6 What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?


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6 What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?


In our preliminary task we used Celtx to write the script and for the final project.

The preliminary task was filmed with the same camera we were to use for the final project.

Using the same make/model of camera meant that filming the final project would run smoothly because we knew what we were doing.


The camera we used was great quality and worked well for the filming, it was easy to use and we didn’t take long to film all of our shots. Using the same camera for our preliminary and final task meant that we knew what we were doing with the camera for the final task.

In the preliminary task we found that we struggled to level out the camera so, in the final task we made sure that the made it level. We also, for the shots in the montage used a gopro to create a better POV shot.

Computer programmes

Using the Adobe premiere pro was split between the group, however upon losing most of the work on a first attempt at using the programme I (Brittony Hardy) felt a lot easier about giving ideas and not actually touching the programme because I didn’t want to lose any work or break the programme, as previously done in an earlier task.

The decision was made that Ty’An would work on the editing because he had the best handle of how to use the programme the best, and he was able to make changes to the film because he was able to understand how to perfect, the ideas we gave, in the programme.