Protestant Reformation

Protestant Reformation

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Protestant Reformation

Questioning the Catholic Church•During the 16th century, many people were angry that the Catholic Church was spending way too much money on fancy buildings

•Some did no like that church leader were living wealthy lifestyles

•Others wanted the church to go back to simple, modest ways

Reformation movement•Began in central Europe (mainly German states)

•The printing press enabled the ideas of the Reformation to spread through Europe

•Regional leaders of Europe had to chose between keeping the power granted to them by the Catholic Church or breaking away to start new churches

Two Common Practices of the Catholic Church

Indulgences: buying forgiveness of sins from the Catholic Church

Excommunicate: The Church used their power to banish people from the religious community

Martin Luther•A German monk who was tired of the corruption in the Catholic Church

•October 31, 1517-he posted his 95 Thesis on his church’s door

Luther’s 95 Thesis Challenge the Pope•The Bible was the only authority on religion and people could communicate with God by reading it•believed that salvation can not be bought•Salvation is only earned through God•Faith was all that was needed for a just life

95 Thesis Rap Video

Effect of Luther’s 95 Thesis•It was translated, printed, & distributed

•Most commoners who read it supported Martin

•This started the Protestant movement

•Martin Luther was the central figure in the spread of Protestantism

•Luther’s teaching brought on the Reformation

Luther’s Teachings Create a SchismCatholic Church taught…

•The Pope is infallible

•The Pope was the most direct contact with God and the Church; which connects others to God



Luther taught…….

•Faith is the only path to salvation

•Bible is the only way to understand God’s word

•Each person could speak to God, no go-betweens needed

•Only the belief in Jesus as the son of God & died for our sins, was needed to enter Heaven

•Even those who lived in sin could enter heaven if they had faith

Video- 11:42

Protestantism Grows in France•Wherever artists, book traders, printers, and people willing to listen, the Reformation spread

•Urban people were better educated and looking for new ideas

•By 1550s, Protestantism had spread to the wealthy

•John Calvin converted many of the French elite from Catholicism

John Calvin•Born in France in 1509, Calvin learned Latin at a young age & became interested in religion while in law school

•He supported and preached in favor of Protestant reform

John Calvin Bio Video

Calvinism•1536, he published the 1st edition of Institutes of the Christian Religion

•This book became the basis of a type of Protestantism called Calvinism

•Popular in northern Europe

King Henry VIII of England•Denounced the Catholic Church& formed the Protestant state religion- the Church of England

•This was a political move

•As a Protestant he could divorce his wife who had not given him a heir

•The Catholic Church did not believe in divorce

Religious Switch-Over Video

Queen Elizabeth I- England•The daughter of King Henry’s second wife

•During her reign (1558-1603) she fought internal wars to defend Protestantism

•Her work to preserve the Church of England allowed it to become a lasting institution today

Catholic Report Video

The Counter Reformation•Catholic Church reacted quickly to the Reformation

•Holy Roman Emperor Charles V waged war on the Germanic kingdoms that wanted to break away from the Catholic Church

•His attempts failed and resulted in the Peace of Augsburg: allowed Lutheranism to exist alongside Catholicism in Germany

Changes in the Catholic Church•Formed the Council of Trent formed new religious policies

•Ignatius Loyala (society of Jesus or Jesuits), led missions overseas and focused on the education of priests and everyday

•Inspired to help the common people

•Tried to draw people in with elaborate buildingsVideo: 3 min