Presenting you - the workshop

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Presenting You!
The workshop
Emma Jane Hogbin


You've signed up to be one of those hand waving people at the front of the room and your talk has been accepted. Congratulations! You have lots of things to say. Your module ROCKS! Your code is AWESOME. Your designs are SASSY. But your fear of presenting is also ... well ... a value larger than zero. Come learn how to transform your speaking experience from scary snarling dogs to kittens playing with yarn. (A longer pre-con workshop is also being planned.)

This slide show is released under the CC SA-BY-NC (Share Alike. By Attribution. Non-Commercial).


From competing in public speaking competitions, to teaching IT at community college, to delivering engaging and entertaining conference presentations, Emma Jane Hogbin (that's me) has a lot of experience in the art of talking. In this session you will learn some quick tips to help you with your own conference presentation. Specific topics will include:

* Story time: entertain me; inspire me

* Presentation styles: are you a Lessig or a Kawasaki?

* Timing and structure: how to fill up 45 minutes (and how not to go over)

* Presentation aids: your slides are for the audience, not for you to read

* Actionable items: have an impact by sending the audience home with a task


By the end of this session you will know how to develop and deliver a presentation that engages and inspires your audience.

for Dummies


Four activities:

1. Chisel away the extras.

2. Telling stories about your passion.

3. Choose an action item.

4. Plan your context, content and conclusion.

Share passion through presentation

Photo credit: Chrys, DrupalCon Szeged


Efficient conversation

Presentations are merely a efficient way of telling your story to a lot of people at once.

Simple and obvious

Chisel down to the heart of the story.

Photo credit: carf

Three tags that describe you.


Your story

Every time you open your mouth in public, you are a public speaker.

Photo credit: Chrys, DrupalCon Szeged

Those who practice improve.
Those who don't, don't.
Timothy Koegel

What story do you want
people to remember
about your passion?


Give a take-away message
to generate action.

Tell us your story.

Action items: choose one.

Photo credit: rhoadeecha

What is the one thing
you want the audience to do?


Ensure your audience has
the tools they need.

Military training:
1. Tell me what Im about to learn.
2. Teach me what I need to know.
3. Tell me what I just learned.

Plan your time

Plan your
Conclusion and Action


5 steps to a good presentation

1. Have a passion you want to share.

2. Plan to communicate.

3. Write a conference proposal.

4. Practice your message.

5. Present the highlights.


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Second Outline Level

Third Outline Level

Fourth Outline Level

Fifth Outline Level

Sixth Outline Level

Seventh Outline Level

Eighth Outline Level

Ninth Outline Level