Pitch Group 35

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Our Initial Ideas for Our title sequenceAs a group, we always knew our preliminary

idea included filming a horror movie title sequence. We concluded that our first, initial location would be in a regular school classroom, with a large whiteboard at the front, and our second, and only other location would be in a concealed, sinister - looking, simplistic operating theatre, within the same building as the classroom.

We established that we'd want one particular villain and antagonist, who's role would be a psychotic sociopath, with an unhealthy obsession with the internal aesthetics of the human body, who has access to the school no doubt(!). The villain in question, would be the only character, with the knowledge of "the operating theatre" 's existence, in where he plans to mutilate his victims.

We decided we would include non diegetic sound, which would be a short dialogue between a few key characters, and regular sounds you might hear in a classroom (i.e. school bells etc), as well as, unnerving, creepy sounds you'd hear in the "operating theatre" - such as knives/scalpels being sharpened. Additionally we'd also use diegetic sounds, in which we'd have an unsettling, eerie instrumental.

We'd also agreed that, each shot in the title sequence, will be filmed in a different location to the last. This meaning that if one location was to be filmed in the classroom, the very next one would be filmed in "the operating theatre", and then the next one in the classroom again etc.

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What type of title sequence is it?

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Storyboard: First draft


We found out that we may need to add more scenes and change the format of the shots. We will need to make it clear about our exact location so we will add a shot of the school building, so it could make it clear to the audience about where the film is set. We may need to include the following:

-Ident of production and distribution company-Add title credits and where we will see them-Include where match cuts and cross cutting will take place

How ever, we had positive feedback about how it is simple and clear. Also, my teacher thought it was suitable for a horror film.

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Mise en scène - Costume etc.

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What Genre / Sub genre is it

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Our finalized GenreWe've concluded that the genre we have chosen to recreate, will be horror. We all agreed that this would be the most appropriate genre for us to reinvent, as most of our ideas for a title sequence related to the genre of horror. Additionally, when we were coming up with ideas for the "6 minute challenge" task (that involved all the props and situations we were given), we decided that our initially spontaneous idea for our title sequence's genre, was one we came to be really rather satisfied with, and that it was something we were considering taking seriously and incorporating it into our title sequence.So eventually, we all agreed that the genre we all had an interest in pursing was that of the horror genre, and all the codes and conventions it included.

This decision, later came with the mutual agreement, that the sub-genre of our film would be "slasher" or "slasher -horror". This was decided as it was the most sensible and achievable sub genre for us to portray, as its particular codes and conventions - such as blood, gore, and non - lethal objects turned weapons, would be significantly easier and more realistic to portray than for example; Paranormal horror - as this would've probably required complex computer technology which we do not have access to. As a group we understood that our budget would mean we'd have to be practical and think carefully about our sub genre's codes ad conventions. Ultimately, our finalized sub genre would be Slasher - Horror.

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Title sequences that inspired our ideas

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What are the hazards?

Risk Precaution Emergency Action

Journey to the film location.

The equipment may harm someone on the street and may break if it is not carried carefully.

Always keep the filming equipment in its bag and only take it out when filming. Also, carry the equipment upright and do not swing it at people. Also, do not leave any equipment at a location.

If someone is harmed, tell a teacher and if serious call ambulance.

Fire If trapped, students could suffer fatal injuries from smoke inhalation or burns.

Make sure your film location building has fire exists and learn where they are before starting filming. Also, if needed do a fire drill and always be ready for a fire. For example, do not block any doors. At all times make sure you could be in contact with other students and teachers.

If a fire occurs, wait for instructions and leave the building. Tell teacher and if there is a serious injury call ambulance immediately. If someone is left in the building call the fire brigade immediately.

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What are the hazards?

Risk Precaution Emergency Action

Camera Could break, glass could harm you or may fall.

If the camera is not used, it should be kept on flat surfaces at all times. If it is on the tripod then the legs of the tripod should always be at the same level and always kept on a flat surface. To prevent the lens from breaking, the lens should always be kept closed if it is not in use.

If student is harmed, tell a teacher and if serious call ambulance or go to the medical room.

Other filming equipment (such as: Tripod, Halo rig, Lighting kit)

Could break and may fall on you if it is not on a flat surface. Also, the sharp parts of it could harm you.

Always keep the equipment on flat surfaces and place it in its bag if not using it. Make sure they are correctly used. For example, all the legs on the tripod should always be on the same level so it is stable.

If it harms someone seeks medical advice and tell teacher.

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What are the hazards?

Risk Precaution Emergency Action

Fake blood If the liquid is swallowed it could harm you. Also, it could cause injuries if it is spilt onto the floor. It could harm eyes and have serious implications if it is spilt on electrical devices.

We should clear it up immediately if it is spilt and avoid swallowing it. We should keep it away from the electrical devices and place it in its packaging when we are not using it. Also, keep it away from eyes at any times.

If swallowed, tell teacher immediately. If it enters into eyes tell teacher and rinse water into the eye immediately. If serious then call ambulance and go to the hospital.

Table and chairs If they are not on flat surfaces they may harm you. Also, the sharp edges may be dangerous. Also, you may fall off them and this may cause severe injuries.

Always keep the table and chairs on flat surfaces and always keep them on their legs. Also, when using them do not turn off the lights and avoid climbing onto them.

If injured, tell teacher and if serious go to the hospital.

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What are the hazards?

Risk Precaution Emergency Action

Food and Drink Liquid could damage electrical devices and if spilt onto the floor it could cause injuries. Also, litter could harm the environment.

We should clear it up immediately if the liquid is spilt. Food and drinks should be kept on flat surfaces away from electrical devices. Litter should be thrown away into the bin and the electrical equipment should be kept in their bags when not in use.

Tell the teacher if it damages the equipment.

Cables For example, students may slip and trip over loose cables.

Always keep the cables together, tidy and on the floor. If needed tape the cables together onto the floor.

If someone is injured, tell teacher and if serious go to the hospital.

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What are the hazards?

Risk Precaution Emergency Action

Public Transport The equipment may break, get lost, get harmed or harm others.

Also, if an accident happens this may cause severe injuries.

Always keep the equipment in its bag and only take it our when required. Also, always keep the equipment on flat surfaces and carry it carefully at all times.

Tell the teacher if the equipment is damaged.

Tell teacher immediately if there is an accident. Call the ambulance if someone if seriously hurt.

Weather For example, if you film during a rainy day, the electrical equipment could get damaged.

We should keep our equipment away from any harmful dangers. We should not film under the rain and if we have to, we should protect the equipment. For example, we should use an umbrella if we plan to film under the rain.

Tell the teacher, if the equipment gets damaged.

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Title Credits

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Mise-en-scene-Location + Setting

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We are going to film at City and Islington College. We planned to film most of the title-sequence at the chosen location. We will identify any risks and prevent any hazards that may occur at the location. We have chosen this school because it is suitable for our plot. Also, this is a more modern college compared to other colleges and it contains different types of rooms which will be essential for our title-sequence.

Location of our title-sequence

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Map of City and Islington Sixth Form

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Our title-sequence is meant be set in an operating theatre and a normal classroom. As we are not capable of having these resources, we decided to use the Science and English classrooms in the college. We have chosen specifically a science classroom because it will resemble an operating theatre. Half of the title-sequence will be set in a science classroom and the other in a English classroom. Also, the science rooms are very bright and this will certainly improve the picture of our title-sequence.

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We will be using an English classroom.

We will be using an Science classroom as this will resemble an operating theatre.