Reactions Directions: Circle the reactions in this list that you think are assertive and healthy. Cross out the reactions you believe are passive or aggressive. Put a star (*) by the reactions that would be most helpful to you when you experience stress. Have a temper tantrum Yell Ignore the problem Drink alcohol Fight Talk to someone Ask for help Eat Take a long walk Break things Swear Clam up-about Clean your room Argue Think about revenge Work a crossword puzzle Smoke Cry

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Directions: Circle the reactions in this list that you think are assertive and healthy.

Cross out the reactions you believe are passive or aggressive. Put a star (*) by the

reactions that would be most helpful to you when you experience stress.

Have a temper tantrum Yell Ignore the problem


Drink alcohol Fight Talk to someone


Ask for help Eat Take a long walk


Break things Swear Clam up-about


Clean your room Argue Think about revenge


Work a crossword puzzle Smoke Cry