Present Participle, Past Participle & Explanation Text Group 5 1. Fennita Auliana (14) 2. Grace Jessy C. (15) 3. Kezia Christha F. (17) 4. Novellia K. U. (24)

Present Participle, Past Participle, Explanation Text

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Page 1: Present Participle, Past Participle, Explanation Text

Present Participle, Past Participle


Explanation Text

Group 5

1. Fennita Auliana (14)

2. Grace Jessy C. (15)

3. Kezia Christha F. (17)

4. Novellia K. U. (24)

Page 2: Present Participle, Past Participle, Explanation Text

Participle :

Kata kerja yang telah dikata-sifatkan, dan berfungsi

sebagai kata sifat yang memberi sifat atau keterangan

kepada noun.

Page 3: Present Participle, Past Participle, Explanation Text

Present Participle

Present Participle adalah kata kerja yang berakhiran –ing

yang mengandung arti aktif dan menunjukkan waktu sekarang.

Page 4: Present Participle, Past Participle, Explanation Text

1. Present Participle sebagai Adjective bisa diletakkan didepan kt.benda (noun)

yang mendapatkan keterangan sifat itu; sebagaimana kt.sifat biasa. Dalam hal

ini mempunyai arti aktif.


a. Afsa opened the envelope with trembling hand. (tangan yang gemetar)

b. The poor boy is swept by rushing water. (air yang deras)

c. In the distance we saw a running horse. (kuda yang berlari)

d. Suddenly he was surrounded by ten laughing little boy. (10 laki-laki yang


Page 5: Present Participle, Past Participle, Explanation Text

2. Digunakan sebagai adjective, bisa juga diletakkan di belakang kt.benda yang mendapat

keterangan sifat itu, apabila diiringi oleh kata-kata lain, maka participle dan kata-kata yang

mengiringinya itu serupa dengan anak kalimat keterangan sifat.

Contoh :

a. The chinese people is the largest community in the world which posses a common written


Participle : The chinese people is the largest community in the world possesing a common

written language.

b. I saw the boat which was sinking.

Participle : I saw the boat sinking.

c. I heard the girl who was singing

Participle : I heard the girl singing.

d. At last we come at a small village which lies to the north of the river Brantas.

Participle : At last we come at a small village lying to the north of the river Brantas.

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3. Bila ada peristiwa yang mempunyai 2 subjek yang sama dan terjadi pada waktu

yang hampir bersamaan, salah satu dari keduanya dapat dituliskan dalam present


Contoh :

a. He rode away. He whisled as he wants.

Participle : He rode away whistling.

b. When I was walking to school. I saw him there.

Participle : Walking to school, I saw him there.

c. They were happy. They were traveling in Bali.

Participle : They were happy traveling in Bali.

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4. Bila ada suatu peristiwa yang segera diikuti oleh peristiwa lainnya dan hal itu

dilakukan oleh subjek yang sama, maka peristiwa yang pertama sering

diungkapkan dengan present participle.


a. He opened the drawer and took out a revolver.

Participle : Opening the drawer, he took out a revolver.

b. She raised the trap door and painted to a flight of steps.

Participle : Raising trap door, she painted to a flight of steps.

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5. Present participle dapat juga menggantikan : as/since/after/because/ + S + V


a. Because I didn’t know what to do, I called the police.

Not knowing what to do, I called the police.

b. After I had put down my newspaper, I walked over to the window and

looked out.

Putting down my newspaper, I walked over to the window and looked


c. Since the city surrounded by the mountain, the city has a cool


Surrounding by the mountain, the city has a cool climate.

Page 9: Present Participle, Past Participle, Explanation Text

Past Participle

Past Participle adalah kata kerja yang diberi akhiran –ed

untuk regular verb dan irregular verb (mengandung arti pasif

dan menunjukkan waktu lampau).

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1. Past participle dapat digunakan sebagai kata sifat yang letaknya sebelum atau

sesudah noun. Dalam hal ini mempunyai arti pasif.

a. Diletakkan di depan kata benda yang diterangkan sifatnya, apabila participle

itu menyatakan keadaan.

Contoh :

Rice must be grown on flooded field (sawah yang berair)

We all have tried hard to calm down the frightened boy (anak yang ketakutan)

b. Diletakkan dibelakang kata benda yang mendapatkan keterangan sifat, bila

participle itu menyatakan perbuatan.

Contoh :

Can you tell me the number of men killed? (orang yang terbunuh)

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2. Past participle digunakan sebagai kata sifat dalam kata sebutan (predikat)

yang memakai to be.

Contoh :

1. Yoga is very excited to see Intan again.

2. Reza is interested in korean pop.

3. I’m so worried about him

4. Ridho is bored with the geography lesson

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3. Past participle dapat pula digunakan sebagaimana adverb yang

menerangkan bagaimana atau mengapa sesuatu terjadi.

Contoh :

1. I had lost all my money, I went home

Participle : Having lost all my money, I went home

2. Risa had bullied by all her friends, Risa moved to USA

Participle : Having bullied by all her friends, Risa moved to USA

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4. Past participle dapat digunakan setelah kata kerja yang biasanya

mempunyai arti pasif (have, get, want, see, prefer, like, find, feel, etc).

Contoh :

1. I found the car covered with dust.

(Saya mendapati mobil itu tertutup debu)

2. I saw Wilan slapped by his father.

(Saya melihat wilan dipukul oleh ayahnya)

Page 14: Present Participle, Past Participle, Explanation Text

Explanation Text

What is an Explanation?

Explanations are used to explain events

and processes, or to tell you how and

why something works.

The Structure

1. A general statement of what is going to

be explained.

2. Sequenced explanation/step by step

details of how and why the event or

process happened, or how something


3. Closing

Features of the text

1. Write it in simple present tense.

2. Use time connectives, like then, next,


3. Use cause and effect connectives, like

because, so, this causes.

Page 15: Present Participle, Past Participle, Explanation Text

How to Make Paper from Woodchips

Woodchipping is a process used to obtain pulp and paper products from

forest trees. The woodchipping process begins when the trees are cut down in a

selected area of the forest called a coupe.

Next the tops and branches of the trees are cut out and then the logs are

taken to the mill. At the mill the bark of the logs is removed and the logs are

taken to a chipper which cuts them into small pieces called woodchips. The

woodchips are then screened to remove dirt and other impurities. At this stage

they are either exported in this form or changed into pulp by chemicals and

heat. The pulp is then bleached and the water content is removed.

Finally the pulp is rolled out to make paper.

Page 16: Present Participle, Past Participle, Explanation Text

How to Make Paper from Woodchips

Woodchipping is a process used to obtain pulp and paper products from forest trees. The woodchipping process

begins when the trees are cut down in a selected area of the forest called a coupe.

(Woodchipping adalah proses yang digunakan untuk memperoleh produk bubur kertas dan kertas dari pohon-

pohon hutan. Proses woodchipping dimulai ketika pohon ditebang di area yang dipilih dari hutan yang disebut


Next the tops and branches of the trees are cut out and then the logs are taken to the mill. At the mill the bark of

the logs is removed and the logs are taken to a chipper which cuts them into small pieces called woodchips. The

woodchips are then screened to remove dirt and other impurities. At this stage they are either exported in this

form or changed into pulp by chemicals and heat. The pulp is then bleached and the water content is removed.

(Selanjutnya bagian atas dan cabang-cabang dari pohon tersebut dipotong dan kemudian batang-batang

kayunya dibawa ke pabrik pengilingan. Di pabrik pengilingan kulit kayu akan dihilangkan dan batang-batang

kayu tersebut dibawa ke mesin pemotong kayu (chipper) yang memotong batang-batang kayu tersebut menjadi

potongan-potongan kecil yang disebut serpihan kayu (woodchips). Serpihan kayu tersebut kemudian disaring

untuk menghilangkan kotoran dan benda-benda lainnya. Pada tahap ini mereka bisa diekspor dalam bentuk

tersebut atau dirubah menjadi bubur kertas dengan bahan kimia dan panas. Bubur tersebut kemudian

diputihkan dan kadar airnya akan dihilangkan.)

Finally the pulp is rolled out to make paper.

(Akhirnya bubur kertas tersebut digulung untuk dibuat kertas kertas.)



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