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Possible endings for Suzanne Collins' Underland Chronicles

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Page 1: Possible endings for Suzanne Collins' Underland Chronicles

By Rasa Durina

Page 2: Possible endings for Suzanne Collins' Underland Chronicles

“Come on, Gregor, you have to got to bed,” said Mom, bending over him to

turn off his light. “Please try to get some sleep, we’re going to Virginia tomorrow.” “Yeah, mom” he said. Whatever. As soon as she left and the sounds of her

tooth-brushing had long faded away, he rolled out of bed and double checked the zipper on the black duffel bag Mrs. Cormaci had given him just yesterday. Then he picked up his pen and scribbled on a piece of paper.

Sorry Mom, Dad, Lizzie, Boots, I had to go…he glanced up, thinking …I owe my lives to the people down there, and they owe theirs to me. I couldn't leave them Besides, I’m a rager with tons of scars all over me, I could never live up here like a regular person. I arranged the ride down with Ripred. Please understand

-Gregor.He took one last look at his bedroom and headed down to the laundry room.

Page 3: Possible endings for Suzanne Collins' Underland Chronicles

Gregor was sitting under one of the apple trees on the farm in Virginia. He was glad to be out of the bustle and noise of the crowded farmhouse. Suddenly a small something rubbed against his sneakered foot. He glanced down and his heart leapt with fear and surprise because it was a rat, but in its mouth it held a piece of paper and a hundred dollar bill.

“For me?” he said, looking around to see if anybody was nearby. The rat just dropped the paper and bill, then scampered away. Gregor picked it up and his brow furrowed. The letter said:


Please come down, we need you. We found a whole colony

of diggers under regalia. They’re plotting a war. We

need you as a warrior and as a councilor. please.-Luxa

P.s. The rat will give you some money for you trip. There is

a portal only about 20 miles from the farm. A map is

on the back of this letter. There will be a bat waiting for


Page 4: Possible endings for Suzanne Collins' Underland Chronicles

Gregor heaped his plate with rolls, cake and the sweet potato mush from his

wedding feast. At the other side of the room he could see his bride laughing and

thanking Boots for the bag Boots had made for her as a wedding present. Luxa

looked so happy, in her white wedding dress, and she kept pushing back her crown

like she always had. Gregor was 20 now, and Boots was no longer a baby. His mom

was conversing with Dulcet on healthy but yummy snacks for children. His dad’s

health had improved a lot since moving to Virginia and now he was dancing with

Lizzie who had grown up to a gentle, pretty teenager, and she almost never had

panic attacks anymore. After the marriage, Gregor wouldn’t see his parents or

sisters very much, but he would be happy down here with Luxa and the Regalians.

Besides, the Regalian people treated him with upmost respect, so he could marry

Luxa and nobody would be mad. Gregor smiled, this was the best happily ever after

ending for his life he could have picked, he thought.