Partition – Beyonce When Jesus Say Yes – Destiny’s Child. Partition – https ://www.youtube.com/watch?v= pZ12_E5R3qc When Jesus Say Yes – https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=2MZxf-lQD-o

Representation of genders

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Partition – BeyonceWhen Jesus Say Yes – Destiny’s Child.

Partition – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pZ12_E5R3qc

When Jesus Say Yes – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2MZxf-lQD-o

She looking directly at the camera with is direct address, (personalisation) it makes the viewers feel like she is addressing them. It is the male gaze as it is very seductive.

This is festishation her power in this shot is based on her body from the shot is focused on her moving her robe to show off her assets. It’s also scopophilia as males will receive sexual pleasure from this.

This is narcissistic identification other males will be jealous and would want to be in his position and would admire his image of masculinity.

The physical contact depicts sexual intimacy between the male and the female.

She is semi – naked and is used for a male to gaze at, the fact that she is being watched could suggest that she is being objectified. Like she is doing it to please him so she could be seen as being vulnerable.

Voyeuritic objectification it makes the males think that they own her. As she isn’t aware of a male receiving pleasure form this therefore the male doesn’t need to feel guilty.

This could be interpreted as art , she is admiring her body and is showing it off the audience. However it could be mis interpreted as she could be represented as an object as it is art and you purchase art.

Although the star is Beyonce this was made by a man for a man this doesn’t appeal to females therefore it is clear that her audience is males. This could be argued as being pornographic.

Partition – BeyonceWhen Jesus Say Yes – Destiny’s Child.

Partition – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pZ12_E5R3qc

When Jesus Say Yes – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2MZxf-lQD-o

In the shot she doesn’t look over sexulised she comes across as being powerful and independent. This is clear as she is looking directly at the camera so it makes the audience feel like she is addressing them. However a male audience could turn her power into visual pleasure by focusing on her beauty.

The extra’s in the video are not used to reinforce any kind of sexual pleasure for the audience. This cannot lead to any type of mis -representation as they dancers are genuinely having a good time. An audience member would be able to see themselves in this video it is visually reflecting as we can relate to the dancers enjoying themselves.

In this shot she is seen with a man however the man isn’t over powering her as he is in the background of the shot. He is not objectifying her as an audience member it doesn’t some across like he owns her.

Beyoncé is not portrayed as being dependent on a man she is represented as being an independent woman. Her body is covered up therefore this avoids scopohillia for the audience as the are forced to focus on the lyrics of the song.

Kelly is presented as being passionate about what she is singing therefore it forces the audience to listen to the lyrics of the song. The shot fits the narrative of the music video it’s not irrelevant to the story of the song.