+ Question 3 Evaluation


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Question 3 Evaluation

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+PhotoshopOne technology I used was Photoshop. With the software Photoshop, I created my poster, record logo, and digipak. The layers feature was extremely useful in Photoshop as I could create a professional looking product by layering my text nicely over the background art, as well as the barcode, tracklist and iTunes logo, on both the poster and digipak products. Other features I used on Photoshop was the fact that it allows you to download your very own font and use them within your creations. I used this to my advantage by going with a font I found on a website called Da Font. This font fit perfectly into my poster and digipak stylistically, and I feel it really complimented the colour scheme and images within both products. Another feature I used within Photoshop was the colour picker feature. With this feature, you can select a part of your product and it will copy the exact colour of the area you selected. I used this tool to select the yellow colour for my title from the yellow millions that are littered on my image. I feel like this aids the colour scheme and improves the style of both products. I also used it to pick a purple from the liquid in the bottle to colour the track list on the digipak. I believe like this achieves the same thing as the title, it brings together the products to form the brand identity.

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+Final Cut

Another technology/software I used was Final Cut. This is the editing software I used to create my music video. One feature I used within Final Cut was the trim feature that you use to drag raw footage onto the editing timeline. I would play the song until the point where the artist would be mouthing a certain part of a word, then I would watch the footage until that exact point and trim the footage to the part I required. I would then drag it onto my timeline and play around with the timings until I got the lip-sync perfectly in time. Another feature I used in Final Cut was for my final scene. It was the crop screen feature. I had to use this feature because I had two characters played by one actor in the same shot. They walked in from the left and right sides of the camera shot and looked at each other, then the camera. To create this shot I had to film in exactly the same place and change outfits and film either character’s actions. I then used the trimming tool to get my footage in the right place, but then had to use the crop screen tool to make the left side characters footage cropped so that the right side characters footage fit on screen at the same time which made it look as if it was in one shot. Although I did run into one problem with this as the lighting from the sun changed in one character’s scene so it looks normal at first, then one changes to be darker than the other, but I can’t fix that as it is a limitation in the software.

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+Strengths and weaknesses of these technologies. The strengths of Photoshop were that it allowed full

flexibility and with the right skill in the software I could create any product I could imagine. However in the same idea, it is also a limitation because to have full fluency using this software it takes a long time to learn how to do things as you need to. The strengths of Final Cut that it was very easy to create a video and the software is simplistic to use, however it allows a range of complex things to be done to the video such as filters. One weakness was that I couldn’t match the lighting in my final double/split shot.