Record labels

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Page 1: Record labels

Ryan Henson


Page 2: Record labels


Record labels are companies which handle many responsibilities of a music artist. Such responsibilities as the recording, marketing and also distribution of the artist’s music. Allowing the artist to focus on their star image as they do not have the stress of dealing with all the responsibility of selling their product. In many ways record labels aid artists in becoming successful, however in some cases with particular record labels an artist may feel used by their record label or that the company is trying to mould them into something their not, something more profitable.

Page 3: Record labels


There are only really four major record labels to sign to as an upcoming artist, these include Universal Music group, Sony-BMG, EMI and Warner Music Group. Any other apparent “Major labels” are in fact subsidiary labels owned by one of the four actual major record labels. For example RCA, Columbia and Provident are all subsidiary labels owned by Sony-BMG.

There are many pros and cons signing with a Major record label, including but not limited to the following on the next slides.

Page 4: Record labels


The pros of signing to a major record label mostly involve the fact that they will have a much larger budget than that of an independent record label. This means access to the best of the best pro photographers, recording equipment, music video technology, marketing campaigns, etc.

Major record labels can do everything that a independent label can, only to a much better quality and more efficiently. Everything will be done to professional standards and if you the artist can perform highly and consistently then the you too can reach a level of financial success.

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When you sign to a major record label, they own you as an artist for the duration of the contract. They have full rights to your music, this means they will own your music forever or at the least until you the artist or someone else buys the ownership ‘rights’ to your songs and this is only possible if the label is willing to sell it. Furthermore the record label will have control over your star image, this means that they will tell you when and where to be somewhere, getting the artists star image well known is key to the success of an artist so it is important to make appearances at big events such as music awards ceremonies or charity events.

You are just one of many other artists signed to the label, so if you’re not bringing the label success within the time expected then the record label is likely to lose interest in you and focus on their more profitable artists.

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Unlike the four major labels, there are vast amounts of independent record labels for an artist to sign to. Furthermore these record companies are much more genuine, they are not just signing you to use you for profit. Independent labels are often genuine fans of your music if they have decided to sign you. Alike the artist they truly enjoy music on a personal level and therefore they have more of a personal passion and drive in promoting your music. They sign and promote artists because they love music and they want to see you succeed not only because it turns them a profit but because they feel you the artist deserve to.

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The types of contracts used by independent labels can vary greatly depending on the record label. Some contracts are similar to Major label contracts but differ in certain aspects due to the differences between the two. Some are as simple as distribution and promotion deals and others can be anything and everything in between. It all depends on the record label and the artist’s needs, contracts with independent record companies are more likely to be able to be altered to suite the needs of both parties. Furthermore you are likely to have much more creative freedom over your music and the star image you portray when signing to an independent record label.

Independent labels will often have a smaller amount of artists signed to them so that means you will possibly get a lot more attention. You will be much more important to the label, as a result you’ll get more communication access with your label to talk about your album and planning. This is great for passionate artists that need to feel like their music is taken seriously by their label.

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The main and only real con of signing to an independent record label is the size of their wallet, being a smaller company means having a much smaller budget. These labels do not have millions to invest into the production, marketing and distribution of an artists music as they simply don’t have it. This means limited access to resources such as studio equipment which are very important when trying to become successful in the music industry.

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I have decided to sign my artist to an independent record label as I do not want them to get too caught up in the politics of the music industry, I have chosen them to stay true to their music. From my research, generally choosing a major record label over an independent label is giving up your creative influence over your music and star image for potential financial gain. Where as signing to an independent label would be to still have control over the music that is put out there. This is important to passionate artists who want their music to be taken seriously and carry a message.

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I believe Fools Gold Records is the best choice of record label for my artist to sign to. The label has found success for great up and coming artists such as Danny Brown and Kid Kudi who both have such an influence over their own music and the message behind their music, I believe the label can do the same for my artist “FranKo”. Furthermore the label appears to be very modernised I the sense of what genres their artists primarily come under, hip hop and pop. Furthermore they have established an online presence with a well suited website and also across social media networks such as Twitter and Instagram. The label even has an account on Spotify where they have a playlist to upload the latest releases from their artists. An online presence is extremely important to any business or company trying to become successful in todays music industry.

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Copyright infringements an ever-growing problem following the invention of MP3 technology, due to audio files being able to be quickly and easily distributed over the Internet.

Copyright laws look to give exclusive and assignable legal right, given to the originator for a predetermined amount of time, to print, publish, perform, film, or record literary, artistic, or musical material.

When using copyrighted music, especially in a music video it is important to make sure to add a disclaimer, stating that you do not take any credit in the production of the song at all. It is being used merely for an educational purpose.

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The name for the independent record label I have created is


The record label is an upcoming label looking to sign unique and youthful artists with a keen passion to succeed in the music industry whilst staying true to their origins. Other artists that this label would be interested in signing are Chance the rapper, Joey Bada$$, Father and other influential artists of the hip hop genre.