SJQ Regional Round_Shaastra 2016_July 11_PrelimsWithAnswers

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Ananth Sundararaman
first finish q's
Sukruth Koundinya

SJQ Prelims 2015-1611th July, 2015


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❖ 1 point per question. Half points wherever applicable.❖ No googling. Switch off your mobiles and keep them in your bag.❖ Last names alone will be accepted. But wrong first names will not

fetch you points.❖ Questions 11-17 are *starred* - they will be used to break ties. If a tie

still persists, sudden death will be followed starting with question 1. ❖ QM’s decision is final.❖ The top 8 teams from the prelims make regional finals.


In 1791, a theatre owner, James Daly made a bet that he could introduce a word into the English language within 24 hours. He then hired a group of urchins and made them write the word all over the city walls. When the city dwellers woke up the next morning, they found that every nook and corner of the city sported a bizarre word whose meaning they did not know. Hence Daly won the bet. What’s the good word?




X & Y is a daily comic strip which has 2 characters in the lead role. The pair is named after John X , an influential French theologian and pastor during the Protestant Reformation, and Thomas Y, who was an English philosopher, best known for his work Leviathan, which established the concept of social contracts and laid the foundation for Western political philosophy.

Where have we seen them?


Calvin and Hobbes

It was first published in New York in the late 1970s in the magazine Math Puzzles and Logic Problems, under the title “Number Place”.

The puzzle was introduced in Japan by Nikoli in the paper Monthly Nikolist, under the name ________, meaning ‘single number.’

How do we better know this puzzle?





Canis dirus is an extinct carnivorous mammal that lived in the North and South American continents until around 10,000 years ago. Though similar to its close relative, Canis lupus, in terms of size, C. dirus had a much heavier build and a bite that exerted 129% more force than C. lupus. With which highly popular TV show would you associate this fearsome beast?


Game of Thrones C. dirus being the direwolf


X is a computer-assisted language learning software published by a firm of the same name. The software uses images, text, sound and video to teach words and grammar by spaced repetition, without translation - an approach which the company calls “Dynamic Immersion.”

Both the name and the logo of the software allude to a historical artefact X. A granite slab bearing the inscription of a royal decree issued by Ptolemy V in 196 BC, it provided the key to deciphering Egyptian hieroglyphs. ID.


Rosetta Stone

During the Black Death, ships coming into port in Italy were forced to wait for 40 days before docking to prevent further infection. The Italian word for 40 is _________, from which we get the word X.




Quarantinefrom the Italian quaranta


This company was founded by Fredrik Idestam in 1865 as a pulp mill for manufacturing paper, as ‘Finnish Rubber Works Ltd.’But today we know about this company in a totally different field. Which famous company?




Among the SI base units, one is unique in two different ways:

a) its magnitude is dependent on a platinum cylinder called IPK, making it the only SI base unit to be defined on the basis of an object rather than a physical property than can be reproduced in different labs

b) it is the only SI base unit to have a prefix.

Which common unit?




It is made of transparent plastic sheets with regularly spaced, protruding air-filled hemispheres. Beyond its use as a packaging material, it has been a source of amusement, as the air pockets generate a distinctive sound when ruptured.

Recently, its manufacturer rolled out a new version that will take away the fun of using it, but will save space and cut costs.

Which iconic product?


Bubble wrap


In the ABO system, blood groups are identified by the presence of A and B antigens in the RBCs. These antigens, in turn, are produced by an H antigen. However, in about 0.0004% of the human population, the H antigen is not expressed, resulting in a blood group named after the Indian city where it was first discovered.

It garnered attention in 2012, when the Bollywood movie Kahaani featured a villain who was unmasked due to his having this extremely rare blood type.

Name the group/city.



11.*Guidelines regarding clothing at which sporting event?

❖ No solid mass of colouring❖ Little or no dark or bold colours❖ No fluorescent colours❖ Preference towards pastel colours❖ Preference for the back of the shirt to be totally white❖ Preference for shorts and skirts to be totally white❖ All other items of clothing, including hats, socks and

shoes to be predominantly white




This word is the state motto of California, and refers to the momentous discovery of gold mines in the state, which eventually led to the California Gold Rush.

The word comes from Greek for “I have found it!” and is commonly associated with an ancient scientist’s naked elation.

Which word?




In 2014, Museum für Naturkunde, Berlin, described a new species of cockroach wasp native to Thailand. It stings its chief prey, cockroaches, with a neurotoxin which leaves them alive but unable to exercise any voluntary movement - essentially, leaving the cockroaches as an empty shell of their former selves..

In an effort to reach out to the public, the museum asked its visitors to choose a species name for the wasp, out of four given choices. The name chosen, Ampulex ________ reflected the organism’s behavioural resemblance to a hooded creature in one of the most celebrated series of fantasy novels in English. FITB.




What do you call a small piece of land that connects two large land masses and has water on either side of it?




Which character from Indian mythology gets his name from the fact that he could ride his chariot in ten directions?



______ was the principal or co-discoverer of ten elements: Plutonium, Americium, Curium, Berkelium, Californium, Einsteinium, Fermium, Mendelevium, Nobelium and Element #106 which is named after him. He received so many awards and honours that he was once listed in the Guinness Book of World Records as the person with the longest entry in Who’s Who in America.

No other person has had an element named after him while he was alive. Who is this eminent chemist?



Glenn Seaborg


The logo evolved from the circular Rapp Motorenwerke company logo, from which X grew, combined with the colors of the place. The logo has been portrayed as the movement of an aircraft propeller with the white blades cutting through a blue sky—first used in an advertisement in 1929, twelve years after the logo was created—but this is not the origin of the logo itself.




X is a non-medical term describing a range of injuries to the neck caused by or related to a sudden distortion of the neck associated with extension, although the exact injury mechanism(s) remain unknown. The term X is a colloquialism.

We know the word X more famously as a 2014 Oscar-winning movie.




❖ Made of cocoa, hazelnuts and palm oil, the predecessors of this well-loved product were in the form of solid loaves that had to be cut with a knife. Later, the first spreadable version called Supercrema was released.

❖ In 1963, Michel Ferrero modified his father’s recipe for Supercrema and relaunched it as ___________. Which product, mostly consumed with bread?




This group obtained their powers from exposure to cosmic rays. These powers are based on the four classical elements of nature - air, water, land and fire. Their greatest rival became powerful from the misuse of technology.Which group are we talking about?


Fantastic Four


3M has patented a color known as Canary Yellow. This color is used in which iconic product that 3M is very famous for?


Post-It notes


What did George Williams establish in 1844 in London for the young men who came to the city during the Industrial Revolution in search of jobs as the only other options available to them were taverns and brothels, with the purpose of "the improving of the spiritual condition of young men engaged in the drapery, embroidery, and other trades”?




Name the fictional character in the image here who achieved fame as the Tell Me More meme.


Willy Wonka

24.Which famous experiment is being referred to?<bigger image on next slide>


Rutherford’s Scattering Experiment


The filmmakers of a certain studio visited Sacramento Zoo to observe the beautiful Himalayan Monal for a certain 2009 movie.

Which movie and for what character?

Answer• Kevin from UP


What was the world’s first cloned cat named, keeping in mind a term used to mock “people who imitate another’s behaviour, dress or ideas?”


Copy Cat


It literally means ‘Mound of the Dead’ in Sindhi. Which city, abandoned in 19th century BC and not rediscovered until 1922, is known for its elaborate public bathing complex?


Mohenjo Daro

28. Name a popular TV show and painting



The Last Supper


Julius X was a Swiss entrepreneur and a pioneer of industrial food production. Aiming to improve the nutritional intake of worker families, he introduced a protein-rich legume meal to the market, followed by a ready-made soup. He founded the company X, later acquired by Nestle.

In India, the brand X is synonymous with a particular product and held 90% of the market share for the same until recently. ID.




❖ This Tamil film featuring twins was initially named after an entity that influences the traits of an organism.

❖ But later it was decided that that would not really strike the Indian audience. The title was then changed to something that sounded similar.

❖ The name of the movie is also a popular item first created in Genoa, Italy and has its roots in the Indian export of a thick cotton cloth, in the 16th century known as 'dungaree'.

❖ What?



Finals will begin shortly after the scores have been evaluated..