Table of Contents Chapter 1............................................................ 3 Introduction......................................................... 3 1.1 BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY.........................................5 1.2 PROBLEM STATEMENT...............................................6 1.3 SIGNIFICANT OF THE STUDY........................................7 1.4 RESEARCH OBJECTIVES.............................................8 1.5 RESEARCH QUESTION..............................................8 1.6 LIMITATION OF THE STUDY.........................................8 1.7 DEFINITION OF TERMS.............................................9 1.8 CONCLUSION.....................................................10 CHAPTER 2........................................................... 11 LITERATURE REVIEW................................................... 11 2.0 INTRODUCTION...................................................11 2.1 PERCEPTION REGARDING CLASS SIZE................................11 2.2 CLASS SIZE AND STUDENTS’ ATTITUDE..............................13 2.4 CONCLUSION.....................................................17 CHAPTER 3........................................................... 18 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY................................................ 18 3.0 INTRODUCTION.................................................... 18 3.1 RESEARCH DESIGN................................................18 3.1 POPULATION, SAMPLE AND SAMPLE SELECTION.......................19 3.3 METHOD OF DATA COLLECTION......................................20 3.3 RESEARCH INSTRUMENT............................................21 3.4 DATA ANALYSIS..................................................22 3.4 CONCLUSION.....................................................23 REFERENCES.......................................................... 24 APPENDIX A - SET OF QUESTIONNAIRE...................................29 For Teachers........................................................ 29


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Table of Contents

Chapter 1..................................................................................................................................................3


1.1 BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY................................................................................................5

1.2 PROBLEM STATEMENT..............................................................................................................6

1.3 SIGNIFICANT OF THE STUDY...................................................................................................7

1.4 RESEARCH OBJECTIVES...........................................................................................................8

1.5 RESEARCH QUESTION.........................................................................................................8

1.6 LIMITATION OF THE STUDY......................................................................................................8

1.7 DEFINITION OF TERMS..............................................................................................................9

1.8 CONCLUSION..............................................................................................................................10

CHAPTER 2............................................................................................................................................11

LITERATURE REVIEW.........................................................................................................................11

2.0 INTRODUCTION..........................................................................................................................11

2.1 PERCEPTION REGARDING CLASS SIZE..............................................................................11

2.2 CLASS SIZE AND STUDENTS’ ATTITUDE.............................................................................13

2.4 CONCLUSION..............................................................................................................................17

CHAPTER 3............................................................................................................................................18

RESEARCH METHODOLOGY............................................................................................................18

3.0 INTRODUCTION..............................................................................................................................18

3.1 RESEARCH DESIGN..................................................................................................................18

3.1 POPULATION, SAMPLE AND SAMPLE SELECTION......................................................19

3.3 METHOD OF DATA COLLECTION...........................................................................................20

3.3 RESEARCH INSTRUMENT.......................................................................................................21

3.4 DATA ANALYSIS.........................................................................................................................22

3.4 CONCLUSION..............................................................................................................................23


APPENDIX A - SET OF QUESTIONNAIRE.......................................................................................29

For Teachers..........................................................................................................................................29

APPENDIX B - SET OF QUESTIONNAIRE.......................................................................................33

For Students..........................................................................................................................................33

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Chapter 1


John Dewey (1916) mention that when creating proses of education it must be start with

attract interest of learner which means students, because from the interest it will stimulate

learner to be thinker and creative in teaching and learning process as cited by Naseer and

Saeed (2007). Because of that, it was important for educator to attract everyone in the class to

involve in thinking and interesting activity. Participating from students in the class will enhance

activities in the class become more effective and fun. Other than that, by participating with

activities in the class will make student added more knowledge, ideas, opinion, critical thinking

by transfer knowledge from friends in activities with full of interesting.

Process of teaching and learning become more interesting and wonderful by let all

students in the class participate in the session teaching and learning. Besides that, it was

helpful tools for teacher in achieving objective of the lesson. Because student will become more

understand their lesson by encouraging them in positive learning environment in participate all

of them in activities in class. But, there are amount of student doesn’t give their attention in the

class while teaching learning process and class activity as they found the class is boring and not

attract them to in in the lesson. Reduced class size is the one of the alternative to make sure all

student in the class participate well in class activity and teaching and learning session. But there

are still few question about class size reduction towards students’ performance. Reduced class

size will help student in their achievement especially in examination? This statement can be

proven? There are few or researcher agreed with statement of reduced class size will enhance

student’s achievement. On the other hand, there are some of researcher identify that reduced

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class size not the major factors in enhance students’ performance. There another factor

contribute to student achievement which is school climate, school culture, location of school,

age of schools, principal leadership style, teacher pedagogy, instructional leadership, instruction

in teaching and so on.

According to, McConnell and Sosin (1984), DeCanio (1986), and Siegfried and Walstad

(1990), they mention larger class size not preferred by students as cited by Kelly and Peter

(2006). According to this statement, student more likely to learn in small classroom and less

interact learning in rather larger classroom. In smaller classroom student become more effective

in task given by teacher and motivated while learning. The process of teaching and learning will

run smoothly because of student feel exciting, participate well in the class and it create positive

environment for student itself. Moreover, objective of the lesson easier to achieve because of

students give positive feedback in positive environment that created not only by factor of size

classroom. Internal and external factors was include of students’ performance. Conducive class,

larger or small class size, students’ initiative towards themselves was another factors that affect

towards students’ performance and achievement.

Therefore, it still have an argument in identify whether major factor of class size give

effects to students performance or not. Some researcher was highlighted that class size is not

the major problems in contribute students’ performance while some other researcher agreed

that by reducing class size will stimulate students’ performance because it will make students

become pay attention, focus and active participate in classroom.

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As traditionally, from previous research found that class size is controlling and independent

variable. In learning especially subject science sees that reduction of class size is very

helpful because it small size classroom students become more participate, enhance their

imagination of think, more motivated and creativity skills polish. Learning and achievement

of students in their classroom seem that it has negative correlation between two variable.

Besides, the instruction method, teacher attitude also contribute to students performance,

not only reduction of class size.

As mention by Naseer and Saeed (2007) found that there have significant relationship

between culture of school and size of schools. For example, performance of small school

mush better than larger school because of applying positive school culture towards

community of schools. According to McKeachie (1999), stated that by using reorganizing

and restructuring technique to reform larger class size would be effective in the way of

deliver lesson which means the outcome will be same as teaching in small class size. The

problems is, when student in larger class size they become passive, not fully participate and

make them not active. Researcher Waugh (1999) emphasize that maintaining in smaller

class size will enhance student motivation and teaching and learning become more

inspiring. Actually if educator using another effective way in encouraging student in learning,

participation to active learning even though teaching in larger class size.

As mention by students, basically in medium and small class size the instruction is much

more focus on project of hand on, applying lesson activities in real life, conduct project that

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related to creative thinking from original product students itself, require students to helping each

other’s to gain better understanding, new ideas and concept and create group discussion or

team to monitor them in learning. Student who in larger class size complain that in their class

less instructor conducted. Not help them in setting the goal and achieve it and less inspire

students in learning and teaching session.

Because of that there are some conflict in issues of class size reduction. Smaller or

larger class size are much better in enhance students’ performance. Some of them trust that

large class size is not the major factors. Besides, other researcher highlight on reducing small

size classroom will increasing student understanding and will better achievement in their



According to Wulff(1987), mention that the most displeasing about larger class size is

the lack of interaction between students and teachers and lack of chance for questioning and

discussion. It supporting by Stones (1970) found that from 1,000 college students 60% of them

revealed that presence in larger class size refused them to asking question, because class is

too big, even though their educator ask them to ask question. Another researcher Karp and

Yoels (1976) identify that in larger class more than 40 number of students, 2-3 accounted for

over half the exchange and less than 40 students accounted for 75% interaction in the

classroom by using observation data.

Students need more attention to enhance students’ performance. Reduction class size

the one way of it. Because class size is the one factors include in contribute school’s

effectiveness. Moreover, another important factors contribute to students performance and

school effectiveness are quality of teacher, size of schools, parent involvement and others.

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Hence, it is important to highlighted on these issue of effects of class size towards

students attitude, achievement and perception of teachers towards class size in stimulate

students enthusiasm for their learning by forming smaller classroom size to improving teaching

and learning for inspire will target the focus this study on:

(i) The perceptions of teachers towards class size

(ii) The relationship between class size and students’ academic result (achievement)

(iii) The relationship between class size and students attitude


From this research, hoped that will refer as guidelines and reference in the future for teacher

or trainee teacher by using this approaches of reduction class size in stimulate student

achievement and performance. Hope that teachers and public can added more information

on this class size study from the opinion and point of view in teaching by reduction of

classroom size, their effects, role, advantages especially in enhancing student’s motivation.

In practical significant of this method should be research more of their implementation in

Malaysia then it should be administered following the policies from the government, ministry

of education. School management and school administered should conduct the implement

after get approval from the government.

From this research, data gathered by conducting using questionnaire, hoped that data can

help educator teacher especially by provided useful information, lighten burden in handle

larger or small classroom size, and helping teachers in study suitable activities whether in

different level, different size classroom, small or larger size classroom to increase students

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motivation in teaching and learning session. Thus, Ministry of Education should take part in

this issue by investigate more deep in effectiveness reduction size classroom in improving

student level motivation and the possible of this kind of learning to be combined in the

lessons or syllabus.


This study attempts:

1) To identify the perception teacher towards class size

2) To examine the relationship between class size and students’ academic result

3) To determine the relationship between class size and the students attitude


The research will be focusing on the following questions:

1) What are the perceptions of teacher towards class size?

2) What is relationship between class size and student academic result?

3) What is relationship between class size and students attitude?


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In conducting this study, there are some limitation occur. First, because of this study

investigate perception from teacher especially trainee teachers, it may lack genuine opinion or

lack of their teaching experience regarding class size. Researcher may get information on the

class size opinion and perception of senior teacher or ‘guru cemerlang’ who are expert in handle

their students in the classroom since they have many experience to make the data more reliable

and valid. By differentiate advantages and disadvantages of class size regarding to enhance

students’ performance. Second, information gathered from student may lack of genuine too

especially in academic result because it possible to them not stated the actual result but tend to

cheat. It not longitudinal study due to limit of time, it will take only about two hours to collect

data. Limited samples data gathered from only public school in Klang Area with 86 samples

from teacher , 63 from trainee teachers and 152 samples from students . Data information get

not cover all the area of Klang, hoped in the future this data used for further research on class

size in bigger area. Besides that, comparative study need to conduct in future research by using

experimental instrument (observation) and it controlled. Policies from Ministry of Education

might be another limitation to implement this approach of class size towards students’



Class size term was important in this research. Class size can be measured by how large or

small a person or thing is (classroom). According to Murphy (1998) 13-17 students in the class

considered as smaller class size, on the other hand, 22-25 students in the class considered as

larger class size as cited by Kathleen. Another researcher Micheal (2009) stated that in Project

STAR, study on effects class size by using experimental clarify that in smaller class number of

students between 13-17 and for larger class number of students is 22-26. In California, their

school districts to maintain class size for one classroom about only 20 number of students

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based on program of reduction class size. Then, it support by Bohrnstedt and Stecher (2002)

clarify that in small class size there are 13-17 number of students, besides 22-17 number of

students in larger class size. From few of definition about small and large class size, it can be

conclude that for small size classroom there have numbers of students about 13-17 moreover

for larger class size there have number of students about 22 and above.


In this chapter explain overall about the whole for this research that include introduction,

background of the study, statement of the problem, significant of the study, research objectives,

research questions, limitation of this research and definition of terms.

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Based from this research this chapter will discuss the important key and vital information

highlighted parallel over to research study. Several of justification are relate to the objective of

this study will highlighted which are perception of teacher regarding class size, relationship of

class size and students achievement and students attitudes towards form four students area

Klang at Sek Men Keb Klang Utama. Important key and information regard previous research.


In measuring students’ performance class size is the one of the important elements that

contribute to students achievement. As highlighted from Idienumah (1987) Ojoawo (1989) and

Fabunmi (2000) mention that among educator teachers or lecturer there are some of them

agree and some of them argued if the smaller class size , the students achievement will getting

better. They argued that class size is the major effects in enhance students’ performance.

According to Martin (2007), he found that there are lots of research stressed that there are have

implication between learning cognitive in school with ratio of students in the class. Meaning that,

class size have major influence towards students’ performance in the class.

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Other researcher McKeachie (199), stated that class size is not the major factor

enhance students’ performance but the most important is knowledge and skills from

educator and knowledge provided from the books is much better important rather than

class size. But, if the knowledge become important to the application that contribute to

students development then class size become important elements. Additional means

that, in teaching and learning session information and knowledge is the important role of

process, but in applying application class size is more effective then it became the most

important factors. McKeachie (1980) added, educational found that class size is the first

problem came out when study about class size and effects of learning. There are some

of debate in academic field that become controversial regarding class size, and if found

that class size have beneficial impact for student to learn more by experience by

Williams (1985)

When the class size getting larger, it become more task for educator or teacher

to handle and manage the class because it might occur other problems make by students

because student less of attention while teaching and learning process, because teacher cannot

handle all of them in larger class. They may be left behind because of less attention and it lead

to student less attract in teaching and learning process. Educator or teacher need to identify

various characteristics and behavior of students to deal with them. By doing this approaches,

teaching and learning process become easier because teacher know needs of each their

students and objective of the lesson will accomplished. So that, teacher is smaller class size

tend to use this skills because it easier to focus one by one in smaller class size. Other than

that, in smaller class size student will get enough material and equipment while teaching and

learning process and that make process of learning become smooth and achievable.

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Besides that, as cited by Bennett (1996) research on class size found that class size

have closely relationship between students attitudes, teacher perception, experience from

leadership of school, parents activity involvement and involvement from government. This

research is make an effort of teacher perception of class size have significant towards students

achievements. According to Camak (2009), he stressed that teacher believe that teaching in

smaller class size deliver greater attention to individuals students rather than larger class size.

Teacher added in teaching and learning process quality influenced by class size it was from

researcher gathered data from 352 primary schools information gathered.

Other than that, based from Galton and Hargreaves (1996) showed that a study to see

there are significant relationship with interaction approaches used experienced teacher whether

in larger or small class size and strategies used. Observation was used as instrument by

observation and interview method. It was to collect data that adapted from ORALE research.

Camak (2009) found that teacher who are in smaller class size has more time to guide their

students in task or assignment, help student in have more supervision, and more feedback on

students’ homework or question.


Phenomena regarding class size has risen up a long time ago. Students’ performance

closely related to class size. In the smaller class size students will understand better in depth

while process teaching and learning session. This happen because teacher in smaller class size

will give more attention to their students by having one to one approaches and face to face

discussion within their students in smaller class size. Automatically students will give their

attention and lead to their motivation in leaning that control their attitude.

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In other research define factor of students attitude also have significant with class size,

whether class size is small or larger, it give impact towards students attitudes and personality of

students itself. Moreover, participation of student in activity of class also have high relation to

class size in teaching and learning process. According to Smith and Glass (1980) found that by

meta-analyses in comparing smaller and larger class size, smaller class size has much more

effective to lead students achievement, students attitude, students participation and moral .

According to Bourke(1986) mention that to promote better achievement among students , better

attitudes, good instructional of practices, teachers satisfaction in teaching and high value and

morale reduction to smaller class size is the way. It support by Popham (2005) and Haris

(1999) students achievement closely related with class size and students attitudes. Then it

parallel with Tyler (2000), found in all grade level smaller class size give more beneficial

towards students attitudes.

There are a lots of research have been conducted to examine the relationship between

class size towards students’ achievement, students’ attitudes, student involvement or

participation in teaching and learning session. Though, some of the research proven that class

size have closely relationship between students’ achievement and students’ attitudes that give

benefit to students itself. Some other research found that class size not the major factor in

students’ performance in the schools

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According to Bolton (1988) defined there are no impact towards students achievement

regarding larger or smaller class size in developmental English. This argument also supported

by Martin (2007) stated that sometimes larger class would be better rather than smaller class

size. Other researcher Edge (1980) clarify problems occurs in larger class because of chance

and discussion providing is less to the students especially for written work and it discourage

involvement of students that lead to unmotivated teachers to set the target for better

assessment that can give less benefit to students. As Coleman (1987) emphasize for teacher to

become enthusiastic it impossible in larger class to maintain students attention because

teachers might be busy with handling the task over the students’ because there are many

interruption occur by Martin 2007.

In previous research, they found that four aspects related between class size and

students’ performance which are numbers of students in a class according the time. Next,

differences between grade distributions according course within their students grades. Then,

interaction classroom and measurement in students behavior by different class size. Last by

using experimental study measurement of students outcomes in different course which is

students will be taught same curriculum but in larger and smaller class size to come out with

effects of students’ performance.

Many researcher believe that smaller class size give big impact to students’ performance

rather than smaller class size. The reason why smaller class size is more effective than larger

class size is students can pay more attention without other interruption and get more

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comfortable in the environment smaller class size because it much more easier to educator

handle teaching and learning lesson.

Moreover, teacher in smaller class size have more time to check and give explanation

and clearly instruction for their students in smaller class rather than larger class that enhance

students’ performance in their academic result. It lead to student excellence because teacher

will give direct correction on instructional time, and student can learn from their mistake

immediately and make better understandable. From the research result conducted by Smith

and Glass (1979) found that 77 studies of empirical pertaining towards relation on students

achievement and class size. It parallel with others research Murdoch and Guy (2002) as cited

by Kamuche 2006. That make comparison with result test of students in larger and smaller

class size, found that mostly higher score result test monopoly by students in smaller class size

meaning that class size give impact in students’ performance of academic achievement.

Besides that, as mention by Bolton (1988) as cited by Martin 2007, it is an orthodox perception

that believe smaller class size have better achievement. Researcher Arias and Walker (2004)

conduct studies on performance students towards class size among dental students found that

smaller class size increased students’ performance in academic results. They conclude with

hypothesis if class size decrease, students’ performance increase. After all, another researcher

Asadullah 2005 as cited by Kamuche 2006, also support that smaller class size was the

important role enhance students’ performance by result gathered from performance students in

program accounting and Economic.

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Based on the literature review given about perception about class size especially among

teacher and educator, relation class size and students achievement and relation class size and

student attitudes hope can give clear information and overall of picture about relationship

between class size and students’ performance. On this chapter include argument and support

review from many research regarding this research that can help to conclude conclusion based

on finding on the last chapter of this research.

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From this research on this chapter will give brief explanation about research design

used. It is contain design, population, sample and sample selection, method of data collection,

instrument used, analyze data and validity and reliability. This chapter help to further

understanding on chapter 4.


The research using method descriptive quantitative study. This research design

is correlational research since it want to investigate determines the relationship between

two variables which are class size and students performance. It means, whether if

variables of class size increase then another variable which is students’ performance

decrease and vice versa. This study to identify teachers’ perception on class and

relationship between student’s attitude and students’ achievement regarding class size.

This study done at secondary school SMK Klang Utama, Selangor

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From this research used random sampling which is simple random sampling. The

population of this study was sourced from the teacher and students of form four at Klang area at

secondary school area thus, practical teacher which is trainee teacher from faculty education

UiTM Shah Alam involve as teacher respondent. They are from different course such as major

in chemistry, physics and physical and health program. All of them are completed their training

at school at secondary schools.

Population of students gathered from form four students at secondary school SMK Klang

Utama, Selangor with 227 total form four students . They come all over Malaysia and a range of

socio-economic backgrounds. Generally they are either from Malay, Indian and Chinese

ethnically. The chosen sample consisted of all student form four students with 152 students

involve. Number of 152 of students is participated fully. Class of form four students from 4

Kejora, 4 Utarid, 4 Marikh and 4 Zuhal was randomly selected.

Population of teacher for this research was from teacher SMK Utama Klang Selangor

with total 117 then, sample for this study on teacher perception was 86 teacher from Sek Men

Utama Klang, Selangor was choose randomly. In the other hand, total 77 population trainee

teachers from physic, chemistry and physical health education course then, sample 63 students

of faculty education at UiTM Shah Alam that done their practicum course at school was choose


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Questionnaire is used in this research to gathered data information about size class from

the respondent. Supported by Santrock (2008) stated that by using questionnaire researcher

can get data information as fastest way. Questionnaire used is adapted from Sarah E. Leahy

(2006) “larger class vs small class: A Survey of Selected Teachers Opinions to the Effects of

Class Size on Student Achievement among Middle School Students” and “Effects on Class

Size on Teaching of English Language” done by Waliyullah S. (2008). Combination of these two

set of questionnaire researcher make some amendment and selected suitable questionnaire

established on the objective and research question have been conducted also based on

suggestion, comments and view from lecturer who is the researcher’s advisor. Minor

adjustment have been conduct to make sure respondent understand and answer what they

need supposed to answer to the objective of these research.

Set questionnaire for students, respondent of form four student that already selected

randomly from 4 Kejora, 4 Utarid, 4 Marikh and 4 Zuhal which is 152 of them from 227 total

students of form four, require to answer the questionnaire that will give to them. To answer the

question respondent took about 30 minutes to finish answer the question. There are 17 question

for students to answer include demographic data.

Set questionnaire for teacher, at secondary school area Klang, Selangor about 86

teachers who were randomly selected to answer these question. in the staffroom, the

questionnaire is give. Question about perception of teacher consists of 12 question and 20

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minutes spend for teacher to answer whole question. Besides that, for faculty education student

at UiTM Shah Alam that done their practicum course at school, questionnaire was distributed in

the classroom of Physics, chemistry and physical and health course. To finish whole the

question it almost 20 minutes for them to answer all the question.

Before questionnaire is distribute to teachers and students, researcher firstly give a brief

and explain what are the information of class size and clarified what are the purpose of the

questionnaire towards research objective and advise is given to answer questionnaire sincerity

and honestly.

A pilot test on the relationship of class size and it effects towards students’ performance

among form four student in secondary school is conducted. The purpose of this test was to

identify any error items and to check the reliability scale of all items in the instrument. Fifteen

copies of the two-part questionnaire is given to the respondents in the pre – testing subject and

all copies were returned with full completion. The alpha value for the pilot testing was 0.749. It

shows that the questionnaires can be used for collecting the data.


On this research, questionnaire that adapted from Sarah E. Leahy (2006) “larger class

vs small class: A Survey of Selected Teachers Opinions to the Effects of Class Size on

Student Achievement among Middle School Students” and “Effects on Class Size on

Teaching of English Language” (CSQ) done by Waliyullah S. (2008) (refer to Appendices)

is want to identify class size perspective on teachers perception, and relationship between

students achievement and students attitude regarding class size. There are two

questionnaire is divide. Separated set for teachers and set questionnaire for students. For

section A (teacher questionnaire) contain 13 of questionnaire regarding perception of

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teacher om class size. Set of students questionnaire there are section A and section B.

There are 3 questionnaire on section A and 3 question regarding demographic data. This

section is want to examine the relationship between class size and students’ academic

result. While section B contain 11 item to collect data relationship between class size and

students attitude


All the information gathered are collect from the questionnaire is analyze by using SPSS.

Percentages, mean, standard deviation, frequency counts, and relation (correlation) is used

to analyze. Data analyzed will present in bar graph and tabular form. SPSS 17 software is

using to analyses data on these research. By using SPSS can save time and helpful

software in interpreting information by find the key point of the research and automatically

give the result in advance. Then, from the result show, data will compare and make

connection with research objective is design in this study. Result will present in chapter 4

and discussion, conclusion and recommendation will be analyze and discuss.

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Research Objective Section Analysis

To identify the perception teacher

towards class size


(Question 1 – 13)

Teacher questionnaire

Data were analyzed to the

frequency, percentage , mean

and standard of each item and

bar chart table was produced

To examine the relationship

between class size and students’

academic result


(3 question on demographic Data &

Question 1-3)

Students questionnaire

Data were analyzed using

Correlation Coefficient

(Pearson’s Test) to examine the

relationship two variables

between class size and students’

academic result

To determine the relationship

between class size and the

students attitude


(Question 1-11)

Students questionnaire

Data analyze by use correlation

coefficient (Pearson Test) to

determine two variables

relationship between class size

and the students attitude


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On this chapter it describe design is used on this research. It include elements of methods

of data collection, research design, and instrument, sample of population and process of

analysis. Tabulated data will discuss more on next chapter from findings.


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For Teachers

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For Teachers

I am Siti Spura Moin, studenst from Master Education management and

leadership from Faculty Education UiTM Shah Alam would like to do a research

on relationship of class size towards students’ performance among form four students. The

purpose of this questionnaire is to find out achievement students regarding their class

size, attitude of student toward class size and teacher perception towards class size reduction.

The data will be kept confidential. Please kindly fill in the questionnaire


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(For teachers)

Please tick the appropriate answer according to your preference/ experience during class

SD – Strongly Disagree D – Disagree A – Agree SA – Strongly Agree

No Questions SD D A SA

1 Your method of teaching effective in an overpopulated class

2 You find coping with students easy in an overpopulated class

3 You think your experience helps in managing an

overpopulated class

4 There have cordial relationship between teachers and students in term of their interaction in a small class size

5 You find teaching in a small class size more tasking than that large class size

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6 Your instructional material adequate at all in an overpopulated class

7 You think providing more instructional material and

classroom can solve the problem of large class size

8 You usually meet the lesson objective when teaching in

an overpopulated class size

9 Large class size contribute to a decrease in student


10 Mode of instruction can be factor in student achievement

11 Class size reduction are costly and should not be possibility

12 Larger class have more discipline problem

13 Smaller class allows more time for teacher spend on student skill which can increase student achievement

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For Students

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For students

I am Siti Spura Moin, studenst from Master Education management and

leadership from Faculty Education UiTM Shah Alam would like to do a research

on effects of class size towards students’ performance among form four students. The

purpose of this questionnaire is to find out achievement students regarding their class

size , attitude of student toward class size and teacher perception towards class size reduction.

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The data will be kept confidential. Please kindly fill in the questionnaire



(For students)

Please tick the appropriate answer.

Gender Male


Row in the class (position) : ________________

No of Student in Class: ______________

Please tick the appropriate answer according to your preference/ experience during class

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No Questions SD D A SA

1 You have a good ranking number in class

2 You have good result in the tests

3 You have good mark on assignment / homework


(For students)

Please tick the appropriate answer according to your preference/ experience during class

SD – Strongly Disagree D – Disagree A – Agree SA – Strongly Agree

No Questions SD D A SA

1 You can give full concentration during learning process

2 You disturb other friends if they are not interested in


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3 When teacher asked a question, can you manage to

answer it

4 When given an assignment, you engage in answering the


5 You will submit assignment/homework on time

6 You can concentrate during the presentation in the class

7 I want to get good grades on tests, quizzes, assignments and projects

8 I exert more effort when I do difficult assignments.

9 I study the lessons I missed if I was absent from the class

10 I study and prepared for quizzes and tests.

11 I study harder to improve my performance when I get low grades.

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