Shooting Day 1 The cast and crew made their way to the set at 12pm. Originally we said 11am, but some crew were running late. As soon as they got to the location, we began the make up tutorial. That took us about an hour to complete and film as we kept adding more make up and we were changing our ideas as we went. We then had a food break to recharge our batteries. Hash browns, fish fingers and pasta seemed like a good mix! We then updated our twitter account with behind the scenes pictures and videos. Eventually we started filming at around 1.30pm. We began filming close up shots of Jasmine’s eyes. We then made our way around the location and filmed all our footage. Filming was quick but effective. We got all our filming done in about 2 hours which we were pleased with. The only problem we encountered whilst filming was that we kept getting distracted. Although we were trying to stay focused, we did keep laughing and joking around all day, which cost us time.

Shooting day 1

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Page 1: Shooting day 1

Shooting Day 1The cast and crew made their way to the set at 12pm. Originally we said 11am, but some crew were running late. As soon as they got to the location, we began the make up tutorial. That took us about an hour to complete and film as we kept adding more make up and we were changing our ideas as we went. We then had a food break to recharge our batteries. Hash browns, fish fingers and pasta seemed like a good mix!

We then updated our twitter account with behind the scenes pictures and videos. Eventually we started filming at around 1.30pm. We began filming close up shots of Jasmine’s eyes. We then made our way around the location and filmed all our footage. Filming was quick but effective. We got all our filming done in about 2 hours which we were pleased with. The only problem we encountered whilst filming was that we kept getting distracted. Although we were trying to stay focused, we did keep laughing and joking around all day, which cost us time.

Page 2: Shooting day 1

Shooting Day 1After we had filmed all we needed to in the house, we started filming in the garden and the cabin. It was freezing! I had to wear a big fluffy coat. We had to be careful when filming as there was hazards on the path and in the grass like sharp stones.

It took about 30 minutes to film all the shots outside. We then started to create the special effects make up on Tom. I started by adding liquid latex to Tom’s lower arm and dabbed it to give a cracked impression. It took around 10 minutes to dry fully.

I added dark eyeshadow colours (red, purple, browns etc.) to create a bruised effect around the fake cut. I then put fake blood on the area. We filmed in the cabin which took about 10 minutes. The fake blood stains so we had to be so careful not to drip it on the white floor of the cabin. Eventually we had finished filming after a very long day. I think the actors and crew left at about 6pm. All we need to do now is edit!