LOGOS ACADEMY From “Sophie’s World” by Jostein Gaarder: How can philosophy, history and communication help connect the past, present and possible future events in the world. By: Ornella Andrade León

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From “Sophie’s World” by Jostein Gaarder: How can philosophy, history and

communication help connect the past, present and possible future events in the


By:Ornella Andrade León

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• What are we doing here in this world?

• What is our purpose of living here?

• How can we exist?

• How can everything around us exist?

•How has communication changed our way to reason?

• Are we living well in this technological wealth?

• Do we have spiritual wealth?

•What will happen to the future generations?

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Important facts:• Was born in Oslo, Norway in

1952.• Went To the university of Oslo.• Began to write in 1974 after his

marriage.• Won the Norwegian Literary

Critics’ Award and Ministry of Cultural and Scientific Affairs

Literary Price.• Forme the Sofie Foundation

Famous Books:•Diagnosen og andre noveller

(The Diagnosis and Other Stories,1986)

•Barna fra Sukhavati (The Children from Sukhavati, 1987)•Froskeslottet (The Frog Castle,

1988)•Kabalmysteriet (The Solitaire

Mystery, 1990)•Sofies verden (Sophie's World,


Jostein Gaarder

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Sophie’s World“A novel about the history of philosophy”


Sophie Amundsen is a girl that is about to turn fifteen years old. she finds in the mail box two questions. Who are you?

While Sophie and Alberto Knox are studying philosophy they discover they are ruled by this UN Major, Albert Knag and that they are a present for her daughter’s fifteenth birthday and probably fantasy.

Sophie and Alberto decided to return to their own world even though they will not get any older. Hilde was talking with her father and she feels that Sophie is close to her. She reflexes maybe Sophie is with them in other time and space.

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The History of Philosophy

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Francis Bacon Copernicus Kepler

Galilei Newton

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EnlightenmentAlso known as the Age

of Reason


Montesquieu, Rosseau

and Voltaire

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Hegel Karl Marx

Darwin Sigmund Freud

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History of Communication

The Printing process

Ancient ways of communication

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History of Communication

The Telegragh The Telephone

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History of Communication

The Radio The Television

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History of Communication

The Computer The Internet

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Advantages and Disadvantages of Communication

Advantages• Easy to use

• Portable• Saves time.

• Artistic and creative.• Quality sound

• Illustrates.• Programation.• Large groups.

• Accesible to everyone.• E-mail, chat.

• World wide Communication.• For Emergencies.

Disadvantages• Expensive• Junk Mail.

• Overuse of Worksheets.• Long distances are costly.

• Spams.• Steal your Identity.• Invasion of Privacy.• Technology Addict.

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…we are becoming shallow and destroying our world…