Art, Media and Society Global Communication Ritual in Society Jeugdliteratuur Premasters Culture Studies

Premasters Culture Studies (Art, Media and Society; Global Communication; Jeugdliteratuur; Ritual in Society)

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Art, Media and Society

Global Communication

Ritual in Society


Premasters Culture Studies

Tonight’s Program

17:00 – 17:45 Information on Pre-Master’s Program (DZ 1)

• Choice and admission

• Content of Pre-Master’s Program

• Studying and practical matters: study load, lecture

schedule, study costs, enrollment

19:00 – 21:15 Information Market (Academia Building)

Students’ experiences, check out study materials, individual

questions for the Academic Advisor


Choice and admission

Pre-Master’s Program: why and for whom?

• Change of insight during your studies

• Looking for extra challenges or more in-depth knowledge

• Different or better career perspectives

• Opportunities in the labor market / job prospects

• Feeling too young to apply for a job

• Personal growth

Pre-Master’s Program: why and for whom?

Master’s Program (60 ects)

Pre-Master’s program (30 -60 ects)

Higher Professional Education


equivalent previous education

Admission to master

You are admitted to the Master’s Program with:

• a Bachelor’s degree in Culture Studies from Tilburg University

• a Bachelor’s degree in Culture Studies from another university

(considered equivalent by the Board of Admissions)

• a completed Pre-Master’s Program of Culture Studies from Tilburg


Admission to Pre-master

Admission to the Pre-Master’s Program is possible with:

• a diploma of Higher Professional Education in the relevant study


• a university Bachelor’s degree that does not allow immediate

admission to the Master (e.g. Economics, Psychology, Law, Sociology)

Pre-Master’s Programs

Pre-Master’s Program

• All programs are equivalent to 30 – 60 ECTS

• Starting time: September

• The courses involved are a selection of Bachelor’s courses

• Academic Skills are an important part of this program (e.g. Doing


• You will be taking the courses together with Bachelor’s students

Pre-Master’s Program Art, Media and Society

Premaster AMS (30-60 ECTS; norm 42)

Semester 1

Transformations of the public sphere (Ned/Eng)

Doing Research 2.1 (Ned/Eng)

Discourse and Media Theory (Eng)

Life writing van Rousseau tot Facebook (Eng)

New Media and Politics (Eng)

Interpretatie van cultuuruitingen (Ned)

Cultuurgeschiedenis 1 (Ned)

Semester 2

Doing Research 2.2 (Ned/Eng)

The truth of fiction (Ned/Eng)

The private life in the digital world (Eng)

The Digital Individual (Eng)

Doing Research the basics (Ned/Eng)

Retorica in het publieke debat (Ned)

Populaire cultuur en celebrities (Ned)

Example of a course:

Transformations of the public sphere

Also for Pre-Master Jeugdliteratuur

Theories and practices regarding the European public sphere(s).

Main institutions of a public sphere: television, news papers, social media, city

space. How do they work, who are the most powerful figures, and which topics

are considered most urgent?


-Course considers the democratic culture of Europe

-Transformations because of globalization, mediatisation and digitalization

-Think about: Charlie Hebdo, Trump, Zwarte Pieten discussion

Central issues:

1. Why democracy?

2. What is the public sphere?

3. Who takes responsibility in public debate?

Examination: oral presentations and debate in class.

Example of a course:

Interpretatie van cultuuruitingen (NED) - optional

Also Pre-Master Jeugdliteratuur (compulsory)

Heeft als doel om studenten bekend te maken met verschillende

cultuuruitingen (narratologie, poëzie en muziek), en om deze

wetenschappelijk te analyseren en interpreteren.

1. Focus op narratologie (de theorie van het vertellen): wordt ingezet bij het

lezen van prozateksten (korte verhalen)

2. De poëzie-analyse (de theorie van het lyrische): bij het lezen van


3. Inzichten uit de studies of popular music culture: performances van

popsongs analyseren met behulp van verschillende theorieën

Eindopdracht: verhaalanalyse maken van een boek (bijv: Joost Zwagerman,

Harry Mulisch) + schriftelijk tentamen om kennis van stof te toetsen

Pre-Master’s Program Global Communication

Premaster Global Communication (30-60 EC; norm 42)

Doing Research 2.1

Language, culture and globalization

Discourse and Media Theory

Digital culture and society

Choose one from:

-The multicultural individual

-Language learning and socialization


Doing Research 2.2

Social implications of globalization

Doing Research 1: The basics

Choose one from:

-The digital individual

- Knowledge in the digital world

Example of a course: Social implications of


Globalization, migration, inflow of ‘new’ cultures intercultural contact,


Reactionary movements: reduce ethnic/religious diversity in the name

of social cohesion/societal unity (“maintaining Dutch identity”).

Aim of the course: gain a thorough understanding of the processes and

outcomes of intercultural contact.

Theories of intercultural communication, ethnic identity and identity

construction in multicultural settings.

Three parts:

- Getting to know the categorical models and approaches to cultural

identity and intercultural communication.

- Critical perspectives on intercultural communication. Limitations of

categorical approaches.

- Studying social and cultural outcomes of intercultural encounters (in

trade, advertising, schools). How to deal with intercultural conflicts.

Examination: written exam.

Pre-Master’s Program Ritual in Society

Premaster Ritual and society (30-60 ECTS, norm 30)

Semester 1

Life writing, ritual and memory

Doing Research 2.1

Language, culture and globalization

Cultuurgeschiedenis 1

Cultuurgeschiedenis 3

Semester 2

The ceremonial society

Doing Research 2.2

Globalization and religious diversity

Media, globalization and popular culture

Cultuurgeschiedenis 2

Example of a course: Life writing, ritual and


This course addresses the field of biography, life writing. They provide

microhistories, which give insights into individual lives but also into a particular

period/context/culture. A way to remember and to remind future generations.

Two fields: travel writing and memorial culture (both old and new ways of


Travelling often results in life-changing experiences, both for the person ‘on the

road’ and for the audiences. Reports about pilgrimages and crusades,

adventures of Marco Polo. Nowadays: ego-documents like travel blogs, selfies.

Memorial culture: written memories, tombstones, statues, funeral objects, rituals

after disasters. Nowadays: digital monuments, online obituaries.

Function as a transition and a healing ritual after traumatic experiences (dead,

disasters, natural calamities, war, genocide).

Exam: paper on case study.

Example of a course:

Cultuurgeschiedenis (NED)

Cultuurgeschiedenis 1 also for Pre-Master AMS (optional)

Bestaat uit cultuurgeschiedenis 1, 2 en 3: om de hele

cultuurgeschiedenis te doorlopen. Individuele keuze uit: Beeldende

kunst of Literatuur

- Behandelen van de belangrijkste perioden en stromingen uit de


- Deze te leren illustreren a.d.h.v. kunstwerken of teksten

- In verband te kunnen brengen met de belangrijkste politiek-

maatschappelijke ontwikkelingen

- Onderbouwen van visie op de wetenschappelijke benadering van

de cultuurgeschiedenis

Examenvorm: Mondeling tentamen van +/- 25 minuten. Het is het

beste om het mondeling tentamen te zien als een academisch

gesprek tussen cultuurhistorici.

Pre-Master’s Program Jeugdliteratuur

Premaster Jeugdliteratuur (30-60 ECTS; norm 30)

semester 1

Doing Research 2.1

Interpretatie van cultuuruitingen

Cultuuruitingen voor de jeugd

Transformations of the public sphere


semester 2

Doing Research 2.2

Populaire cultuur en celebrities

Het collectieve geheugen

Retorica in het publieke debat

De leraar als onderzoeker: plan, proces, product

Example of a course: Cultuuruitingen voor de



- ontwikkelingen in het cultuuraanbod voor kinderen sinds de tweede helft

van de achttiende eeuw;

- cultuuropvatting en kindbeeld dat daaruit naar voren komt.

Tweede helft 18e eeuw: periode waarin een eigen 'jeugdland' (Dasberg,

1984) ontstond. ‘Eigen aard’ van het kind leidde tot eigen literatuur voor


Vragen: Wat had die literatuur aan kinderen te bieden? Hoe ontwikkelde de

kinderliteratuur zich in de daarop volgende twee eeuwen? Welke rol speelde

het beeld in die kinderliteratuur? Wanneer ontstond het prentenboek? Was er

naast kinderliteratuur bijvoorbeeld ook kinder- en jeugdtheater?

Kijken naar dwarsverbanden tussen cultuuruitingen: bewerkingen van

klassiekers uit de jeugdliteratuur voor film, theater en computergames.

Examen: opdrachten en tentamen.

Example of a course: populaire cultuur en

celebrities (NED)

Also for Pre-Master AMS (optional)

- Bestaan er nog wel verschillen tussen ‘hoge’ en ‘lage’ cultuur?

- Welke verhalen kunnen er verteld worden in de celebrity context ?

Behandelen van cultuurwetenschappelijke theorieën over celebrity culture

en in het bijzonder over de aspecten van productie en consumptie van


In ieder college worden er specifieke theorieën behandeld, die gekoppeld

worden aan een casus uit de hedendaagse mediawereld (zoals Lance

Armstrong, David Bowie, Enzo Knol en Angelina Jolie). Daarnaast worden

er televisieprogramma’s en formats geanalyseerd.

Examen: 3 essays (50 %) en een wetenschappelijk artikel (50 %)


Example of a course: Doing Research (for all

four Pre-Master’s)

Doing Research consists of three courses:

The basics:

The scientific research cycle, methods

Types of questions and methods used in Humanities, such as critical reading,

corpus analysis, document analysis, ethnography, participant observation,

interviews, surveys, and experimental research.

Doing Research 2.1

Developing practical research skills: research questions, literature review,

methodology and instruments, data collection, analysis and writing a research


Doing Research 2.2

Designing and carrying out a research project; writing a scientific article.

Type of exams: papers and written exam.

Pre-Master’s Program

Descriptions of all Pre-Master’s courses

can be found in the Study Guide as from August 1st , 2017:



Practical matters

Study load and schedule

Course hours

• 6 EC course = 168 hours (incl. lectures); course load is distributed over

the semester

• Lectures/seminars usually take up 2 x 45 minutes.

Semester system

• 14 weeks in which courses are given

• 2 weeks to catch up on courses

• 4 weeks in which exams are scheduled


• 5 or 6 courses per week

• One course-free day per week

• Courses in the daytime


• Introduction Day

• Teachers

• Digital learning environment (Blackboard)

• Academic Advisor

• Student Services (e.g., Language Center)

Course Fee

The Course Fee to be paid depends on your pre-master’s program (the number of EC).

Your program and the number of EC is specified in the Letter of Admission.

If you wish to follow other subjects (besides your pre-master’s program), you need to register as a contract student and you pay € 201 for each 6 EC.

For more information on admissions and money matters, please go to:


Course Fee

Course Fee Pre-Master’s program 2017-2018

Program of 30 ECTS: € 1.003

Program of 36 ECTS € 1.204

Program of 42 ECTS € 1.404

Program of 48 ECTS € 1.605

Program of 54 ECTS € 1.805

Program of 60 ECTS € 2.006


Regular Tuition Fee Master program: € 2.006

Admission Procedure (based on a Dutch diploma)

• Deadline for application if you want to start in September 2017:

- non-EEA studenten: April 1st

- EEA studenten: July 1st

• Documents required:

• copy of your passport

• a short cv

• copy of relevant diplomas or certificates

• overview of successfully completed courses

• After your application it will take 2 to 6 weeks for the Board of

Examiners to decide on your admission and let you know.

• If you have been admitted you still need to register

• After receiving your Letter of Admission you will receive a welcome

letter with information on how to register.

Admission Procedure (based on a Dutch diploma)

Academic Advisor

Cathy de Waele

[email protected]

013 – 466 2579 / 8000

More information