Quiz Club Meet April 2017

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Mandatory Rules Slide

0. QM is God1. No phones please2. Bounce Pounce. +10/-5 . 36 qns. + 1 written round.3. Have Fun. Do not choke on your own pounces.


Flamingo Air is a small airline based in Cincinnati , Ohio. The unique concept of this charter service was started by a group of friends on a dare. Their flights are simply one hour long flights that circle Cincinnati. The allure of these flights is that they allow their clients to cross something off their bucket lists , which wouldn’t be so simple to do on a commercial flight . What do clients of Flamingo Air cross off their bucket list ?

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Ans : Joining the mile high club


While you might initially think that this character gets his name from the title(title as in Sir e.t.c.) , a fan theory that cropped up on USENET proposed that the title gets its name from the character as the character had been helping people for centuries and thus his name was used to represent someone who was a wise man or a healer, someone who helps people.

This fan theory became canon when the fan who proposed it went on to become a writer for the TV show. He further goes on to say that in other worlds the title means “great warrior”

Name the character ?

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Ans : The Doctor

3. These Kababs consist of a small patty of minced or ground meat with ground chickpeas , and egg to hold it together. These are a popular snack throughout India, Pakistan and Bangladesh.

In Pakistan, it is believed that the origin of the name comes from the name of an Abbasid Caliphate province in the region of modern Syria .

In India, it is believed that the name refers to the Urdu/Hindi word for evening .

What Kababs get their name such ?

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Ans : Shammi Kababs

4. Video qn.

This is from an animated episode called “Knight Time” . How is Batman able to defeat Bane so easily (Not to mention lifting the statue so effortlessly) ?

Hint : Appearances can be deceptive.

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Ans : Its actually Superman disguised as Batman

“Knight Time” is the second episode of the third season of “Superman : the animated series”. After learning that Batman is missing , Superman goes to Gotham disguised as Batman to prevent crime from rising and to figure out what happened to the original batman .

5. After extensive testing on strawberries, carnations and other flowers , it was found that about 1 mg of this drug is enough to prevent two vases of cut flowers from wilting for as much as a week longer than might be expected.

Name this drug which causes flowers to stay fresh and erect longer ?

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Ans : Viagra

6. Images on next slide

PeaceFence.com sells pendants like this made from a fence meant for a famous 1969 event which featured artists such as Pandit Ravi Shankar , Jimi Hendrix , Janis Joplin and The Grateful Dead. The event was originally meant to be paid , however , organisers ended up short of time and had to choose between having a proper fence with ticket booths or having a proper stage , without which the audience would be unsatisfied. Seeing the huge number of people turning up , they decided to go with the latter and made the festival free.

A particular character , who is a bird, was given the name of the festival , inspired by the bird on the poster shown on the next slide. Name the Festival. ID the famous comic strip series in which this bird , which can talk , but is understood only by the protagonist appears ?

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Ans : Woodstock Festival , Peanuts

Now for ten years we've been on our own

And moss grows fat on a rolling stone

But that's not how it used to be

When the jester sang for the King and Queen

In a coat he borrowed from James Dean

And a voice that came from you and me

And while the King was looking down

The jester stole his thorny crown

The courtroom was adjourned

No verdict was returned


5 + 5

According to fans of this song, the jester and the king probably refer to two different musicians of the era in which this song was released. The king who ,of course , is Elvis Presley , had epitomised rock and roll for a long time , until the jester turns up to steal his crown. The Jester can be identified by the reference to the James Dean coat (similar to the one in rebel without a cause) he wears in the cover of an album of his released in late 1963.

Who is referred to as the Jester ? If this song was released in the autumn of 1971 why have they been on their own for ten years ?

Image - James Dean’s coat from Rebel without a cause.

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Ans : Bob Dylan , Buddy Holly Plane Crash . The song is American Pie.

8. Images on the next slide.

The Odd Couple is a 1970s comedy TV series which chronicles two divorced men , Oscar and Felix , living together. “The Pig who came to dinner” is the tenth episode of the 4th season in which a celebrity guest star X hustles Oscar out of everything he owns, including their apartment. Felix comes up with a plan to win it back by beating X in a match of table tennis.

At the end of the episode, another celebrity guest star , Y , a friend , or rather , “frenemy” of X’s turns up and they play a game of table tennis which is described as “a bit of a rematch”.

ID X and Y ? ( part points for funda )

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Ans : Bobby Riggs and Billie Jean King

Battle of the Sexes


“By his Xs” is a science fiction novella written by American writer Robert A Heinlien , and it plays with some of the paradoxes inherent with time travel . “To pull oneself up by one’s Xs” was a saying in the 19th century to refer to an impossible task (It would violate Newton’s first law) .

A 1992 paper by Andrei Lossev and Igor Novikov labelled items without origin , in time travel paradoxes , as Ys , inspired by Ys from the Quran who leave no trace when they disappear. Ys may cover either objects (Ys of the first kind) or information (Ys of the second kind) .

ID X and Y ?

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Ans : Bootstrap , Jinn


X is a neologism inspired by the title of a 1516 novel replacing the greek word for place in the novel’s title with the greek word for time. The greek word for time is similar to the name of a character from Greek mythology , which led to this character often being personified in art as Father Time , such as in the Baroque era painting shown on the next slide.

X refers to a hypothetical or fictional time period of our world, in contrast to altogether fictional worlds. A good example would be that of Merry England where Robin Hood and his Merry Men roamed. Robert E Howard’s Hyborian Age(of Conan the Barbarian fame) is an example of an explicit X . Many fans have also interpreted J.R.R Tolkien’s Middle Earth/Arda also as an X.

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Ans : Uchronia

11.“Lord Raglan wishes the cavalry to advance rapidly to the front, follow the enemy, and try to prevent the enemy carrying away the guns. Troop horse artillery may accompany. French cavalry is on your left. Immediate”

When the messenger who conveyed this message was asked by the head of said cavalry what the guns referred to , he pointed to the wrong fort , leading to one of the most infamous incidents in the history of war. The messenger accompanied the cavalry and it is believed that halfway through he realised his mistake and moved as if to direct them to turn back , but he was killed by an exploding shell ,and the cavalry continued.

The Times in its report of the incident uses the phrase “Someone had blunder’d” which was taken up by a famous person in his tribute to the incident. Ironically , modern studies have shown that if the cavalry had attacked the intended target , casualties could have been worse.

What incident is being referred to here ? Who took up the phrase from the Times in his tribute to the incident ?

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Ans : The Charge of the light brigade ; Alfred , Lord Tennyson


Filehosting websites such as MegaUpload and Rapidshare use the term _____ ____ to designate time periods during which users have access to certain complimentary features such as increased bandwidth and elimination of queues

FITB with a two word term that is used in a somewhat similar context by an altogether different industry ?

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Ans : Happy Hours

13. Audio

What your’e going to hear is a rendering of Beethoven’s Ode to Joy. The unusual instrument that you’ll hear is played by a Russian dude called Vitaly Kryuchin.

What unconventional “instrument” , not really associated with music , or joy , for that matter is he using ?

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Ans : Guns


On the following two slides are screenshots from two small films .

These films were seeds for hit TV shows.

In both cases , ID the TV shows from the initial conceptual “pilot”



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Answer : a. Family Guy b. South Park


In Russia , Victory Day is celebrated on 9th May each year.

The Russian Youth Army was created in 2015 to allow children as young as 10 to receive “patriotic education”. The same year, Vladimir Putin opened a theme park called “Patriot Park”

Recently , plans have been proposed to construct a replica of which building in Patriot Park , so that the children may reenact a deed of the Russian army on 30th April 1945, which culminated in a famous and immortal act by Meliton Kantaria and Mikhail Yegorov ?

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Ans : The Reichstag

16.The most famous of such incidents led to the lawsuit filed against Ozzy Osbourne in 1986. This related to Ozzy’s song titled “ _______ Solution”.

However, Osbourne said that the young man had misinterpreted the lyrics. He said that by Solution he meant liquid and not a way out ,and that the song referred to Alcohol as the “_______ Solution” , and that the song is about the dangers of alcoholism and that alcohol will kill you just like any other drug will.Ozzy ended up winning and the lawsuit was thrown out of court.

A similar lawsuit was also filed against British heavy metal band Judas Priest.

These lawsuits were all the results of what trend ? Or put funda ? Or simply FITB?

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Ans : Heavy Metal Suicide

The song was called “Suicide Solution” .

Heavy metal suicide refers to fans killing themselves after listening to heavy metal music.


The Wreck of the _____ or Futility is an 1898 novella written by Morgan Robertson. In 1912 , after an incident , the book was re-released with some minor changes made to cash in on the incident. In fact , when this incident occurred Robertson was credited with clairvoyance by some people. He denied this , attributing it to his incredible knowledge of the subject involved.

What incident led to the book being re-released in 1912 ?

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Ans : The sinking of the Titanic

The novel was called The wreck of the Titan . It was about an unsinkable ship hitting an iceberg and sinking , and there were quite a few similarities between the ship in the novel and the Titanic.

18.What entity from the world of science serves as inspiration for this album cover ?

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Ans : Russel’s teapot


Some entities have been responding to Donald Trump’s America First policy by making videos requesting to be second. The questions contain extracts from those videos. From the text , ID the entity . Note : the last two are different from the others in some sense.


This is a message from the government of X , please don’t hang up. This is X , there’s so much space, there are like, no people here. Its incredible.Your inauguration looks YUGE to us , by comparison….We have the most prime ministers. It is unbelievable. One of our prime ministers went swimming once and never returned . We never found him. A lot of people are saying he went to China. Who knows. Then , we named a swimming pool after him. It was really really terrific …..Remember when those terrible protesters ruined the Olympics ?A/An ____________ came second.

2.People say X is the land of a thousand lakes, that’s fake news , okay.There’s more , believe me. A million , maybe a million and a half lakes.At least as many lakes as there were people at your inauguration. Its true , period _______ food. Its the best , okay. For instance , Karelian Pie , the most pussy looking food in the word. Grab as many as you can. _______ is the best at winning wars. The first world war , we skipped it. Instead we fought each other , in a Civil War. And we won , okay. The Second World War, we beat the soviet union. We beat them so bad, just to make them feel better, we gave them our eastern parts.

X was the first country in Europe to give women the right to vote. And now , we are so equal ,we carry our feminists around with us everywhere. Good old Canth, she would be so proud.


Did we tell you about our wall ? We have the greatest wall in the world. The _________. We built it. Its true. And it didn’t cost us a penny. We built it to keep the Chinese away. Chinese, total scumbags, they are taking away all your jobs. They are taking away our jobs too. Give us the jobs instead.

We love our ladies , just like you do. So we got one of our Miss Worlds to replace Pamela Anderson. So Good.

Also, we invented fake news. We hate the media here. We hate them so much we even have a word for it ___________. A minister in the national cabinet started it.


We don’t talk in sentences , but in slogans , just like you.We do not sow , ______ __ ______ We also have a lot of famous people, you’ll like them , they're all white , just like you.….And you know what’s best , we have a wall already. Its the best wall ever. Seriously, its big. And you know who paid for it, not us. We’re also afraid of immigrants, like really afraid , they want to suck the life out of us , true story. And that’s not all , in _______ , the good guys lose , kind of like in America , its great.Bernie Sanders, you could have chopped off his head and gotten away with it.


We have a great wall , its huge , its tremendous. And not only 1 border , but 3 bordersAnd we don’t let anybody in , not only for 6 weeks , but forever. No _______ no _____ no MexicansYou have the Trump tower, we have two Towers, they’re so big ,trust me , its terrific. You have the NSA, We have a big eye that sees everything. Its fantastic , total observation.



This is a message from the government of X , please don’t hang up. This is X , there’s so much space, there are like, no people here. Its incredible.Your inauguration looks YUGE to us , by comparison….We have the most prime ministers. It is unbelievable. One of our prime ministers went swimming once and never returned . We never found him. A lot of people are saying he went to China. Who knows. Then , we named a swimming pool after him. It was really really terrific …..Remember when those terrible protesters ruined the Olympics ? A/An ____________ came second.

Ans : Australia

2.People say X is the land of a thousand lakes, that’s fake news , okay.There’s more , believe me. A million , maybe a million and a half lakes.At least as many lakes as there were people at your inauguration. Its true , period _______ food. Its the best , okay. For instance , Karelian Pie , the most pussy looking food in the word. Grab as many as you can. _______ is the best at winning wars. The first world war , we skipped it. Instead we fought each other , in a Civil War. And we won , okay. The Second World War, we beat the soviet union. We beat them so bad, just to make them feel better, we gave them our eastern parts.

X was the first country in Europe to give women the right to vote. And now , we are so equal ,we carry our feminists around with us everywhere. Good old Canth, would be so proud.

Ans : Finland


Did we tell you about our wall ? We have the greatest wall in the world. The _________. We built it. Its true. And it didn’t cost us a penny. We built it to keep the Chinese away. Chinese, total scumbags, they are taking away all your jobs. They are taking away our jobs too. Give us the jobs instead.

We love our ladies , just like you do. So we got one of our Miss Worlds to replace Pamela Anderson. So Good.

Also, we invented fake news. We hate the media here. We hate them so much we even have a word for it ___________. A minister in the national cabinet started it.

Ans : India


We don’t talk in sentences , but in slogans , just like you.We do not sow , ______ __ ______ We also have a lot of famous people, you’ll like them , they're all white , just like you.….And you know what’s best , we have a wall already. Its the best wall ever. Seriously, its big. And you know who paid for it, not us. We’re also afraid of immigrants, like really afraid , they want to suck the life out of us , true story. And that’s not all , in _______ , the good guys lose , kind of like in America , its great.Bernie Sanders, you could have chopped off his head and gotten away with it.

Ans : Westeros (accept seven kingdoms, GOT etc)


We have a great wall , its huge , its tremendous. And not only 1 border , but 3 bordersAnd we don’t let anybody in , not only for 6 weeks , but forever. No _______ no _____ no MexicansYou have the Trump tower, we have two Towers, they’re so big ,trust me , its terrific. You have the NSA, We have a big eye that sees everything. Its fantastic , total observation.

Ans : Mordor . Accept Middle Earth, Arda also.

19.Tea qn. Images on next slide. You still owe me a tea at Ramu , Kat.Made from black tea and milk , X style milk tea is a type of drink that originated in X . It kicked off once the British practice of afternoon tea became popular in X . The British would add milk to their tea and thus it became known as milk tea to distinguish it from Chinese tea which is served plain.

A general feature of X style milk tea is that a sackcloth bag (used also by Chai waalas in India) is used to filter the tea leaves , and after time , the bag acquires a brown/black colour. The colour , along with its shape makes the filter resemble an item of women’s clothing , and thus , X style milk tea is also known by the nickname of Y milk tea.

Give me the place X and the item of women’s clothing Y ?


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Ans : Hong-Kong , Pantyhose (stockings also accepted)

20. Mandatory Biz Qn.

This was originally developed , named ,trademarked and sold by the Eastern Massachusetts company “The Coffee Connection”. When they were bought by another company, that company also gained the rights to this beverage.

The name of this beverage is a portmanteau of two words, a New England name for a milkshake with ice cream , and the commonly used name for coffee with frothed milk.

What is the name of the beverage and which company currently sells it ?

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Ans : Frappuccino , Starbucks


Located at 32 Rue Richer in Paris , this cabaret music hall was built as an Opera House. This house was at the height of its fame and popularity in the 1890s - 1920s , the Belle Epoque (Beautiful Era). It is still in business and is a strong symbol of French and Parisian life. The hall is actually named after a nearby street rue _______ , where _______ means shepherdess. It is perhaps most famous because of an 1882 work.

The hall has inspired many other venues such as the Ziegfeld Follies in Las Vegas and the Teatro Follies in Mexico.

Name this hall ?

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Ans : Folies Bergere

22. No Abheek , I do not have any images for this qn.One of the most controversial incidents in the history of the Superbowl occurred in 2004 when, during the half-time show, Janet Jackson’s breast was accidentally exposed by Justin Timberlake for about half a second. The whole incident was broadcast live on national television and led to a huge crackdown and debate on indecency in broadcasting.

A. Because of this incident , with an aim to prevent such future incidents, a practice that was common in radio shows since the 60s was adapted by the television broadcasting industry. What practice ?

B. A bunch of employees at PayPal had some difficulty in finding videos of this incident. What did this lead them to create ?

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Answer :

a. This led to the introduction of a 5 second broadcast delay in live shows , so that if something goes wrong, the broadcasters could cut the feed without it being broadcast.



The WayBack Machine is named after a time-travelling device used by the characters Mr. Peabody and Sherman in The Rocky and Bullwinkle Show. The characters use the machine to view various moments in history.

The WayBack Machine is a part / subsidiary of a San-Francisco based non-profit whose mission is “universal access to all knowledge”. This organisation in general and the WayBack Machine in particular quite frequently get lawsuits filed against them under the DMCA and related acts.

Name the non-profit ventureAs a part of this , what specifically does the Wayback machine do ?

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Ans : The Internet Archive

The Wayback Machine is the Internet Archive’s Archive of the Internet.


According to typography expert Benjamin Bannister

● The crucial words ____ _______ are there right at the bottom, in small print. You would mostly read the whole thing from top to bottom without questioning whether it is right.

● The logo does not need to be at the top, as we all know that it is the _______.● The main thing that should be read , is the same size as the second line and

given equal weight.

Put Funda ?

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Ans : Oscars goof - up


Shown on the next slide is Las Meninas by the Spanish Golden Age painter Diego Velasquez. Velasquez’s beautiful use of perspective is what makes this painting such an exemplary work. The man holding the paintbrush is Velasquez himself and the painting is shown from the perspective of a viewer who is behind the canvas. The king and the queen standing to the left of the mirror are reflected in the mirror at the back of the hall.

On the following slides are versions of this painting by various different artists. In each case ID the artist whose version of Las Meninas is being shown ?


b. All by the same artist

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Ans : Pablo Picasso , Salvador Dali


BBC presenter Mike Bushell holds the world record for trying out different sports.

Among the many sports he has tried is the Finnish favourite sport of wife carrying. He did this along with another BBC presenter Steph McGovern.

However, due to their relative sizes, they made one change to the normal way the sport is conducted.

What am I talking about ?

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Ans: She carried him


No. 45 in AFI’s 100 years 100 movies, Shane is your classical Western movie. The titular character is a skilled gunfighter with a mysterious past. He rides into an isolated valley in Wyoming and becomes their saviour.

A recent movie has in it as an easter egg, certain scenes from Shane. This supposedly references the similarity between the titular character of the movie(at least when he is first introduced , he has a mysterious past) and Shane. This movie also has quite a western style which drew inspiration from Shane and movies like Clint Eastwood’s Unforgiven.

Which Movie ?

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Ans : Logan

28.___________________________ is 1999 historical novel which was made into a film in 2003. Set in 1664, the novel is about a 16 year old girl who has to find employment as a maid in a painter’s house. She is increasingly fascinated by his paintings , and he too soon asks her to help him in his work with small errands(like mixing paints) as he notices she has an eye for art. However, the painter’s scientist friend asks her to not get too close to him as he is far more interested in paintings than in people. The painter’s patron takes a fancy for her and asks him to paint them together. The painter eventually paints her wearing his wife’s _____ _______ which forces her to leave. However, the painter treasures this painting till death.

Name the Novel / FITB ?

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Ans : Girl with a pearl earringThe painter is Johannes Vermeer and the scientist friend is Anton Von Leeuwenhoek

29. FITB. Don’t think too hard on this one…..

___ ____ (3,4) is a style of visual arts, architecture and design that first appeared in France just before world war 1. It became popular in the 20s and 30s.

___ ____ is not a single style but a combination of various different and contradictory styles.

A distinct feature of ___ ____ is having sculptures and artworks not meant to adorn museums but to decorate streets and buildings.A good example of ___ ____ sculpture is the statue of Christ the Redeemer in Rio de Janerio.

Certain examples of the ___ ____ style is shown in the next slides.

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Ans : Art Deco

30. Put in your wildest guesses

Shown here is a brand of Russian canned food.

Sales of the brand went up by more than 30% once they changed their logo to include the sword, which looks like a T, in the middle

Why ?

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Ans : It reads as PuTin.

The brand was called Puin , with the sword in the middle , it reads as Putin.

31. What controversial dish is J T talking about ?

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Ans : Pineapple on Pizza/Hawaiian Pizza


Operation _________ was an Allied plan during during world war 2 , to monitor spain after a possible alliance between Francisco Franco and the Axis powers and to undertake sabotage operations. The plan was formed by commander ___ _______ (3,7) of the Naval intelligence division of the British Army.

After the war , ___ ________ became a writer and used _________ as the name of the estate in which he wrote his books. The name _________ was also used for one of the films based on his works.

Name the operation and the commander ?

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Ans : Goldeneye, Ian Fleming


Many people believe that this was written for them. According to the writer himself, it was written for X’s son , to comfort him from the stress of his parents’ separation after X had an affair. X himself, however “hears it” as a song meant for him and thought the song was about him and his (second) wife. When X told this to the writer , the writer told him the song was for himself . Another person who believed that the song was written for them was ______ Simons, an editor at the Daily Express

Which Song ?

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Ans : Hey Jude by Paul McCartney

X being John Lennon.

34. Lit qn masquerading as a Sports qn.

From the April 1st 1985 issue of Sports Illustrated , is the story of Hayden Finch, who could throw the fastest pitch ever . In fact , his nickname is a shortened version of the Sanskrit word for “He who has achieved the aim” with it being interpreted as “Acheived the perfect pitch” . His story is told as that a man in search of enlightenment, having dropped out from Harvard and having learnt to throw the perfect pitch in a monastery in Tibet.

The sanskrit word is the same as that of the title of a 1922 novel whose titular character has a lot of similarities with Hayden Finch.

Name the 1922 novel and the author ?

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Ans : Siddartha by Hermann Hesse

35. Video Qn.

A scene from one of my favourite movies, Glengarry Glenross. The setting of the scene is supposed to show the gloomy mood of the salesmen.

What was the inspiration for the setting of this scene ?

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Ans : Nighthawks by Edward Hopper


Shown on the next slide is the painting of an incident from 1852.

This incident led to a particular convention/practice being followed in similar incidents , most famously in an incident from the early 20th century.

The 20th century incident also resulted in similar scene , although by a much smaller group of people. I do not know whether they were inspired by the group of people shown in the painting or not , but the similarity is striking.

What convention/practice am I talking about ?What similar scene am I talking about ?


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Ans : evacuating Women and children first in maritime disasters , The band on the Titanic playing till the very end.

This was the sinking of the HMS Birkenhead. The courageous act of the soldiers on board , to go down with the ship while the band played, so that the civilians (who were mostly women and children) is immortal and widely known as the Birkenhead Drill.