BETH (THE FOOL). BETH in the sequence of things would represent TAV the twenty-second (22) Tarot Card and there is a great deal of symbolism behind that number twenty-two (22); however, I will not go into it all here other than to say that that number symbolizes the Vesica Piscis in the first word of Genesis: BERESHITH .

The reason that the twenty-second Tarot Card is called THE FOOL is; for the reason that, it symbolizes the psyche being drowned in its own hubris (egocentrism). The number twenty-two (22) can be reduced to its lowest common denominator four (4 = door) or forty (40 = water). In this case THE FOOL goes from Cosmic Consciousness to Existential Consciousness (40 = Water). The waters of the sea as found in the fifth day of creation symbolize that baptismal water that THE FOOL is drowning in.

THE FOOL’S Tarot Card is in fancy cloths gleefully going off the mountain cliff into the abyss with a dog yipping at his heels; yet, there is little difference between the archetypal, existential and cosmic fours (4, 40 and 400) in the Tarot Cards.

THE EMPEROR as the fourth (4) Tarot Card is an old man sitting on his throne; however, there is no life around him. There are symbols of Aries as the first sign of the Zodiac and the number four (4) confirms this as being April, the fourth month of the year. This card exudes stillness and inactivity as in death.

o The symbols of the skulls of Aries the Ram are concretized into granite stone, which is what ego-consciousness does with life giving thoughts from THE EMPRESS (unconscious mind).

o THE EMPEROR sits on a throne as if he is on the top of the barren mountain and the river is in valley below behind him.


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o THE EMPEROR is cloth in a suit of armor as if ready for battle at any given moment to protect his kingdom as ego-consciousness trains itself to do.

DEATH as the thirteenth (13) Tarot Card symbolizes the fourth horse of the Apocalypse that is a pale horse and DEATH lays waste in his wake.

o DEATH is an interesting Tarot Card; because, a variation of the eighteen (18) Tarot Card, THE MOON is displayed in the background. THE MOON’S Tarot Card symbolizes the total eclipse of the Sun: i.e. the Sun’s death knell, which scripturally represents most of the second chapter of Genesis until the Sun reappears.

o The fact that the symbols of the two towers symbolizing the Castle (Boaz - Sun) and the Temple (Jachin - Moon) are in the background showing the rising of the Sun is interesting; because, it synch with the Hierophant (pope), the fifth Tarot Card, in the foreground standing his ground as if to say to DEATH, “Hitherto shalt thou come, but no further (Job 38:11 KJV)”. The children kneeling, I believe, symbolize the amalgamation of the Sun (deflated ego) and Moon (Boaz - ego-consciousness and Jachin - the unconscious mind). The male child is more attentive than the female because in Christ consciousness the male pays no attention to the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. It pays attention only to Christ consciousness: i.e. the Tree of Life.

The corpse lying on the ground in the wake of DEATH symbolizes the death of the old emperor (setting of the Sun) and the children symbolize a new heaven and a new earth: i.e. a new Sun rising.

It is as if this DEATH Tarot Card is iconographically created to symbolize, on a spiritual level, the Earth’s terminator.

Also the Sun rising between the two towers in the back ground could also be symbolizing the Summer Solstice; because, in ancient times this is how many megalithic monuments were set up around the world to calculate the days of the equinoxes and the solstices.

THE FOOL Tarot Card as jubilant as he appears, basking in the sunlight, is caught up in his own hubris and he has absolutely no idea of the avalanche of trials and tribulations that lies before him.

o The dog yipping at this heels is a reminder of the Dog Star Sirius, which is in the sign of Taurus, which is a fixed sign of the Zodiac and as stubborn as a Bull, which the sign of Taurus represents. The yipping dog at the heels of THE FOOL is obviously a priest or minister telling THE FOOL how wrong he is in his spiritual deportment.

o The Dog Star Sirius is extraordinarily important; for the reason that, it explains clearly why THE FOOL is in the state of consciousness he is in. The Dog Star Sirius symbolizes the archetypal beast that is the façade of the world. The Dog Star Sirius is the foreground of the Egyptian religion and it is the star that the King Chamber’s star-shaft is aligned to in the Great Pyramid. This correlation between the Orion’s Belt and the Great Pyramid was first proposed by Robert Bauval in the ORION MYSTERY11.

However, looking past Taurus to the other side of the galaxy is the Northern Cross (Cygnus X-3: i.e. Children of the Swan) that literally has better configurations than the Orion Belt that line up with the three great pyramids on the Giza Plateau. Andrew Collins wrote the CYGNUS MYSTERY12 explaining that correlation and he discusses extensively the mysteries of Cygnus X-3 and the Swan, which was revered around the world in ancient times.

It is symbolically this Northern Cross that is the foundations of the Initiatic Visionary Experience that the whole of the sacred scriptures are founded upon. This Northern Cross is what is seen on the chest of the High Priestess.

o The clothing that THE FOOL wears seems to be a take on the background of the HIGH PRIESTESS and the clothing of THE EMPRESS. Notice how THE WORLD, the twenty-first Tarot Card just prior to THE FOOL has place the four suits of the Minor Arcana Tarot Cards outside the circle of the wreath in which the soul traverses. The wreath or laurel is given to the winner. These four mystic elements symbolize the Fixed Signs of the Zodiac as seen in the

11 http://www.amazon.com/Orion-Mystery-Unlocking-Secrets-Pyramids/dp/0517884542/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1452463488&sr=8-1&keywords=ORION+MYSTERY 12 http://www.amazon.com/Cygnus-Mystery-Andrew-Known-Collins/dp/1780280998/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&qid=1452463883&sr=8-3&keywords=cygnus+mystery


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four gospels. Being outside the wreath symbolizes going past the teachings of the institutionalized religions and into the arms of God living freely, naked, in the Garden of Eden. There really is no end-goal; however, there is contentment in the arms of God.

CONTINUE: i.e. PATTERNS IN THE SEQUENCE OF 32-ELOHYMS2) Verses three (3) to nineteen (19), which is not the same sequential count (3-18) for the sixteen (16)

Elohyms in those verses. These Elohyms are colored white; for the reason that they correspond to the LIGHT, which are represented collectively by the first four days of creation.

a. The first four days of creation have two-hundred and seven (207) words, which coincides with the Gematria value of the word LIGHT (207) in the first and fourth days of creation. This LIGHT is culled out of the DARKNESS, which is represented by verses in the first two verses of Genesis and verses twenty-to thirty-one (20-31).

i. Day one has thirty-one (31) words and day two has thirty-eight (38) words and these two verses are actually a unit totally sixty-nine (69) words.

ii. Day Three has sixty-nine (69) words.iii. Day Four has sixty-nine (69) words.

Symbolically, the number sixty-nine (69) symbolizes a minor Light Chakra and three minor Light Chakras are found within one of the seven major Light Chakras. This is all laid out in the first four chapters of Genesis that has fourteen hundred and forty-nine (1449) words, which when divided by sixty-nine (69) exudes the quotient of twenty-one (21), which coincides with the twenty-one (21) minor Light Chakras13. When fourteen hundred and forty-nine (1449) words are divided by two-hundred and seven (207) the quotient is seven (7), which coincides with the seven major Light Chakras. In addition the whole of the first four chapters of Genesis produces a pattern representing the Zodiac/Calendar year similar to the pastel painting above; however, I will not discuss the Zodiac, in this paper, for I have dealt with it in other papers. The number sixty-nine (69) is an important symbol in the first chapter of Genesis; for the reason that, it defines some of the essential points of the Initiatic Visionary Experience. The number sixty-nine (69) symbolizes the Tai Chi Ying/Yang symbol, which denotes the equality of the opposites and further nuances to it will be discussed below.

3) Verses one and two (1-2) and verses twenty to thirty-one (20-31) displays the second half of the thirty-two (32) Elohyms that represents the DARKNESS that the LIGHT is culled out of.

a. Verses twenty to twenty-three (20-23), colored red in the above diagram, represents the fifth day of creation that has fifty-seven (57) words, which I postulate as symbolizing the last

13 http://www.subtleanatomy.com/Chakras.htm


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Major Arcana Tarot Card: THE FOOL (BETH) and the whole of the Minor Arcana Tarot Cards14. These are found in the thirty-two (32) Elohym count of nineteen to twenty-two (19-22).

i. The Minor Arcana Tarot Cards has fifty-six (56) cards divided into four suits of fourteen cards each: Wands, Pentacles, Cups and Swords (Clubs, Diamonds, Hearts and Spades).

1. Each suit of the Minor Arcana Tarot Cards are broken down into two groups:a. The first group is numbered one through ten (1-10): minions. b. The second group has four court cards: King, Queen, Knight and

Knave.ii. The fifty-seventh word, which I at this time I cannot truly fathom, in the fifth day of

creation symbolizes the FOOL’S Tarot Card that was not included, as a word, in the first two verses of Genesis overtly; however, it covertly (esoterically) is inferred in the first word of Genesis: BERESHITH, which can be interpreted as two words translated “separated six”, giving the first two verses of Genesis twenty-two words.

1. The fifty-seventh word, I believe, represents the Hebrew letter BETH, which is the first letter of Genesis and this, will be discussed further below.

2. I recommend the Rider-Waite Tarot Deck15 or the Marseille Tarot Deck16 for those wanting to pursuit this venue of symbolism. I prefer the Rider-Waite Tarot Deck because it has much more symbolism in the Major and Minor Arcana.

These two Tarot Card decks, I believe, were created deliberately to complement each other; though, they were created hundreds of years apart (or at least that is what we’re told). The cathedrals of Europe were created over hundreds of years; though, they were conceived in their entirety at their conception; thus, I don’t see that these two Tarot Card decks were conceived any differently. There were other decks of Tarot Cards in before these two decks were completed; however, I have become enamored by these two Tarot Card decks; for the reason that, they synch with my understanding of the Initiatic Visionary Experience.

a. Hundreds of other Tarot Cards Decks have been created after these two decks, which I consider trash; for the reason that, they add or subtract symbolism that is supposed to be symbolically inherent in them.

This idea of an extra word, in the texts via BERESHITH, is possible seeing that an extra word to the first chapter of Genesis, which has 434-words symbolizing DALETH (Door), the fourth letter of the Hebrew coder, would total to 435, which is the aggregate of twenty-nine (29), which is the symbol for Saturn. In another interpretation concerning the Cycles of Divine Creation the first two verses exude the Capricorn symbol, which is governed by Saturn.

b. The fifty-seven (57) words in the fifth day of creation also represent a portion of the appendicular skeleton of the human body.

c. The appendicular skeleton has one-hundred and twenty-six (126) bones. The other sixty-nine (69) bones are represented in the sixth day of creation.

4) Verses twenty-four to thirty-one (24-31) colored black in the sixth day of creation have one-hundred and forty-nine (149) words.

a. The one hundred and forty-nine (149) words breakdown numerically into two parts.

14 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Minor_Arcana 15 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rider-Waite_tarot_deck 16 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tarot_of_Marseilles


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i. Sixty-nine (69) words represent a small Light Chakra. ii. Here the number sixty-nine (69) symbolizes a Tai Chi symbol that represents

equality in the Vesica Piscis, which the amalgamation of PEI (17) and BETH (2) symbolize.

iii. The eighty (80) words out of the total of one-hundred and forty-nine (149) words symbolize PEI the seventeenth letter of the Hebrew coder: PEI’s numerical value is 80 and its Gematria value is 81: PEI (80) and ALEPH (1). The Gematria value of PEI (81) symbolizes the Kamea of the Moon (9 x 9 Magic Square), which the Initiatic Visionary Experience conceptually transmogrify into a 10 x 10 matrix, called the MATRIX OF WISDOM (Universal Mathematical Matrix). This MATRIX OF WISDOM already exist in the psyche; however, it is not conceptually known to exist prior to the Initiatic Visionary Experience

1. The eighty (80) words in the sixth day of creation obviously represent the axial skeleton of the human body, which is the immobile part of the skeleton; whereas, the appendicular skeleton symbolize the upper and lower moveable extremities.

The sixth day of creation has completely gone out of range numerically than any other part of the first chapter of Genesis, which for me symbolically throws up a red-flag so-to-speak; thus, the idea came to me to subtract the one-hundred and forty-nine (149) words in the sixth day of creation from the whole of the fourteen hundred and forty-nine (1449) words in the whole of the first four chapters of Genesis and the quotient is thirteen-hundred (1300), which is too neat of a number to summarily dismiss. The number thirteen-hundred (1300) immediately points to the unlucky number thirteen (13), which brings up memories of the Knight Templars17, which was a secret society that was destroyed on October 13, 1307 (also see a brief history of the Knight Templars18).

Personally, I believe that the original nine (9) Knight Templars symbolized the first nine (9) numbers mythologically and this is why in their mythoi the Pope gave them all power; for the reason that the Quadrivium: four mathematical sciences, derived from the first nine (9) numbers, are all power. To understand the first word of Genesis: BERESHITH and how it was created one has to know of the mythoi of the Hebrew alphabet coming before the Lord of the World to have creation created through one of them as narrated in the prologue of the Zohar19. The Hebrew alphabet comes into creation from the last to the first. What is not generally known is that the last four letters of the Hebrew alphabet spells out the word CHRIST (krst)20 in Greek using Hebrew letters. This is important to know in our discussion; for the reason that, when Christ goes out of the individual what remains is YUD (10), ALEPH (1) and BETH (2 – material man), which totals to thirteen (13); however, the thirteen (13) reduces to four (4), which symbolically can be displayed as THE FOOL the twenty-second Tarot Card. When CHRIST comes back into the life of THE FOOL as it does in the first word of Genesis: BERESHITH is come via the last Hebrew letter to the first: TAV (400), SHIN (300) and RESH (200), which totals to nine-hundred (900), which when added to the thirteen (13) totals to nine-hundred and thirteen (913). Truly understanding the word BERESHITH shows that BETH at that stage amalgamates with the Hebrew letter PEI, which inundates and surround it forming the Hebrew letter QOPH, which is the first letter in the spelling of the word CHRIST

17 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Knights_Templar#Arrests.2C_charges_and_dissolution 18 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_the_Knights_Templar 19 http://www.amazon.com/Zohar-Prologue-Beresheet-Vol/dp/1571890769/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1452533388&sr=1-1&keywords=the+zohar+volume+1 20 The Mystical Key to the English Language, by Robert M. Hoffstein, http://www.amazon.com/Mystical-Key-English-Language/dp/0892813091/ref=sr_1_3?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1452534508&sr=1-3&keywords=hoffstein


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(krst); thus, it can be envisage that if the Knight Templars: first nine (9) numbers is taken out of BERESHITH then only THE FOOL remains.

In the sixth day of creation the one-hundred and forty-nine (149) words symbolize the axial skeleton (80-bones) and a portion of the appendicular skeleton (69-bones). It would seem that it would have been more appropriate that the appendicular skeleton: i.e. one-hundred and twenty-six (126) bones would have been divided as the upper (64) and lower extremities (62) in the fifth and sixth days of creation or that probably would have been to overt; however, other symbols had to be worked into the sixth day of creation besides a portion of the appendicular skeleton.

To understand how to interpret the sacred scriptures it must be understood that the whole of the bible is outlined fully in the first word of Genesis: BERESHITH. That is not easily comprehended; thus, the bible is set up to educated those that are sincerely interested in the WORD OF GOD and desires to learn all they can about their soul and the spiritual powers of Creation: i.e. God; however, this takes a great deal of personal time and effort on the part of the initiate.

BERESHITH represent the Initiatic Visionary Experience that God graces the worthy soul with and this is all outlined in BERESHITH’S six letters, which I have discussed extensively throughout my other independent academic papers. The six days of creation in the first chapter of Genesis exudes a breakdown of the six letters that construct the word BERESHITH, besides there being many other symbolic patterns throughout the chapter formed by the whole of the chapter or an amalgamation of a number of the days of creation, which are additional patterns that aid the initiate in understanding what the sacred scriptures are conveying to him or her.

One of the prime symbolic patterns that are found chaotically scattered throughout the first chapter of Genesis is the sixty-nine (69) groups of words: i.e. collectively one-hundred and forty-two (142) words held together by eighty (80) hyphens. I have placed three jpegs, at the end of this paper, that outline the Hebrew and English texts of the first chapter of Genesis color coded to represent the different categories of the Kabbalistic Tree of Life: Sefirahs, Mother letters, Single letters and Double letters; however, the sixty-nine (69) groups of words are colored coded orange to distinguish them from the other categories of the texts. The eighty (80) hyphens are colored white.

It; therefore, can be envisaged that this chapter wide pattern goes out of its way on a symbolical level to explain the symbolism of the Initiatic Visionary Experience and the symbolism in the first six days of creation. The one hundred and forty-two (142) words in the sixty-nine (69) groups of words colored orange is a transposition of the number four-hundred and twelve (412), which is the Gematria value of the first letter of Genesis: BETH. The eighty (80) hyphens colored white symbolizes PEI that mystically inundates and surrounds the letter BETH21. It is the number sixty-nine (69) that symbolizes the minor Light Chakra that is the impetus that brings to the fore the Initiatic Visionary Experience. The whole of the first chapter of Genesis exuding this pattern suggest that it was incorporated into the texts to illustrate what brings about the Initiatic Visionary Experience. Putting the sixty-nine (69) groups of words together recognizing the importance of the eighty (80) hyphens and the overall count of one-hundred and forty-two (142) words relating to BETH implies due diligence on the part of the initiate: knocking on the Door to creation. Remember that the first chapter of Genesis has four-hundred and thirty-thirty-four (434) words, which symbolizes that it is the DOOR to creation: i.e. “knock and the door will open”, which implies that only the attentive will receive the visionary blessing from God. The nonstop activities of the initiate in putting the WORD OF GOD all together implies that the spiritual powers have no intention of spoon feeding the Word of God to those that have no interest in it.

21 THE HEBREW LETTERS: Channels of Creative Consciousness, by Rabbi Yitzchak Ginsburgh http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_ss_i_1_18?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=the+hebrew+letters+channels+of+creative+consciousness&sprefix=THE+HEBREW+LETTERS%2Caps%2C189


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In reading the six day of creation it shows how Yahweh and Elohym made (combines) and creates (separates) Adam into (male and female) i.e. one creates the other destroys. God made and created Adam into His own image.

The one-hundred and forty-nine (149) words in the sixth day of creation reduce to eighty (80) plus sixty-two (62) symbolizing the lower extremity and other seven (7) words sent to the fifth day of creation for the upper extremities add to the fifty-seven (57) words already there would properly define the appendicular skeleton in the fifth and sixth days of creation.

FIVE WOUNDS OF CHRISTThe five wounds of Christ are as the movie STIGMATA presented them: the wrists (combined wounds are 1),

the feet combined (1), the crown of thorn (1), the whipping on the back (1) and the spear in the side (1). Popular culture often gets this wrong thinking only of the two hands, two feet and the spear in the side. Christian art only depict the false representation of the STIGMATA.

I was thinking more about the axial and appendicular skeleton of the human body in reference to the STIGMATA. The appendicular skeleton is where the hands and feet, nailed to the cross, are located and they represent two wounds. These two wound immobile Christ; whereas, the wounds on the axial skeleton represent three wounds. The 2/3 ratio is an aspect of every calculation in the Fibonacci sequence; thus, pointing to the Golden Ratio, which there are many examples in the first chapter of Genesis: “when two or three are gathered together in my name there am I in the midst of them”.

Now count the wounds of Christ realistically 12-spikes in the crown (Astrology), 40-whippings on the back (40 days in the desert), 1-spear wound, two-hand wounds and the feet two wounds: i.e. 12 + 40 + 1 + 2 + 2 = 57. It is drowning in the sea of Baptism (institutional religious teachings without esoteric instructions) in the fifth day of creation that symbolizes the beating and the crucifixion of Christ.

To understand Christ consciousness the initiate has to realize that Christ has to be crucified every nanosecond; for the reason that, that is the nature of the Golden Ratio. To be static is to be immoveable (axial skeleton); whereas, to be active is to be energetic (appendicular skeleton). This is why Yahweh (ego-consciousness) makes things permanent; for the reason that, like a bull he doesn’t want change (movement); whereas, Elohym separates the opposites to create new ideas and this has to be a continuous flow of creative ideas. Humans tend not to want change and they are always afraid of losing what they have; yet, everything in creation is transient except the desires of man. This is why addictions and/or obsessions over time built to a crescendo of agony from social pleasures in youth: i.e. alcohol, tobacco, drugs, gambling, debt, etc., etc. to excruciating suffering in old age.

CONCLUSIONIt would not take a stretch of the imagination to realize that the LIGHT culled out of the DARKNESS is what

dressed Adam and Eve in spiritual LIGHT initially when they lived in the Garden of Eden (probably why Christian art have holy people with a halo of light); however, when Adam and Eve lost Christ consciousness they realized they were naked; thus, they had to artificially dress themselves in the science that esotericism gave them. The Esoteric Science is not Christ consciousness. It is merely a mathematical and grammatical method that the spiritual powers of creation have chosen via iconography to convey the WORD OF GOD to the initiate that seriously wants to know what God has to say. This is why Yahweh Elohym (Christ) gave Adam and Eve coats of skin to wear; rather, than allow them to continue to wear the aprons of the secret societies. This is actually envisaged throughout the historical records of humanity where cultures all over the world abandon their high civilizations to go back into the wilderness of the archetypal instinct: beasts. Yes, the serpent is used as a symbol to tempt Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden story; however, it could have been any archetypal instinct: i.e. mythologically any animal can be used in mythology to overtake ego-consciousness. Modernity is drowning in a sea of such archetypal instincts where everybody, bar none, is caught up in their own addictions and/or obsessions. No one seems to have any time to study the WORD OF GOD in the manner in which it was meant to be studies.

Though, I did not mention the ministry of CHRIST per se other than to hint at the fact that the nine (9) Knight Templars symbolized his mythoi it cannot be forgotten that CHRIST represents God and man, which symbolically is an amalgamation of the spiritual and material. In the case of the sacred scriptures each letter is alphanumerically


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structured; thus, each Hebrew letter is structured via Christ consciousness, which is not a stretch of the imagination seeing that the last four letters of the Hebrew coder spells out the word CHRIST (krst) in Greek using Hebrew letters; therefore, it can be envisaged that the sacred scriptures are written with the mathematical (God) and grammatical (man) sciences: i.e. Seven Liberal Arts, which was prime science in medieval times.

Though, I haven’t shown it in this paper iconographically CHRIST is the Vesica Piscis; for the reason that, he symbolizes every soul. Christ is often depicted in Christian art as being in the center of the Vesica Piscis. Christ is the dormant Kundalini that goes up the LIGHT CHAKRAS when a person becomes spiritually aware. Each person would not be able to exist in the material world without Christ’s presents in his or her being; however, Christ will not have intimate relations with a soul that is not spiritually minded.


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