Religious and Social Reformers of India Class V

Religious and social reformers of india

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Religious and Social Reformers of India

Class V

Religious and Social Reformers

● Made people think in a new way● Against Social Problems of those days

○ Sati○ Child marriage○ Caste differences○ Women were not educated


● Raja Ram Mohan Roy● Dayanand Saraswati● Pandita Ramabai● Sir Syed Ahmed Khan● … Others

A Quick Intro

Raja Ram Mohan Roy

Bengal 1772 Fight against Sati, Brahmo Samaj

● Started Schools, Colleges

● Fought for women’s rights

Dayanand Saraswati

Gujarat 1824 Arya Samaj

Pandita Ramabai

Karnataka 1858 Arya Mahila Samaj, Sharda Sadan

Sir Syed Ahmed Khan

Delhi 1817 Aligarh Muslim University

Raja Ram Mohan Roy● Wanted girls to get educated, not to

get married early● Opened schools to promote modern

learning● Fight against Sati

○ Abolished in 1829● Brahmo Samaj

○ Society which worships Brahmam○ No idol worship, no caste


Dayanand Saraswati● Believed in changing the society by

education○ Established schools (DAV:

Dayanand Anglo Vedic)● Arya Samaj

○ Society of nobles○ Started in 1875○ Against: Caste discrimination, idol

worship, child marriage○ Simple prayers

Pandita Ramabai● Poet, Social reformer● Fought for women’s rights● Women were not encouraged to study

○ Her father educated his wife (mother of Ramabai), facing stiff resistance from people

○ She started schools for women● Arya Mahila Samaj (Society of noble

women)● Sharda Sadan (Shelter home for widows)

Sir Syed Ahmed Khan

● Established schools giving modern education

● Fought for women’s rights● Founded Aligarh Muslim

University○ A community discouraged from

education in those days

Image Credits


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