Sexual Reproductive Systems

Sexual education[1][1]

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Sexual Reproductive Systems

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Bell Ringer (Day 1)• 10 min

How old were you when you first learned about puberty? Who/where did you learn your

information from? (ex. Parents, school, sibling, friend, etc.)

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Pre-test• Boy/Girl Chart (5-10 min)

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Male Puberty Review• Hormones (54 seconds)• http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oRp


• Changes that occur-growth spurt, hairline recession begins, acne may appear, facial hair appears, voice deepens, shoulders broaden, underarm hair appears, arm and leg hair thickens, sweat glands develop, muscles develop, pubic hair appears, external genitals enlarge, first ejaculation occurs, some chest hair appears.

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Healthy Habits for Male Teens

Healthy Habits for male teens: • a. Practice abstinence from sex - this can prevent

infections with HIV and other STDsb. Bathe or shower daily - keeping your reproductive organs clean is important because it will cut down possible infection and reduce the risk of cancer of the penis.c. Wear protective clothing for sports - Athletic support is necessary for the penis and testes and a cup can prevent injuries to those organs additionally. d. Perform TSE - Testicular self-examinations are a way to check your own testicles for lumps or tenderness. e. Have regular medical checkups - a physician can examine a male and answer any question he has. f. Get medical attention for signs of infection - lumps, sores, rashes, or a discharge from the penis require medical attention. These can be symptoms of STDs.

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Reproductive Definitions• Boys (30 min)

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Go over charts as a class• Have them fill in answers as you go• http://kidshealth.org/misc/movie/bodybasics/male_repro.ht


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Path of the sperm

Testes------Epididymis---------vas deferens------urethra

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Reproductive Cancer in Males• Testicular cancer can affect males of any age, but

occurs most often in males between the ages of 15 and 24. With early detection, most testicular cancer is treatable through surgery, radiation, or chemotherapy.

• Prostate cancer-the prostate gland can become enlarged as a result of an infection, a tumor, or age. Early detection of prostate cancer through a digital rectal exam performed by a physician increases survival rates.

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TSE: Testicular Self-Examinations• The American Cancer Society recommends that males

perform a self-exam for testicular cancer once a month as a means of early detection. Although, TSE’s are a great way to detect testicular cancer in it’s early stages, they will not detect any other form of cancer.

• 1. Standing in front of a mirror, look for swelling. Examine each testicle with both hands. Roll the testicle gently between the thumbs and forefingers.

• 2. Cancerous lumps usually are found on the side of the testicle but can appear on the front. Find the epididymis, the soft tube like structure behind each testicle, so that you won’t mistake it for a lump.

• 3. Most lumps are not cancerous. If you do find a lump or experience pain or swelling, however, consult a health care professional.

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Videos• Eggs Journey• Sperm’s Journey (Egg + Sperm = 10 minutes)• http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/miracle/program.ht


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Bell Ringer (Day 2)• 10 minutes

Think about your goals and plans for the future. How would an unintended pregnancy for either

yourself (girls) or your girlfriend (boys) change your plans and goals? Write at least 3 sentences.

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Girl Puberty Review• Changes that occur-growth

spurt, acne may appear, underarm hair appears, sweat glands develop, breasts develop, waistline narrows, hips widen, uterus and ovaries enlarge, ovulation begins, menstruation begins, pubic hair appears, external genitals enlarge, long bone growth stops, fat pads grow.

• Early puberty (3:12) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OAg4e0MnQ0U

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Healthy Habits for Female Teens• a. Practice abstinence from sex - this can prevent infections

with HIV and other STDs and unplanned pregnancy.• b. Bathe or shower daily - keeping your reproductive organs

clean is important. Also remember to change tampons or sanitary pads every few hours during the menstrual period.

• c. Have regular medical exams – regular medical exams will include a test (Pap smear) for cancerous cells on the cervix, as well as a mammogram to test for breast cancer. Report any pain, discharge, or other signs of infection to your health care provider as soon as possible.

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Reproductive Definitions• Girls (30 min)

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Go over charts as a class

• Have them fill in answers as you go• http://kidshealth.org/misc/movie/bodybasics/bodybasics_fe


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Path of the Egg

• Ovaries----• fallopian tubes----uterus---

• cervix---• vagina

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Monthly Cycle• Kidshealth.org (2.5 minutes + 3 min explanation

between each phase= 5-6 min)• http://kidshealth.org/misc/movie/bodybasics/bodybasics_f


• Ovulationhttp://www.mayoclinic.com/health/ovulation/MM00108

(2 min)

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Reproductive Cancer in Females• Cervical, uterine, and ovarian cancers- early sexual

activity and STDs such as human papillomavirus (HPV) increase the risk of cervical cancer. Regular exams (ex. Pap smears) are important for early detection and treatment. The Food and Drug Administration has approved a vaccine that prevents infection from four strains of the HPV virus.

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Breast Self-Examinations

• Breast cancer is the most common cancer and the second leading cause of death, after lung cancer, for women in the United States. The American Cancer Society recommends that females examine their breasts once a month, right after their menstrual period, when breasts are not tender. Early detection is critical for successful treatment of breast cancer.

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Steps of Breast Self-Exams (BSE)

• 1. Lie down with a pillow under your right shoulder. Put your right arm behind your head. Place the three middle finger pads of your left hand on your right breast. Move your fingers in a circular motion, pressing first with light, then medium, then firm pressure. Feel for any lumps or thickening of the breast. Follow this process in an up-and-down path over the breast. Be sure to check all of the breast tissue, from the underarm edge to the middle of the chest bone, and from the collarbone to ribs. Repeat, using your right hand on your left breast.

• 2. Stand in front of a mirror with your hands pressed firmly on your hips. Inspect your breasts for any changes in size, shape, or appearance. Look for dimpling, rash, puckering or scaliness of the skin or nipple, or discharge.

• 3. Next, raise your arms over your head (palm pressed together), and look for changes.

• 4. Examine your underarms with your arms only slightly raised so you can more easily feel these areas.

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Post-What I learned (Day II)• Second half of boy/girl worksheet (10 minutes)• Give correct answers and review

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Bell Ringer• 10 minutes

Think about your future goals and plans. How would an STD affect you future plans and goals? At

least three sentences.

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STD Activity

• How STDs spread (10 min)• Tape a colored index card under five different desks in the

classroom. Don’t tell the students.• Have the students all give high fives to three different

people. They will write down both the names of the people they gave high fives to , and all the names that those three people already have written on their own papers.

• At the end of the activity, have them come back to their desks and look under them. The five people with cards under their desks have STDs but didn’t know it. Anyone with those five peoples names on their own papers now has an STD also.

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General STD InformationSexually transmitted diseases (also known as STDs — or STIs for "sexually transmitted infections") are infectious diseases that spread from person to person through intimate contact. STDs can affect guys and girls of all ages and backgrounds who are having sex — it doesn't matter if they're rich or poor.

Unfortunately, STDs have become common among teens. Because teens are more at risk for getting some STDs, it's important to learn what you can do to protect yourself. For example, avoiding sexual contact before marriage can eliminate the risk of contracting an STD.

STDs are more than just an embarrassment. They're a serious health problem. If untreated, some STDs can cause permanent damage, such as sterility (the inability to have a baby), pelvic inflammatory disease, and even death (in the case of HIV/AIDS).

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Bacterial Vs. Viral• STDs can be either bacterial or viral.• Bacterial infections are cause by different bacteria• Viral infections are caused by different viruses• Major differences:• Bacterial infections can be treated with antibiotics

and cured.• Viral infections cannot be cured. The symptoms can

be alleviated with treatment but the virus will never leave the body.

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Importance of Treatment

It is important to understand the risks and consequences of STD’s because they are a serious threat to health and well-being. If

you are having, or have had, sex at any time it is important to be examined for infection

by a doctor. This is especially important because, many times, STD’s are very

difficult to detect- especially in females. STDs can live inside a body for a long time without the person exhibiting any symptoms, so many people do not get the

treatment they need and suffer serious health problems as a result.

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STD Jigsaw- (45 min)

• 7 Groups (15 min in groups, 30 min to present)• Chlamydia• Gonorrhea• HIV/AIDS• Genital Warts (HPV)• Genital Herpes• Syphilis• Hepatitis B

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Emotional Consequences of Youth Sexual Activity

• Worry about pregnancy and STDs• Regret and self-recrimination• Guilt• Loss of self-respect and self-esteem• Corruption of character and the debasement of sex• Shaken trust and fear of commitment• Rage over betrayal• Depression and suicide• Ruined relationships• Stunting personal development

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Why do teens choose to abstain?• Waiting until they feel ready for the emotional and physical aspects

of sex  • Waiting until they find the right person  • Avoiding STDs  • Not feeling ready for the possibility of being a parent  • Losing their sexual partner through a break-up or death and wanting

to wait to have sex again  • Wanting to have fun without the pressures and concerns of sexual

involvement  • Pursuing other interests, such as sports or academics  • Moral or religious beliefs that teen abstinence is the best choice • Good communication from parents who encourage teen abstinence

Over 2/3 of all teens who have had sex say they wish they had waited until they were older.

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Group Brainstorming Activity• What are some benefits of abstinence?• Each group come up with at least three and come

write them on the board.

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Benefits of Abstinence• Avoiding sexually transmitted diseases • Avoiding unplanned pregnancy  • Not getting a bad reputation  • Avoiding some of the emotional consequences

of teen sex, especially if the relationship does not work out, including feeling hurt, used, lonely, angry, or depressed 

• Better relationships; couples who wait to have sex have healthier, more trusting relationships, and, if they marry, are less likely to divorce, and generally have better sex lives than those who did not wait 

• Teen girls who abstain from sex until they are older, and limit sexual partners later in life, are less likely to develop cervical cancer or become infertile 

• Unlike other forms of birth control, abstinence costs nothing and has no side effects

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Drawing the Line Activity

• Ask the students to mentally draw a line on the continuum that they do not want to cross at this point in their lives. Tell the stories to demonstrate the importance of “drawing the line” early.

• In World War II some pilots participated in “tree topping” to impress others with their flying skills. They would fly close enough to break off the very tips of trees. This practice became prohibited because of the number of planes that ended up in the trees. A new safety rule was set in place so that the minimum altitude at which a pilot could fly was well above the trees.

• A company was interviewing truck drivers for hauling precious cargo across a mountain pass. When asked about a particularly hazardous curve on a steep cliff, one applicant bragged, “I could take that corner going 60 miles per hour while driving on the outside shoulder!” A second applicant said, “I would gear down, and drive slowly and as close as possible to the hill side of the road.” Which of the two applicants would you hire to drive your precious cargo?

• Discuss rules that will help the students avoid crossing their lines.

Flirting - Holding Hands - Cuddling - Kissing - Making Out - Foreplay - Sex