1. How to use social media in your job search 2. Don’t let social media derail your career 3. Facebook Private se?ngs

Safer Internet Day 2014: social media, best practices and privacy settings.pptx

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A presentation for the Safer Internet Day 2014 on three main topics: how to use Facebook and Twitter for job search; the Dos and Don’ts of social media to benefit careers opportunities; and how to set up private settings on Facebook for sensible data protection.

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       1.  How  to  use  social  media  in  your  job  search  2.  Don’t  let  social  media  derail  your  career  3.  Facebook  Private  se?ngs  


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1.  How  to  use  Social  Media  in  your  Job  Search  

   One  of  the  best  ways  to  find  a  job  is  using  social  media  to  


Source:  h<p://jobsearch.about.com/od/networking/a/socialmedia.htm      

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Source:  h<p://jobsearch.about.com/od/networking/a/socialmedia.htm      

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Facebook  is  an  online  social  networking  service  that  enables  users  to  create  a  personal  profile,  add  other  users  as  friends,  exchange  messages,  and  receive  automaBc  noBficaBons  when  they  update  their  profile,  etc.  


Advantages  •  Connect  with  friends  or  people  you  know,  and  reconnect  with  people  

in  your  past  •  You  can  use  it  as  your  personal  website  for  professional  networking  •  You  can  post  content  relevant  to  your  job  search  or  career  •  Visit  and  Like  the  Facebook  Pages  of  Companies  you’re  interested  in  


Source:  h<p://jobsearch.about.com/od/networking/a/socialmedia.htm      

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 Best  PracFces    

•  Decide  what  you  want  business  contacts  or  prospecBve  employers  to  see-­‐  and  what  you  don’t.  

•  Post  notes  and  status  updates  relaBng  to  your  job  search,  to  keep  it  top  of  mind  that  you’re  sBll  looking  for  a  job.  

•  Choose  your  Facebook  friends  wisely.  •  See  Facebook  Private  SeLngs  (slide  10  )  


Source:  h<p://jobsearch.about.com/od/networking/a/socialmedia.htm      

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Source:  h<p://jobsearch.about.com/od/networking/a/socialmedia.htm      

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Twi<er  is  a  social  networking  service  that  enables  users  to  send  and  read  "tweets",  which  are  text  messages  limited  to  140  characters.  



•  Connect  with  people  you  don’t  know,  based  on  common  interests  •  Connect  with  people  who  work  for  companies  you’re  interested  in  •  See  job  posBngs  by  recruiters  in  real  Bme  and  ask  for  further  informaBon  


Source:  h<p://jobsearch.about.com/od/networking/a/socialmedia.htm      

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 Best  PracFces    

•  Tweet  about  interviews  and  people  you  have  met.  This  keeps  it  fresh  in  people’s  heads  that  you’re  looking  for  a  job  

•  Your  Twi<er  name  should  be  your  name,  as  it  will  help  you  in  search  engine  results  

•  Put  your  “elevator  pitch”  on  your  bio  •  Use  a  professional  avatar  •  Follow  industry  experts  


Source:  h<p://jobsearch.about.com/od/networking/a/socialmedia.htm      

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2.  Don't  Let  Social  Media  Derail  Your  Career  -­‐  Use  It  To  AHract  

PotenFal  Employers  


Today  you  can  be  sure  that  employers  and  recruiters  will  be  checking  you  out  online  –  before  and  aXer  you’re  hired.  


Source:  h<p://www.forbes.com/sites/85broads/2013/11/21/dont-­‐let-­‐social-­‐media-­‐derail-­‐your-­‐career-­‐use-­‐it-­‐to-­‐a<ract-­‐potenBal-­‐employers/  

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Employers  are  finding  reasons  not  to  hire  candidates  because  of  their  social  media  presence.    


•  ProvocaBve/inappropriate  photos  and/or  informaBon  •  InformaBon  about  candidate  drinking  or  using  drugs  •  Badmouthing  a  previous  employer  


Source:  h<p://www.forbes.com/sites/85broads/2013/11/21/dont-­‐let-­‐social-­‐media-­‐derail-­‐your-­‐career-­‐use-­‐it-­‐to-­‐a<ract-­‐potenBal-­‐employers/  

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Everything  you  post  online  helps  them  determine  who  you  are  as  a  person.  Make  yourself  more  appealing  to  potenBal  employers:  

 •  Be  sure  your  presence  is  consistent  across  all  media  and  true  to  

who  you  are  •  Avoid  being  negaBve  online  •  Share  the  posiBve  things  you  do  •  “Google”  yourself  to  find  out  what  potenBal  employers  will  


Source:  h<p://www.forbes.com/sites/85broads/2013/11/21/dont-­‐let-­‐social-­‐media-­‐derail-­‐your-­‐career-­‐use-­‐it-­‐to-­‐a<ract-­‐potenBal-­‐employers/  

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3.  Facebook  Private  Se?ngs  

   The  Golden  Rule:  Always  post,  tweet,  blog,  email  or  

otherwise  communicate  with  the  understanding  that  any  informaBon  you  share  could  potenBally  be  made  public  

regardless  of  your  privacy  seLngs  or  intenBons.        

Source:  h<p://www.slideshare.net/NavalOPSEC/facebook-­‐privacy-­‐seLngs-­‐updated-­‐february-­‐2014    

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Privacy  Advice    

•  Access  to  the  privacy  and  applicaBon  seLngs  for  your  Facebook  account  clicking  on  the  padlock  icon  located  in  the  upper  right  corner  of  your  window  

•  Who  can  see  my  stuff?  Modify  who  is  able  to  view  all  your  posts.  Any  changes  to  this  seLng  only  apply  to  posts  you  make  aXer  you  have  set  this  seLng  

•  You  also  have  the  opBon  to  set  privacy  seLngs  for  individual  posts  you  make.  And  you  can  change  the  privacy  seLng  of  a  past  post  anyBme  


Source:  h<p://www.slideshare.net/NavalOPSEC/facebook-­‐privacy-­‐seLngs-­‐updated-­‐february-­‐2014    

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Privacy  Advice  

•  Facebook  gives  you  the  opBon  to  block  other  users  from  viewing  your  profile  or  sending  you  a  friend  request  

•  To  access  Account  SeLngs  navigate  to  the  Account  SeLngs  drop  down  menu  from  your  home  seLngs  

•  Take  your  Bme  to  go  through  your  seLngs  and  customize  them  to  meet  your  specific  privacy  needs  

•  Always  be  very  restricBve  as  possible  when  seLng  privacy  seLngs,  and  restrict  who  is  able  to  see  private  content  as  much  as  possible.  

•  We  recommend  content  control  and  limiBng  the  amount  of  personal  informaBon  you  make  available  


Source:  h<p://www.slideshare.net/NavalOPSEC/facebook-­‐privacy-­‐seLngs-­‐updated-­‐february-­‐2014    

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Privacy  Advice  

•  Facebook  gives  you  the  opBon  to  block  other  users  from  viewing  your  profile  or  sending  you  a  friend  request  

•  To  access  Account  SeLngs  navigate  to  the  Account  SeLngs  drop  down  menu  from  your  home  seLngs  

•  Take  your  Bme  to  go  through  your  seLngs  and  customize  them  to  meet  your  specific  privacy  needs  

•  Always  be  very  restricBve  as  possible  when  seLng  privacy  seLngs,  and  restrict  who  is  able  to  see  private  content  as  much  as  possible  

•  We  recommend  content  control  and  limiBng  the  amount  of  personal  informaBon  you  make  available  


Source:  h<p://www.slideshare.net/NavalOPSEC/facebook-­‐privacy-­‐seLngs-­‐updated-­‐february-­‐2014    

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Privacy  Advice  •  Do  not  enable  the  facial  recogniBon  feature  on  Facebook  

•  Restrict  your  friends’  ability  to  tag  you  in  photos  and  never  share  your  locaBons  

•  Provide  as  li<le  personal  informaBon  as  possible  

•  If  your  mobile  is  lost  or  stolen,  you  can  log  out  of  your  Facebook  mobile  app  from  the  desktop  website  

•  From  the  App  SeLng  page  you  can  view  and  manage  applicaBons  (such  as  games)  that  can  access  your  profile.  Periodically  check  this  seLng  


Source:  h<p://www.slideshare.net/NavalOPSEC/facebook-­‐privacy-­‐seLngs-­‐updated-­‐february-­‐2014    

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Privacy  Advice  

•  If  someone  has  established  a  fake  account  using  your  personal  informaBon  (i.e.  your  name,  your  photo)  report  the  account  to  Facebook.  AXer  a  short  verificaBon  process  the  account  will  be  removed  

•  Maintain  a  unique  password  for  different  accounts,  and  change  passwords  frequently  

•  Do  not  register  for  a  social  media  account  with  an  official  .mil/gov  email  address  

•  Verify  friend  requests  before  accepBng  

•  Always  consider  how  your  informaBon  can  be  used  against  you.  


Source:  h<p://www.slideshare.net/NavalOPSEC/facebook-­‐privacy-­‐seLngs-­‐updated-­‐february-­‐2014    

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Need  more  advice?      

Visit  h<p://www.saferinternet.org.uk/    

Like  us  on  Facebook:  h<ps://www.facebook.com/eachieveNE    

Follow  us  on  Twi<er:  h<ps://twi<er.com/eachieveNE