SUCCESSFUL & COMPETENT OUTBOUND TOUR LEADER PENDAHULUAN A) Latar Belakang Dalam rangka mengantisipasi era global, menghadapinya dan mempertahankan kedudukan Indonesia dalam bisnis pariwisata dan blantika perdagangan global, seyogianya kita aktif meningkatkan kualitas pelayanan pekerja pariwisata (SDM nya). Salah satu bidang pelayanan yang harus ditingkatkan adalah pengemban tugas sebagai Pimpinan Perjalanan Wisata (Tour Leader). Untuk memperoleh Pimpinan perjalanan wisata (Tour Leader) yang berkualitas, yang meliputi pengetahuan, keterampilan dan sikap yang kompeten, perlu didukung dengan adanya sistem pendidikan dan pelatihan nasional yang dikembangkan berdasarkan kebutuhan. Salah satu komponen yang harus ada dalam sistem pendidikan dan pelatihan nasional, adalah adanya Standar Kompetensi Kerja Nasional Indonesia, yang dikembangkan dari kebutuhan dunia usaha di bidang pariwisata maupun kebudayaan. Untuk mengantisipasi hal tersebut di atas maka perlu pembinaan Sumber Daya Manusia di bidang Pimpinan Perjalanan Wisata (Tour Leader), agar dapat bersaing dengan negara-negara 1

Project Guide / Tour Leader E_ learning

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A) Latar Belakang

Dalam rangka mengantisipasi era global, menghadapinya dan mempertahankan

kedudukan Indonesia dalam bisnis pariwisata dan blantika perdagangan global,

seyogianya kita aktif meningkatkan kualitas pelayanan pekerja pariwisata (SDM

nya). Salah satu bidang pelayanan yang harus ditingkatkan adalah pengemban

tugas sebagai Pimpinan Perjalanan Wisata (Tour Leader).

Untuk memperoleh Pimpinan perjalanan wisata (Tour Leader) yang berkualitas,

yang meliputi pengetahuan, keterampilan dan sikap yang kompeten, perlu

didukung dengan adanya sistem pendidikan dan pelatihan nasional yang

dikembangkan berdasarkan kebutuhan. Salah satu komponen yang harus ada

dalam sistem pendidikan dan pelatihan nasional, adalah adanya Standar

Kompetensi Kerja Nasional Indonesia, yang dikembangkan dari kebutuhan dunia

usaha di bidang pariwisata maupun kebudayaan.

Untuk mengantisipasi hal tersebut di atas maka perlu pembinaan Sumber Daya

Manusia di bidang Pimpinan Perjalanan Wisata (Tour Leader), agar dapat

bersaing dengan negara-negara lain. Terpenuhinya pembinaan ini dapat

memberikan nilai tambah bagi perkembangan tenaga kerja pariwisata di


Untuk memberi gambaran dan pedoman yang jelas dan sistematis tentang

persyaratan minimal tenaga kerja di bidang Pimpinan perjalanan wisata (Tour

Leader), maka perlu disusun Standar Kompetensi Kerja Nasional Bidang

Pimpinan perjalanan wisata (Tour Leader). Standar Kompetensi Kerja

Nasional Indonesia (SKKNI) disusun untuk menyediakan sebuah pedoman yang


yang baku dapat diaplikasikan dalam rangka memenuhi kebutuhan industri

sebagai pengguna.


Tujuan penyusunan/penyempurnaan Standar Kompetensi Kerja Nasional

Indonesia (SKKNI) Pimpinan perjalanan wisata (Tour Leader) ini antara lain

sebagai acuan bagi penyusun kebijakan dan sebagai persyaratan minimal bagi

pelaku sertasebagai langkah langkah pengembangan SDM di bidang Pimpinan

perjalanan wisata (Tour Leader). Dengan melalui perumusan dan kesepakatan

tentang persyaratan minimal yang harus dipenuhi suatu bidang kerja tertentu dan

dokumen yang disusun secara formal dapat dipergunakan sebagai acuan

C) Pengertian SKKNI

Berdasarkan pada arti bahasa Indonesia, Standar diartikan sebagai “ukuran”

yang disepakati, sedangkan Kompetensi Kerja mempunyai arti sebagai

kemampuan kerja seseorang yang dapat teramati yang mencakup pengetahuan,

keterampilan dan sikap kerja seseorang dalam menyelesaikan suatu fungsi tugas

atau pekerjaan sesuai dengan persyaratan pekerjaan yang ditetapkan. Kata

Nasional mempunya arti berlaku di seluruh wilayah negara Republik Indonesia

dan kata Indonesia mempunya arti nama untuk negara kesatuan Republik

Indonesia sebagai pemilik standar tersebut.

Standar Kompetensi Kerja Nasional Indonesia yang selanjutnya disebut SKKNI

adalah rumusan kemampuan kerja yang mencakup aspek pengetahuan,

keterampilan dan/ atau keahlian serta sikap kerja minimal yang harus dimiliki

seseorang untuk melakukan tugas/ pekerjaan tertentu yang berlaku secara

nasional. Standar yang akan disusun berdasarkan RMCS (Regional Model

Competency Standard). Bebarapa istilah dalam SKKNI antara lain :

1. Kompetensi kerja adalah kemampuan kerja setiap individu yang mencakup

aspek pengetahuan, keterampilan, dan sikap kerja yang sesuai dengan standar

yang ditetapkan.


2. Standardisasi kompetensi kerja adalah proses merumuskan, menetapkan

dan menerapkan standar kompetensi kerja.

3. Standar Kompetensi Kerja Nasional Indonesia (SKKNI) adalah uraian

kemampuan yang mencakup pengetahuan, keterampilan dan sikap kerja

minimal yang harus dimiliki seseorang untuk menduduki jabatan tertentu yang

berlaku secara nasional.

4. Penetapan Standar Kompetensi Kerja Nasional Indonesia adalah kegiatan

menetapkan Rancangan Standar Kompetensi Kerja Nasional Indonesia menjadi

Standar Kompetensi Kerja Nasional Indonesia oleh Menteri.

5. Pengarah adalah instansi/lembaga/asosiasi terkait yang memfasilitasi

pembentukan Panitia Teknis Penyusun SKKNI di sektor/sub sektor kompetensi di

bidang keahlian yang berkaitan dengan para pihak pemangku kepentingan


6. Panitia Teknis adalah sekelompok profesi tertentu yang unsur-unsurnya

terdiri atas asosiasi profesi, asosiasi perusahaan/ industri, asosiasi lembaga

pendidikan dan pelatihan, BNSP, lembaga sertifikasi profesi, pakar/ ahli/ praktisi

di bidang standard an di bidang substansi serta instansi teknis terkait.

7. Tim Teknis adalah Tim teknis Penyusun Draft Rancangan Standar

Kompetensi Kerja Nasional Indonesia yang dibentuk oleh panitia teknis.

8. Instansi teknis adalah departemen, kementrian negara dan/ atau lembaga

pemerintah lainnya yang merupakan Pembina teknis sektor/ sub sektor yang


D) Penggunaan SKKNI

Dalam pembinaan, peningkatan dan pengembangan kualitas tenaga kerja

Indonesia sangat membutuhkan adanya SKKNI. Lembaga Pelatihan Tenaga

Kerja, Lembaga DIKLAT Profesi dan Lembaga Sertifikasi Profesi bersama-sama


dengan pengguna jasa/industri dapat melakukan kesepakatan untuk

menggunakan SKKNI sebagai standar kompetensi yang dipergunakan untuk

penyelenggaraan program pelatihan kerja dan peningkatan kualitas/ kompetensi

tenaga kerja di Indonesia sesuai dengan kebutuhan pasar kerja dan dunia


Adapun kegunaan SKKNI dalam memenuhi kebutuhan dalam pembinaan,

peningkatan dan pengembangan kualitas tenaga kerja Indonesia antara lain :

1. Lembaga/ Institusi Pendidikan dan Pelatihan Kerja

a. Memberikan informasi untuk pengembangan program kurikulum dan silabus.

b. Menjadi acuan dalam penyelenggaraan pendidikan dan pelatihan kerja,

penilaian peserta pelatihan/ pekerja berpengalaman melalui uji kompetensi dan


2. Pasar Kerja dan Dunia Usaha/ Indsutri Serta Pengguna Tenaga Kerja

a. Membantu dalam proses rekruitmen tenaga kerja

b. Membantu penilaian unjuk kerja.

c. Membantu pembuatan uraian jabatan pekerjaan/ keahlian tenaga kerja.

d. Membantu pengembangan program pelatihan kerja spesifik berdasarkan

kebutuhan spesifik pasar kerja dan dunia usaha/ industri.

3. Lembaga/ Institusi Penyelenggara Sertifikasi Profesi

a. Menjadi acuan dalam merumuskan paket-paket program sertifikasi dan

kompetensi (Skema Sertifikasi) sesuai dengan kualifikasi kompetensinya/ level

atau klastering sertifikasi kompetensi.

b. Menjadi acuan penyelenggaraan kelembagaan dari LSP di Indonesia






1. Pengertian Pemimpin Perjalanan Wisata (Tour Leader)

Menurut Surat Keputusan Mentri Perhubungan Nomor KM.

73/KP. 103/PHB-80 pemimpin perjalanan waisata adalah pegawai

biro perjalanan yang mempunyai pengetahuan dan keterampilan

untuk mengurus dan memimpin perjalanan rombongan wisata


Dalam definisi ini ditekankan 3 (tiga) hal yaitu :

a. Pemimpin Perjalanan Wisata adalah pegawai biro perjalanan,

b. Mempunyai pengetahuan dan keterampilan,

c. Mengurus perjalanan rombongan wisatawan.

Didalam kepustakaan pariwisata pemimpin pariwisata dikenal

dengan dua istilah yang mempunyai pengertian yang sama atau

dapat disamakan fungsi dan tugasnya.

Istilah pertama adalah apa yang kita kenal dengan istilah “Tour

Leader” yang dalam bahasa Inggris oleh Armin D. Lehmann


dalam bukunya Travel and Tourism dijelaskan sebagai berikut :

“Tour leader is a courier or peroffessional travel escort;

someone with special qualification to conduct a travel group”.

Dalam hal ini istilah “Tour Leader” diartikan sebagai seorang

utusan atau pengiring yang mempunyai keahlian profesional

dalam perjalanan wisata. Untuk dapat menjadi seorang “Tour

Leader” ia harus memiliki persyaratan khusus untuk dapat

memimpin suatu rombongan wisatawan.

Istilah kedua yang dikenal dalam kepustakaan pariwisata

tentang Pemimpin Perjalanan Wisata ialah “Tour Conductor”

yang oleh Armin D. Lehmann dijelaskan sebagai berikut : “Tour

Conductor is a professional travel escort”. Disini tour conductor

juga diartikan sebagai seorang utusan yang ahli dan profes

sional dalam perjalanan wisata.

Istilah lain yang juga sering disamakan dengan Pemimpin

Perjalanan Wisata adalah apa yang disebut dengan istilah “Tour


Menurut Armin D. Lehmann istilah ini disebut diterangkan

kalimat seperti di bawah ini :

“Tour Manager is a proffessional tour excort hired to conduct a

prepaid tour from beginning to end”.

Di dalam beberapa buku pariwisata di luar negeri kita jumpai

pula istilah “Tour Director” yang artinya identik dengan penger

tian “Tour Manager” tersebut di atas.


Dari uraian tersebut di atas dapat disimpulkan bahwa pengertian

Pemimpin Perjalanan Wisata dapat diberi batasan sebagai

berikut :

“Pemimpin Perjalanan Wisata ialah seseorang yang ditugaskan

untuk memimpin suatu perjalanan wisata bagi suatu rombongan

wisatawan pada suatu Daerah Tujuan Wisata tertentu, semenjak

mulai berangkat sampai kembali pulang ke tempat asal semula”.

Kalau diartikan menurut asal asal-usul kata (etimologi)

perkataan Pemimpin Wisata terdiri dari 2 (dua) kata yaitu

Pemimpin dan Perjalanan Wisata. Pemimpin berarti seseorang

yang mempunyai kedudukan sebagai pimpinan suatu Lembaga,

Organisasi dan sebagainya, yang kalau diterjemahkan ke dalam

bahasa Inggris sama atau sinonim dengan Leader, sedangkan

kata Perjalanan Wisata adalah kegiatan yang dilakukan baik

perseorangan maupun rombongan untuk mengunjungi obyek-

obyek yang menarik, berekreasi atau lazimnya dilakukan oleh

wisatawan yang kalau diterjemahkan ke dalam bahasa Inggris

sama atau sinonim dengan Tour and Travel. Karena itu menurut

pengertian asal-usul kata, Pemimpin Perjalanan Wisata dapat

diartikan menjasdi Tour & Travel Leader atau singkatnya Tour


2. Fungsi dan Kedudukan Pemimpin Perjalanan Wisata

Sebagaimana dijelaskan di atas, Pemimpin Perjalanan Wisata

adalah merupakan karyawan biro perjalanan. Memang dalam

perkembangan Industri Pariwisata modern kegiatan Pemimpin


Perjalanan Wisata tidak berdiri sendiri karena operasi kegiatan-

nya tergantung kepada aktivitas suatu biro perjalanan.

Pemimpin Perjalanan Wisata atau Tour Leader ini sama dengan

Tour Condudtor, dan biasanya adalah seorang Pramuwisata

Senior yang telah berpengalaman dan tidak jarang pula menjadi

pimpinan atau mendirikan suatu biro perjalanan.

Seseorang yang diberi tugas untuk mengurus suatu rombongan

wisatawan pada suatu Daerah Tujuan Wisata tertentu

seyogiayanyalah ia seorang karyawan dari suatu biro perjalanan

umum. Namun demikian dalam praktek tidak selalu seorang

pemimpin perjalanan wisata itu merupakan pegawai atau

karyawan suatu biro perjalanan umum, tetapi dapat saja

seseorang yang dapat dipercaya (karena pengalaman dan

keahliannya) untuk memimpin suatu perjalanan wisata.

Yang harus diperhatikan di sini ialah baik ia karyawan atau tidak

dari suatu biro perjalanan umum, seorang pemimpin perjalanan

wisata yang bertugas membawa suatu rombongan wisatawan,

dalam melakukan tugasnya ia selalu bertindak atas nama dan

mewakili biro perjalanan umum yang menugaskannya.

Di mata para wisatawan yang dibawanya, ia tidak lain adalah

orang yang bertanggung jawab terhadap kelancaran suatu

perjalanan wisata yang sudah direncanakan. Karena itu

kedudukan seorang pemimpin perjalanan wisata tidak lain

mewakili biro perjalanan umum yang telah memberi tugasnya. Di

dalam operasional suatu biro perjalanan umum, seorang

pemimpin Perjalanan Wisata selalu taktis dibawah Bagian


Perjalanan Wisata (Tour Division) yang biasanya dikepalai oleh

seorang Manager Perjalanan Wisata (Tour Manager).

Dalam hal seorang Pemimpin Perjalanan Wisata bukan

karyawan suatu biro perjalanan umum, maka orang yang

ditunjuk sebagai Pemimpin Perjalanan Wisata berada di bawah

koordinasi Manager Perjalanan Wisata, kepada siapa ia harus

bertanggung jawab.

Jadi jelaslah bagi kita bahwa fungsi dan kedudukan seorang

pemimpin perjalanan wisata tidak lain adalah mewakili

kepentingan biro perjalanan umum yang menunjuk dan


Segala tingkah lakunya, tindak tanduknya, tiap kebijaksanaan

yang diambilnya adalah atas nama biro perjalanan umum yang

diwakilinya tadi.

3. Tugas Pemimpin Perjalanan Wisata

a. Memimpin dan mengurus Perjalanan rombongan Wisatawan,

b. Memeberi petunjuk-petunjuk dan penjelasan yang diperlukan

mengenai tugas yang akan dihadapi oleh pramuwisata dan


c. Membantu pramuwisata apabila ada hambatan, terutama dalam

waktu perjalanan wisatawan sedang berlangsung,

d. Selalu hadir / berada dengan rombongan baik yang baru tiba

maupun yang akan berangkat,


e. Membantu dan member saran kepada bagian tour dalam

membantu penyusunan paket wisata (Package Tour) yang


f. Membina hubungan kerja yang baik dengan rekan-rekan sejawat

dan rekanan yang diperlukan untuk kelancaran tugasnya,

g. Member laporan pelaksanaan tour setelah selesai menjalankan

tugas kepada pimpinan langsung atau tour manager.

Diatas telah dijelaskan tentang tugas pemimpin perjalanan wisata,

akan tetapi di dalam tugas-tugas secara operasional yang harus

dilakukan seorang pemimpin perjalanan wisata ialah sebagai

berikut :

a. Tugas-tugas sebelum / persiapan penyelenggaraan perjalanan

wisata (Tour)

1. Penyelesaian / pengurusan documen-dokumen yang

diperlukan antara lain :

a. Acara perjalanan (Tour itinerary) ; melakukan pengecekan

terakhir tentang rencana perjalanan wisata (Tour itinerary) yang

akan dilakukan.

b. Daftar nama peserta / rombongan ; memetiksa daftar pengikut

rombongan yang akan dibawanya, menyangkut hal-hal :

- Kelengkapan dukomen perjalanan dokumen masing-masing

anggota rombongan,

- Mencatat barang-barang bawaan anggota rombongan,


- Menyelesaikan dan mencatat hal-hal yang khusus yang diminta /

diinginkan anggota rombongan, seperti perpanjangan lamanya

tinggal pada suatu kota atau pengaturan pesawat yang diingikan

waktu pulang sesudah paket wisata dilaksanakan.

c. Izin-izin masuk ke objek wisata,

d. Dokumen-dokumen perjalanan (Ticket, CIQ dan sebagainya),

e. Mengadakan pengecekan terakhir mengenai hotel dimana

rombongan akan menginap dengan melihat / memegang sendiri

konfirmasi telek yang dikirim hotel dimana akan menginap,

f. Mengetahui petugas yang kan menerima rombongan ditempat

atau kota yang akan dikunjungi dari biro perjalanan umum

setempat / perwakilan / cabang didalam atau diluar negeri.

2. Pemesanan (reservations) yang dilakukan sebelumnya

atas :

a. Hotel akomodasi lainya didaerah tujuan,

b. Alat angkutan yang akan dipergunakan,

c. Penyediaan konsumsi,

d. Kesiapan penyelenggaraan atraksi-atraksi wisata,

e. Objek-objek wisata yang hendak dikunjungi,

f. Pramuwisata setempat,

g. Dan lain-lain.

3. Kendaraan yang hendak dipergunakan (kebersihan,

kondisi, alat-alat pengaman, tanda-tanda khusus yang


diperlukan, kesiapan pengemudi, bahan bakar, izin trayek dan


b. Tugas-tugas dalam penyelenggaraan tour :

1. Perjalanan wisata dalam Negeri :

a. Mencocokkan jumlah peserta dengan daftar yang ada,

b. Membantu kelancaran pemberangkatan peserta (rombongan),

c. Jika menggunakan bus wisata, memberikan petunjuk-petunjuk

kepada pengemudi dan pramuwisata setempat.

d. Dalam keadaan tertentu dan atas persetujuan wisatawan

mengadakan perubahan aara perjalanan (tour itinerary).

e. Mengurus / menyelesaikan prosedur-prosedur administrative

yang diperlukan untuk memasuki obyek wisata.

f. Memberikan keterangan / pertanggung jawaban kepada Instalasi

yang berwenang di daerah / obyek yang dikunjungi.

g. Mengawasi, memperhatikan dan menjaga wisatawan dari

keadaan yang dapat membawa musibah serta mengambil

langkah-langkah/tindakan apabila terjadi sesuatu kecelakaan

atau keadaan darurat.

h. Menetapkan tata tertib yang harus dipatuhi peserta salama acara

tour berjalan.

i. Menandatangani bon dan melakukan pembayaran biaya tour,

sesuai dengan kewenangan yang diberikan perusahaan yang


2. Perjalanan wisata keluar Negeri :

a. Mencocokan jumlah peserta dengan daftar yang ada.

b. Membantu kelancaran pemberangkatan rombongan/peserta.


c. Memberikan petunjuk/saran-saran yang perlu kepada mereka.

d. Mengurus dan membantu anggota rombongan untuk

mendapatkan tempat duduk (seat) sesuai tiket masing-masing

pengikut berikut barang-barang bawaannya.

e. Membantu anggota rombongan untuk berkomunikasi dengan

pramugari untuk hal-hal yang khusus (dalam hal ini bertindak

sebagai penterjemah).

f. Bertindak selaku pramuwisata selama dalam penerbangan.

g. Menetapkan tata tertib yang harus dipatuhi perserta.

h. Atas persetujuan wisatawan, memberikan persetujuan terhadap

perubahan acara perjalanan wisata (tour itinerary).

i. Memberikan keterangan / pertanggung jawaban kepada Instansi

yang berwenang di Negara tujuan.

j. Mengawasi, memperhatikan dan menjaga wisatawan dari

keadaan yang dapat membawa musibah serta mengambil

langkah-langkah apabila terjadi suatu kecelakaan dan atau

keadaan darurat.

k. Membina hubungan sebaik-baiknya dengan rekan usaha

(principals) di luar negeri.

l. Menandatangani bon dan melakukan pembayaran biaya tour

sesuai kewenangan yang diberikan perusahaan yang menugasi.

m. Melayani dan menyelesaikan segala keluhan (complaints)

wisatawan dengan sebaik-baiknya.

3. Tugas setelah sampai di Daerah Tujuan Wisata :

a. Membantu masing-masing anggota rombongan turun dari

pesawat atau kendaraan yang digunakan.

b. Menyerahkan paspor atau dokumen perjalanan lainnya dan bukti

barang-barang bawaan kepada petugas biro perjalanan umum



c. Menyerahkan daftar rombongan kepada perwakilan biro

perjalanan umum setempat dengan memberikan laporan tentang

hal-hal yang khusus dari anggota rombongan.

d. Mengecek barang-barang bawaan anggota rombangan bersama

dengan petugas biro perjalanan setempat.

e. Mengawasi anggota rombongan naik pada bus yang telah

disediakan untuk selanjutnya transfer ke hotel yang telah


f. Mengadakan pengecekan tentang akomodasi hotel serta

persiapan makan dan minum anggota rombongan bersama

dengan petugas perjalanan umum setempat.

g. Menyerahkan (handling service) pengaturan kegiatan perjalanan

wisata (city sightseeing atau entertainment) kepada petugas

atau pramuwisata biro perjalanan umum setempat.

4. Ruang Lingkup Tugas Pemimpin Perjalanan Wisata

a. Menurut ruang lingkup tugasnya, pemimpin perjalanan wisata

dapat melaksanakan tugas di Dalam Negeri dank e Luar Negeri.

b. Dalam menjalankan tugas dapat didampingi oleh seorang

pramuwisata dan sering pula tanpa didampingi, akan tetapi

seyogianya harus dibantu oleh seorang pramuwisata local untuk

menjelaskan obje-objek wisata di tiap-tiap daerah/obyek yang

dilalui atau dikunjungi.

5. Syarat-syarat dan ketentuan Pemimpin Perjalanan Wisata

a. Syarat-syarat untuk menjadi Pemimpin Perjalanan Wisata :

Sesuai dengan ruang lingkup tugasnya yang cukup luas

tersebut serta peranannya dalam kepariwisataan. Untuk menjadi

pemimpin perjalanan wisata mempunyai syarat-syarat tertentu,

minimal sebagai persyaratan dasar untuk beroprasi sebagai

pemimpin perjalanan wisata.


Sejalan dengan tujuan pemerintah dalam rangka meningkatkan

mutu pelayanan terhadap wisatawan, telah di keluarkan Surat

Keputusan Menteri Perhubungan Nomor KM. 73/KP.103/PHB-80

tanggal 1 April 1980 dan Peraturan pelaksanaannya dengan

Surat Keputusan Direktur Jenderal Pariwisata Nomor

Kep-21/U/IV/80 tanggal 21 April 1980 tentang Persyaratan dan

Tugas Pemimpin Perjalanan Wisata dan Pramuwisata.

Adapun persyaratan-syaratan yang harus dipenuhi untuk

menjadi seorang Pemimpin Perjalanan Wisata adalah sebagai

berikut :

1. Warga Negara Indonesia,

2. Umur serendah-rendahnya 25 tahun,

3. Menguasai bahasa Indonesia dan salah satu bahasa asing

dengan lancar,

4. Menguasai pengetahuan dan keterampilan dalam memimpin dan

mengatur perjalanan wisata,

5. Sehat fisik dan mental,

6. Berkelakuan baik,

7. Memiliki sertifikat dan tanda pengenal pemimpin perjalanan


Selain persyaratan tersebut diatas, masih ada beberapa syarat

lagi untuk dapat ditunjukan/diangkat sebagai Pemimpin

Perjalanan Wisata antara lain adalah :

1. Mengetahui kegiatan operasional suatu Biro Perjalanan Umum

pada umumnya, kegiatan Biro Perjalanan Umum dimana ia

bekerja pada khususnya.


2. Mempunyai keahlian dalam pengurusan dokumen perjalanan,

baik untuk mereka yang berangkat ke Luar Negeri maupun

wisatawan yang akan masuk ke Dalam Negeri.

3. Menegtahui perosedur dan ketentuan ke Luar-Masuk wisatawan

untuk suatu Negara tertentu, apa yang dapat dibawa masuk dan

apa yang boleh dibawa ke luar suatu Negara tertentu.

4. Menegtahui ilmu Bumi pariwisata, baik didalam maupun di luar

negeri, khususnya obyek-obyek wisata yang sering di kunjungi

wisatawan di dalam negeri dan di luar negeri.

5. Mengetahui seluk beluk dunia penerbangan, mulai dari

pengurusan tiket, barang-barang bawaan penumpang, prosedur

transit atau transfer sampai pada nilai tukar mata uang setempat

secara up to date.

6. Mengetahui kegiatan operasional perhotelan, mulai dari

reservasi, prosedur check-in dan check-out serta syarat-syarat

pemakaian kamar samapai pemesanan makanan dan minuman.

7. Menguasai bahasa rombongan wisatawan yang dibawanya

dengan sedikitnya dapat berbahasa Inggris yaitu satu bahasa

yang sampai saat ini banyak dimengerti oleh banyak wisatawan

manca Negara.

Ketujuh syarat tersebut diatas merupakan syarat minimal bagi

seorang pemimpin perjalanan wisata untuk dipercayakan untuk

membawa suatu rombongan wisatawan pada suatu Daerah

Tujuan Wisata. Namun demikian agar dapat melakukan tugasnya

dengan baik, maka seorang pemimpin perjalanan wisata itu

dituntut pula :

1. Mempunyai penampilan yang menarik dan meyakinkan,

2. Menyenangkan dan meudah menyesuaikan diri dengan

lingkungan yang baru,

3. Mudah berkomunikasi dengan siapa saja tanpa pandang bulu,


4. Mempunyai keperibadian yang menarik dan mengetahui etiket

pergaulan pada umumnya,

5. Dapat bertindak seorang pramuwisata (biasanya seorang

pemimpin perjalanan wisata banyak berasal dari seorang

pramuwisata yang berpengalaman/senior).

b. Ketentuan-ketentuan untuk menjadi Pemimpin Perjalanan

Wisata :

1. Ketentuan administratif :

a. Sertifikat dan tanda pengenal dapat diperoleh setelah mengikuti

kursus dan lulus ujian yang diadakan oleh Panitian Kursus Cq.

Direktorat Jenderal Pariwisata dan Pusdiklat Departemen

Pariwisata, Pos dan Telekomunikasi.

b. Sebelum mengikuti kursus terlebih dahulu memenuhi

persyaratan-persyaratan administratif yand disebutkan dalam

penjelasan persyaratan diatas.

2. Ketentuan Tugas Operasional :

a. Memakai tanda pengenal (badge).

b. Bertingkah laku yang baik dan sopan.

c. Mematuhi acara perjalanan (tour itinerary) yang telah ditetapkan

oleh Tour Operator.

d. Membantu pemerintah dalam pengembangan kepariwisataan.

e. Memberikan laporan berkala setiap 6 (enam) bulan sekali ke

Direktorat Jenderal Pariwisata dengan tembusan kepada

Gubernur setempat.

3. Larangan :

a. Melakukan tugas tanpa memakai tanda pengelan (badge).


b. Meminta uang atau barang dari penjual atau orang lainnya yang

berkepentingan berkenan dengan pembelian barang atau lainya

oleh wisatawan yang diurus.

c. Memaksa wisatawan untuk menggunakan jasa-jasanya.

d. Merubah secara perjalanan yang sudah ditetapkan tanpa

persetujuan wisatawan dengan maksud memperoleh

keuntungan bagi dirinya.

e. Melalaikan waktu yang telah ditetapkan dalam tugasnya.

4. Sanksi :

a. Tanda pengenal dapat dicabut apabila telah mendapt teguran

beberapa kali.

b. Pelanggaran-pelanggaran ketentuan-ketentuan yang disebutkan

diatas dapat diberi teguran.

c. Pencabutan dilakukan oleh Direktur Jenderal Pariwisata.






Local tour operator’s responsibilities to Garuda in so far as this

programmer is concerned are :

1. Provide air – conditioned deluxe coaches for


b) 2 Tours in Kuala Lumpur – City and Suburbs

1 Tour in Malacca – City Tour

c) All transfers between Airport / Hotel in Kuala Lumpur.

2. Assistance and look after passengers whenever they are on long

hauls transfers or tour as above.

3. All tips, entrance fees as follows :

a) Porter age @ 20 cts per piece at hotels and airports.

b) Tips at Mosque, entrance fee at zoo Negara in Kuala


(Note : Camera charge at zoo for pax. Account)

c) Toll charges an route i.e. Muar.



Administrate your area and act as Coordinator and supervise Guides,

Drivers, Passengers and coaches when in your area.

a) Discuss, with Guides and Drivers their assignments as instructed

by Kuala Lumpur.

b) Assist Guides especially when things are not going right.

c) Be present at hotels for all departures and arrivals on long hauls.

d) Handle all reports, complaints and cash floats in your area if

instructed by Kuala Lumpur.

e) Locate standby coaches in case of emergencies and make all

necessary decisions in cases of emergencies.

f) Liaise with hotels and tour supervisor-Kuala Lumpur, Agent

handling arrangements in Singapore to establish good working



Administrate your area and act as Coordinator and supervise Guides,

Drivers, Passengers and coaches when in your area.

a) Discuss, with Guides and Drivers their assignments as instructed

by Kuala Lumpur.

b) Assist Guides especially when things are not going right.

c) Be present at hotels for all departures and arrivals on long hauls.

d) Handle all reports, complaints and cash floats in your area if

instructed by Kuala Lumpur.

e) Locate standby coaches in case of emergencies and make all

necessary decisions in cases of emergencies.

f) Liaise with hotels and tour supervisor-Kuala Lumpur, Agent

handling arrangements in Singapore to establish good working



Tour Arrangements

ARR/DEP Transfers (Hilton) ARR/DEP Transfers


Local Tours (Hilton) Local Tours (Merlin)

Long hauls (Hilton) Long hauls (Merlin)

Hotel Counter (Hilton) Optional Tours (Merlin


Hotel Counter (Merlin)

All Malacca



Schedules & Drivers Schedules &


Instruction all for all optional tour

Basic arrangements requirements


Office petty cash

Optional Tours


All invoices /



All Complaints

All compliments

All requirements


Bi weekly reports on Bi weekly reports on

All basic tour arrangements all optional tours


GUIDES :Act as tour Leader and Guide to the group assigned.

1) Collect from your supervisor all necessary documents.

2) Check coaches are at the hotels as assigned and that they are


3) Check job signs and colour codes before passengers boarding

4) Check first aid boxes.

5) Clear immigration and customs on passengers be half.

6) Guide and assist passengers during long hauls or drives

7) Report and if possible action on malfunctioning of hotels or

stopping points enroute.

8) Pay all tips and entrance fees on the spot from your cash flow.

9) Decide after due discussions with driver, on the spot during all

forms of emergencies.

10)Report immediately to Tour Supervisors of any major mishaps en


11)Instruct driver to phone Tour Supervisor in case of delays,

breakdowns or major emergencies that you cannot deal with.

12)Report to Tour Supervisors on completion of day’s duties either

personal or by phone wherever you may be.

13)Instruct drivers to service and clean their coaches at and of each



Act as Captain of coach

1) Look after your guide, discuss and advise guide in case of


2) Refuel, service engine, air conditioner, brakes and tyres of coach

to see that they are in good condition the night before next



3) Clean the external as well as internal parts of coach after every


4) Put up “job” signboards on arrival at hotels.

5) Supervise loading and unloading of baggage

6) Assist in counting and looking after passengers.

7) In case of breakdown, repair coach immediately or telephone for

replacements in case you cannot repair it.

8) In case of unreasonable request from passengers please comply

after due discussion with your guide.


All passengers traveling on Garuda Mumpuni Tour have paid for a

packaged tour which includes :

1) Flights Between Jakarta and Kuala Lumpur by

Garuda, economy class

Between Singapore, Malaysia and Thailand by

MAS Boeing 737 Jets on economy class

per programmed.

2) Transfers All transfers between Airport and Hotel

inclusive of porter age of one suitcase each.

3) Tours All tours : 2 in Kuala Lumpur

2 in Penang

2 in Bangkok

2 in Singapore

1 in Malacca

And inclusive of entrance fees and tips.

4) Longhauls Longhauls between Kuala Lumpur / Malacca/

Singapore, one way only.


5) Rooms ½ twin (sharing) room in the hotels as single

supplement would have been paid for before

commencement of journey.

6) Meals Full breakfast every morning at the hotels

they stay in.

7) Airport taxes : At all airports

Service charges

Tips, Entrance


On all arrangements and in all hotels as

specified in the programme.

Baggage Allowance

44 lbs on all flights

On longhauls between Kuala Lumpur/

Malancca/ Singapore – one average size


For such programmes, no changes or refunds are generally allowed

except in cases certified serious illness or certified compassionate


However, should passengers insist on changes, they may do so at

their own expense and no refund or credits will be entertained by


All passengers will hold official tickets issued by Garuda. In case of

doubt, please refer to tickets or your Senior officers.


Attached to this page is a chart showing the 12 different itineraries.

Analyzed, one will have, every week :

1) 3 Group of 32 passengers arriving Kuala


Lumpur for short holidays ranging from 7-9

days. This tour includes Kuala Lumpur and


“ 2 Cities”

2) 5 Groups of 32 passengers arriving Kuala

Lumpur for a 2 weeks Holiday visiting Kuala

Lumpur, Penang (Malaysia) Singapore

(Singapore) and Bangkok (Thailand)

“3 Cities”

3) 4 groups of 32 passengers arriving Kuala

Lumpur, Penang (Malaysia) and Singapore


“ 2 countries”

All passengers will arrive form and depart home to Indonesia by

Garuda Boeing 707 Jets. When on tours, all flights within Singapore,

Malaysia and Thailand will be on MAS and all long distance coach

travel will be between Kuala Lumpur and Singapore with a night stop

over in Malacca.


These transfers should always be carried out without a flow,

otherwise you will create a bad impression from the beginning for

arrival transfers to the end of the trip for departure transfers. This

must be avoided at all costs.

Arrival Transfers

1) Check arrival time of flight. Also telephone to remind coach and

baggage lorry to be et the Airport on time.

a) For group flights

Baggage can be loaded at the back of coach.

Guides will work on their own.


b) In the case of flights arriving during the week end, a

baggage larry will be used for transportation of All bags to

their respective hotels.

Assistant tour supervisor will be there to meet the groups and

lend a helping hand.

2) Check that all necessary documents are in hand, before you leave

for the Airport, Arrangements can be made beforehand, for coach

to pick you up and proceed to the Airport together.

3) Please be at the Airport, 15 minutes before flight arrival.

4) Upon arrival, contact the airlines coordinator ; and check with him

which exit-gate is being used so as to position your coaches and

baggage larry, to your passengers’ convenience, Also check with

him the number of persons, group number (or groups) and remind

of baggage handling.

It is up to the Tour coordinator to go into the Airport to meet the

passengers get them into a group and see to it that all baggage is put

into a bay. Please request him to inform the passengers to check

through on an individual basis.

When everyone is ready be should get them through customs

b) if the Assistant Tour Supervisor has to go in to attend to things, he

should appoint a tour leader to approach customs. This is to

safeguard our interests.

5) After the passengers have been cleared through customs, they

should proceed to the exit gate, where our guide will meet them

and show them to the coach. Request the driver to count



6) At about the same time, the baggage should be ready for

collection. Check with the tour coordinator, the number of bags

arrange for porters to load them on to coach.

a) In charter flight arrivals – bags to be unloaded first, should

be loaded least, on to baggage lorry. And the lest guide at the

Airport, should not leave until all the bags have been loaded

and the driver is happy with the numbers.

7) Pay for porter age, there and then, and proceed to the hotel with

the passengers.

b) Should there be many coaches leaving the same time, the first

coach should travel faster and the rest should slow down a little.

8) Whilst proceeding to the hotel always first wish the passengers

“welcome to Malaysia” and introduce yourself to them.

9) Announce to them the check in procedures at the hotel.

10)Brief them on the whole itinerary should you have time, and this is

left to your discretion, your may brief them a little about the city,

tell them things like where to go for their meals and what to do.

11) Ask them whether they have any question and answer them as

best you can.

12)Collect all their flight tickets and explain to them that it is only for

reconfirmation purposes and that you will hand them back before

they leave.

13)Upon reaching the hotel, apply check in procedure as given. Sit at

your desk for 30 minutes when you are sure of no problems or

complaints from your passengers you may go home.


14)As soon as it is convenient to you, take all the tickets to any MAS

office and reconfirm them.

The Assistant tour supervisor is advised to go to the airport in case

of a missing bag, so that he can remain behind to clear it. However it

may not always be possible. Therefore, the whole task will fall back

on the guide.


1) Check departure time of flights

If there is a delay, inform the hotel to make the Announcement

using the paging system.

If it is known well beforehand, then the guide should inform each

and a very passenger of the delay and switch the departure times


2) Coaches and baggage lorries have to be informed or reminded of

the pick-up time.

For domestic flights, passengers should leave for the Airport 18

hours before departure.

For international flights, passengers should leave 2 hours before


3) Report to the hotel on time and check that the coach and the

coach and the baggage lorry are there already

Guides should report half-hour before they are due to leave, to

check baggage, etc. as in “check-out” procedures of hotel.

4) The baggage lorry should leave the hotel first and the driver of the

baggage lorry should be informed of the flight number and where

he should unload the bags.

5) Whilst on the way to the airport, announce to the passengers to

have their


a) Passports together with the white immigration card inside.

b) $ 2.00 airport tax in Singapore or Malaysian currency.

c) Their airline tickets for whichever sector they ore flying

6) Explain to them what they have to do when they are at the airport

a) they will have to check-in at the MAS counter, individually

b) Advise them of the time of departure and the approximate

time the departure announcement will be made.

7) Upon arrival at the airport, request them to check-in. unload

baggage (from coach ) and get porters to attend to these after

counting them. Pay porteragu fees the there and then.

8) Check again with all your passengers, if they have their

passports, tickets and boarding passes. Remain at the Airport

until Aircraft takes off.

9) Sometimes an aircraft could be delayed after passengers have

boarded the aircraft. It is imperative that you are around should

this happen.

Should such a case arise, please follow the following

a) should the delay be for an hour or two, passengers must

remain at the airport.

b) Should the delay be more than 7 hours, the passengers are

to be taken back to the hotel. If this is the case, please

telephone the coach to come back to the airport.

c) Should the delay be for long periods requiring extra meals

and overnight accommodation, this will become the

responsibility of the airlines. ours is to provide them with a

transfer once the time is confirmed.

The bust policy in such cases would be always to consult the tour

coordinator, before you make decision, as this becomes the

responsibility of the Airlines (this applies only to international flights,


as it unlikely for Domestic Flights to be delayed for such long


It is always encouraged that all guides and tour supervisors be on

good terms with Airline personnel. Never and under no

circumstances should we push the Airlines or demand from them.

Always be the first one to cooperate with them.


From Hotel to Airport

1) Day before departure of flight or coach, inform or check the

following :

a) To passengers and hotel

1) Wake up call if necessary

2) Baggage collection time

3) Time to be at the lobby

4) Time of departure from hotel

5) Time of departure of flight if necessary

b) Coach and baggage van arrangements

2) Be at hotel at least one hour before departure for longhauls and

45 minutes departure for the airports.

3) At the hotel action as follows :

a) Check baggage

b) Inform cashier of groups departure

c) Check coach

d) 20 minutes before departure page for boarding

e) Roll call and baggage check

4) When satisfied or time is right for departure, instruct coach to

move ahead.

5) On the way to the airport make the following announcements :

a) Enquire if they are comfortable

b) Brief them on airport check – in procedures, immigration

c) Inform them of facilities at the airport

6) On arrival at the airport, apply flight check in procedure


7) Telephone office and report

Notes :

For departure transfers, nothing should ever go wrong except flight

delays. (Please refer to flight check in procedures)


ARRIVAL TRANSFERS From airport to hotel

1) Before arrival of the flight check the following :

a) Coach reservations

b) Baggage van reservation

c) Hotel reservation and collect rooming list

d) Check – in procedures

e) Notice or information Board

Once you are satisfied that all basic arrangements are in order, call

the airport for flight information to find out if the flight is on time.

2) Be at the airport at least 15 minutes before flight touch down.

Or arrival at the airport, check :

a) Information on flight

b) Coach presence

c) Baggage van presence

d) Brief both drivers

e) Inform MAS on time of your group’s arrival and request


3) On flight’s arrival, wait at gate, you may have to seek permission

to go beyond the customs benches to inform passengers :

a) Collect their baggage’s and leave them in one area

b) Appoint a tour leader to inform customs that the baggage is

ready for checking

4) When customs authorize the bags to be taken out :

a) Bring the passengers to the coach – you must be at the

door of the coach first.


b) Contact the porters to bring the bags out to the baggage


c) Inform the baggage van driver the number of pieces and

hand him the porter age fees for the porters.

d) When you are satisfied that you have all the passengers

and bags under control inform the driver to move off to their


5) On the way to the hotel, if this being the first transfer, make the

following announcements :

a) Welcome passengers and enquire if the are comfortable as

well as about their flight into Kuala Lumpur.

b) Introduce yourself.

c) Apologies for delays or inconvenience if accession arrises

d) Go through their whole programmed quickly

e) Go through their itinerary again in for all arrangements you

are involved in.

f) Brief passengers on check in procedures at the hotel

g) Brief passengers the time they have to be at the lobby

tours, long hauls and departure transfers.

h) Inform passengers of their notice board at the hotel lobby

and hospitality desk.

i) Inform passengers of

i) hotel facilities

ii) exchange rates

iii) taxi services and charges

iv) shopping

v) spare time – optional Tours

vi) food, water and general health conditions.

j) If time to spare run commentary of surrounding scenery

k) Just before arriving at the hotel, remind passengers of :

i) Check – in procedure

ii) Meeting times at lobby for tours

iii) Remind them not to leave any personal belongings on card.

6) On arrival at the hotel be the first one to leave and stand at the

coach exit to assist passengers


7) When all passengers are off the coach, approach the check-in

area to ensure that passengers are taken care of.

8) Go back to the coach to check of anything has been left behind

9) Ensure that the porters are doing their work right

10)When all is finished, contact hotels Inur Coordinator to ensure :

i) All passengers checked in

ii) all baggage will be in order and be sent to the room quickly

iii) meal arrangements

iv) wake-up calls and baggage collection time even it is not for the


11)When all is satisfactory, telephone office and report accordingly

You may then leave the hotel

When arrangements go wrong please… DO NOT PANIC….

Find out what is wrong and act accordingly


Missing or damaged bag gages at the airport

Straight away to ground hostess with passengers.

Missing passenger at airport – report straight way to ground hostess

and check flight manifest

If manifested, page for passenger

If not manifested, ignore it.

Customs query airport – contact the passenger involved and request

passenger to answer them

Documentary discrepancy at airport-passengers will have to deal

with it.

Never delay other passengers if possible

Non sighting of coach or baggage van at airport – telephone

immediately to coach company or officer whichever is quicker and





It is out responsibility to see to it that all check in and check out

procedures are carried out. This responsibility is that of the Tour

Guido concerned with that group on that day. You will realize that it

is not possible at all times for assistant four supervisors to be

present. However tour supervisors, will arrange their schedules in

such a way that they could be ad all hotels on the same morning.

It is therefore the responsibility of the Guide concerned with the

particular group on that see to it that all check – in and check – outs

are carrions out and reported to the tour supervisor as soon as

possible of any mishaps. In your report please do not hesitate to

indicate that it is the hotel’s mistake ; the passenger’s mistake or the

guide’s mistake.

These reports are not for the purpose of punishing anyone , rather it

is to have an explanation before report is lodged. This report will

definitely help us to explain our case should the need arise.

Check-out of hotels. The procedure should be as follows :

1) The guide upon arrival at the hotel on the ached lad times should

go straight to the bell captain in of the hotel to check the number

of pinces of baggage and enter it in the form attached.

2) Follow it up with a check with the receptionist or front office

manager if possible to see whether all rooms have been vacated

and all charges awing by passengers to the hotel for extra meals

and facilities have been paid for. Here we would indicate that

settlement of accounts between passenger and hotel is not our

responsibility. However, to aveid delay of departure times, it is

always good to raise this question to the front manager so that if

there should be any outstanding bills, the hotel couldn’t quickly

page for the passenger to settle his account. Should the hotel

refer you a case of non settlement, at the time of departure, please

do not delay the coach. However, ask the hotel for the name of the

passenger and the bill. Settle this amount half way through your

tour or long haul and make a statement of this case which should

be handed to the tour supervisor


3) Check that the coach is there and check also ita cleanliness and

see to it that the driver knows what his duties his duties are for

that particular job.

4) 15 minutes before departure time, request the hotel to page for all

passengers in that group traveling between say to board the

coach. You will find that the coach will have a plastic plate

hanging on the door indicating its duties for that particular job. In

cases where you are able to load passengers 5 or even 10

minutes before the actual. It is always good to leave on time. The

guide must always be at the door to welcome them aboard. When

your count of passengers is equal to the number that is required

or only a couple less, you may board the coach and make a roll


For rell calls, please first brief the passengers that you are going

to make a roll call to see to it that no one will miss the coach.

Please also explain to them that they should put up their hands

the moment their names are called. When calling out names,

please see to it that the full name, together with the title is called

out. Should there be cases of families, you may simply announce

the surname and indicate “ a family of ….” If not ask the person

concerned how many are in his family.

If your roll call does not tally with the number required, please tell

passengers that you are short of so many and ask them not to

leave the coach. Go to the Reception Desk and ask them to page

for those passengers who are not on the coach and tell the

person who is paging that it is an immediate embarkation call.

If you still fail to have the required number, please check by

telephoning the room to see if they are in the room as paging

does not transmit into the rooms.

Should you find that after all the above procedures a certain

number of passengers cannot be traced, then please write the

name and room number of these passengers, give it either to the

tour supervisor if he is present, otherwise the Front office.


Manager or Assistant Front office manager and tell them about it.

Should the tour supervisor not be present and if you have to hand

these names to the Front office Manager, please request these

passengers to telephone the tour supervisor. Also have the hotel

personal telephone the tour supervisor immediately.

Should such cases happen, you may have to delay the coach 10

minutes and this is the maximum amount of time of delay allowed.

If still your passengers are not on board by then, you may

proceed, but always, thorough the PA system on board the coach

ask the passengers what time is it, and make sure they know it is

a 10 minutes delay. This procedures is to protect ourselves


CHECK – INAs indicated above, we are also responsible for checking in. just

immediately before arriving at the hotel, say 15 minutes before, brief

the passengers on checking -in procedure to that particular hotel.

Also indicate to them that the baggage will be forwarded to their

rooms after they have checked – in. should they not receive their

baggage within half an hour of their checking into their rooms, they

should tell the Bell Captain about it.

Checking – in procedures at different hotels are listed in the

following attachments. Please go through them and know the system

they apply and follow them exactly so that there will be no delays in

checking – in.

The system arranged with the hotel is the most efficient to date for a

group of such a size. Be realize that this will incur additional work on

our part. However. It is always good to show to the hotel that we

know system and that we are willing to help them. Only than will the

hotels help us.

Here again, the quite has to be by the deer to help her passengers

down. Usually, the keys and registration cards are in envelopes with

their names written on it. These will be at the reception Desk


(HILTON) or beside the public relations Desk (MERLIN). Request

them to proceed to these desks, upon disembarkation. Of course,

they do not know it a location, the guide has to show them and then

get back to the coach to attend to the baggage.

Before you allow the porters of the hotel to take the baggage out of

the coach please ball them how many pieces of baggage. Once the

baggage has been unloaded, please see that you count the number

of pieces. Once you have petrified that the numbers tally with your

recorded number, inform the Bell Captain the number of pieces. Also

inform the Bell Captain to do you a favour by delivering the baggage

to the passengers, rooms as soon as possible.

Should the number of baggage not tally, which should net happen on

check 0 in as it is delivered from coach to hotel, please action as


a) Request the driver to check whether there are

any other pieces of baggage on board.

b) Check the baggage again to see that there

are no overnight bags which should not be mixed up with the

main baggage as this will incur a great deal of inconvenience to

the counting.

c) Request the bell boys/ porters to check

again the baggage and request there to check that no baggage

has been left in other areas of the hotel.

As indicated, the chances of such cases happening are nil.

However, should it be the case, you will have to stay behind at the

hotel until all bags. Take details of the missing baggage and

telephone the hotel whence the passengers came, giving them

details and descriptions of the cases that are missing. Request

the hotel to locate these bags and telephone the tour supervisor

at the point of disembarkation. You will than follow up with a

telephone call to the tour supervisor to be present at

disembarkation after Lang hauls. Should the bags not be found

within 24 hours, please inform the tour supervisor who will make

arrangements to reimburse the passenger.


d) In any case, upon arrival, the guide should

telephone the Tour Supervisor, if he is not there to meet the


The guide should then sit at her dusk far half an – hour, until she

insure her passengers are quite settled and have no cause to

come to her for help.




City Tour

Tips : Driver


Fees : Nil

Half day tour of the city, visiting : Chinatown national

monument : House of parliament : the Mearish-style

rail way station : the National Masque : the satellite

city of petaling Jaya : University of Malaysia campus

and Selanger pewter works.

Suburba Tour

3 hours

Tips :


Fees : ZOO


Half day tour of the suburba : Batu Caves : Taba

Silversmith and Batik Factor / rubber estate and

factory : a tin mining dredge and the zoo Negara.


City Tour A. Formosa : Bukit China : City Cross : Church of St.

Paul’s on the hill : Malacca Museum : Stadthuys and

simple Malay home.

Notes :

1) Always plan the tour ahead with the Driver.

2) On these tours, the sequence could be changed. However, all

places mentioned above should be included.

3) Always give a short summary of the tour immediately after

welcoming them on board and introducing yourself.


4) Concentrate on the historical, political, architectural and present-

day aspects of the particular city only.

5) You need not discuss general items concerning the whole country

unless you are asked to during tours.

6) It is advisable to have a specially drawn-out routing of the tour to

show to the driver and be kept in this manual

LONGHAULSLonghauls comprise of the following segments :

1. Kuala Lumpur / Malacca 0800 OR 1430

2. Malacca / Singapore 0800 OR 1430

3. Singapore / Melacca 0800 OR 1430

4. Malacca / Kuala Lumpur 0800 OR 1430

These longhauls will be one of the most important aspects of their

whole tour and thus great care must be taken to ensure passengers


The following points on such journies are important :

1) Be on schedule and ensure coach in good order, always check

coaches carefully.

2) Brief passengers on itinerary, expected scenery, distance to

travel before next stop.

3) Attend to every passenger’s needs and it is advisable to brief

passengers to be careful when standing – up as well as how to

adjust the air condition outlets.

4) Do your running commentaries, play the necessary tapes, teach

them Malay or Sing-along with them popular Malay songs- all

depending on the moods of the passengers.

5) Look out for interesting sights, such as milestones ; state borders

; little towns and their peculiarities ; villages ; mountain range ;

different types of trees ; ferns and flowers ; traffic in front and

flowers ; traffic in front and the back of your coach.


6) Jake with them, ask them for questions ; walk up and down the

aisle to see to their comfort ; you may talk them individually but

this should never he a habit.

7) Apologies for delays and inconveniences even if it is not your


8) Stop or slow down the coach for photographs.

9) Announce stops and period of stop before a stop

The following pages are schedule and instruction guidelines and

should be followed all times.

Please note that the tours in Malacca could be advanced or delayed

and you must decide fore the last point during their previous


During the longhauls, most emergencies will occur and you should

always be prepared for all eventualities. Read the section on

emergencies carefully and thoroughly



Time Time Location Note

0800 1430 Kuala


Depart for Mallaca – Apply check out

and boarding procedures.

1) Welcome passengers and

describe scenery to be expected

on way

2) Running commentary time and

distance to next stop.


0925 1555 Seremban 1) Announce arrival and purposes of

stop :


a) Comfort

b) Visit and museum

c) Period of stop

1000 1630 Depart seremban for Malacca

1) running commentary time and

distance to next stop.

1030 1700 Border Play tape on Malacca history and

advise passenger to look around

1100 1730 Malacca Stop at a padi-field, explain about


1110 1740 Malacca Announce arrival and

a) about reat house

b) about check – in

c) next programmed

d) what to do with free time

1115 1745 Malacca Arriva Malacca, remind passengers

not to leave things behind.

Assist passengers on check – in

Check baggages

Check coach and remind driver to

clean and tame of next programme.





Time Time Location Note

0800 1450 Malacca Depart for Singapore – applu check

out and boarding procedures.

1) Welcome passengers again and

describe scenery expected

2) Running commentary time and

distance of stone enroute.

Stop at a pineapple orchard enrooted

0900 1530 play tape on Malaysia

1025 1655 Rengam Brief on Aw Eng Kuang Pottery


1110 1740 Depart Rengam for Johore Hahru.

Brief them on palm oil, pepper and

Malaysian vagatables.

1140 1610 Collect passports and explain why

1210 1840 Johore


Clear immigration and customs

1215 1845 Singapore Clear immigration and customs.

Brief passengers on hotel, check in,

and what to do on their next visit to

kuala Lumpur.

1245 1915 Hotel Arrive at hotel




Time Time Location Note

0800 1430 Singapore Depart for Malacca, apply check I out

and boarding procedures

1) Welcome passengers and

describe itinerary, scenery, time

and distance of travel

2) Collect passports and explain

3) Explain customs procedure

0835 1505 Johore


Clear customs and immigration

1) return passports

2) whilst traveling through rubber

estate, you may play tape of

Malaysia which will have Malay

song in it.

0940 1610 Rengam Brief on Aw Eng Kuang pottery


1030 1650 Rengam Leave for Malacca

En route talk on palm oil,padi, pepper

and pineapple

1210 1840 Muar After Muar, play tape on Malacca

1245 1915 Malacca Arrive Malacca rest house.

Brief on check-in, time of tour,

journey to kuala Lumpur.

Melacca rest house.





Time Time Location Note

0800 1430 Malacca Depart for Kuala Lumpur apply check

out and boarding procedures

Brief on route and scenery

0810 1440 Stop at padi field.

0910 1540 Seromban 1) comfort stop at rest house.

2) Visit museum

0940 1610 Seromban Depart for Kuala Lumpur

1100 1730 Kuala


Brief on check – in Kuala Lumpur in

general, optional tours

1115 1745 Kuala


Arrive at hotel

NOTICE BOARDS – IN HOTELSAs passengers will not have proper itineraries, they will be in formed

of their programmers through :

1) Yourself

2) Notice Boards at the hotel

1) Please indicate to passengers where the notice boards are and

they should always check their programmes.

2) It is your responsibility to see to it that the notice boards are



3) For Malacca, there will be no need for such notice boards as you

will be in charge of your group. You will have to tell the

passengers their programmes.

4) It is your responsibility to change the notice boards when your

group returns to Australia.

5) It is your responsibility to see that your notice board is clean and

should it be torn or soiled, you are to replace it immediately.


So as to avoid :

1) Inconvenience to other passengers.

2) Littering the coach

3) Littering the roads

No liquors or other hard drinks should be brought into and

consumed in our coaches.

Should such cases occur, please explain to passengers politely that

they should not do so.

However, please use your discretion if you are forced to decide.

No drinks of any kind are to be sold or offered to passengers either

by yourself of the driver. This instruction does not apply in cases of

emergencies, breakdowns or inconveniences. In fact, should such

cases arise, you are encouraged to buy passengers drinks either in

the coach or outside so as to sooth your passengers tempers.


As Garuda has chartered and paid for all arrangements, no other

persons except the following may board your coach :

1) Passengers listed on the manifest

2) Passengers not listed on manifest but holds a Qantas Jatabout

Holidays ticket.


3) Personnel of Harpers tours listed in the personnel chart and our

guides in uniform.

4) Persons holding a letter of authorization from Qantas Sydney, or

Kuala Lumpur only.

5) Persons holding a letter of authorization from harpers tours

Singapore, K. Lumpur only

Other than these listed under (1) or (2) all passengers travel on our

coaches on a sub – load basis. The maximum number of passengers,

excluding driver and guide, on our coaches is 35 irrespective of

coach seating configuration.

Should you come across any passengers who are not listed above

but wish to board our coaches please politely explain that

authorization from our office or that of Qantas is necessary. The

main reason being that, should you contravene the above, our

insurance policies become null and void.

Not withstanding the above instruction, you may make the final

decision but full responsibility will have to be borne by you.

All such instances must be reported, not only by phone at the

earliest convenience but also in your tour report forms.

You are not allowed to collect any fares in kind or otherwise from any

passengers whether listed above or not, unless, their letter of

authorization instructs you to do so. Should this be the case, the

amount to be collected will be mentioned in the letter of authority.


As you all know there will be immigration check points between

Singapore and Malaysia.

Immigration clearance will supply as follows

a) At Johore Bahru for north and southbound traffic


b) At Singapore for Southbound only

Singapore – Kuala Lumpur

Immigration check will be at the causeway and the following must


a) Before arriving Johore Bahru Causeway, please collect all press

ports, and see that the immigration Card is fully completed here

again, when collection passports, please have a set system.

Should the forms not be completed, please ask these concerned

to do so on the spot.

b) Put all the passports in a eatehel separating these family

passports, that is more than one person in one passport so that

when you start counting the number of passports with the number

of passengers, there will be no mistake about that. Also note what

passports they hold for immigration statistics purposes.

Passports for the Driver and guide should be separated and

handed in together.

c) At the Causeway , a booth has been specially arranged just before

the bus check in and the customs checkpoint. The normal check

point for groups is at the first booth for the immigration check.

However, we have made arrangements to make it the last booth

and on officer will be available just to stamp the passports.

d) Should you have time, please do assist the immigration officer by

opening the passports or tearing out the cards. However do not

do so until you have asked the officer whether it is in order for

you to help.

e) After immigration and your coach is departing for Malacca, take

your own time to return the passports to the passengers.

However, before you do so, please enounce it over the PA system

that you are doing so and show them the remaining portion of the


immigration card. Tell them not to lose these cards as they will

have to be surrendered when they leave Malaysia.

Singapore – Penang ( By air)

Immigration will be normal to all passengers and Harper Gilfillan do

not have to handle this part.

Panang – Kuala Lumpur

No Immigration

Kuala Lumpur – Singapore

Immigration will be checked at Johore Bahru first. Then please apply

the following procedures.

a) Half – an – hour before arriving Johare Bahru please collect all

passports and check that the remaining part of the white cards

are in the passports.

b) On arrival at Johore Bahru Causeway the coach will stop by the


c) The guide will bring the passports down to the booth that is

available. Again, here help the immigration when necessary.

However, we do not is very simple. After the Johore Bahru

immigration clearance for exit, you will find that you will have to

move slightly down the road for customs. Please refer to customs

regulations in this part of the Manual .

Immigration will ales be conducted at the Singapore and of the

Causeway. Please apply following procedures.

a) As you will not be returning the passports to passengers after

immigration at the Johore Bahru Causeway, take all the passports

to the immigration office. Here. The bus will be parked at the and

of the building but the Immigration office the building but the

immigration office is at the entry-and if you can help the officer,

here, please do so.

b) Once cleared with immigration board the coach and check if

customs has already boarded the coach to check and find out


from customer if it is all right to proceed. Please return passports

to passengers and wish them goodbye at the end of the trip.

Especially for the sector Kuala Lumpur / Singapore where two

immigration checks are being done. Please notes.

a) Do not hand back passports after Johore Bahru immigration.

b) Before you tell the driver to drive off, please make sure that

Customs are happy about it.


Customs check are performed at the following points

a) Singapore – for Singapore / Kuala Lumpur and Kuala Lumpur /


Singapore – Kuala Lumpur

The check point on this sector is very simple. All you have to do is

inform the customs about the baggage in the coach. There should be

no checks actually but it would be good to inform them.

The customs check is at Johore Bahru when the following procedure

must apply

Whilst you are driving up from Singapore to Johore Bahru, after

collecting their passports, you should brief passengers of the

following in so far as the customs are concerned.

a) there will be a customs check at Johore Causeway and they

should not disembark from the coach.

b) All newspapers printed in Singapore should not be brought in.

they should hand the newspapers to the customs Department,

through the driver. Please explain that this is due to the feat that

the newspaper companies produce two editions. One for

Singapore and one for Malaysia, and that there is an agreement


between the Singapore and Malaysian Governments that no

newspapers should be brought in between the two countries.

c) All persons with liquor, perfumes, firearms and narcotics

should indicate this to the customs officers when they heard the


On arrival at Johore Bahru Customs check, please apply the

following procedures :

a) When a custom officer boards the coach, the driver must hand

ever all newspapers to him

b) Please tell the officer to cell out the names of the bags they wish

to check and also advise the driver to supervise the handling of

the baggage.

c) If he is satisfied, you can proceed to the immigration shed with

your passports and assist the officer where possible.

You will realize this is where most of the problems could crop up.

Passengers will usually comply if explained to them in a polite

manner. Please use maximum tact and initiative in dueling with

passengers, side-by-side with the customs officer.

Should you encounter the following problems, please action as


Import of Newspapers and printed matter

Should passengers refuse to hand over their papers, please smile at

them and say that it is your duty to indicate to the customs officer on

arrival, that they have a newspaper. Inform the passenger that the

chances are they will not take away the newspaper from him,

however, it in left entirely to the discretion of the customs officer.

Advise them that it is best to give it up. Should they still refuse to do

se, do not argue with passengers at all.


When you came into contact with the customs officer please tell him

about this, not in front of the passenger but before the customs

officer boards the coach.

Import of firearms, knives, Ammunition, Weapons of any nature and


The import of such items is not allowed unless a license has been

obtained obtained beforehand. Should you have such a case, please

indicate to the customs officer and it is all right to tell the customs

officer in front of the passenger in this case.

Should the case actually happen, you will find that the customs

officer will impound, that is take away the item. Please assure the

passengers that will be returned to them after they have returned

Singapore, provided they will make their own way up to Johoe to

claim the item.

Passages involved in this will have to complete a form of impound.

Import of liquor , Perfumery, cigarettes, Tobacco

The importation of the above articles are allowed. However, they are

subject to the following regulations :

a) Liguar – on bottle only for each adult passenger. An adult is

above the age or 16 years.

b) Perfumery – M $25 / Werth of perfumery puradult

c) Cigarettes – 200 sticks per adult

d) Tobaccos – ½ lb per adult

Should you have any problems ather than those listed above, which

we do not think you will have, our contact man at the customs is Mr.

Lim Cwo Chye who sits an the 2 nd floor of the building above where

the coach will be parked for customs.


Please never or ague with the customs officer. Let the passengers

argue with the customs officer as we do not hold responsibility to

that affect

Should the arguments with the customs officer run into a lot of

delays, please interrupt in a nice way and ask your discretion find

that the customs officer is right, which they should always be,

please inform the passenger/ s that he should atay behind and settle

the matter or comply with the customs. We do not wish this to tell

the passenger to handle the matter and take a taxi back to Singapore.

Should this arise, it is our responsibility to arrange a taxi for him and

send him back to Singapore at our expense.

Please do all possible to avoid such in incident.

Kuala Lumpur – Singapore

The customer check will be at two paints very close to each other,

that is, Johore Bahru and Singapore.

Singapore : Hero the customs check will be more difficult and we

would advise you to follow same procedures as those for Johore

Bahru on a trip to Singapura / Kuala Lumpur.

Should you uncounted any problems hare, please again, do not delay

the coach. Advise the passenger to stay behind to settle with the

customs. However again, it is our responsibility to arrange a taxi for

the passenger to be brought back to the hotel concerned and pay for


All the procedures at customs check points are very important and

you should study them carefully. Should you have any doubts

whatsoever of certain items, please do not hesitate to contact the

customs officer and explain to them.


As you will realize the customs Department can cause a great dual of

delays and inconvenience. This we will try to avoid by asking you to

be more friendly and tactful to the customs officers.


The Mumpuni programmed is a 12 month programmed and

it is not possible to produce a day roster. However, to

overcome this, we have adopted certain systems that will

assist you to know your duties throughout the year.


Where all movements are shown and your individual

guide code is on the left hand side of the chart. All tour

codes are the same as the group movement pattern

chart and you may refer to it.

Please note that the first 10 days of the chart is a phasing –

in period and the rest of the day are at a steady stats. This

means that your duties will be repeated every week and in

some cases, alternate weeks.

Please therefore go through your chart carefully


Where all details of your group is shown. Plase always

counter check both those systems against each other

systems against each other and advise ground

operations of any discrepancy before commencement of

your duties.

In your duty roster you will note :


1) You look after the group right through. Same look after

only one group whereas others more than one.

2) You look after the same type of groups right through,

some only one type. Others two types

3) Your positioning flight days, off days and hotel duties,

are indicated

4) No group number is mentioned except in your group

information form.

5) For transfers, time is indicated.

The following are reporting times Airports / hotel before

commencement of your duties. It is imperative that you

duties. It is imperative that you be there on time.

Accounting Procedures


All guides will claim the following times through their petty

cash forms :

1) Tips and entrance fees to places of interest as

given undex “ Tour Arrangements”

2) Tips to drivers

3) Small purchases such as sweets, frits or chips for

passengers’ consumption on longhauls.

4) Outstation allowances : M$ 5.00 per night

5) Meal Allowances :

Breakfast M$ 1.00


Lunch M$ 1.50

Dinner M$ 2.50

6) Taxi fares :

Airport / Hotel

Singapore M$ 4.00 per trip

7) All expense during emergencies so long as it is for

passengers comfort

8) Porterage on all MAS flights at airport, Malacca

Rest House and hotels in Singapore – In Separate


Such claims should be properly itemized and if possible

with receipts attached and should be submitted through

the appropriate Asst. Supervisor in our office after every



All drivers will be paid the same amount for meals and

outstation allowances as the guides, and shall be paid to

them by our office. Drivers must sign their claim chits

prepared by our office.

Office Accounting

The following account’s should be kept in the office :

1. Guides petty cash

2. Drivers’ allowance and overtime

3. Coach hire charges


4. Tips to hotels and airport porters

5. Optional tours – sales and expenses

6. Guides optional tours incentives

Payments – Out

1. Check invoice against contract

2. Check if charges have been incurred by us that should

be debited to contractor. If so please raise invoice.

3. Quote re-charge invoice number in invoice for payment.

4. Make out payment vouchers

5. Forward to supervisor for approval

6. Forward to Accounts Department for payment, keeping a

copy in our own files.

Payments – in

1. Check purpose of payment

2. Indicate on our invoice payment received, amount, date

and check number, if possible.

3. Forward to accounts department for posting and


Invoicing Qantas

1. For every group complete the attached charge forms in 4

copies for :

1 to Qantas

1 to folio


2 to copies of invoice

2. Raise an invoice on the 1 st and 15 th of every month


Group no Fax no ARR KUL Amount

3. Attach to our invoice :

1. Original of group charge form

2. Original of passengers’ manifest

4. Forward to tour Supervisor for checking and singning

5. Forward by hand to Qantas in Kuala Lumpur

To ensure regular and quick payments, please check our

invoices and charge forms carefully. This would also

ensure that no short billing will occur and, should it occur,

no one will tell you about it and your company will lose at

the end.

Petty Cash

The office petty cash circulation shall increase a maximum

of $ 2.500 at any one time and, from our calculation, this

amount need not be re-imbrued earlier than a 7 day’s


The petty cash shall be re-distributed as follows :

Jetabout Guides $100.00 each

Asst. Supervisor $ 100.00 each

Hilton office Receptionist $ 100.00 each


The remaining amount, which should be at least $500.00

should be kept by tour Supervisor in his safe after office

hours and Asst. Supervisor during office hours.

Petty cash accounts are subjected to inspection by your

accountant at any time and you would advised to keep not

only proper but up – to – date accounts.

Upon receipt of a claim from Guides, the Asst. Supervisor

will :

1. Check claims and certify

2. Pay amount and obtain signature of guide in proper


3. Keep such claim forms in your cash box.

4. Then petty cash box contains less than $ 200.00 compile

all claims and make a payment voucher

5. Forward to tour supervisor for his checking and


6. Forward to cashier for re-imbursement.

Please always ensure that your petty cash :

1. has sufficient funds.

2. kept in a safe place

3. spot checked by yourself regularly

4. up – to – date



To assist you, we have a coach chart in the Manual so that

you may know in advance which coach your group will be


The codes used are our general codes and you may use

the group Movement Pattern Charts for reference.

The drivers are informed of their duties one month shad for

a period of about one month. However, it is always good to

remind him to check his next duty just in case, especially

at the beginning of this programme.

Should there be any drastic changes to the coach

movements, you will be informed.



You, Seronok Tour Guides, are the image of Seronok


We cannot emphasize this enough, if you know that

your are presenting your most attractive manner and

appearance, you automatically gain confidence and add to

your charm. A neat, sell groomed appearance creates a

favorable impression, and unconsciously but very


definitely, orates a favorable impression and

unconsciously but very definitely, it reflects in your dealing

with other people. Your gestures are more natural ; you are

more friendly and tactful with your passengers.

We know there is a definite relationship between an

attractive appearance and an attractive personality, and it

is exemplified in the staff aboard our coaches.

The impression you make upon passengers…. How

you handle their problems… how you care for them ….

How you appear in their eyes…. Is a real and lasting

impression, you set the standards for the entire company.

What you do…. And how do it…. Is very important to all of


Our standards must be observed by all staff

throughout their service. There will be accessions when

opinions will be stated concerning matters relating to your

appearances. In these instances, supervisory decisions

prevail. These who do not mast the basic uniform and

growing standards are nit. Repeated violations – without

pay – until the standards are not. Repeated violations of

personal appearance regulations will subject the individual

to discharge.


How does one achieve, and maintain, the proper

image ? The very word “Harpers guide” has become

synonymous with feminine charm and beauty. Such

acclaim was not won without effort. The following

grooming standards, we believe, will help you to achieve

the aura of beauty and charm for which our guides are

justly famous.


Establish good skin care habits. Cosmetics must be

born for they flatter and protect your skin, however, they

must be neatly and tastefully applied – never overdone –

for a natural effect.

Eye make – up applied correctly can be most

attractive, but caution should be used be prevent an over

dramatic appearance. Extremes such as stark white

highlighters and heavy black lines should not be used.

Select one the shades of eyeshades which compliment

your aye color.

Lines on the lower list are no longer fashionable,

therefore are not to be worn with our uniform. A light touch

of mascara will do the trick.


False eyelashes may be worn providing they present

a natural appearance and remain properly applied. False

eyelashes should give just the suggestion of slightly linger

and fuller lashes. All false eyelashes are subject to

supervisory approval.

Lipstick must be worn at all times while in uniform

The color should be in the pink or coral family and be

brighter than your natural skin tone. Shades of frosted or

transparent lipstick may be worn only in this same color



Your hair should truly be your “crowning glory” to

achieve this and , it must be kept clean and free of dandruff

at all times. Adopt a style which is easy to maintain. The

style must be one that is both becoming and neatly


The Harpers image is a shorter hair look, the referee

you hair must being longer than two inches below the jaw

line and styled to else the whose coiler in the back. The

only exception in the roared ashington hair style, secured

at the Napa with plain barrette or uniform colored in the

back. The only exception is the George ashington hair –

style, secured at the nape with a plain barrette or uniform


color ribbon. From the aberration or ribbon the hair should

extend a minimum of four to a maximum of night inches.

A barrette, heading or ribbon may be worn in

controlling the hair. If hairpin are worn, they must remind

hidden from view.

French twisted chignons and extreme bouffant styles

are not permitted. Any style which fall forward on the face

in not compatible with our look and is not accede table

If hair coloring is used, it muat compliment the

natural skin tonus. Such shades as harsh brown, silver

platinum and blended are not acceptable as they are

obviously unnatural. Hair coloring must cover the new

growth of hair at all times. Frosting and streaking are

acceptable as long as the color variance is not extreme. All

hair coloring is subject supervisory approval.

Many fashionable hairstyles may be enhanced the

use of hair pieces and wigs. They may be worn provided

they are of good quality, meat style and length regulations,

are natural in effect, and are properly maintained.

Hairpieces and wigs also subject to supervisory approval.


Well manicured hands are essential part of your

overall personnel appearance. It should be remembered

that the care of your nails must always be accomplished in



Wearing nail polish is optional. If you choose to wear

it, the color of your polish should be in the same coral or

pink family as your lipstick. Frosted polish must also meat

basic color requirements. Clear polish may be substituted

for a colored one. When nail polish is worn, it must neatly



The use of Dee do rants and antiperspirant is

required. If, as occasionally happens, you should develop

an allergy to your favorite brand. This is not valid reason

for being unprotected. A light cologne is alse advisable,

but should perfumes be used only the min mum crops may

be applied to your skin.

Special attention should be given to wearing a light

daytime fragrance.


It is the individual’s responsible laity to rainiest

replacement of uniform and uniform accessories on an

annual basis and / or as required. Alteration and variation

of the uniform by the individual is not permitted.

No pens or pencils will be permitted clipped into the

blouse. The only visible necessary allowed to be pinned on

the blouse is the Harper badge and name tag.



Comfort is very much in fashion – as we have

selected a style that is comfort ble for you.

The working shoes must be cream – colored. They

must be worn at all time while in uniform. Patent leather,

decorations, or extreme styles are not permitted.


The regulation cream-caleured handbag, in unison

with the shoes, is the only one to be carried wit the

uniform. The handbag may be worn over the shoulder.

The uniform handbag is not tube worn with civilian

clothes at the home base or otherwise.

Handbag contents are to be kept areerly and to a



Sunglasses with conservative frames, non-reflective

and lightly tinted glas es may be worn off the coach out of



Eyeglasses may be corn only if you are certified be

being short-sighted.


Jewelry acceptable with the uniform is as follows

a. Earrings


If earrings worn, the only ones permissible are these

that are conservative or plain, and harwenized with your


b. Bracelets

a plain and simple wrist watch and plain link bracelet

way be worn

c. Neck Chains

Neck Chains must remain concealed within the blouse at

all times.

d. Rings -> rings worn while in uniform should be



TAPE RECORDED MUSIC is played over public address

system. Music is played during boarding and

disembarkation and cruise. The control switch for the

playing of music is located on a control panel with the

public address system. The guide is responsible for

monitoring this system..

DOCUMENTARY TAPES are played over the public address

system at certain appointed time and place and only on




Announcements that are given at the right time and with

the right amount of clarity and expression, play an

important part in providing good passenger service. The

passenger who is unaccustomed to tours may feel ill-at-

ease until an announcement provides him with answers to

the questions that concern him. He will be told what

services he is about to receive and what sights are

available to him. His trip will be made more interesting by

announcements that tell him of the sights and its

background, the weather, the destination and point out

ether places of interest, delays and diversions if any.

No one can make a proper announcement who has not

practiced his delivery and who does not know his subject.

All Guides are to to study and practice the Stan pleasantly,

completely, and with no grammatical errors.


These are the “do’s” :

1. Hold the microphone at a right angle ½ to 1 inch from

your lips.

2. Speak slowly and annunciate clearly. If you feel self-

consciously slow, you are probably using just about the

right delivery rate.


3. Keep the tone pleasant and the voice confident. Anxiety

will be detected by the passengers and your may spread

to them.

4. Keep the expression pleasant also – it is reflected in the


These are the “DO NOT’S” :

1. Never blow into the microphone to test the circuit. It is

annoying to the passengers. The circuit can be tested by

pressing the button on the microphone and listening to

the amplified “click” or by starting the announcements.

2. Never use the phrase “attention, please”. It is not polite

way of gaining the passengers attention. It is too abrupt

and may alarm the passenger. The term “ attention all

passengers” is reserved for emergency situations.

3. Never let the urge to play with the system over come

your good taste. Over use misuse will nullity all its


4. Never make announcements during embarkation or


5. Do not stand in the aisle in close proximity to the

loudspeakers while making announcements . the proper

place from which to make announcements is at the

microphone station. Moving away from this position may

produce a whistling or squealing sound in the

loudspeakers which is known as “feedback”. If feedback


occurs, change your position and the direction of the

offending loudspeaker. If, in spite of correct position and

microphone usage, feedback still occurs, adjust the





Cultivate your oar to hear voice qualities and vocal

characteristics in other, and you will then become a

better judge of your own voice quality.

Compare the use of the voice in different situations.

Notice how moods and feelings influence the voice

quality. Observe the relationship in others between good

breathing and good voice quality.


Begin with good posture. A vibrant and rich specking

voice goes along with a lively and enthusiastic person.

Remember that voice production is not confined to the

thrust area, but rather is a function of a well co-ordinate,

flexible body.




The chest, the threat , the nasal passages and the areas

of the and head which are capable of producing rich

overtones are known as resonators.

The sounds represented by the letters M, N and NG have

greatest resonance. These are the only sounds that are

so completely resonant that even the nasal passages

vibrate during their production.

For more resonance, emphasize the M’s, N’s and NG’s


Speak distinctly. Don’t final consonants, especially final

T’s or D’s or the G in an ING ending.



In pitch, in volume, in expression and emphasis.



1. Always be spick and span in your uniforms.

2. Always be well groomed in hair-do, make- up and even



3. Always have a broad Indonesia smile and remain

smiling even at time immense pressure from home,

office or passengers.

4. Always be able to understand passenger’s needs.

5. Always inform your passengers in advance of passing

sights, visits and all changes.

6. Always remind your passengers of next day’s tour


7. Always respect your passengers and do not emphasis

or repeat announcements too often.

8. Always be independent in your duties and yet keep your

office informed at all times.

9. Be able to converse freely, but with good mannerism,

with your passengers, if your cannot answer a query

always apologies and arrange to find the correct


10. Be informed of all aspects of development in

Indonesia read your newspapers regularly.

11. Never argue with passengers or with your colleagues

and drivers in front of passengers.

12. Never use your passengers by calling them nemes.

13. Never belittle your passengers by calling them


14. Never belittle your country or office. Always be proud

of it.

15. Never panic in cases of emergencies.


16. Your are not only representing your country but also

yourself. Be prod of yourself, so long as you do not

belittle others whilst being proud.


Tips, Entrance Fees, Porter age

This suction duals with the cash float which will be handed

over to the guides. Further it will indicate what you will

have to pay and what has already been contracted. Please

follow the procedures carefully as we cannot allow. Due to

the magnitude of this programme, you to make decisions,

unless it is a question of only amount lese than : & 5/- per


Amount of cash float per Guide : M$100 / - for following

items :

a) Tips and Entrance fees as indicated in notes on

tours during tours.

b) For Emergencies during longhauls

c) For toll charges.

d) Porter age at subang airport – arrival & departure

e) Outstation Allowances at $ 10/- per night

f) Bus tips to Drivers.

Guides will claim back the amount expended and always

keep the cash float which they will be holding personally,

to a $ 100/- at all times if possible. Please claim from tour


Singapore when you have utilized any amount and the tour

supervisor will hand you a form whereby you will in the

details and the amount will be collected from him. A copy

of form is attached, for specimen purposes.

The following will be taken care of by Harper Gilliland, in

the form of Vouchers which the tour supervisor in their

respective will issue hand over to the Guide before the


a) Zoo admission fees ( Camera fees on fax, account)

b) Lunch in Malacca

c) Porterage at hotels

d) Accommodation for guides an outstation


Checking of Coaches

As you all realize, especially on the long hauls, all coaches

should be in good condition

The conditions that we look for under normal

circumstances would be :

a) Fuel

b) Engine running order

c) Air-conditioning


d) Outside appearance which should include the Lego

bet bout holidays

e) Inside appearance which should include clean

floors and clean racks

f) The public address system as well as the tapes

that should be contained in it.


Guide is to always check coach neatness and cleanliness

upon arrival of the coach and during tour, and to report to

ground operation any items to be replaced or that demand

apical attention.


Be sure carpets are secure and free from newspapers.

Food debris and litter. Always sweep up broken glass

immediately (broken glass should be put into a brown

paper bag before throwing it into refuse bin. )


Keep curtains fastened back unless a passenger wants

them closed. Window screen are closed lightly



Keep only small items on the overhead racks. Should they

become badly soiled, they are to be cleaned at the next

station. Watch for heavy, bulky or pointed objects in the

racks. These items must be placed somewhere else


Ash trays may be removed and emptied when necessary

enroute . Watch for smoldering ash trays.


This is the most important part of the longaul operation

other than the part of getting passengers on to the coach.

As you will realize all you need is one piece of baggage

absent or one piece of baggage which the bell bous loaded

in error, you will find that there will be a chain reaction

happening at both ands.

Please be very careful with this operation and make sure

that the following procedure is followed.

As the hotels have been advised to collect baggage’s from

the rooms one hour before departure, you will find that on

your arrival at the hotel is at least half an hour before, the

baggage’s should be in a certain area. Please action as

follows :


1) Check with the bell captain where the baggage’s

are kept and the number of pieces.

2) With the name list that you have, check one by

one tick off on your list indication ales how many pieces

of baggage.

3) Add up your total baggage

4) Once you are satisfied with the number of bags,

load them to the help of the Driver and see that bags are

arranged in good order.

5) Baggage belonging to the Driver and guide must

be separated from that of the passengers and we

suggest they be kept in the front. This is due to customs

regulations as explained to the company by the customs

Department Johore Bahru

6) During your roll call announce the number of

pieces of baggage that you have checked through, in so

far as they tally with the passengers.

7) Should there be someone who raises his hand to

say that his baggage is not there, tell him to see the Bell

Captain informing him that a bag is missing.

Please realize that it is very important that whilst ticking

the baggage against the name list in the hotel, you will

have to be very careful


Should there be any baggage messing, please make

sure that the passengers write a note to the hotel there

and then. The passengers will have the right to decide

whether to continue the journey or to stay back.

However please explain to the passenger that should be

wish to wait for is bag/s, it is not our responsibility to

bring him to the next point unless bag be missing and

passenger wishes to continue on, please inform the

hotel that the moment the bag is located, they are to

inform the tour supervisor and it is the hotel’s

responsibility to forward the bag to the next destination.

Assure the hotel that we will assist wherever possible.

However it is not our responsibility should the bag, due

to the fault of the hotel, be mislaid.

Put the netting over them but no baggage should be

seen frame outside the coach. It is a government

regulation that na vehicles traveling on the road should

have baggage or articles of any description go above the

windscreen. This regulation must be observed at all

times. See that the netting is well hitched to the proper

points .

This is a precaution which is very necessary as an

emergency brake an emergency brake en route will

cause the bags to fly to the front and possibly injure the


passengers. This must be avoided at all coast as it will

be a costly mishap to the company

However, after crossing the baggage check – point these

bags belonging to the Driver and guide, should be put at

the back again

8) Drivers and guides are not allowed to bring any

extra cases or articles of any sort. They are only allowed

to bring sufficient clothing for their use during the trip.

Should you be found having articles which will cause

the customs to delay the coach, you will be held


As a guideline to loading which generally the driver knows

very well, the larger cases should always be kept at the

undercarriage. The smaller pieces of baggage should be

kept at the back of the coach. Hand luggage like handbags,

vanity cases, airline over be put on top of the baggage’s

after the netting is placed on however do not do this until

after customs clearance.

As indicated to you it is very important that the above

procedures be followed, otherwise it will become a waste

of time money and effort on the part of all concerned to see


that this project is carried through with the least amount of

complaints or dissatisfaction.


A programmed of such a nature will bound to create a

certain amount of emergencies, especially by the the long

hauls. However, if the procedures are followed with

thought, discretion, and most important of all initiative, the

number of emergencies will be cut down to practically nil.

However, we realize that there will be a few emergencies

and they ought to be reported in the forms.

We have, for the sake of convenience, classified

emergencies under these headings.

A) Illness of passengers, guides, drivers,


B) Coach Breakdown – Temporary / Major

C) Accidents – Minor / Major

D) First Aid boxes and its contents and


E) Floods – Minor / Major

Should any of these emergencies eccur, we would expect

you to know, if not memories, procedures listed in the

following pages. Please therefore, go through carefully


and, as mentioned curlier, use your initiative and judgment.

The Driver is always there to assist and you should make

use of his services.


A) Illness Passengers

Should any of the passengers fall ill, it is very important

for you establish how serious his illness is. It is not

possible for us to lay down a first aid manual or mention

exactly what to do with all cases. However, as a general

guideline we would ask you to utilize the following

procedures :

a) Announce if there is a Doctor or Nurse on board

the coach and request him or her to assist.

b) Should there be no such personal available, then

you will have to nurse the passenger the best way

you can.

c) Please ask them if a pill, such as aspirin, will assist

in any way. If so, please provide it.

Serious Illness

Please apply the following procedures

a) Locate the nearest hospital and hospitalize the



b) Inform the hospital that this is a tourist and bring

along his passport for identifying purposes.

c) Locate the nearest control station by phone and

inform them of such an illness and request them to

send soma one to the hospital to take care of the


d) Control office will arrange to stand guarantee for

payment. After the passenger has recovered it is his

duty to pay all bills.

e) All such expenses will be for the account of the

passenger and should be recovered from him before

he departs for the next destination

f) The guide should inform control office that once

passengers have recovered, please make

arrangements to have them sent back to should this

incur taxi fares of any sort, it is also for the account

of the passengers, unless one of our coaches happen

to pass by the area, they can to instructed to stopover

at the hospital to collect the passenger.

g) The moment control office in that area knows of the

illness, the guide will continue the journey. Control

office will take over and lock after the client.

h) Control office will then inform whichever is nearest to

them of this incident as a formality.

Illness of passengers is of great importance is us. All

personnel, wherever possible, should assist and make sure


that the person who is ill, receives not only medical

attention but sympathetic attention from local staff. We

must make them feel at home.

Illness – Guides

Should guides fall ill, the main thing to do would be to

inform the tour supervisor of the illness and what your

duties are for the next two or three days. You could do this

either by phone or having someone contact the Tour

supervisor whose address and phone is in the manual. As

much notice as possible must be given. However, we do

not expect you to fall ill half – an- hour before your duties.

The tour supervisor will then tell you where to go for your

medical attention which of course will be paid by the


Illness – Drivers

Please follow the same procedure as “ illness of Guides”

An exception is applicable here in so far as medical care is

concerned. We are not responsible for the medical care of

all Driver of coaches. We only contract the coach with the

driver and there is nothing in it that states that they are to

be immured for medical expenses by us. All medical claims

should be directed to their own companies.

Illness – Tour Supervisors


Should the tour supervisor fall ill, which we hope they will

not, please pass on your next few days assignments to the

travel manager. Travel manager will then assign another

person capable of handling the job. Should a case where

Travel Department cannot the office who will arrange for a

temporary assignment of one the tour supervisor.

All illnesses of any nature to anybody stipulated above

must be recorded in the Tour Report From, under the

section “remarks”

B. Breakdown of Coaches

For a program of such magnitude, the element of

breakdowns, either temporarily, minor of major, is very

likely. By breakdowns, we mean mechanical breakdown of

the coaches. Please apply the following procedures :

a) Locate mechanical breakdown

b) Assess damages

c) Discuss with Guides the extent of breakdown

d) Establish for a fact whether driver can repair the coach

within the hour

e) If unable to repair the coach, please request Driver to

make the call to tour supervisor nearest area of


The guide’s duty is to look after the passengers whilst the

Driver is to look after the coach. The guide should always

inform the passengers exactly what is happening and it is a


good idea to announce over the PA system if there is a

mechanic on board that may be able to assist. Never allow

the passengers to disembark unless the coach cannot be

repaired very quickly. The main trunk road is very

dangerous to stand around on. Should they need to

disembark, please announce to them that they should do

so but they should stay away from the road. They should

not step on to the road at all as this is a main trunk read

and vehicles pass by at great speeds.

Watch out for the children.

Should it be a major breakdown, where passengers will

have to wait for a long period, you may act upon one of

these procedures or a combination of them.

a) Stop local buses on route to final destination try to

obtain as empty bus. Board all passengers on the bus

without their luggage (luggage should be kept on our

coaches) bring them to the nearest town. However,

please inform the driver where you are going. Once you

reach a town accommodate them in a restaurant where

they can relax and have a drink whilst waiting for the

standby coach to arrive.

b) Stay at the spot, however, look for some shade for the

passengers and try to calm them down by having lots of

smiles and calm from you. Under such circumstances


the guide should never passengers that another coach

will be arriving within minutes when it could take hours.

Have the exact information from the driver when the

returns from the phone call, announce this information

to the passengers as calmly as possible

The wait at the spot should never extend to beyond 5 :

30 p.m. By 5 :00 p.m. if no coach is likely to arrive by

6:00 p.m, that is beginning to be dark, please do all

possible to stop local buses. Should the local buses not

be able to hold all of them, appoint one man as a group

leader for the first group, pay the fares and ask the

conductor to drop leader to wait for you there. The rest

of the members should go on the second bus that you

are able to stop.

c) Have the driver hurriedly repair the coach and have the

coach “limp” to the nearest town. However, you will

have to consult the driver on this as this is his coach

and his responsibility for the mechanical parts.

All breakdowns can be avoided generally, if the coaches

are well serviced and well looked after. It is of utmost

importance that all guides and supervisors should always

not only remind, but ensure that drivers service their

vehicles after a job. Another way of preventing a minor

breakdown from becoming a major one is to have the

confidence of the driver. The driver normally knows when a

coach is about to breakdown. If the driver has confidence


in you, he will discuss with you all possibilities and then

bath of you could decide as to the best course of action. In

this respect, the best thing to do would be to get the

nearest town.

When you and the Driver decide to “limp” to the next town,

try and select one that has got a hotel or a rest house. Of

course, if possible, major towns are the best.

Should this be the case and you happen to reach a town,

do not waste time contacting the control office. Get the

driver to go down to the bus terminus to locate the best

bus available, and charter it for the journey to the final

destination. In this case, put all baggage into the coach as

best you can. If not, contact a small Larry to carry the

baggage and make sure that the lorry follows.

The moment you have arranged this, telephone the control

office of what you have done. The driver will not be with

you as he must always look after the coach. The driver will

then contact the various contacts to have his coach

repaired in time.

This method of obtaining emergency standby coaches

should not be applied to if you are very aloes to the main


control station. Should this be the case, please use normal

procedures by contacting supervisor for his instruction.


C) Accidents

All accidents must be avoided at all casts. Guides must

inform the Driver if she feels that is going ton fast. As a

guideline, the maximum speed along unpopulated trunk

roads should be no more than 50 m.p.h and within villages

or cities, the speed limit should be lowered to 30 m.p.h.

Should the driver exceed the speed limits, whether he

cause he causes an accident or not, the Guide must report

such instances in the tour report form.

Very often on a high road, whatever precautions we take,

accidents sometimes become unavoidable. However all

unavoidable accidents are minor accidents. These

accidents are caused by other vehicles ramming into the

coaches. Evan to lower the incidents of such accidents

always remind the Driver to give way, rather than force his

way even though you have the right of way.

Should an accident mecum, please look after the

passengers first. The Driver will look after all administrative


details. The Guide must announce straight away to the

passengers the accident, apologia for it and keep the

passengers calm and collected. However you will certainly

appreciate that it is the Guide and the Driver who have to

be calm and collected you expect the passengers to be so.

Once the passengers are calmed down, locate the damage

and assess the extent of same. Discuss with the Driver

whether the coach is able to continue.

Notwithstanding all that has been said, all accidents must

be reported to the nearest police station. In such cases, the

Driver will report to the police station only after dropping

the passengers off at a restaurant for a drink. In such

cases, it will be in order for the guide to pay for drinks.

Please see to it that all persons injured must be looked

after apply “ illness” procedures.

Should the coach be damaged to an extent where it cannot

continue, please apply “ coach breakdown procedures “

All accidents and injuries however minor must reported at

once to the supervisor upon reaching the supervisor upon

reaching the destination. The supervisors will then obtain

the services of a doctor to check passengers. This

procedure will incur expenses on our part. However, it is

best that we expend this amount, which should not be too

great, rather than to face court actions claiming large

amounts. Foreign tourists normally do not claim to a tune

less then M$100,00/-


After all the accident details are booing looked after, the

tour supervisor must inform Singapore office of such an

accident, and before telephoning Singapore, no matter

what time it is, please have the full details.


D) First Aid Boxes

All coaches on the langhauls must have a first-aid box. It

must contain the following items :

a) Junior Aspire - One box

b) Panadol – One box

c) Entro via form - one box

d) Antiseptic TCP – One bottle

e) Jentian Vinlet - One Bottle

f) Cotton Wool - One roll

g) Bandages – one roll

h) Plaster - one box elastoplasts

i) Scissors – one pair

j) Thermometer – one

k) Tourniquet ( soft rubber tubing)

l) Arm sling – one

m)A supply of travel sickness began

n) Smelling salts – one bottle

o) One bottle drinking water to be replenished everyday

with one cup


All the above items must be checked and we cannot

emphasize the importance the importance of a new bottle

of water every run. This bottle is to be replenished by the

Driver. However, it is the guides responsibility to see to it

that be does.

The application of the various medicines your already

know, with the exception of Enter via form which is actually

very popular with Australians for the prevention of

stomach upsets. Entro inform is only given to passengers

when they request it and it should be taken at least one

hour before the meal or drinking of local water. The bottle

of water is for consumption of the pills on board the coach.

You will realize that it is not always possible to stop the

coach if someone needs a glass of water. This bottle of

water could also be used for those who are exhausted from

thirst. The purpose of the two rubber tubing’s are to be

used as tourniquets which should be applied abuse the

wound / cut on the major vein. The purpose of this is to

stop major bleeding about the wound/ cut on the major

Vein. The purpose of this is to stop major bleeding but

cannot be applied for more than 5 minutes at a time but

release the tourniquet slowly.


A note of caution, no medication is to be applied to

children unless the parents request it for them. Guides are

not allowed to apply, physically, medication on to children.

Should the parents request for it, please give the

medication to the parents. It is up to parents to apply the

medication parents. It is up to the parents to apply the

medication always have a witness standing by in cases of

medical application.


E) Floods

As you will all know, the months of November, December,

January are phone to floods. However, luckily enough the

sector Kuala Lumpur, Penang, Kuala Lumpur need not

worry about floods at all. The flooding area along our route

would be in the Malacca, Muar and Batu Pahat areas.

Let us deal with the precautions first. As a precaution will

all bearers of this manual inform all concerned that control

stations should be advised of heavy rains. It would be wise

for informants to check with the police station or weather

station of weather conditions. Should it be confirmed that

rain would continue falling. Should it be confirmed that rain

would continue falling, please check the time of tides. To


assess whether a flood is imminent or not, please apply the

following principle :

If continuous heavy rain has bean falling two hours before

the rising tide, then flooding will occur, one hour after the

tide is at its maximum.

You will realize that the Law-lying areas of Muar, Batu

Pahat and Malacca are close to the sea and rivers. Should a

downpour occur the night before and the tide is at noon,

the chances of flooding are nil. However, it is always good

to check with stations and consult with them the chances

of flooding at the time the coach will be in your area.

Should you feel that control station should know, which

you should always do, please inform them.

In case of flooding, please assess the situation as follows :

a) Area of flooding

b) Is this area within the routs ?

c) If so, is there an alternative route ?

d) If flooded, see if traffic is passable to motor vehicles of 3

tons and below

e) If passable, then our coaches which are in the region of

10 toners, will passable

Only when you are satisfied that our coaches will pass

through without any problems, all the way, then instruct

the guide and driver to go through it.


If the assessment of the situation is such that you feel at

certain sectors, flooding will impede she flow of traffic,

thus causing traffic jams and further flooding, please

advise Driver and guide to use a alternative routs. As a

suggestion here, the alternative route in cases of flooding

which should be in Muar, Batu Pahat and Malacca region, it

would be advisable to instruct the Driver to travel non –

stop from kuala Lumpur to Singapore via the Yeng Peng

Main trunk road. Should this be the case, please instruct

hotels to prepares box lunches.

In case or heavy flooding for day one traffic is stopped ,

please do not allow any vehicle to continue journeys to

begin. Journeys. In such cases, please follow the following

procedures :

a) Locate airline to obtain sufficient seats to fly passengers

out from areas to the next castigation.

b) Should this be in groups which have to split up it is in

order, so long as the day of departure coincides with the


c) Request Airline to cable Singapore who will in turn relay

message to Singapore airlines in Singapore to issue

necessary tickets to these passengers. However, should

time not permit such an action, which will normally take

24 hours, please go ahead and issue the tickets through


Harpers travel. This should be avoided whenever


d) Inform the respective station of the change in arrival and

instruct them to carry on from arrival transfer up to

departure transfer.


First Aid is the emergency care given sick of injured

persons until regular medical surgical aid can be

contained. First aid is temporary….. when a physician

takes over, the first-spider’s job is done

Much care of sickness or injury will present its own

special problems, but there are some general rules which

apply to practically all situations.

1. Obtain medical assistance as soon as possible.

2. Keep the victim lying down, his head level with his body,

until you have found out what kind of injury be has and

how serious it is .

3. Look for signs of hemorrhage, asphyxiation, shock,

wounds, fractures, etc. be sure that you locate all

injuries. Be not remove any more clothing than

necessary because exposure may increase shock


4. Treat injuries in order of their importance first, emerge,

second, asphyxiation, third, shock

5. Be not give any liquid or food to an unconscious person,

he might choke on it, do not give any thing by mouth to

a person who is vomiting or to one who has been injured

in the stomach, chest or abdomen.

6. Keep the injured person comfortably warm but be

careful not to apply too much heat.

7. Do not move an injured person, unless it is absolutely

necessary to do so in order to prevent further injury

8. REMEMBER that it is better to do nothing than to do the

wrong thing. SKILLFUL first aid treatment SAVES LIVES

but improper treatment, no matter how well meant, is

very likely to cause further injury…… or even death.


Severe hemorrhage is the first emergency treat it FIRST

Description What to do


If artery is cut, blood may be

bright red, may spurt rather

than flow

If vein is cat, blood may be

darker, may flow more



First apply pressure directly

to the would fasted bandage

compress firmly or apply

firm pressure with your



If bleeding cannot be

stooped by direct pressure,

use hand to compress artery

against done at appropriate

pressure point

Severe hemorrhage

Can cause


In a



Precautions :







Actually, the use for a

tourniquet is seldom

required. Crushing wounds

or large lacerations, where

large arteries are severed, or

in cases once of a body part

are the only tourniquet may

be justified.

The present procedure for

the use of the tourniquet

will be as follows :

1. place the tourniquet close

to the wound, but net at

the wound, but not at the


wound edge. There

should be unbroken skin

between the tourniquet

and the wound.

2. make sure it applied

tightly though to step

bleeding. Improperly

applied it may increase

bleeding and hasten


Description What to do

3. once the tourniquet it

applied it should not be

released, matter how long

it has been in place

except by a physician

4. a notation should always

he made and attached to

the victim, giving the

location and the hour of

the application

5. Improvised tourniquets

should be made of flat

material about two inches

wide ( a cravat bandage,

sleeking or a belt, for


example) don’t use rope

wire, or sash cord, they

may cause injuries to the

underlying tissues and

blood vessel


Common causes


Electric shock

Excessive amount of drugs

or alcohol

Inhalation of poisonous

gases or fumes

Lack of sufficient

Oxygen in the atmosphere





Do not give artificial

respiration if the victim is


Do not take time to give first

aid for any other injuries

except severe hemorrhage

Clear victim’s mouth and

throat of foreign object bring

his tongue forward so that

he will not choke on it.


Description What to do

Illness. i. e. poliomyelitis


Begin artificial perspiration

at once.

Continue artificial for at least

4 hours unless natural

breathing is reestablished.

When victim begins to

breathe on his own,

synchronize your actions

with his natural breathing


Keep victim lying down,

head slightly lower than

feet. Keep warm but do

not overheat him.





Shock is the third emergency. Only severs hemorrhage and

asphyxiation are more urgent






Cause : some degree of

shock follows all injuries,

severs shock is probable in

cases of hemorrhage, burns,

large wounds, etc.

Symptoms : Shallow, rapid,

irregular breathing. Weak,

rapid pulse cold, clammy


Profuse sweating

Extreme pallor as a rule

Pupils of eye dilated







1. WARMTH : keep victim

comfortably warm, but do

not overheat him. Light

covering usually


2. POSITION : Never lat

victim sit, stand, or walk

around, keep him lying on

his back, head slightly

lower than feet except.

For head injury – raise head


For chest wound or

breathing difficulty – raise

head and shoulders.


Description What to do



Weakness, faintness


Lock of responsiveness in

severe shock,


Caution : symptom may be

delayed or my be disguised

by ether signs of injury

For internal injury – keep

lying flat

3. FLUIDS give fluids in

smell amounts unless

victim is nauseated,

unconscious or has on

abdominal or chest

wound, tea, coffee milk,

or warm water may be


Face red – raise head

Face pale – raise feet





Types :

Abrasion : scraped or


Incision : cut

Lacerations : torn

Punctures : stabbed





Minor or surface wounds

should be tested by

applying tincture of

machicolate and a sterile


Serious or deep wounds


should be covered with a

dry sterile compress held

in place with bandage.

Precautions :

Do not wash or clean any

serious wound.

Do not apply tincture of

mentholated to serious

wounds, to the eyes, nose,

mouth, or genitals


Description What to do



Closed : No break in skin

Open : External wound

Symptoms :

Pain and shock

Possible deformity of part

Possible deformity of part

Localized pain & swelling

Lose of motion of part




Until injured part is



fracture is open



Use rolled blankets or

pillows, to extend from

the joint above to the joint

below the fracture

Apply over clothing, an

ugly, but not tight enough

to interfere with

circulation use triangle

bandage to support






1. Elevate the part and keep

as rest.


Symptoms may be mild or

very severe

2. Apply cold wet comprise

or ice – filled lei bag in

early stage (first 24 hours)

3. Apply firm supporting

bandage if victim must



Description What to do




Have him sit up, with

head Tipped back.

Loosen him. Collar and

tell him to Breathe

through his mouth.


Press bleeding nostril .

Against middle partition

Of nose. Maintain

pressure For about 4 or 5

minutes. Do not apply

pressure if the Nose is



Hold cold wet compress,

or Ice – filled lei bag over

Victim’s nose.

4. PACK NOSTRIL with long


Strip if bleeding is

prolonged and get

medical assistance.



Description What to do

Precautions :

Do not attempt to remove

foreign bodies with knives,

toothpicks or other sharp or

hard objects.

Do not use dry cotton near


Do not attempt to remove

any object which has

penetrated the eyeball.

Leave splinters in place and

get medical ettention.





Symptoms :

General disability

1. Keep patient warm, and at


2. Force fluids, give large

quantities of fruit juices,

water, tea, etc.

3. Give 2 aspirin tablets.


Headache & aching limba

Nasal congestion

Chills or Fever


May be due to epilepsy

Brain injury, etc

Repeat as necessary

every 4 hours

4. Protect victim from

external injury ; move him

away from a dangerous

place, but do not restrain

his convulsive



Description What to do

Symptoms :

Extreme restlessness and


Total or partial loss of


Convulsive muscular

movements (twitching,

thrashing, jerking, biting,


Lasting from a minute or two

to over a half hour

Involuntary action of bowel

and bladder

2. Prevent victim from

injuring himself. Place

cloth or other soft object

between upper and lower

teeth to keep him biting

tongue. Place pillow

under head to prevent if

from injury. Loosen all

constricting clothing.

1. Keep victim warm

2. Watch breathing.

Breathing may stop as

convulsive movements

stop and then begin again

spontaneously. If it does

not begin within one

minute, start artificial


3. Do not disturb victim


Do not attempt to restrain

convulsive movements.


Be sure victim’s tongue

does not fall back in

threat and obstruct

breathing after convulsive

movements cease. This

may be done by placing

patient on side or

abdomen with head

turned to side. Do not

disturb victim otherwise

during period of sleep or

unconsciousness which

usually follows

convulsive seizure.


Description What to do


Brief period of

unconsciousness with

spontaneous recovery

Symptoms :

Nausea, dizziness

Excessive perspiration

Pale, moist skin


1. Lower victim’s head. If he

is unconscious keep him

lying down, head lower

than feet, or elevate feet

above level of head.

2. Hold ammonia inhalant

under victim’s nose

3. Administer oxygen

4. If he does not recover in a

few minutes, got medical




May be due to food or


Symptoms :

Intestinal or stomach


Nausea and vomiting


Chills of fever

1. Give 2 tablets bismuth

sub carbonate. Dosage

may be repeated in 4


2. Give frequent, small

amounts of hot tea or

ginger ale. Avoid solid


3. Keep victim warm and at



May be due to food,

alcohol or intestinal gases.


Give alka – seltzer or

Glossily tablet


Description What to do


Symptoms vary greatly

Depending upon cause

May include

Pain in upper chest of chest

and arms.

Faintness – prolonged

breathing difficulty


1. Administer oxygen

2. Keep victim quiet. If he

has trouble breathing

prop. Him up. If he does

not have breathing

difficulty keep him lying

down. Do not let him

move about.

3. Reassure victim. If he

carries medicine for such

attacks , help him take it.

4. Get medical attention as

soon as passable


Insulin reactions securing

diabetic persons with have

administered too much

insulin to themselves in

relation to the amount of

sugar level which, in turn, is

manifested outwardly by

Most diabetic will recognize

these symptoms early and

will take sugar in the form of

candy, orange juice, etc to

correct the situation. If the

symptoms come on and

progress rapidly to the point


profuse sweating, paleness

skin, raping pulse, weakens

mental confession less of

consciousness and in some

cases convulsions

of mental confusion, a

diabetic may not be able to

help himself, in which case

he should be encouraged to

drink heavily sweetened

liquids. Do not try to force

an unconscious person to

drink liquids. Most diabetics

carry on their person a card

stating that they are

diabetics. It is good practice

to search for such a card on

the person of anyone

suddenly losing

consciousness. If loss of

consciousness occurs

before sweetened liquids

can be administered, there is

no alternative but to await

expert medical care for

further treatment.


Description What to do


Usually caused by rapid

rising or dropping of air

plane. Will vary with the

individual’s sensitiveness to

motion, nervous and

psychological reactions

Symptoms :



Cold perspiration

Dizziness & Faintness

Nausea & Vomiting


May be deep or partial

Unconsciousness is a

Symptom of many different

Illnesses and injuries


Head injury

Acute alcoholism

1. Give 1 Dramamine (1/2

tablet for children 6-12

years). This is more

effective if administered

before nausea develops.

Dosage may be repeated

in 4 hours

2. Administer oxygen if

patient is not vomiting

3. open fresh air vent

4. Change seating to front

seat if possible and make

as comfortable as


1. Administer oxygen

2. if victim is pale – keep

him lying down, head

slightly lower than feet

keep him warm.


Apoplexy (stroke)


Heart Attack

Insulin reaction


Heat exhaust on

Administer ammonia


3. If victim is flushed – keep

him down head and

shoulders slightly raised.

Apply cold wet cloths or

ice – filled lei bag to his

head. Cover only do not

administer ammonia



Description What to do

4. If breathing fails – give

artificial respiration

5. Examine for signs of

injury and treat injury


Never give liquid of food to

an unconscious person.

Do not assume victim is

drunk merely because you

find odor of alcohol on his


OXYGEN FOR INFANTS Procedure for Baby use :

4. IF infant is not breathing,

use the eve rocking

method. The infant is

racked alternately 450 in a

need down position, the

movements being

unaccomplished manually

in the arms of the



5. If infant is breathing give

oxygen, forming the

plastic mask to the infant’


1. Tour Operator’s Responsibilities

2. Operating Staff Responsibilities

3. Job Specifications

4. Guides’ Duties

5. Drivers’ Tasks

6. Tour Participants’ Entitlements

7. Group Movement Patterns

8. Arrival & Departure Transfers

9. Tour Arrangements

10. Notes to Guides

11. Tour Itineraries

12. Longhauls

13. Routing Charts

14. Notice Boards in Hotels

15. Drink On Board Coches

16. Immigration

17. Customs

18. Duty Rosters

19. Accounting Procedures

20. Coach Charts


21. Uniforms & Grooming Standards

22. Communications

23. 5 Steps to a better Voice and Good Speech

24. Notes to Guides

25. Coach Cleanliness

26. Baggage Loading On To Coaches

27. Emergencies

28. First Aids Instructions