Question 5: How Did You Attract/Address Your Audience?

Question 5: How Did You Attract/Address Your Audience?

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Page 1: Question 5: How Did You Attract/Address Your Audience?

Question 5: How Did You Attract/Address Your Audience?

Page 2: Question 5: How Did You Attract/Address Your Audience?

Front Cover MASTHEAD








Page 3: Question 5: How Did You Attract/Address Your Audience?

The image of Jess on the front covers ties in with the way that her music is portrayed. She has a certain appearance and expression that appeals to her audience. A medium close up shot of Jess has been used, this connotes her confidence and her enthusiasm for music, which inspires her fans.Jess is the only image on the front cover and takes up most of the layout, which suggests that she is the most important, promoting David Gauntlets empowered female.

There is a social connection between the artist and her fans, as she is looking directly at them. This would help the sales of the magazine.

Jess is within the age range of my target audience so would be a more relatable character. My secondary audience would still be interested in my magazine as different age groups still like the same music. Also the gender of the cover star is the same gender as my target audience.

I made sure that my magazine stayed true to the genre I did this by following the conventions of pop. The pop genre is portrayed through the colors, the location and through her clothes. Jess is wearing a pink top,

this fits in with the color scheme of the magazine being black, pink and white.

I used one of the graphic illustration of Home Alone 2, as a feature on the cover page of my magazine to subliminally link Jess’s first time in New York to a movie that my audience would have recognized.

Page 4: Question 5: How Did You Attract/Address Your Audience?

A feature in my magazine is Taylor Swift. Having articles about successful pop artists in the industry with a large fan base will help the magazine sell, as she is a person that that the target audience will recognize and be familiar with. With reference to Taylor Swift a similar artist to Jess the audience has an idea about what type of music the magazine is going to be centered on. The white text is thin and simple. The white contrasts with the black background.

Pink is stereotypically a feminine color, so this would be most appealing to my audience of teenage girls. Also the masthead breaks the conventions because it is in lower case text which does not happen often in magazines , this makes my magazine unique. Also the lower case font makes it more like speech as it flows. The font that was used for my magazine makes it appear modern and suited to my audience. The masthead stands out because it is in a bright color and it contrasts with the dark grey back ground and with the white text as well. The color pink on my magazine , connotes love and warmth. The masthead is bold reflects the audiences loud and fun personalities. It is something which catches our attention. The text on the front cover of my magazine is informal relating to my unsophisticated audience. The word ‘Spotlight’ reminds the audience of all of the fame that the artist gets from producing music.

I have emphasized the word ‘BIG’ in both font size and color to draw the readers attention to the cover line.

Page 5: Question 5: How Did You Attract/Address Your Audience?

The background that I have used is grey/ black. It is a city, a place of entertainment. And a town home to many pop stars. It is also know for its fashion and a place where young people go to shop and go to party. This appeals more to my secondary audience.

The word “BEST” draws the reader in.The selling line is at the top so it will be the first thing that the buyer will see when it is on the news stand. It uses simple language.

The price is hidden connoting that the company of my magazine does not want it to stand out. The price of my magazine is £3.99 targeting my unsophisticated audience in the lowest income bracket.

The bar code is a convention of my magazine, this would be needed so that my audience would be able to purchase the magazine. It is positioned on the left third of my page.

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Contents Page








Page 7: Question 5: How Did You Attract/Address Your Audience?

I have also tied the aesthetic of a new york skyline to help provide consistency of the theme of New York.

I have made my photos look like they where taken as polaroid pictures. As polaroid cameras are a popular piece of technology that teenagers have.

There is a medium close up shot of Jess which she appears friendly and her clothes are fashionable. The images are of the main articles in my magazine.

Page 8: Question 5: How Did You Attract/Address Your Audience?

The font throughout the contents is small, as there are many articles that need to be listed. The text color is classically black making the small text easier to read for my audience. The font that I have used for this is the same font as the cover lines on my front cover, so that my magazine is consistent, and the readers would be familiar with it.

I have used a drop cap on “DEAR” in the same font as the masthead.(Lobster 1.4) This is at the start of the letter so that the audience know where to look.

The aim of the contents is to inform the reader what is going to be found in the magazine. It has stories which would interest my audience including music in the charts which they would be able to talk about with their friends.

The use of the pink page numbers, text and love hearts represent the youth and femininity again in my magazine. Whereas the black text keeps it professional and bold. They also contrast well with each other. The pink stands out so that the audience know which section to look in. The color scheme of my contents page is yellow and pink. It also has grey, black, white and blue.

The text “THIS MONTH” is grey, the same color as the background on my front cover. The font that I have used for this is “Bebas” a “sans serif” font. It is simple and stands out so is best used for this headline. “INSIDE” has a strong contrast between the colors black and white, creates a more visible effect.

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Double Page Spread MAIN IMAGE





Page 10: Question 5: How Did You Attract/Address Your Audience?

The image takes up one side of the double page spread. This connotes that the artist appearance is important, as well as what he has to say. The long shot shows his confidence. It also shows the audience his position in having opportunities and his power, as males are stereotypically the dominant characters in the industry. The long shot also allows us to see the location that he is in, which appears to be a park this connotes that singing is something that he enjoys and does in his spare time. The outfit that he is wearing is blue this is a masculine color, and it is casual. Just like Jess he directly looks to his audience to have a connection with them. He is friendly.

The box is the same color as “Harrys” shirt so that fits with the color scheme of my magazine. Being pink, blue and yellow. The font that I used for the sub-title is Bebas the same font which has been used for the subtitle on the content page. This allows his name to stand out. The white text underneath is in a smaller font. Simple and easy for the audience to read.

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The colors that I have used on my double page spread are navy blue, yellow and pink. The color blue connotes confidence. The color yellow connotes positivity and energy. And the color pink connotes femininity. The color is consistent throughout the magazine.

The font that has been used for the pull quotes is the same font which has been used for the cover lines on the front cover and the contents on the content page. They are larger so will attract attention. They will break up the long columns of text, which will make the article more appealing to the young audience. The color helps them to stand out. This pull quote shows the hegemonic ideology that you need to be in a relationship to feel happy.

A drops cap has been used so the reader where the start of the interview is. It is in the same font as the masthead (lobster 1.2)

This shows that the artist is ambitious and confident. The same characteristics as the audience.

The text written in three columns, makes it easy to read. The language is informal, similar to the language young girls will use.