“We face a true planetary emergency. The climate crisis is not a political issue; it is a moral and spiritual challenge to all of humanity. It is also our greatest opportunity to lift global consciousness to a higher level.” Nobel Peace Prize recipient, Al Gore

Pesonal Rapid Transportation grant request

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In my grantwriting course the assignment was to find a project and write a grant. My project involved the sustainability issue and transporation in the City and surrounding area of Santa Cruz CA. This involved research and meeting with Subject Matter Experts in creating this presenation for gifters. The objectives for this presentation: 1) Present the problem 2) Present the solution 3) Give the monetary and environmental value of gifting the moneys for a PRT Project in Santa Cruz CA.

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“We face a true planetary emergency. The climate crisis is not a political issue; it is a moral and spiritual challenge to all of humanity. It is also our greatest opportunity to lift global consciousness to a higher level.” Nobel Peace Prize recipient, Al Gore

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Santa Cruz Citizens for Personal Rapid Transit

Loyalty to the community and quality of life for succeeding generations.

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25 member committee Solve traffic incidents, gridlock and grow

economically the downtown area. $190,200.00 in a two year period. Used for the hiring of personnel to create

video, website, and printed materials to educate government agencies and the public of the powerful sustainability that PRT has to offer.

Presentation Notes
Reed Searle: Retired Lawyer Ed Porter: Education & City Council man Ron Swenson: Businessman & Solar panel expert Christer Lindström: Sweden Businessman Transportation Funding Task Force
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The way we live impacts the our global environment. CO2 emissions from automobiles Peak Oil & the rising price of oil Traffic gridlock Limited options of sustainable transportation

for commuters

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CO2 emissions from automobiles

One American Citizen = about 15,000 pounds of CO2 emissions each year.

We are a country built for Automobiles: 1/3 of the CO2 produced comes from automobiles.

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Peak Oil & the Rising price of oil

October 2007 a barrel of oil sold for $98.62 Peak oil: resource depletion. Switch from a buyers' to a sellers' market.

Presentation Notes
The reason for increased fuel pump prices is because of the depletion of oil recourses. This is called Peak Oil. Without significant successful cultural reform, severe economic and social consequences seem inevitable.
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Traffic gridlock The county hosts 4.5

million visitors annually

Traffic Gridlock

Presentation Notes
It's the most frequented beach destination in northern California, and a gateway to a national park system that includes the Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary. Mild year-round temperatures lure day-trippers seeking to escape the oppressive heat of San Jose and Silicon Valley, 30 miles to the northeast. Traffic Gridlock has a severe negative effects on the environment by the co2 emitted by the idling motors.
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Limited alternate sustainable transportation options for commuters

Rise in Automobiles use

0 20,000






Santa CruzCo.

Commutersout of

Santa CruzCo.

Commutersinto SantaCruz Co


• Santa Cruz Metro • Carpool• Mobility impaired population

• Bicycles • Walking

Presentation Notes
Automobiles: 1990 there were 11,899 commuters who live outside Santa Cruz county and drive in to their jobs, ten years later it jumped 9.7% to 13,053. Those who live in Santa Cruz and work in Santa Cruz, in 10 years commuters have increased by 3.9% Has the number of commuters dropped in the last 7 years? The question is has there been improvement to transportation solutions? Mass Transit – Metro: 3 miles per gallon, continue to emit co2. and are subject to traffic gridlock. Carpool: According to AAA, commuters driving alone 25 miles to work spend about $5,800 per year including gas, maintenance, taxes, depreciation and finance costs. The same commuter saves 50% by carpooling with one other person. Mobility impaired population: by appointment, limited availability Bicycles: It is estimated that most trips taken are within 2 miles of our home, good for the individual and the environment, saves the earth from CO2 emissions, gets people back into health. Walking: Great for the individual, have to consider estimated time of arrival, but how convenient is it when it rains? average rainfall for Santa Cruz s 28” per year.
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Sustainable Solution: PRT

Presentation Notes
PRT combines the elements of current automotive, computer networking and transit technologies using state-of-the-art technologies including: advanced propulsion systems, on-board switching and guidance, and high speed controls and Communication PRT could be paid for by fares and private investors During the gas crunch in 1974-75, the US Department of Transportation (DOT) gave a contract to Rohr Industries to investigate alternative personal rapid transit systems for short haul mass transportation.
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Key characteristics of PRT include:

On-demand, origin-to-destination service Small, fully-automated vehicles Exclusive-use guide ways Off-line stations A network or system of fully-connected

guide ways

Presentation Notes
As such, PRT systems represent a new paradigm for urban public transportation. CSU Santa Cruz could be training the engineers of the future; the computer software programmers; electrical engineers; (and) mechanical engineers.
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How to get the word out?

Our goal is to draw attention to the Santa Cruz area as a potential location for PRT. Government Officials The public

A personal rapid transit vehicle at the Taxi 2000 facility in Fridley. (MPR Photo/Laura McCallum)

Presentation Notes
PRT is an emerging and innovative transportation concept designed to offer the comfort and convenience of the private automobile with the efficiency of public transportation. PRT offers the theoretical potential to increase travel speed, quality of public transportation service and mobility while potentially reducing the costs and environmental impacts associated with travel. PRT has the potential to be a mode of urban transportation that offers a flexible and scalable capacity with higher levels of service and less expense than many current public transportation alternatives. Conceptually, PRT could serve as a stand-alone public transportation system or be part of the larger multi-modal network of urban transportation services.
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Video/DVD Website Printed

educational materials

Heathrow Airport PRT touchpad

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Video/DVD Production

Discussing Ultra Light Rail is one potential key element in creating a transportation system using sustainable energy sources

Morgantown West Virginia

Presentation Notes
PRT has been successfully used in Morgantown, W.V., a college town that uses personal rapid transit vehicles to shuttle people between three campuses. system avoids the high cost of land acquisition that makes highways or light rail so expensive.
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Presentation Notes
Update existing pages Connect links Add interaction to the website that will draw the user in and learn about the progress of what SCC-PRT is doing.
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Printed educational materials

Presentation Notes
Updated version of the brochure will be created
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To meet our objectives

SCC-PRT will need to hire Professional

coordinator Instructional Designer Web designer

Office space to rent Office equipment to

run an office.

Presentation Notes
Professional coordinator Instructional Designer Web designer from the CS Santa Cruz internship Office space to rent
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First year funding

$30,000.00 community match Events Private investors

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Santa Cruz Citizens for Personal Rapid Transit

Loyalty to the community and quality of life for succeeding generations.

Presentation Notes
Bringing PRT to S.C is going to bring people in from throughout the world to come here to look at the system; see how it operates; so they can see how it can operate in their village or town throughout the world. SCC-PRT believes that clean affordable environmentally sustainable form of transportation is a right for all Santa Cruz citizens. The mission of SCC-PRT is to rectify the problem of traffic and its negative impact it has on the beautiful coastal city and for those who live, work and play here.