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  • 1. RETORT FEST 2012

2. ALOKE KUNDU Tax & Account Consultant Contact for all E-Tax, E-Return , E-Registration Office + Resi Nasrapara , Ranaghat , Nadia Mobile 8926637109, 9434551608 Email [email protected] 3. 1 4. We stated him as an idol but he was elder thanus.Premen,me and Gour were Pennyless this time.We went to coffee house but nobody, speciallywomen were not interested about us.Then he gave an idea. He taught us palmistryand said it is the easy way to lift the soft hand.Premen became master about it and got hissweet softhand but I failed.Gour said to me Dont worry I replied ,I know----------knows ruleFill in the blanks plzzzzzz. 5. KAZI NAZRULISLAM 6. It is located between the Water Gate and the StGeorges Gate. It was built in 1843 and namedafter X, the Anglo-Indian scholar and antiquary.The monument rich in Greek and Gothic inlays,was restored by the states public worksdepartment in November 2001 and has sincebeen well-maintained.[1] In its initial years, all theroyal British entourages used it forembarkation/disembarkation. [2][3][4]it is stillthere, called Man-O-War that belongs to IndianNavy, although is not properly maintained.[1] 7. My sense of duty would not easily allow me to treatthe unknown pathological state of my sufferingbrethren with this unknown medicines . The thoughtof becoming in this way a murderer or malefactortowards the life of my fellow human-beings wasmost terrible to me , so terrible & disturbing that Iwholly gave up my practice in the first years of mymarried life & occupied myself solely with chemistry& writing . NAME THE AUTHOR . 8. ANSWER :-SAMUELHAHNEMANN . 9. Among Cape Malays of South Africa__X_____ are known as Dhaltjies , & areusually eaten as an appetizers during Iftar. Oras appetizers for wedding , births ,or similaroccasions . X derived from Sanskrit . It means Cooked a small Lump. Or its derivative Around cake made of pulse fried in Ghee . Xare also encountered in Afghan Cuisine .. 10. My Country! In the days of Glory PastA beauteous halo circled round thy browAnd worshiped as deity thou wast,Where is that Glory, where is that reverencenow? Name the poet & the poem.. 11. 6 12. 13. X is the grandson of famous singer RAICHANDBARAL .X extensively toured with the rock band SHIVA frommid 80s to early 90 .Collaborating with JAYASHREE SINGH , X started ajingle company called PINK NOISE.X , along with his brother , performed under the nameD FOR BROTHER .ID THIS FAMOUS MUSICIAN . 14. ANSWER :-AMYT DUTTA . 15. 1st- James Abbot,Abbtabad, where Osamakilled in operationNeptune-spear 2nd- Childhood photo ofOsama Bin Laden 3rd-Special ChinookHelicopter used in TheOperation Neptune-Spear 4th- Roman god of Water& Sea, God Neptune 16. 19.THE WORD __________ WAS FIRST USED IN THIS SENSE BYLEWIS CARROLL IN THE BOOK THROUGH THE LOOKINGGLASS(1871) IN WHICH HUMPTY-DUMPTY EXPLAINS TOALICE THE COINAGE OF THE UNUSUALWORDS INJABBARWOCKY, WHERE SLITHY MEANS LITHE ANDSLIMY AND MIMSY MEANS FLIMSY AND MISERABLE.HUMPTY-DUMPTY EXPLAINS THE PRACTICE OF COMBININGWORDS IN VARIOUS WAYS BY TELLING ALICEYOU SEE ITS LIKE A__________ THESE ARETWO MEANINGS PACKED UPINTO ONE WORD.WHICH WORD? 17. PORTMANTEAU e.g. SMOG = SMOKE + FOGMOZILLA = MOSAIC + GODZILLAHORRENDOUS = HORRIBLE + TREMENDOUS 18. The puzzle was invented bythe French mathematician douard Lucas in1883. There is a legend about an Indian templewhich contains a large room with three time-worn posts in it surrounded by 64 goldendisks. Brahmin priests, acting out the commandof an ancient prophecy, have been moving thesedisks, in accordance with the rules of the puzzle,since that time.. According to the legend, whenthe last move of the puzzle is completed, theworld will end.[1] It is not clear whether Lucasinvented this legend or was inspired by it. 19. I actually asked him to leave the field, X toldreporters after the game. "As a captain, it was asituation like you ask a particular bowler to do itand he said he had never done certain thingsbefore. Thats why you have practice sessions, topractise. I asked him to simply bowl over thewicket. I dont see why it should be a problem. He wasnt up for it and if youre not up for it, whygive that particular bowler the ball. I just see itthat he [Y] doesnt want to take part. It was mycall to actually ask him to leave and tell him thathe is not needed anymore." 20. CONNECT THEM . 21. ANSWER :- ENGLISH FOOTBALL CLUBS NICKNAMES .1) TOTTENHAM HOTSPUR (SPURS) .2) ARSENAL (GUNNERS) .3) EVERTON F.C. (TOFFEE) .4) FULHAM (COTTAGERS) . 22. To kill Prahllad , Hiranyakashipu told his sister& Prahllad to enter into the fire . Due to aboon his sister didnt burn . But entering intothe fire along with Prahllad , Hiranyakashipussister was burnt but Prahllad became alive .Which Indian ritual is developed from thisincident ? 23. FIRSTPAGE OFWHICHPOEM ? 24. ANSWER :- 25. X started his record business under the name Y", Thename Y" was suggested by one of Xs earlyemployees because they were all new at bussiness.Ysigned such controversial bands as the Sex Pistols,which other companies were reluctant to sign. Y alsointroduced Culture Club to the music world. In theearly 1980s, Y purchased the gaynightclub Heaven. The early 1980s also saw Xs onlyattempt as a produceron the novelty record "Baa,Baa, Black Sheep", by Singing Sheep in associationwith Doug McLean and Grace McDonald. Therecording was a series of sheep baaing along to adrum machine produced track and even made thecharts at number 42 in 1982. 26. PUT FUNDA .1) TOTA RAHASYA .2) PROFESSOR DASGUPTER FORMULA .3) NANDAN KANAN RAHASYA .4) HILL STATION-A HATYAKANDO . 27. ANSWER :- SELECTED NAMESFOR DIFFERENT FELUDA-STORIES .1) GHURGHUTIA-R GHATONA .2) GOLOKDHAM RAHASYA .3) JAHANGIR-ER SWARNAMUDRA .4) DARJEELING JOMJOMAT . 28. 14.WHOS TWEET TO WHOM? INDIA WILL MISS MY GOOD FRIENDAND STALWART ______.HISSTOMACH MUSCLES SEEM TO HAVEMADE IT LARGE . WE WISH HIM ASPEEDY RECOVERY. 29. VIJAY MALLYA TO HARBHAJANSINGH. 30. X (1986) is a novel in verse about the lives of a number of youngprofessionals in San Francisco. The novel is written entirelyin Onegin stanzas after the style Aleksandr Pushkins EugeneOnegin. Y had encountered Charles Johnstons 1977 translation ofit in a Stanford second-hand bookstore and it changed thedirection of his career, shifting his focus from academic to literarywork. The likelihood of commercial success seemed highlydoubtful and the scepticism of friends as to the novels viabilityis facetiously quoted within the novel; but the verse novel receivedwide acclaim (Gore Vidal dubbed it "The Great California Novel")and achieved healthy sales. X, an opera in two acts with music by Conrad Cummings andlibretto from the novel-in-verse by Y adapted by the composer" iscurrently (2010) in development by LivelyWorks and AmericanOpera Projects and receives a staged workshop production at theRose Studio at Lincoln Center in New York City in January 2010. Name the novel & the famous writer .. 31. Pandit Ketaki Prasad stated a law tofind the body of X.He believed that Xsbody must be discovered.In 2008some adventurer agreed with histheory and search the whole KumayunHimalayan territory.IndianArcheological fund also approved thisMission.The name of this Mission isalso X.Identify the X? 32. The Xs concept first appeared in a patentacquired by Herbert A. Gilbert in 1963. Themodern X was invented by Chinesepharmacist Hon Lik in 2003 & introduced tothe market the following year . The companyhe worked for , Golden Dragon Holdings,changed its name to Ruyan & startedexporting products in 2005-2006 ,beforereceiving the first international patent in 2007 33. Christopher Bird and Nathan Emery fromUniversity of Cambridge in May 2011published a paper titled Insightfulproblem solving and creative toolmodification by captive nontool-usingRocks, describing the results of anexperiment they did using 4 rooks - Cook,Fry, Connelly and Monroe.The experimentinvolved the solving of a situation basedon a 2000 year old tale. What was thepaper all about? 34. CONNECT 35. THE BIG FOUR, FAMOUS FOR THE PARIS PEACECONFERRENCE.GEORGES CLEMENCEAU, 72ND PRIME MINISTER OFFRANCEDAVID LLOYD GEORGE, PRIME MINISTER OF UKWOODROW WILSON, 28TH PRESIDENT OF USAVITTORIO ORLANDO, 35TH PRIME MINISTER OFITALY 36. Mythological stories claim that X was the placewhere King Satyavrata ( ) resided after theflood in his kingdom, with the help of Vishnu-Avatar Matsya.[9] A king of theYadavs, nicknamed"Mahabali" ruled over this last in the very ancienttimes. He was impotent. His guru was MaharishiDirghatamas. Mahabali had many wives and soMaharishi Dirghatamas with the permission of hisking impregnated Mahabalis chief queenSudeshna.[10] Queen Sudeshna bore five children or"Kshetrajas" (rulers of lands), one of them was KingAnga, which is modern-day X. 37. THEME.pptx 38. 1. +++ = ? 39. GURU DUTT, ORIGINALLYBASANTA KUMAR SHIBSHANKAR PADUKONE 40. The term is a colloquialism which is variouslyconstrued either to refer X & Y, or X alone .The term comes from the fact that X & Y arelocated in the Southern Hemisphere . Thefamous boxing champion Kostya Tszyu wasnicknamed __________,which is very muchrelated to that term .. Now days thatnickname is very popular in theadvertisement world 41. X formed a club named lunar club forprotesting against British,he created a songHindustan me kya hai tumahara/o Britishbechara/abhi chali jao England baja karband/mandir masjid me puja arti/masjid meinsuno ajan pukarti/dilko diya dil hindumusalman/sari hindustan mein aayitufan/garibo ko dukh ki hogi asan.X sang this song on Quit India Movement topersist bat-tala thana,and arrested by police.Identify the X? 42. In June 1905, X launched Y, it became thecompanys best selling product by 1913.George X Junior, responsible for thedevelopment of Y, a customers daughtersuggested the name of Y, & the namestuck.".[1] In 1933 Y went out of productionbriefly then came back in 1934. By this point,X was the brand leader in the UnitedKingdom.[2] In 1928, Xs introduced the "glassand a half" slogan to accompany the Y. 43. 1st-Paul Saltzman,film director ,film name Beatles in India 2nd- Mira Nair , written a bookabout the Beatles visit in India,named The Beatles visit toIndia 3rd- Chaurasi Kutia Ashram ,where The Beatles came toMaharishi Mahesh. 4th- Dehradun, the Beatles song, that never Released 44. In the last 3 hours of the 5th test at The Oval (1921) , Xdecided to rest his key bowlers & allowed his part-timebowlers to rotate as they pleased & fielders toconfigure themselves . During this time , X picked up anewspaper that had been blown across the field &began to read . When asked about this later , X was saidto have replied , I want to see who were playing although this is claimed to be apocryphal .## ID THE CRICKETER . 45. ANSWER :-WARWICKWINDRIDGEARMSTRONG(AUSSIE SKIPPER). 46. It is a ancient term for a female personificationof a Island. The name is Latin,& derives from theGreek form Prettanike ,which originallydesignated a collection of Islands with individualnames , including Albion or X. However , in the43 AD the roman empire conquest theIsland,which came to encompass the parts ofCaledonia(roughly Scotland). In the 2nd centuryit came to be personified as a goddess, armedwith a trident & shield & wearing a centurionshelmet .. 47. . . . The First ladys office said today that__________ , a black-American short-hair cat ,died yesterday at the WHITE HOUSE .Bushs daughter Barbara , then 9 , had namedthe cat __________ after baseball player RubenSierra , . . . ## FILL IN THE BLANKS . 48. ANSWER :- INDIA . 49. X was founded in Santa Monica, California by DerekHumphry in 1980. In 1992, following the publicationof his book Final Exit, Derek Humphry left theleadership of X . In 2003 the national organizationrenamed itself, and a year later merged with anothergroup into a newly formed national organizationcalled Compassion & Choices. In 1998, X formed a sidegroup called Caring Friends which provided itsmembers with support and guidance, nationwide.Another X offshoot is The Gladd Group, was foundedin the San Diego suburb of La Mesa, California bySharlotte Hydorn (born 1919 or 1920), who metHumphry after the death of her husband, and joinedthe X.[ 50. DADAS IN BENGALI LITERATURE 51. This famous Pulitzer winning book initially metcritical reception for the first few years after itspublication. However later realist critics attackedthe book for its unrealistic & factually incorrectelements, i.e. the position of the Star Reigel .The book was also derided as EmbrassinglyNarcistic , overly sentimental & psychologicallysimplistic. Today its considered less significantthan some of the novel winning authors otherworks. Its the 1st fictional book , which has beenincluded in Management Studies. 52. Tribute plaqueat City ofManchesterStadium 53. X is an adventure comic strip , 1st published Jan 7 , 1934 . Thestrip was inspired & created to compete with the alreadyestablished BUCK ROGERS comic strip .In AUSTRALIA the character & strip were retitled SPEED (Y)_____________to avoid a negative connotation of the word Y .At the time , the predominant meaning of Y was showy ,connoting dishonesty .## ID THIS FAMOUS COMIC STRIP . 54. ANSWER 55. Michael Clarke Lawrence Rowe Harry Graham Kepler Wessels Azhar Mahmood 56. Centuries on home and away test debuts 57. X with that spelling ,was used in publicationsas early as 1833. These include an 1833American book called THE SKETCHES &ECCENTRICITIES OF COL.DAVID CROCK, OFTENNESSEE.which was reprinted that sameyear in THE LONDON LITERARY GAZETTE . The word was extensively used in literatureby the 1860s.. 58. CHRISTIANO RONALDO 59. . . . Going are you laughing laughing ,Will be coming crying crying ,Down the pitcher will be going ,Wave of love at you . . . PUT FUNDA . 60. KADERANSWER :-KULER BOUTranslated inEnglish byDADATHAKUR . 61. the years are2005-ASHESWIN,2009-ASHESWIN,2010- T20WORLD CUPWIN,2011-NO.1TEST TEAM.. 62. He was born in Karachi in British India state.He came to Bombay with the intention tobecome a cricketer, but here, he joinedtheatre and finally becamea Bollywood actor.[1] He learned acting inthe Filmalaya School of Acting in Bombay.[4]he married Minny in 1986 and they had twodaughters, Vinati and Manjari and a son,Vikrant. 63. X is a bengali feature-film released in September2005. The name suggests about the type of movie.Its not a movie of continuous story of 1 and halfhour. Rather its a compilation of six different storiescombined together, all of around 2025 minutesduration. All directed by different directors. Themovie is a kind of experiment with short storiesafter success of telefilm industry.ArgyakamalMitras Janmodin, Partha Sens Pakshiraj, IndranilRoychowdhurys Tapan Babu, Prabhat Roys RagunBabur Galpo, Anjan Duttas Tarpor Bhalobashaand Kaushik Gangulys ProgressReport make up thepackage of six.[1] id the film 64. In all the circumstances, we have decidedthat we will each wear a black armband forthe duration of the World Cup. In doing so weare mourning the death of democracy in ourbeloved ______. In doing so we are making asilent plea to those responsible to stop theabuse of human rights in our country. Indoing so, we pray that our small action mayrestore sanity and dignity to our Nation. Who said this about what? 65. X __________________## I WANT THE NAME . 66. ANSWER :-JAHANKOSHAGUN . 67. In Greek it means inquiry , knowledgeacquired by investigation . In the Proto-Indo-European agent noun it means One whoknows . It was still in the Greek sense thatFrancis Bacon used the term in the late 16thcentury . The word entered the Englishlanguage in 1390 with meaning of relation ofincidents,story . In Middle English themeaning was Story in general .