Ben Chaloner

Research powerpoint

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Media unit 3 research

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Page 1: Research powerpoint

Ben Chaloner

Page 2: Research powerpoint

Large pictures of very famous footballers to attract a younger audience’s attention

Bright and bold title to attract the reader

Brief title because images will appeal more to young people

Names of big clubs on the front page, which will appeal to a large proportion of football fans

Previews from every division will appeal to large audience

Date of edition

Labelling it special edition will make it stand out from standard football magazines


Shoot magazine was a monthly football magazine that ran from 1969 to 2008. it was one of the most popular football magazines in the 1970s and 80s and now runs in an interactive format

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Lots of colourful pictures to appeal to youngsters

Pictures of famous and recognisable footballers to appeal to a young audience. The player with the largest picture is very famous as at the time he was Premier League top scorer.

Cheap price tag which will encourage children to pester their parents for the magazine

Posters are inside the magazine; this will specifically appeal to children.

Advertisement of free match attax inside, which are cards aimed at kids.

Look-a-likes will attracta younger, less matureaudience

“free” in big letter to attract readers

Adverts related to FIFA 14, a game played by many football fans

Match of the Day magazine is a football magazine produced by the BBC aimed at children and teenagers. It is the best selling football magazine for it’s target audience and includes mainly coverage of the premier league and limited coverage of foreign leagues and international football.

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Your Times Your Life

Athletes work in the community

Sportsmen visiting local schools

Visiting local hospitals

Getting involved in local clubs

How to enrol in the academy

Up and coming fundraisers by the club

Price on front cover

The pathway to professional contract for young aspiring athletes

Title in large and bold text

Rule of three on front cover

Main image of big feature of the magazine

Date of edition in small writing on front cover

Issue number and barcode in bottom right corner of front cover

Visiting youth centres

Contents page

Headline of each article

Page number of article

Name of journalist who wrote article

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» I created a survey on surveymonkey.com to attain some data about what people aged 12-18 are interested in and what they would want to read about.

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» My survey results show that most of the people who filled out my survey were male and a large proportion of them were 12 or 16 years old. It is good that most of the people who filled out my survey were male because my magazine is going to be aimed at a predominantly male audience.

» None of the people who filled out my survey read youth culture magazines. This shows there is a gap in the market for a successful magazine about youth culture that appeals to 12-18 year olds.

» 53% of participants don’t read any magazines. This is a problem because it suggests that the youth of today are not interested in reading magazines this could be because they now spend their time on social media sites and the internet as a whole.

» 69% of participants regularly play and read about football and 61% watch football regularly; because of this I am going to produce a magazine that will be largely about football.

» 53% of people who took part in the survey would read about sportsmen’s work in the community. 69% would read about how young sportspeople become professional and 76% would read about how to get involved in local clubs. Because of these results I have decided to make my main article on how to get involved in local sports club because that is what my target audience want to read about.

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Price tagTitle of magazine in big, bold letters “Your Times Your Life”

Images related to one of the lead stories

Brief description of one small story in the magazine

Issue number


Front Cover

The advertisement of prizes/posters

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Headline of story

Article text. Detailedbackground of story

Main image related to story



Picture and name of journalist

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I’m planning to use Photoshop CS6 to make my magazine. Both the front cover and double page spread will be produced on Photoshop. I’m using this programme because I think it is the best editing programme available to use.

I hope to take pictures of very good quality to put in my product. To do this I will need a superb camera; the cannon PowershotS120 is an attainable camera which would allow me to take good photos.

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» Here are some of the services required to produce a magazine:

˃ Retail distributors generally require that each issue contain 80 to 100 pages or more.

˃ The minimum frequency is quarterly.

˃ Design must be at par with other newsstand magazines.

˃ At least a few of the writers and editors must have nationally recognized names and professional journalism skills; content must meet the standards in this category.

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» To buy an A4 brochure of 100 pages it would cost £15.25

» It costs £667 to buy Photoshop

» The camera costs £350

» Professional photographer - £180 full day (8 hours)

» Professional journalist - £16.60 per hour

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Date Task Completed

16/3/2014 Take pictures

23/4/2014 Initial design of front cover and double page spread

30/4/2014 Final design of front cover

6/4/2014 Final design of double page spread

13/4/2014 Finish magazine

20/4/2014 Evaluation

28/4/2014 Final deadline for all work

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» The project is aimed at male 12-18 year olds

» It can be difficult to engage such a wide target audience. For example, 12 year old girls and 18 year old boys normally have very different interests so I chose to aim mine at boys.

» My magazine will be mainly about sport and, in particular, football

» It can be difficult to engage and appeal to 12-18 year olds. The vast majority of teenagers use social media, so I will use social this to engage my audience. The most popular sites among 12-18 year olds are Twitter and Facebook so I will use these to promote my product.

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» ‘Your Times Your Life’ is a magazine celebrating youth culture. I will include a wide range of sports in my magazine to appeal to a wide range of mainly male youth

» Title – the title will have a variety of bold, extreme text and colours; to signify originality and a buzz to the magazine

» Headlines and masthead – they will be short, snappy and witty to attract the reader’s attention and draw them in to read the full article

» Double Page Spread – the content will be a topic that appeals to teenagers I am currently working on three possible ideas and I will aim to engage my target audience by using colloquial language and phrases that teenagers use.

» On my front cover I will have a variety of images all aimed at appealing to teenagers covering a range of their interests. For example I could have an image of a popular sportsmen.

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» I have 3 ideas for my main article:

» How sportspeople are interacting with their local community

» The road to becoming a professional sportsman

» How to get involved in local sports clubs

» My feedback suggested I should chose the third option and write about how to get involved in local sports clubs

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» Font – I will use bright, bold fonts maybe in a variety of different colours that aren’t too formal. I could use more than 1 font to add to the originality of the cover and to attract attention

» Colour and lay-out – I will follow the typical forms and conventions of youth magazines like having 3 or 4 main colours, a very iconic masthead, buzz words and quotes from inside the magazine on the cover.

» Language and Tone – I will use a colloquial and informal style including some teenage slang to suit my audience.

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» I plan to put pictures of professional football matches and local football matches in my magazine

» The pictures of the professional game will be taken on the 13th and 16th March at Tottenham versus Benficaand Tottenham versus Arsenal

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» I visited 1001fonts.com to research what fonts would be appropriate to use in the magazine.

» I looked through many different fonts