ABOUT SIFE-UKZN SIFE-UKZN continues with growth and changing lives of the people in the communities. From the team of 56 active members last year to 96 active members this year, we have recently established a new team in Howard College Campus. The team is diverse with students from different disciplines, and levels of education. Our team comprises of the different race and ethnic groups SIFE-UKZN has embarked on different projects reaching larger scales of KwaZulu-Natal i.e. Durban, Pietermaritzburg, Howick and Zululand. The support we get from our sponsor and institution enables our team to run our projects efficiently and effectively, Ø UKZN +/- R64 000 Ø OLD MUTUAL +/- R35 000 The dedication of the SIFE-UKZN team with our faculty adviser, co-advisor and the support from our Alumni and Business Advisory Board, made it possible to give hope, skills and implementing the projects with positive impact in our communities and concurrently addressing SIFE pillars. SIFE-UKZN ANNUAL REPORT 2009 UNIVERSITY OF KWAZULU-NATAL Academic Year Breakdown of Gender Field of Study Media Newspapers Isolezwe [Daily] Daily News [Daily] UKZNdaba [Monthly] Web Coverage University of KwaZulu-Natal Website Umcebo Trust Website Radio Ukhozi FM SAFM Total Reach: Reach 667 000 346 000 13 000 50 000 24 000 5000 000 600 000 Gross Impact 1 026 000 74 000 5 600 000 6 700 000 Media Coverage Hours 0 150 950 70 290 0 150 125 668 153 1 400 67 88 4 111 CRITERIA MET 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 TOTAL HOURS PROGRAMS & PROJECTS: 1.Agric Program 1.1 Ixhiba Project 1.2 Umbumbulu Community 2.Glass Recycling 3.Investment Catalyst 4.Ukukhanya Program 4.1 Umcebo 5.Women Empowerment Project 5.1 Malambule Bakery Project 5.2 BEE-WILD 5.3 St Clement 6. Learn Entrepreneurship Challenge 7.Local Economic Development INCUBATOR PROJECTS: 8.Unizul Project Programs & Projects 1.Financial Literacy 2.Success Skills 3.Entrepreneurship Skills 4.Business Ethics 5.Market Economics 6.Sustainability 7.Environmental Sustainability Topic addressed Topic not addressed

Sife Ukzn Annual Report

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Page 1: Sife Ukzn Annual Report

ABOUT SIFE-UKZNSIFE-UKZN continues with growth and changing lives of the people in thecommunities. From the team of 56 active members last year to 96 activemembers this year, we have recently established a new team in HowardCollege Campus. The team is diverse with students from different disciplines,and levels of education. Our team comprises of the different race and ethnicgroups

SIFE-UKZN has embarked on different projects reaching larger scales ofKwaZulu-Natal i.e. Durban, Pietermaritzburg, Howick and Zululand.

The support we get from our sponsor and institution enables our team torun our projects efficiently and effectively,

Ø UKZN +/- R64 000 Ø OLD MUTUAL +/- R35 000

The dedication of the SIFE-UKZN team with our faculty adviser, co-advisorand the support from our Alumni and Business Advisory Board, made itpossible to give hope, skills and implementing the projects with positiveimpact in our communities and concurrently addressing SIFE pillars.



Academic Year

Breakdown of Gender

Field of Study

MediaNewspapersIsolezwe [Daily]Daily News [Daily]UKZNdaba [Monthly]

Web CoverageUniversity of KwaZulu-Natal WebsiteUmcebo Trust Website

RadioUkhozi FMSAFM

Total Reach:


667 000346 000 13 000

50 00024 000

5000 000 600 000

Gross Impact

1 026 000

74 000

5 600 0006 700 000

Media Coverage






1 400


884 111


1 2 3 4 5 6 71 2 3 4 5 6 7

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

1 2 3 4 5 6 71 2 3 4 5 6 71 2 3 4 5 6 7

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

1 2 3 4 5 6 7TOTAL HOURS


1.1 Ixhiba Project1.2 Umbumbulu Community

2.Glass Recycling

3.Investment Catalyst

4.Ukukhanya Program4.1 Umcebo

5.Women Empowerment Project5.1 Malambule Bakery Project5.2 BEE-WILD5.3 St Clement

6. Learn Entrepreneurship Challenge

7.Local Economic Development


Programs & Projects

1.Financial Literacy 2.Success Skills 3.Entrepreneurship Skills 4.Business Ethics 5.Market Economics6.Sustainability 7.Environmental Sustainability Topic addressed Topic not addressed

Page 2: Sife Ukzn Annual Report

This project aims to enhance Agriculturalactivities by coming up with varioustechniques that achieve the mosteffective use of every bit of farming.There are two main projects that fallunder this program.

1. Ixhiba Lamakhosikazi

This project was launched on the 3rd

March 2008. We seek to attain themost proficient use of the tunnelswhilst showing maximum productiongrowth. We have trained 11 women.A series of workshops wereconducted that ensure ways foroptimal use of the tunnel. ThroughFinancial literacy the women weretaught better pricing and marketingstrategies and this initiative is amedium term project.


Ø Secured thesponsorship for twotunnels

Ø An increased profitof R500

Ø Source of incomefor 11 women

Ø A second tunnelsponsored byAMCUP

Agric Program2. UmbumbuluCommunity Project

The cost of food is consistently risingand therefore more and more people(especial ly f rom marginal izedbackgrounds) are not able to afford it.SIFE-UKZN then came up with theidea of homestead farming in thedisadvantaged communities to counterthe food crisis. A co-operative of 47women was initiated and they weretrained ion tunnel management classes

Launch date: 3rd March 2008


Ø Secured 1.5 millionfunding

Ø Creation of 47sustainable jobs

Ø 120 peopleimpacted, eachwith an average of5 dependants

Ø Net profit fromeleven tunnelsR1782

This project aims to create newincome opportunities for unemployedyouth through real iz ing theimportance of preserving theenvironment. We targeted the mostp o p u l a t e d t o w n s h i p o fPietermaritzburg, IMbali Township.

We identified unemployed peoplewith the drive for business. Thisculminated through a financial literacyworkshop. Activities began after anagreement with the local councilorto use a section of the designatedland. We collected bottles from themost glass bott le-producingshebeens /taverns within iMbaliTownship. Collection occurs twice aweek on Mondays and Fridays. 30tons of collected used glass willgenerate R12, 000 paid by Nampak.


Ø Created 5 newemployments

Ø Increased numberof peopleawareness aboutenvironmentallysustainability

Ø Saving 4200 l of oilper month

Ø More than 30 tonsof raw material leftconserved

Glass Recycling ProjectThis project aims to create a cultureof investment among students.Implementation of the project consistsof 3 phases. These include “Lifestyleversus Investment” workshopsconducted in various institutions,es tab l ishment o f inves tmentinformation centers (to sustainawareness raised through workshop)and establishment of an investmentscheme for students of the NationalStudents Financial Aid Scheme[NSFAS] which will be facilitated by apartnership between NSFAS and a unittrust company.This concept has been developed withthe assistance of Mr. F Kwenda(Economics and Finance), Dr. SMataramvura (Statistics and ActuarialScience) lecturers and Old Mutual .Project launched on the 20 May 2009.


Ø Development of aculture ofinvestment amongstudents

Ø Lower NSFAS loandefault rate

Ø Growth of NSFASfund base

Investment Catalyst


Page 3: Sife Ukzn Annual Report

UMCEBOThis is a non-profit organization thatwas initiated by Robin Opperman andwas registered on the 22nd

of May 2003.Umcebo Trust members producesculptures, décor items and chandelierlights that are decorated with beads,recycled wastes and other materials.The main focus for now is to securethe basics, such as facilitating easyaccessible databases, marketing theshop thus creating a stable demandfor the art.Umcebo has worked closely with OldMutual. The team researched andobtained databases with criticalrequirements from funders that will beable to accommodate the transition ofthe shop. A material and stationerydatabase gathered enables forcomparison between suppliers.


Ø Administrative workdecreased

Ø Upgrade to modernefficient Pastelapplication(moderncomputerizedaccounting system)

Ø Reducedoperations cost,increase customerbase.

Ukukhanya Program

Since its inception in 2006, the LearnEntrepreneurship Challenge (LEC)pro jec t cont inues to makecontribution in overcoming the highrate of unemployment by instilling aculture of entrepreneurship. The LECproject equipped Grade 11 learnerswith practical business skills toprepare them for the business world.This project has three phases whichcons is ts o f ; workshops onpreparation of a business plan,operating small businesses and theannual LEC day.


Ø Over 1050 grade11 Learnerscompleted program

Ø 4 youngentrepreneurscreated

Ø Over R41 000revenue generatedthis year alone,reached largerscales


ØThe bags have beenbranded andnamed: AfroCollection

Ø Linked them with acontract customer,Mr Haffajee

Ø Bags that arepersonalized forthe PhumzileMlambo-NgcukaFoundation andsecured an order ofR10 000

2. Malambule BakeryProject

The Malambule Bakery Project wasrecommended by Old Mutual, whorequested SIFE-UKZN to assist andempower the Malambule co-operativeto meet the criteria required to obtainthe Masisizane fund. It aims to designa packaging for the bread, to brandher product and to provide assistanceto ensure regular income throughsufficient supply of low cost nutritionalbread. The sample of the bread hasbeen sent for testing to evaluate itsnutritional value.Assisted Malambula co-operative inthe registratin of their entity, open abank account and secure busineespremises.


Ø Acqiure a loanestimated atR65 000 from OldMutual Masisizanefund

Women Empowerment Program (WEP)

Learn EntrepreneurshipChallenge

Women Empowerment Program is primarilyaimed at the upliftment of underprivilegedwomen and underdeveloped femaleentrepreneurs, aspiring towards financialindependence.

1. St Clement

St Clement Home-Based Care is afacility for women and children that areinfected or affected by HIV/AIDS. Thecentre was solely dependent and runon donations. SIFE-UKZN saw theneed to empower these womenthrough financial literacy and smallbusiness ownership workshops thatenables them to harness the potentialof their existing talent. 13 women fromthe centre are now working together,sewing bags and accessories andselling them to the public.


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3. BEE-WILD Project

Black Economic Empowerment forWomen In Leadership Development.A project aimed at empowering womenby providing them with information andknowledge on how to implement anddevelop their businesses. It entails a4 day intensive business skillsworkshops, addressing the writing ofa business plan; financial literacy skills;business management sk i l ls ;leadership skills and computer literacy.Graduates of the BEE-WILDprogramme are partnered withsuccessful business woman of theSouth African Women EntrepreneursNetwork, who will mentor and guidethem for a year.


Ø 12 graduatescurrently beingmentored

Ø Approval of morethan 15 businessplans

Ø Inkosithandile co-op secured R575000 from LandAffairs

Ø More than 120cleaning stafftrained on smallbusinessownership andfinancial literacy onvarious campuses

WEP cont...This project aims to establish a validrelationship between local government,non-governmental organizations andlocal businesses. The project targetsunderdeveloped subsistence farmersand unemployed individuals includingwoman in the rural areas situated onthe outskirts of Durban. 30 people weretrained.This relationship will brin gabout strong economic growth withinp r o v i n c i a l l e v e l w h i c h w i l lsimultaneously lead to nationaleconomic growth.This project is about strengthening thecotton industry by reviving its existence.It aims at training small scale farmersto manage and control farming on alarge scale in KZN. Silver Solutionsbenefits from locally produced cottonby reducing their costs of importingcotton from India.


Ø Createdemployment for570 people

Ø promotingemergingenterprises

Local Economic Development

Business Advisory Board Members 2008-2009Prof D. Chetty, Pro Vice-Chancellor, University of KwaZulu-NatalMr. T. Zondi, Deputy Director, Department of Economic DevelopmentMr. M. Mkhonza, Chief Executive Officer, Umnotho Dream Big Pty LtdChange Chagunda, Liaison Officer, SACBC Parliamentary Liaison OfficeMr. L. Mzimela, Director: Corporate Communications, PALAMAMr. N. Mbhele, Director & Project Manager, Mbhele Synergy Marketing ccMr. Sifiso Mncube, Africa Vukani InvestmentMr. Mayash Chetty, Chief Executive Officer, Msunduzi HousingMr. Mqapheli Ngwenya, South African Breweries LimitedMr. A.J. Dlamini, Provincial Manager, Old Mutual

Faculty AdvisorMr. P.M. Ndaba

Institutional AdministratorMr. T. Wills


Team PresidentMr. Z. Dladla