Presentation orientation session

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Confidentiality• What is said here stays here

• Special Cases:

• Someone is danger to self/others

• Information leads beliefs of child abuse

Why are we here?

Program Procedure

• Parent “Training” Program

• Each session builds up to the next

• No new members can join after session 3

• 12 weekly 2 hour sessions begins at 5:30pm ends at 7:30pm

• 1 point per hour (see chart in folder)

• Attendance will be kept with calendar and folder that facilitator holds after each session until the next

• Phone calls from facilitator

• Parent Manuals

• Graduation Ceremony

• What can WE do to make sure our kids don’t get caught up in the drama?

• What do our kids need to avoid getting involved in family and community violence?

Family Drama

Cover Stories

“The Apple Does Not Fall Far From The Tree”

„Der Apfel fällt nicht weit vom Stamm“ “Яблоко от яблони недалеко падает”

虎父无犬子 De tal palo, tal astilla

la mela non cade lontano dall'albero it äpplet faller inte långt från trädet

Cultural/Spiritual Roots

We Live in Cycles


Early Childhood

Later Childhood


Elder hood


Abuse of Child

Repeated Abuse of


Adult Abuse

Repeated Adult Abuse

Elder Abuse

Violence in Environment

Violence at Home

Violence at School

Violence in Marriage

Violence in Death

© Developed by Juan Paz, DSW

January 2011






2.Violence Prevention/Enhancing

3.Ecological EnvironmentPositive Disciple

4.Rites of Passage

5.More Community Involvement

© Developed by Juan Paz, DSW

January 2011


Our Philosophies

• How WE think

• Environmental Influences

• What WE do

• Sometimes the influence is bad…..Sometimes it is good

• Our environment may trigger for drug abuse, violence, family stressors

The Blame Game

Pre Questionnaire


• Confidentiality

• Program Process

• Building Blocks for Success

• Cycles

• Our Philosophies

• Questionnaire

• Cycle of Life Review

• “Personal” and “Spiritual” Rites of Passage

• Special Time

• Clear Instructions

Think Questions

• Observe ways your child acts like you (how far is your apple from your tree?)

• Think about how you were disciplined as a child……has that influenced how you discipline your child?