Scene 2 – 1 (Corridor) The scene will fade in from the title card, Charlie is centre screen with her back facing the camera as she walks down the corridor. The camera is mounted on a wheeled tripod and is following her closely as she weaves through the crowd. Extras will walk in the opposite direction (towards the camera) and off screen, avoiding and keeping their distance from Charlie.

Scene 2 - Classroom

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Page 1: Scene 2 - Classroom

Scene 2 – 1(Corridor)

The scene will fade in from the title card, Charlie is centre screen with her back facing the camera as she walks down the corridor. The camera is mounted on a wheeled tripod and is following her closely as she weaves through the crowd. Extras will walk in the opposite direction (towards the camera) and off screen, avoiding and keeping their distance from Charlie.

Page 2: Scene 2 - Classroom

Scene 2 – 2(Classroom/Corridor)

In this shot we will position the camera inside the classroom facing the pane of glass in the door. This will frame Charlie as she approaches the room. The crowd of students will be trailing away leaving her alone as she walks towards the classroom. In this shot we want to make Charlie appear lonely and small which we hope to achieve with the emptying corridor and placing the camera at a higher point.

Page 3: Scene 2 - Classroom

Scene 2 – 3(Classroom)

Originally we were going to shoot with the desk and door at the edges of the shot and the audience would watch the teacher walk across the room to open the door as the camera slowly descended. (right) After rehearsing this we decided it looked unnatural, similar to Big Brother or something similar. Instead now we see a closer shot of the teacher inside the classroom as she goes to open the door. Charlie walks into the room and across the screen from right to left, this “switching places” of Charlie and the Teacher allows the camera to change position to face the tables where they are now sitting without breaking the 180° rule.(the frame above is not how the new shot will look but the positions and paths of the actors are still the same)

Page 4: Scene 2 - Classroom

Scene 2 – 4(Classroom)

We see Charlie and the Teacher sit down, as each one speaks the camera will switch to face them. Filming a conversation like this means we MUST obey the 180° rule or the whole phrase will look jumpy and confusing to the viewer. We will film the whole conversation with the camera looking over the Teachers shoulder facing Charlie and then film it again but with the camera facing the other way. Later we will the edit the footage together so the camera will turn to whoever is speaking in the scene.

Page 5: Scene 2 - Classroom

Scene 2 – 5(Classroom)

After the conversation the camera will switch to directly in front of the teacher as she begins to read from the homework. She will be centre screen, as she speaks the image will change into the next scene with her voice and image fading into a graphic and audio match of Charlie writing the homework at her desk. After rehearsing this and shooting a mock of this shot we understand this maybe a difficult frame to integrate into the array of shots we already have. However we will work on using this shot in the film but we may have to scrap it.

Page 6: Scene 2 - Classroom

Scene 2 – 6(Classroom)

As the scene fades in from the classroom the audience will see Charlie at her desk in her room struggling with her homework. This will be a darker shot than the previous one, this mild juxtaposition will draw attention to the darkness of he shot helping depict the frustrated and melancholy Charlie as the camera moves around her.