Presentation of the wild duck

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power point presentation by zarghoona malik on themes of "Wild Duck "

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Idealism and realism are philosophical theories propounded by two Greek philosophers Plato and Aristotle, respectively.

Plato is known as father of idealism while Aristotle is known as father of Realism.

In a layman’s language , idealism is a theory that professes that reality exists only in ideas. It also states that ideally , every thing and every one should be perfect and flawless. Realism , on the other hand, has a more practical approach of looking at things. Realism stats that things and people should be accepted as they are, that is, with all their defects and weaknesses.

Idealism and Realism

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Realist IdealistIdealist, on the other hand , are nonconformists who are most likely to revolt against the set norms.

While idealism is the theory of futurists.

Idealists on the other hand ,aim for perfection. They set high goals for themselves and others.. They believe that humans have vast potential, which should be bind properly to achieve excellence .

Realists are basically conservative people who follow the convention of the society and thus, are more secure socially.Realism is the theory , of the people who live in the present. Realists, settle for mediocrity. They only aim for achievable targets. That is why to accept some thing extra ordinary from them is out of question.

Difference between Realist and Idealist

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Idealists on the other hand , are very impractical in today’s world. Idealists are basically dreamers, who only look for a ideal and that too in the future.

Idealists claim that men should face the reality.

Realist are more grounded in reality and better prepared to deal with the world around them.

Realists claim that whatever life are, you should accept it

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Gregers Werle , an idealist in the playHis preach “the claim of idealism” to

every oneHis conflict with his fatherWerle’s betrayed of Ekdal’s familyHis revelation of Gina’s past life to


Idealist in the play

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Gregers claim of

idealism and demolition in

happy family’s life

Hjalmar rejection of Hedvig

Gregers’ suggestion for

Hedvig to kill the Wild Duck

to win Hjalmar love again

He says: “if you had genuine , joyous, courageous spirit of self-sacrifice, then he would come back to you. But I still have faith in you, Hedvig”.

Tragedy or demolition by the claim of idealism

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But Hedvig instead of

killing the Wild Duck kills

herself. And shows

self-sacrifice ,which is

another big shock for Hjalmar.Thus Gregers idealism

brings about a tragedy in the domestic life of Hjalmar and Gina

Idealism is fine, but as it approaches reality the cost becomes prohibitive. William F Buckley

Tragedy in the play

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Extreme of every thing is bad either it is idealism or realism. Inflexibility of idealism can prove dangerous.it may be satisfy the mind of an idealist but it brings demolition in some ones life. A man need not to tell the truth if it brings destruction. as it has been said that,

“ a lie that protect the life is better than a truth that destruct the life”.

so claim of ideal should not be imposed upon every body and that some discrimination is needed in selecting persons to whom the claims of ideal may be preached. All human beings are not capable of accepting the claims of ideal and, even if they do get ready to accept these claims, all of them may not be able to endure the reality which emerges when the veil is torn away to reveal the truth.


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The term realism is used to

describe a moment in literature

that attempt to portray life as it is

Realism rejects imaginative

idealization in favour of a close

observation of outward



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Truth and falsehood

Relling belief of illusion that illusion

is some time more than questioning of


“Life is not a problem to be solved, but a reality to be experienced.”

Soren Kierkegaard An idealist believes the short run doesn't count. A cynic believes the long run doesn't matter. A realist believes that what is done or left undone in the short run determines the long run.

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In the end whether it is

right or wrong to maintain

illusion, is not a significance

as the question of who has

the right to determine what is real and

what is wrong is true for otherBy using the term realism to portray the value of illusion Ibsen produce complicated question about what is real and what is some time necessary illusion.


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Characters in play

who are in life illusion

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Hjalmar's illusion

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Imaging himself in forest and hunting bears

Wore lieutenant uniform to imaging himself still in army

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HappinessBelieve in the relationAcceptance of lifeDesire to live the lifeExample from our surrounding

Effect of their illusion

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Reality is bitter and illusion is acceptable

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