Racism is the assignment of a direct relationship between biological characteristics and moral, intellectual or behavioral qualities, resulting always in a hierarchy that assume the existence of superior and inferior races. Factors such as skin color or skull shape are related to a series of random qualities, like intelligence or ability to command. racist speeches have historically served to legitimize relations of domination, naturalizing Jean Pimentel Wesley Tavares D1IMIN1


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Page 1: Racismo(ingles)

Racism is the assignment of a direct relationship between biological characteristics and moral, intellectual or behavioral qualities, resulting always in a hierarchy that assume the existence of superior and inferior races. Factors such as skin color or skull shape are related to a series of random qualities, like intelligence or ability to command. racist speeches have historically served to legitimize relations of domination, naturalizing inequalities of all kinds and justifying atrocities and genocides.

Jean PimentelWesley TavaresD1IMIN1

Page 2: Racismo(ingles)

RACIST THEORIESRacism and racist theories did not come from nowhere, they have their own history. The first racist discourse derive from a theological view, are based on the reading of a series of biblical episodes, such as the one in which Noah curses his only black child, saying that his descendants would be enslaved by the descendants of his brothers. These interpretations used to justify and naturalize relations of exploitation, and enslavement of African people by Europeans.

Page 3: Racismo(ingles)

RACIST THEORIESIn the eighteenth century are the first racist theories of scientific nature. Just as it had been with plants and animals, science starts to classify human diversity and for such uses as the main criterion skin pigmentation. The central problem of this classification is that it connects to these physical characteristics moral and behavioral attributes derogatory or evaluative, depending on which "race" are being treated.

Page 4: Racismo(ingles)

Racism in BrazilBrazil is a country marked by racism as a system, a form of social organization that favors one group over another. The genocide of indigenous peoples and kidnapping, enslavement and dehumanization of Africans - and their descendants born here - they take up much of the history of the country. These are facts that have left profound consequences both in collective thinking, as in the material conditions of the descendants of these people. Although blacks and mulattoes constitute the majority of the population, their presence is a minority in the more affluent social classes in academic areas, in management posts and well paid jobs.

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CASA GRANDE SENZALAThe actions of the repressive apparatus, however, the black population is evident, being as most of the fatal victims of police violence. The perversity of Brazilian racism was softened for years through the idea of "racial democracy", born in the social sciences, with emphasis on the contribution of Gilberto Freyre, author of Casa Grande e Senzala (1933).

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History of the National Black Consciousness Day

This date was established by the bill number 10,639, on 9 January 2003 the date of 20 November was chosen because it was on this day in the year 1695, who died Zumbi, leader of the Palmares.

The honor of Zumbi was more than fair, for this historical figure represented the struggle of black against slavery in Brazil Colonial period. He died in battle, defending his people and their community. Quilombos represented a resistance to the slave system and also a collective form of maintenance of African culture in Brazil. Zumbi fought to death by this culture and the freedom of his people.

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Zombie importance to the history of Brazil

Zumbi is considered one of the great leaders of our history. resistance symbol and the fight against slavery, fought for the freedom of worship, religion and practices of African culture in Brazil Colonial. The day of his death, November 20, is remembered and celebrated throughout the country as the Day of Black Consciousness.