The Craft of Teaching with the 21 st Century Learner Stacey Campo, Digital Learning Specialist

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The Craft of Teaching with the

21st Century LearnerStacey Campo, Digital Learning Specialist

Essential Question

How are technology tools allowing my students to increase their

depth of knowledge and understanding?

ESSENTIALTools in the Toolbox To Enable….

Connectedness CreatorsContributors

Critical ThinkersActive Learners

ESSENTIALfor Connectedness

•ACCESS beyond the classroom•ADDRESS all learning styles•ALLOW for student interaction•AUTOMATE the communication

ESSENTIALfor Collaboration


ESSENTIALfor Depth of Knowledge

•VISUAL Learning•FLIPPED Learning•CHUNKED Learning•SELF-PACED Learning•STUDENT–Centered Learning


ESSENTIALfor Depth of Knowledge

• SELF-DIRECTED Learning• STUDENT– Centered Learning• Structured to meet Common Core• Project-based instructional Support

ESSENTIALfor creativity

•Self expression•FLIPPED Learning•CHUNKED Learning•SELF-PACED Learning

Web 2.0 Lessons

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